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Reply to "Tinplate photos πŸ“Έ and videos πŸ“½"

Howdy Folks!

I trust the New Year is treating us all as good as it can .... I was kinda happy to see the end of 2021 and full of hope for 2022 to finally turn the corner , well its only 8 days in ... and here's hoping for a really good 2023 LOL!!!

Its funny how life throws you curveballs .. it wasn't long ago I finally completed my 5 year search for a set of tracks to go with some pre-war technofix locomotives I had ... it didn't matter that they were in Spain ( of all places) and due to Covid and airplane interruptions would have to come to me via Dutchboy in Holland as there were NO freight flights whatsoever from Spain to Australia for literally months! ... I think it was over six months before they finally arrived to me here in my little island hideaway

That set of track were the only set I ever saw in those 5 years ... and bugger me dead if one of my U-Beaut searches on ePay didn't throw me up another one this weekend ! Seller had no clue even tho it was complete with locomotive as well!

So.... well... It's mine now .......  I didn't even mind paying ePays extortionate GSP shipping .....mainly because the final price was low low lowww! (a "mere" 22Β£ " ... but by the time everyone had a piece of me it was just under 100AUD all up )

1938 Technofix Rangierenbahn  ...

Interesting little fellows ... the track is straight and the loco trundles back and forth controlled by little raised centre track tabs at each end which slams the transmission gear into fwd or rev .  Seen here on the moveable axle with the tabs Simple but really effective , no fancy trolley electrics required here folks !

Naturally that's NOT an O Gauge offering , so I better sweeten the post with a marvelous offering from a mate of mine in Queensland who is letting me be the next custodians of some super early Hornby ...

Two ML Carriages from 1921 ( the year AFTER Hornby started making trains , you don't get much earlier )  These are thought to be "Transitional " carriages using bases from the very first design with the chassis having new holes drilled in to accommodate the slightly changed 1921 litho sides ... Super Stoked to be given the chance to own these

Last edited by Fatman

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