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It's interesting to hear that even owners of  gigantic collections and spectacular layouts such as this get "burned out" from time to time and have to walk away for a period of time to recharge their "hobby batteries."  I feel that way now and then but in the dozen or so years I've been back into trains, I think the longest I've stayed away was about three months.


Love looking at Tom's train videos.  Thank you for posting it on here.


- Mike

Last edited by mike.caruso

I always enjoyed seeing Tom post all those 8, 9 10 or more engine"Lash ups"(Rich stay calm) and pull many many cars around his wonderful layout. He used to have guest go up and see his trains their in the Sagnaw Michigan area. Having so many trains he had a lot of work to do to keep them all running and is a hands on guy. I thionk he had some issue's with MTH over parts and got a bit upset about it and that I think was a part of his "burn out". Hope we see him posting again very soon. He is a very nice guy.

I can tell you from experience that Tom is a great guy. I bought a set from him a few years ago here on the buy/sell board. While we were emailing back and forth he learned that I was giving the set to a four year old for a Christmas present. A few days later I get another package in the mail, he had sent an additional car to give the child. I hope to someday meet him in person and shake his hand.

When I see a dream layout like this one, as I admire it's depth and variety, I wonder how many people it took to build it. 


See them basically done by one guy working 6-8 hours a day day in day out for what, a year?


Some big ones which were done by basically one person over decades, and others that were banged out in a year or three by a multi-friend/club members/etc group.


And those which seem to be knocked out in a matter of months by a big crew in a professional layout design/construction/setup to run companies.


Mulling it all over I don't feel like the last doggie in the pack any longer 'cause I've only been doing it for about 8 years thus far ... and with lots of down time periods in there.  Some day I'll even be able to run 3 trains at one time without collisions

Last edited by Kerrigan

Hi everyone,


Thanks so much for your kind words, (I've been "away" from Trains for awhile.) Many have said I've (we've) suffered "burnout", or "He became overwhelmed" ... NOT SO.


The issue is / was, I'm too "old school" ... You know: "Customer Service" ? EX: (opening hatches and scale rivets disinterest me) AND,  when I call attn. to a particular need, "at the very least", I expect a reply ! *& NOT because "they" have too ... but because they WANT to. (We felt our actions spoke for themselves) *IOW: "were good Customers here OK" ? Yet: Frustration,  (all the way down to to begging amid unkempt promises) soon became the "given". So, we simply opted "out" and took a step back. People still bring me Trains, and the excitement of unraveling every box still intrigues me, (as it would YOU !) 


BUT: "theirs no way I'm supporting the above" !!  NEVER. *"so we don't and we stopped." 


So again, I'm a "lets fix what we already have" type guy ... "old school" ... "GET this gentleman what he needs" ! Easy, simple ? ... All this silly fuss over a toy train ? "ridiculous". *BTW this is what I DO in running MY Business ! *I need to know that I've met your expectation ... but I won't stop there, as I wish to EXCEED IT !. 


Anyway, I'm very proud to again, read such flattering remarks here, (as I prefaced above). *Scott (my counterpart) I'm sure echo's this as well. "Will" likely both be "back" at some point, "so don't count us out yet" ! So many GREAT People are here, and again: WE thank you very much.


All our best, Tom / Scott



Such a great hobby but can be frustrating.  Have not bought a train in years and recently bought one.  There was an issue  with the draw bar that apparently is well known and documented.  Get tired of a good review of an item that also includes all the mods to make it run.  Its a demographically shrinking hobby and the next generation is going to want to open up a box on Xmas and have it run.  I would like to have the same expectation of a $30 toaster I buy from Wallmart as I would for a $400 engine;  should work out of the box.


That said, I have enjoyed working on my layout recently and look forward to running it for kids around the holidays. 

As are many others, I'm concerned by the difficulity getting items repaired, getting parts.


Last night another MTH engine died.  Running fine, then not.  Now it sits and makes strange noises from the tender, like someone is frying eggs in there quietly.


That's three MTH engines sitting on the "what now" shelf.  At $50 to ship an engine somewhere and back, plus repair expense ... it's getting to be a little much.


At least there are no TMCC equipped engines on the dead line ... yet.

What I conclude from this thread is the more trains and nicer layout you have, the unhappier you will be, especially if the trains are of recent vintage.  Stated conclusion makes me feel much better, as observing Mr. Zemanek's huge layout and extensive collection had me in a mental state equivalent to handing beater Ford Pinto keys to the valet at the Ritz-Carlton.





What, me worry?

Chuck, Frank, Paul, JOE, Dick, ALAN, Charlie, Pop, Ted: Thank-you !   *So many emails of stories (relegated to the above topic) and "commentary" simply amaze me. *I wish I had the answers, but I fear it's too far gone. YET, their is always hope. 


It's funny how something so simple, can be so "huge"  ... The "reason" has baffled me (an apparently so many of you) for a long time. "Utopia" will never likely exist ... but the necessity of improvement seems too be a must.


(wow and WOW again for all your "notes", and thanks for sharing them !) 


hrspla: I tried contacting you ! ("no soap") *I'd love too try an help !

< Thank-you Allan for all your time as well ! >


Mike: "I remember that Christmas", (with the car mentioned above) and I hope we "HOOKED" that youngster ! *YOU SIR, are a GREAT Dad.

Last edited by Tom Zemanek

Tom, Sounds to me like you expect the locomotive manufacturer to give the same quality service you give your own customers.  If your customer has a problem, you want to know about it and will take care of it.  I see more and more customer service departments over a wide range of businesses do not have our "old school" philosophy - Take care of the customer's problems.  It is the right thing to do; not to mention you will have more satisfied customers.  Personally, I see my employer and many companies using the "do more with less" philosophy.  They have too few people doing too much, and product quality and customer service suffers. 


Hang in there, and we will look forward to seeing the article on your trains and layout.  Many thanks for sharing in video.

I have always liked long freight trains. Especially ones with a lot of colors. Many years ago I remember going to a friends home to see their train layout and I was amazed by the long freight train they were running. Well the next day, I began adding MPC box cars to one of my freight trains. Many years later, I stumble onto one of Tommy's video's on YouTube showing his massive layout with large freight trains like I never could imagine. Even today, I still love it.

Originally Posted by Rick Bivins:



Z-Man, just like a hull of a ship, he is a hull of a guy. I would share my fruit jar beverage with him any day...


Rick of the Gap!!!


I'd like to think that Rick, Tommy-Z and I are thick as thieves...


You WILL NOT find better guys, and if you get a chance I highly recommend begging Tommy-Z for a guided tour.  You will not be disappointed.











PS - If you do go... breathe through your mouth, Tommy-Z can fill a room with train smoke faster than an ALCO with 244-itis...





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Thanks Mark, Jim, Pop, Ron *(BTW Ron: I remember those Hoppers !) and Rick and Mario ... My "Brothers".


"Time passes by so quickly" ... Anyway: I'm into Buick Grand Nationals and "T-Types" now ! I haven't (still) ran Trains in quite some time. People STILL are bringing me "stuff" ... "ya just never know" !


Alas, their is a Train under our Tree (The MTH General Set) *man what a GREAT Runner.


Merry Christmas from Scott and I, too ALL of you. *So many great people ... (and many right here like the Detroit Club !) *Hi Charlie*   ...


Oh, and Alan Arnold ? Just knowing this Man's my Christmas everyday of the year !


OK, Blessings to you all, I'll be "around" ...



Last edited by Tom Zemanek
Man....that was a good one  "frying eggs" I have a defunct engine doing the exact same thing.LHS around me want NOTHING to do with TMCC or LEGACY control repair.They wont touch the stuff.Nick!Originally Posted by Kerrigan:

As are many others, I'm concerned by the difficulity getting items repaired, getting parts.


Last night another MTH engine died.  Running fine, then not.  Now it sits and makes strange noises from the tender, like someone is frying eggs in there quietly.


That's three MTH engines sitting on the "what now" shelf.  At $50 to ship an engine somewhere and back, plus repair expense ... it's getting to be a little much.


At least there are no TMCC equipped engines on the dead line ... yet.



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