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I am very fortunate that my wife, my best friend, is as much into trains as I am.  We share all aspects of construction, detailing, and, as needed, troubleshooting, on the layout. She loves going to York and other train shows, and usually wants to buy more things that I do. The same goes for many other interests and hobbies that we both enjoy.  On our short list is a cross country rail adventure - we just have to decide if we want to do it in the US or Canada.

Good evening everyone,Passenger Train Collector great post!!!

I too am fortunate that my wife likes trains and the hobby.


My wife enjoys watching trains and getting that perfect shot with her camera.

She enjoys doing the same with my layout.


Thank god for Digital Photpgraphy.


We attend train shows together and she always has the comment, I think this would look nice on our layout.


She has attended both York shows we have been to and mentioned the other day about going to the show in April.


My wife will make the comment if the opportunity comes up, I would rather hear Mark say I am going down to work on the train layout instead of I am going out, see you later !!!!!!!!


Originally Posted by Bob Severin:

To the extent of toleration.  But, alas, she shows signs of leaning towards the DARKSIDE.  



Ho ho! I can dig it. My wife handles the inventory control and asset management divisions, and she is equipped with X-ray vision.

Last edited by breezinup
Originally Posted by CarGuyZM10:

I'm still trying to find a woman who wants to be involved with me! The trains are an afterthought lol.

Oh, the right one will come along, Michael R., and then you will really be on-the-right-track and moving full-steam-ahead. You will look back and realize you had just been getting-up-steam in preparation for the excellent journey ahead.


This to is a Very Good Question. I Give My Wife All The Credit for my Having a Basement to Build The Layout that I Have. I Give All The Credit to The Lord, for Having Given Me, A Great Wife, A Happy Life, A wonderful Home, and A Super Christian Woman.  She Inspires Me In the Hobby, but has no real interest in the trains. She, is glad that I am Always near, actually, Under her Foot, WOW. Great Question. Happy Railroading.

Originally Posted by Big_Boy_4005:

My wife is just starting to get involved. I had her help me with my car card project because her hand writing is so much better than mine. She was kind of getting into it. Yesterday I had her help me with some wiring, by handing me tools and materials. No pics of her working, but she took this one of me.



Hey Elliot--  How HOT is it in your Train Room with all those bare bulbs glaring ?


Ok guys--(and ladies)..  This might take a few moments but I think it is worth mentioning..  Suzie and I met 42 years ago on a transit bus commuting to work in the San Francisco Bay Area.  Later on, we switched from BUS to BART.  In talking, we had so many things in common (likes, dates, and so forth).  Within three months of meeting we got engaged--within another three months we got married!  And now, here we are !!

I come from an extended Southern Pacific railroad family as well as the Great Western Railroad (GWR) in England.   Suzie's grandfather was a Station Agent for both the Milwaukee Road as well as the SOO.  Her father was born in one of those Depots !

(that sealed it, huh ?)

We got married in June-1973.  In December-1973 she attended the Annual Dinner of the Los Angeles Live Steamers. (sitting at the head table)..  We were the house guests of Dick Bagley, a buddy of Walt Disney.. Former publisher of the Miniature Locomotive magazine.. One of the Founders of the LALS..  Within a couple of days of our visit, Dick had Suzie running the Hunter locomotive at the Riverside Live Steamers.. A big, beautiful 1 1/2-inch scale 4-8-4..  She loved it.  I captured the action on movie film.

That same Christmas she bought me a beautiful gold railroad pocket watch, fully engraved, as a gift for our first of many Christmas seasons to come.

Over the years she has attended and helped me with vendor ops at Train Shows, Live Steam meets, Hobby Shows and the like.  She has operated O-scale trolleys and Interurbans at the old Eastbay Model Engineers Society in Oakland, CA.

After working in various office environments for over 40+ years, she is now a Security Officer for INTEL.  She loves it...

She has also worked part time (and still does) for the Seattle Mariners Baseball Club in their "Merchandising" department.  She has been with them for over twelve seasons.

This comes in handy at Train Shows.  She handles all sales and transactions!

It was Suzie who back in December walked in the door from work and said to get the 5 x 9 layout OUT of the dining room and let's build something bigger in the Living Room AND "let's do it RIGHT" !!!

So, here we are in February 2015..  Who knows what the future brings ??

Anyway--there you are..  My Suzie !!   NOT trying to brag or slight any of the great train wives out there.  I'm sure they are just as GREAT !  Take care of them, guys!

They're precious !!



(p.s.-- Suzie is a fantastic, incredible COOK too.)

Originally Posted by Big_Boy_4005:

My wife is just starting to get involved. I had her help me with my car card project because her hand writing is so much better than mine. She was kind of getting into it. Yesterday I had her help me with some wiring, by handing me tools and materials. No pics of her working, but she took this one of me.



Elliot,  are those bulbs the banned ones?  Hopefully, there are no light-bulb police perusing this forum.  


    You maybe joking but when my wives Quartet comes to rehearse for the symphony here in our home, I get ask if I plan to go to the train stores that day.

Absolutely!  Please practice more often at our home, the trains stores around the Western Pa area are still pretty good.  The Monroeville, Pa Train show is next week end by the way.



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