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Imagine our hobby w/out any forums whatsoever dedicated to our interaction. Such a world would remind me of the way it was not too many years ago. We'd be isolated in our trainrooms or standing at our closets packed w/ train stuff. Oh, and occasionally, we might bump into some other guy while waiting in line to enter a train show/meet and exchange a few words, or maybe we'd talk to a fellow denizen of the aisles as we navigated our way around the tables of merchandise. The hobby would still be more of a private matter than what it has become, for many of us.


The social interaction on forums (yes, that includes the unique characters, too) has become a significant aspect of our enjoyment of this hobby of ours, I would respectfully suggest.


Those who read and elect not to interact on a forum have made a choice to stay more private, due to myriad reasons and situations, which is part of any group. It's all part of our social world.




I like to "talk" with people who have the same hobbies as I have. I got back into trains in '05, so this forum was here for me. Other hobbies, like my interest in 3-D slides from the 1950s, were pre-PC. A group of us actually had a round-robin "forum" that we circulated coast to coast via "snail mail". Now these same people, plus many more, are communicating via forums and Yahoo groups. Back in "the old days" you were lucky to have a magazine that was devoted to your hobby. Even if you had a publication, it might take 3+ months to get a answer to your question...if you got one at all.


I've been reading the forums far more than posting for the last year or so, mostly because of health and family needs that require my attention above all else. Since I can't devote as much time or money to my O-gauge hobby, I've turned turned my hobby time over more to V-scale (train simulator) running that I can take with me on a laptop or run from my desk when I'm tired. There are forums in that realm that I've paid more attention to. But O-gauge and my MPC collection still call, and I'll get back to building a layout soon enough. All things in their time.


To answer your question, in life you generally get out of it what you put into it. Same holds true for this Forum. There are no rules that require you to make a post or start a thread, you do what is comfortable for you.


Today was an excellent example of why I would post or start a thread. My good friend Alan Arnold's layout was featured in the LCCA's most recent periodical. This Forum allowed me to highlight the article and give special attention to a good Forum member and his fine work. This is really what is important and what makes this Forum so great.

Back a few years ago when I still did some posting, I had placed some pics of my curved steel girder bridge that I had built personally and it started to get ripped and  picked apart by about 5 other members about everything that was wrong with it.  I mean, I couldn't believe it, my first ever home build and it even had turned out unbelievably well.  Well after those stupid comments, I just figured "WHY BOTHER". Plus there is so much knowledge in these forum categories from existing posters that I usually find everything I am either curious about or learning about.  


It is greatly appreciated Ladies/Gentlemen



I try my best to stay quiet unless I have something new to contribute. It helps very much when others work to teach me when I don't know about something.


I visit these forums daily, it has been a very good asset for today's railroad. I also enjoy learning about the 765 in particular. For example the story that was written about how it got a train "Out of the Hole" or perhaps that recent first hand account on the pipe foundry from long ago. Those are the kind of stories I live to read here.


It was a long time since the days of the Walthers Catalog once a year and whatever you could pump and pry from the LHS owner at other times.

Hello all members. I've been a member since 12/9/01.In the past year I lost my right leg. also had a kidney transplant, and had a 3 way bypass.Well i am now home and have posted just a little. I've posted some photos on the weekend photo fun.I cleaned the garage up a bit and also cleaned the brezway.So its going to be a little bit of time before I get things going.and I'll be posting some photos of how I'm doing things

I can assure all that we (OGR) value all who choose to visit here, regardless of whether or not they elect to actively post.  


Some may visit the forum just to see what is going on in the world of O gauge or to glean some tidbit of information that may help increase their own enjoyment of the hobby.


Others see it as a social gathering place where they can share their own knowledge and experiences in the hobby and interact with others who have like interests.


Still others appear on what may be an infrequent basis to ask a question that they know will be responded to quickly--often within minutes.


None of these approaches is more proper or correct than any of the others, and all are equally welcome.

Its real easy,all you have to do is hit---------------------post reply--------------and type away.A long time ago,I had posted a question about a post war item,I had accidently called it a prewar.Some member,I can even remember his name,just blasted me,needless to say I was pretty mad and upset,but it didnt take long though for quite a few members to come to my rescue.So in short,dont get discouraged or shy away,know matter what you post ,and its respectful,you will never,from what I have seen,any issues with the members,that really count, on this forum.Way,way too many good people on this forum.So get on,and type away  Bryan

The Forum is many things to many folks. But fundamentally, for me, it has always been a very productive learning opportunity as regards o-gauge layout design, construction, scenicking, power wiring, control and operation.


As Moonson[Frank] pointed out earlier, years ago we had limited interaction for information exchange whereas we now have virtually instant feedback and photos and it is complemented by related articles in the Magazine [see RUN 256] by several Forum posters and the regualar columns such as Jim Barrett's. And among others, regular posters like Dale Manquen, Dale H, Mike CT and DPC[David] have been a major resource regarding electronic and electrical issues.


Like many of us who have been around the hobby a long time and are more obsolete in our layout practices than we like to admit, I have an easy opportunity to ask questons regarding new ideas and methods. And, with the new photo posting along with the regular Scenery thread, "armchair lurking" and viewing may be the most enjoyable part of the Forum. 

Thanks for dragging me out of the dark Dale for this first post.  I, like many other cave people on here do not participate in the forum because I personally am new to the hobby.  I read much in way of learning the techniques of what you veterans do to troubleshoot problems.  When I become more familiar and comfortable with what I do on my own layout, I will contribute more.


Now, the other main reason I am logging myself in here is because I was thinking that I was going to acquire many great items for sale posted in the forum that you cannot find on Ebay.  However, every item I think to acquire something Gunny1 has already beaten me to the item.


I do not Post as offen as I once did.  I learn a great deal by reading the Posts of those who know far more than I regarding this hobby.  For me the Forum like my layout is a place to enjoy the video's, pictures and comments of many nice people, and just get away from the world for a while.  The reason I do not Post as offen as I once did, is six grandchildren and one 6 month old greatgrand daughter.


Always something happening (Little League, playing catch with a baseball or footbal, shooting hoops, ect) with the eleven or seventeen year old.  I try to get on the Forum at least once per day.  I enjoy it immensely.


Many thanks,


Billy C   

A good and healthy forum will attract lots of lurkers.  Not everyone is read to jump in and comment, but they will read and they are reading because they are looking for help on something similar they are working on or they are just simply interested in the topic. 


These people will act on recommendations and click through the on site advertisers. Lots of lurkers means OGR forums are working.

Frustration and a lack of Patience. I see many who don't read the question and post answers that have no bearing on the subject. Others who say "I have no idea what you are talking about but good luck anyway." As a result I find that it is often better for all if I just read and post only when I have something to contribute that has not been said or can clarify the issue.



I rarely post anymore because I feel like I have pretty much said all I have to say.  Also I have pretty much withdrawn also because very few people seem to like my advice so I'll let the experts give the advice.  Then there was the guy who posted that he enjoyed picking on me "just for sport".  I guess I just got too old to get off the porch to run with the big dogs.    Odd-d

Thanks for all the nice replies. Odd-d nice to here from you again,used to read your posts regularly. SP 2207 best wishes for you to recover your health. My post was not at all a criticism for those who do not post often. Just was wondering who reads. Nice to see new members and younger people. I have been around 10 years on here,made some nice friends and had a few go arounds also. However I always respected everyone,never name called and appreciate their postings. Life is too short to argue over toy trains so some of the hard feelings I see here occasionally is regrettable.. Sadly we have lost a few good members over the years who were really nice people. Owen,Lisa Marie, a fellow in West Virginia I used to talk with and some others.  If you are lurking,chime in once in a while if you are comfortable doing so.


Dale H  

I don't post much, but check the forums a few times a day.  Im a "cooler weather railroader" as my layout is in the garage and I live in the South, so I dont visit as much in the hotter weather.   I learn quite a bit just from reading other's post and comments, but let's face it, this can be a tough crowd at times and I think many shy away from posting for that reason.


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