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DCS blocks with separately powered switches

I am looking to convert my Lionel Fastrack switches from track power to a separate transformer. I know this means I remove the jumper strip on the bottom of the switch, then connect one of the wires to a separate auxilary transformer set at about 14 volts. Since I will be running the wires to my AIU location, I will connect the power wire for each switch to a terminal strip near the AIU, then power the terminal strip from my auxillary transformer.


I have two questions about doing this:

Q1)  Can I use the auxillary transformer used for all my accessories and track signals, as the switches are only a mementary load, and generally only activated one at a time (possibly 2 or 3 at a time when connected for a route). Or should I have a separate transformer to power all my switches, isolated from my accessory transformer. My auxillary transformer is a Lionel 1033. I power my track signals through the main leads, set at 14V, and the accessories through the aux leads, which operate at a lower voltage. I don't want to mess up my signal operation by overloading anything. Would I connect the switches to the main leads at 14V or the auxillary leads at the lower voltage?

Q2) will this affect the DCS blocks, that currently run through my switches. I currently have many track connection that may go through connect to a track that then has 1 or 2 switches, powering a few sidings in the same block. In general, I am trying to determine if separating the switches from track power will increase the number of DCS blocks that I need to run my layout.


Thanks for any help or ideas: Joe K

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