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Reply to "Already bored to tears with my layout"

MELGAR posted:

You could add operating accessories if more activity is needed to hold your interest. But, in my opinion, your track plan is basically fine as it is. You have continuous mainline running, switching operations, and can run two trains simultaneously, so there's already quite a bit of action. Much of the fun of model railroading is in designing and making scenery, structures, towns, roads and industries to create a realistic model of a railroad, and that's what I think you don't have right now. Watching the trains pass through realistic scenery and towns is interesting. You could transfer the track plan to a table as is, but I think you should change the orientation of the stub-ended tracks to make them parallel to the long straightaways. This would create more space in the middle of the layout for scenery such as a mountain or a town. Some other possibilities are:

1) Elevate the inner loop.

2) Create terrain, build or buy a bridge and make the track cross over a river or a road.

3) Build a mountain and have the tracks pass through a tunnel.

4) Put a station along the tracks. Stop the trains at the station.

5) Pave some roads and place vehicles on them.

6) Add a signaling system including crossing gates and lights.

I have been working on my current layout for almost three years. It's only 10'-by-5' with a single loop because that's all the room I have. But doing all of the above keeps me involved.



Okay compare your 

BPars posted:

I'm looking for some advice....I hate to admit it but I am already bored with my month old layout. It was nice when the kids were interested and wanted to sit on the floor and "race" the trains around the track but now they are over it while I'm just getting started.  I knew this layout would be temporary but I didn't realize how quickly it would fade.


I was hoping to get some advice on how best to design a layout that will hold my interest. Something more prototypical, I guess. I see many pictures of cool layouts on here but not sure how to start over with what I have already.

I currently have accumulated , 10 O72 switches, 6 O36 switches, full circles of O72, O60, O48 and O36. 22 1/2 degree crossover, 45 degree crossover, 2 90 degree crossovers and a bizillion straights of various lengths. All fastrack. 

Any ideas on how to turn this mess of parts into an interesting layout would be greatly appreciated. 

Look at the two layouts. Your positives are you have more room, more switching his has smaller layout but more appealing as it has scenery and buildings. It gives his layout a purpose. that's all you need to do. once you start adding buildings like station, factory, homes it starts giving your layout a purpose and the boredom will go away. 

you have a very nice layout there. Work it and it will come around. Enjoy it. 

Last edited by rtraincollector

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