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We are. With the arrival of the 10th Anniversary Gold Edition PE set last November, we had outgrown our Christmas layout that was set up to handle 0-31. As soon as the 2014 Christmas season was complete, we dismantled the old layout. I learned a long time ago that good planning up front before you cut any lumber usually works best. I strongly believe you should start with a vision of what your layout will represent and then build a strong plan around this. In our case, since the two versions of the Polar Express sets will be the centerpiece, we wanted to build a Christmas layout representative of the Polar Express story within the space limitations we have. 


We have Christmas related inventory that includes fifty D56 North Pole buildings with many North Pole accessories, street lights, pathways, and of course the scale PE train sets. This is a good start for what is needed. We also wanted to incorporate 0-72 curves this time so there would be no future track limitations. 


Our next step was to determine in the room we will use as to how much space would work best for the benchwork without making it uncomfortable by cramming too much into the layout. We came up with the size of 7 1/2 ft. by 25 ft. Once this was determined, we transferred our vision of what the layout would look like onto a tablet. Elizabeth and I fine tuned this initial plan and the next step was to place rosin paper on the floor to represent the proposed benchwork. Using the tablet plan, we laid the track on the rosin paper to make sure it would work as planned. It actually fit perfectly to our plan without any adjustments to it. The two of us, on our hands and knees, traced the tack plan onto the rosin paper. Once this was established, we arranged the D56 buildings where they would best fit into the plan, traced them as well, and then went onto trace other key design elements. The result is an accurate plan as to where everything we want to include is identified onto the rosin paper.


What's next, get some lumber and build the benchwork. We have many custom details to be create to make our version of the North Pole and Polar Express special and we know this will take some time. Good thing that I have a very creative person by my side who has come up with many wonderful ideas. The reason we can get a head start now is this space does not interfere with our normal household activities. Besides, with the winter weather, there is not a better time for inside activities such as this.


How about you. Many of you have posted that you were really motivated to improve your next Christmas layout because of all of the wonderful photos that were posted to the 2014 Christmas Photo Album. So have you incorporated that desire and started to design a your 2015 Christmas layout. Please tell us something about your plans. When will you start construction? Some will say it is rushing the season, and they are probably correct, but for us, and maybe some of you, if it is possible we would rather get this done sooner, rather than later. It should be interesting to learn what your plans are.


To get your thinking started, below are a couple of photos of the room we are using and the rosin paper taped onto the floor (before the tracings).


Update January 22nd:


The thought occurred to me that this Thread could be an ongoing resource for Forum members to post photos and reports on their progress for their 2015 Christmas layouts. So I changed the Thread title toi reflect this.



layout design 003

layout design 004


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  • layout design 003
  • layout design 004
Last edited by Former Member
Original Post

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That's exciting, Brian. I hope to see more of your progress as the year goes on.


I've given a lot of thought to a Christmas-themed layout expansion that would take the mainlines into the unfinished part of my basement. I have many Dept. 56 structures just waiting to be unpacked and setup. The existing layout is more hi-rail; thus, the trains would travel from more of a model railroad setting to a fantasy North Pole area. If I can manage it, given my workload and other stressors, I have to first finish the rest of the basement, studding out the walls, insulation, electrical including additional baseboard heaters, and carpet. Then, would come the actual layout expansion. At this point its a 50/50 chance it'll happen. If I was retired I'd be all over it!

Last edited by Paul Kallus


Wow, by your explanation that is going to be a great looking layout!!  I don't think it is too early.  You will have a good amount of time to enjoy building it without having to feel rushed before the holidays in 2015.  When I set-up my layout this last season, I felt very rushed and it was less enjoyable for me.  Starting now you will give you the time to think through the set up and let you work on it when you want to with no time pressure.  I look forward to see photos of your completed layout!  Ken

I'm glad you started this thread. I am working on the new 2015 version, and now I have a reason to post pics as soon as I am further along. I liked the north pole section so much, (haven't taken it down yet), that I decided I wanted a more permanent North Pole. I don't have the room to store or keep set up another layout. So I had been looking at my D-27. I built it, made it work, but there were a couple of problems with that. One I could only run my MTH with Locosounds, the speed control makes it work without different voltages, and second for some reason no one, almost, got it. I would have to point out that a 3 foot tunnel is sucking up almost 10 feet of train and then the light bulb would go off. I though it was a neat illusion but most people just aren't that observant.


I never really understood the D-27 anyway. From what I have read it was designed to demonstrate Lionel's new Magna Traction. It might have required a Magna Traction equipped engine to run the layout, but what the loco did could not be seen by the customer. I always thought an open helix or a helix winding around a mountain would have demonstrated to the customer what the engine was capable of. But what do I know.


Anyway I decided to rework this layout. So I removed the hidden loop and mountain, and will just run two simple ovals. I am constructing a new mountain with twin tunnels. It will keep the visual intrest and allow multiple levels for the buildings as well as more area for the buildings.


So this thread will be great. I can post pics of the progress and not feel like I'm pushing Christmas on those who don't want to think about it for another 300 days.

I don't have enough progress to warrant any pics yet, but will post some as soon as there is enough done to make it interesting.


I will leave you with this one though. I picked up a 2014 Pepsi display, countdown to the super bowl, and well turned it into this...............





I knew I'd find a way to post this (NON train related) project............


Oh I pointed this out to my wife this afternoon and she just got that disgusted look and said "Oh My God"........................................


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Last edited by Charlie Howard

I think this is a great idea.  I believe you mentioned before that you are also an avid boater.  I am the same.  So once the nice weather comes, my focus switches from trains and onto my summer hobbies like boating and fishing.  So it's a great idea to be working on this now.  It's winter without much else going on and Christmas has just passed so all the ideas you've gained from seeing others' Christmas layouts as well as knowing the frustrations of your own layout are still fresh in your memory.  Plus, like many of you, this time of the year is a big letdown.  The holidays are over, the worst of the winter sets in, and really not much to look forward to for a while.  Thinking about the next Christmas layout is a great way to get through this time of the year.


The only thing I am doing right now is doing some general thinking about what I'd like to do for the next one.  After many years of doing a more rustic outdoors-oriented themes, I am considering doing a city layout this time, complete with a below-grade subway line.  I have the red Lionel R30 set just begging to be used on a Christmas layout.   So my main task right now if figuring out how to mount that subway line.  That should keep me busy for a while. 


I also got the scale Polar Express set this past year, so I would love to have a layout to run that on to upgrade from my conventional set.  It's just fitting the 072 curves onto a Christmas layout set up in the main living area that's the challenge.


And I will be in a different house by Christmas of next year to so figuring out how the layout will fit into that space will occupy my time as well.  But I am definitely going to start at some point by the September/October time frame.


I can't wait to see the progress on this.  I have no doubt you both will create something spectacular.  Many forum members set the bar high, and you are one of them.  I cannot wait to see the two Polar Express trains on it.  You are very fortunate to have someone in your life that you can share the hobby so closely with.  And someone so talented.  Keep us updated throughout the year!


Can't wait to follow the progress. Hopefully you post a lot, so we can follow. It is wonderful that you and your wife are sharing the project. As to rushing the season... I think it's already 5 minutes to 12 and you do have a schedule to keep, if you're going to be ready in time.


My planning for 2015 involves adding detail to a few locos and selling a bunch of surplus Realtrax and Z1000 controllers to help defray the cost of a Z4000 and an Atlas or Scaletrax O54 figure 8, to further quiet our Polar Express LC set. Also, I'm always looking for creative ways to add another loop

Last edited by Marty R

Brian and Elizabeth, what a great topic and impressive start you have made in defining your vision and beginning to execute it.


After being away from the hobby for 10+ years (I rejoined the forum less than 3 months ago), I was stunned by the imagination, variety, scale, and personal investment made in the Christmas layouts that appeared on the forum daily.  So, for the first time in a very long time I had trains running at Christmas in two simple loops of track around a Christmas tree--and it was GREAT--for me, my siblings, family and friends.


So, as I now have a modest sized room in which to build a permanent layout, it will be a winter-time layout to easily accept Christmas-themed additions, built with modules, primarily a toy-like/PW theme, some Dept. 56, and at least one cosmetic curve per John Armstrong.


I have a long list of repaint and other model projects underway which need to be finished before any detailed plans can be made for the layout.  Likewise, as much as I'd like to find tinplate to repaint and decorate as a Christmas train, that too will have to wait.


The layouts from this past Christmas have been highly entertaining, stimulating, and motivating.  





I never really stop.  I have one layout, and it's always winter/Christmas.  I just like modeling that time of year.  My favorite train pictures are always of trains in snow.  An added bonus is that since my layout is on the floor, the snow and other associated ground cover hides wires - I've gotten pretty good at it.   My problem is, after three years of working at it, I'm running out of options and space.  This year's was a complete reengineering and I maxed out the trackage.  As far as the buildings and the cars and the people... yeah there's always little stuff, but just yesterday I was contemplating how I could hang and O-scale/1:43 airplane from the bottom of the tree...


... and then I worried I'm getting TOO into it 

Originally Posted by Last Train Outta Sydney:

LOL, the title of the forum. And I thought you were talking about a Christmas layout under the Christmas tree.

WOW, talk about being lost in translation... lol

What I was thinking.  My brain's already on this, though - trying to figure how I'll convince the wife to let me take the track out beyond the tree & around the speakers & entertainment center....

Great thread. I started our permanent Christmas layout this December and plan on making improvements throughout the year. I have about 70 Dept 56/Lemax/Nicholas Square buildings and accessories. It will have 4 loops for trains, 2 trolley lines, and a small super streets loop. All packed in about 12 x 6. 



Sounds great Brian, If you get the time I'm sure we'd all love a description of the track plan.

Traditionally our year round display is taken down and with some modifications the Christmas display goes up in it's place. Then we start making plans for the next Christmas display.

However, we're bending tradition this year, instead of using the Christmas display we're only going to use it for inspiration to build a new year round display. This past Christmas we were only running three trains around the tree. A prerequisite for the year round display is it must be able to accommodate at least 8 trains. So we're going to hold off on construction until March. We plan to enlarge the year round display base from 8 x 5  to 9 x 6, build a larger double spiral like the one we used for Christmas and than stack the smaller double spiral on top of that. From that point we'll add three more tiers of circles and ovals and hopefully be back in operation with 9 trains by August. After that's complete we should have a pretty good idea what we'll want to design for next Christmas. It may just be a repeat of this last year.

Last edited by Matthew B.


   Like you I am doing some engineering planning for next Christmas, and after taking this years Christmas layout down this coming month, I will be sending some engines and equipment out for some updating and repairs.  Unfortunately I do not have the space available in the Office & Gameroom I once had, to engineer a more permanent larger layout. I really do wish I had the space you have available to engineer a bigger layout, my living room Christmas layout will just have to do for a while. Next Christmas I plan to add a 3rd inner oval level with some more FT CC switches, that run just a little closer to the Bear Christmas tree.  You bet I am definitely working on the engineering plan for adding to next years Christmas layout. 




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Last edited by Pine Creek Railroad

In a sense I am working on it right now.  I have a new platform and am rounding up some more track and some switches.  I plan to set that up and put some landforms and buildings on, that I can remove, put some snow down and the Christmas buildings.  Hopefully by Christmas 2017, our last daughter will have moved out, and I can start building the permanent layout in her room and leave this the present one for Christmases to come.


Originally Posted by Last Train Outta Sydney:

LOL, the title of the forum. And I thought you were talking about a Christmas layout under the Christmas tree.

WOW, talk about being lost in translation... lol


you need to check out Brian's (Passenger Train Collectors) topic on 2014 Christmas Photo Album  You will not be able to look at all the neat layouts in one sitting, there are 15 pages!!  Some are very simple, others are tremendous.  All are excellent!!!!

Last edited by Mark Boyce

We are now working on a small 5x5 foot* layout now for under ¨next year´s¨ tree.


It will be collapsible into two equal pieces for easy storage, use O31 track, and will hopefully have space for a milk car, cattle car, a single siding and 022 switch, and a coal loader. All will be powered by a 90 watt transformer. Wife wants some Menards Dept. 56? buildings and a 1950´s style rotating tree stand for an artificial tree - good luck finding one of those. If I can find an original prewar 022 RH switch somewhere with the ID plate that says ¨Automatically Controlled 1 1/4¨ Gauge¨, I´d be a happy camper. I have a LH one


* - I didn´t set the size - she did. I´m hoping she will decide this one is too small after all and let me build the one I wanted to build in the first place...



Last edited by KenL

Like some of the other members who have replied above, my layout is currently a permanent winter scene.  This is due to several reasons (lack of money to buy more trains at this time, lack of space, and my wife will kill me if she notices anything else train related pop up -- due to the financial issues).


I have already added several items (a few buildings, people, cars, trees, animated features, lights, etc.) since I submitted pictures of my layout on the 2014 Christmas thread.  I just need to find more room to put things! 

Oh, I almost forgot about the other train I bought.  I was at Goodwill the other day because I remember reading people say that they find Christmas village buildings there at this time of year.  (I did actually find a clock tower for $3 that is one of the new structures on my display).


But, I also found G scale Christmas train set for $15.  Its a "New Bright Holiday Express Animated Train Set."  Since my other set is a permanent winter display, the New Bright set will be run around the tree.   I almost did not buy it because the people who worked there told me it didn't work.  But I suspected that the person who tried to put it together did not do it properly.  So, I took a chance and asked them if they would sell it to me for half of the $25 price that it was marked at since they said it didn't work.  (I figured that even if it was broken, I could probably sell off the pieces on ebay).  Anyway, I took the train home and set it up immediately.  After laying the track and plugging in the electronics, I placed down the locomotive and tried to make it run.  No go.  I then wondered if it needed the tender to run.  Bingo!  That was it.  Once I plugged in the tender, the train ran great.  I added the rest of the cars and the animated station, and it all ran great.  Not bad for $15!


Here is a video:


Videos (1)
New Bright Holiday Express Animated Train Set

I haven't started planning the 2015-2016 Redford Theatre layout yet because the current one is still operating at the theater  


Several rentals during the month of January and February requested the trains be up and running and so they will be.  The layout will come down sometime after February 10th, and during the dismantling process I'll make note of things I need for next years display.  During the off season I'll also be placing a parts order with Lionel to replace worn out locomotive parts.

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