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Observations about women in the hobby

I am a female model railroader, and I have noticed that there are very few of us - on the forum, making YouTube videos, or at train shows. In fact, at the last York show, I joked to my husband that if anything ever happened to him, York would be a great place to hunt for a new guy. (Mr. Chessiechick was NOT amused.)

I suppose model trains are one of those hobbies that were gender-specific generations ago, and that seems to continue to be the case even in these more "enlightened" times. To be fair, I don't know many men who sew, quilt, or go to book clubs. (Then again, I don't do those things either.)

I was fortunate to have had progressive parents when I was growing up in the 1960's and 70's.  I had dolls and a great dollhouse, but also matchbox cars, blocks, marble mazes, and an electronic kit. I never got a Barbie doll or an EZ Bake oven, despite my repeated requests. Interestingly, the only model trains I ever saw as a child were every few Christmases when we traveled across the country to Grandpa's house. I must confess that I was more interested in the toy farm animals on the layout than I was in the trains back then!

Unfortunately, I never developed the woodworking, electronics, or tinkering skills that would be so useful in the hobby. I am glad that Mr. Chessiechick excels at all of these. Our layout-to-be is definitely a team project!

I have found the men in this hobby have been extremely welcoming and inclusive, whether I was by myself or with Mr. Chessiechick. I am so grateful to them for sharing their wisdom and experience. But it sure would be nice to not feel like the "odd woman out" sometimes.

If you're a female model railroader, send me an email. I'd love to meet you.

And whatever your gender, I'd love to hear your observations on this topic.

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