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Reply to "What did you do on your layout today?"

Curtish, Sorry about your injuries! I hope you recover soon and the person that hit you is held responsible. I was a volunteer firefighter for 15 years, it got to the point I was spending more time at the station for training then with the family. It was time for me to go. Get well soon!

Scottv, lots of work, but just consider it practice!

Lee D, Looks good! Its sure is a lot better then when you started! Nice work!

Brian, Nice Amtrak shot! 

Paul 2, For $99 that sure sounds like a great deal and a lot of fun! We have one like that about an hour away, last time I was on it was about 10 years ago.

Chris A, I wish I would have built mine in modules but I cant see taking it down just to switch it over! LOL

Mark, Sorry that your selling the homestead, sure is a great looking house and land! You did a great job with your diorama ! Looks just like the real thing, a house I would love about 10 years ago when my knees were younger! LOL

Johan, Wonderful pair. They are really going to stand out once you get the weathering done,  I sure hope you will post the finished product!

Vincent,I am with Mark, nice work, but to much for my bad eyes and fat fingers!

Well guys, today started out as a wonderful day, woke up wife had eggs and French toast waiting for me, then it was off to the train room, I fired up the tracks and moved the train on the inside loop and all of a sudden a short on the track. removed cars and engines and never did find it. It just went away LOL Then I have a switch that the wire for the switch machine popped out. Then to top that off my Seahawks lost to Saints 

Well on good news I figured out how to get the pictures off my phone. So here are a couple of pictures of why I haven't been in the train room! Enjoy! LOLIMG_20190921_170931401IMG_20190921_170913065                                          I hope to finish tomorrow. Then I should have more train room time. I still have to buck up all the wood we have and split. But there is no hurry for that as its all next winters fire wood.


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