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Reply to "Users of R/C Systems and Deadrail / Battery Power"

@Ted S posted:
And that's a shame, because getting rid of the center rail could be a reason more folks would opt for battery on board.

Won't slow me down one bit.

Keen awareness of my age (approaching 'octogenarianship'...not much chance that word will ever appear on a Scrabble board!!) and mortality, plus the investment of time and money already put into my Gargraves/Ross layout, and everything else except the scenery and structures happily celebrating O3R heritage still makes dipping of the toe into BPRC an exciting adventure.

Heck, as much as I'd like to convert the whole shebang to Kadee couplers, too, it ain't  a'gonna happen either!

We...wife and I...were going to build an outdoor G gauge railroad.  In anticipation of that project we did the now-common thing: converted an LGB Mogul to BPRC.  WHAT A HOOT!!  Just running it on the carpeted LHS floor to a small crowd of track-powered hobbyists was reward enough, though.  That outdoor layout just never happened.  Again: Creeping age, mortality, chiropractors, wintering in Florida, etc., etc.,... It alters the perspective.

So the projects begin to get prioritized, and some things fall off the bottom of the proverbial 'bucket list'.

But BPRC on an O engine or two for the existing conventional O3R layout filling the basement?....that's a keeper.  And the enthusiasm of a small but growing list of Forumites for this has had a LOT to do with it!

Onward!  No do-overs!

Just MHO, of course.


Last edited by dkdkrd

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