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It is looking up at a light fixture over a door of a building. Maybe a brewery because the Pepsi plant was just done for the pop drinkers. Now we need one for us beer drinkers. And I just love the way CABINET BOB is so coy of making believe he does not already know what it is LOL. Now if not a brewery then I will still say it is a light over a door to a Life Savers Candy factory............Paul

paul 2 posted:

It is looking up at a light fixture over a door of a building. Maybe a brewery because the Pepsi plant was just done for the pop drinkers. Now we need one for us beer drinkers. And I just love the way CABINET BOB is so coy of making believe he does not already know what it is LOL. Now if not a brewery then I will still say it is a light over a door to a Life Savers Candy factory............Paul

Paul: I  think your spot on about the lite,but,............................

I always enjoy the speculation that we all have about the next Menards teaser.  But an odd thought hit me this AM when reading this thread.  Everyone's always, brewery, brewery, brewery.  Now, Menards is pretty good about providing what we want, so howcum we haven't seen a brewery?

I offer that it's one of 3 reasons why no brewery:

1.  licensing fees too high

2.  moral issues

3.  perhaps one of the Menard principals lost a loved one or friend to a drunk driver and a brewery would be just too painful a reminder

But, then again, they're headquartered in WisKahnsin, where the official state motto is, "Out-Drinking YOUR State Since 1848!"  (saw that on a T-shirt in LaCrosse when a flight was diverted there. When I asked the hotel clerk what LaCrosse was famous for, she said, "Well, we have the world's largest six-pack!" with quite a bit of pride.)

Carl Orton posted:

I always enjoy the speculation that we all have about the next Menards teaser.  But an odd thought hit me this AM when reading this thread.  Everyone's always, brewery, brewery, brewery.  Now, Menards is pretty good about providing what we want, so howcum we haven't seen a brewery?

I offer that it's one of 3 reasons why no brewery:

1.  licensing fees too high

2.  moral issues

3.  perhaps one of the Menard principals lost a loved one or friend to a drunk driver and a brewery would be just too painful a reminder

But, then again, they're headquartered in WisKahnsin, where the official state motto is, "Out-Drinking YOUR State Since 1848!"  (saw that on a T-shirt in LaCrosse when a flight was diverted there. When I asked the hotel clerk what LaCrosse was famous for, she said, "Well, we have the world's largest six-pack!" with quite a bit of pride.)

I think if it was a Licensing fee they would have not been able to do the Morton Salt building! I think they are just waiting to find the right look! Either that or they are still working on a 6 pack! LOL

cabinet Bob posted:

20170610_134855As you can see, the City of Menardsville is really growing.just a few lots to sell in town...20170610_13211220170610_13212420170610_13210620170610_13220520170610_13213820170610_13212920170610_13210220170610_13214920170610_132138

Everything looks just wonderful Bob! I'm thinking you might need some more room as Menards is turning out great products faster then you can build space for it! You better just start now!

cabinet Bob posted:

Ummmm. This is interesting...another building ?????20170610_140022

Ok Guys you might as well know its a BREWERY! cant you tell cause even the guys from the Pepsi building are gearing up for it by practicing not being able to park on the pavement. Half on the pavement and half on the grass, which = half loaded! LOL

Carl Orton posted:

I always enjoy the speculation that we all have about the next Menards teaser.  But an odd thought hit me this AM when reading this thread.  Everyone's always, brewery, brewery, brewery.  Now, Menards is pretty good about providing what we want, so howcum we haven't seen a brewery?

I offer that it's one of 3 reasons why no brewery:

1.  licensing fees too high

2.  moral issues

3.  perhaps one of the Menard principals lost a loved one or friend to a drunk driver and a brewery would be just too painful a reminder

But, then again, they're headquartered in WisKahnsin, where the official state motto is, "Out-Drinking YOUR State Since 1848!"  (saw that on a T-shirt in LaCrosse when a flight was diverted there. When I asked the hotel clerk what LaCrosse was famous for, she said, "Well, we have the world's largest six-pack!" with quite a bit of pride.)

Carl, I went to Green Bay many years ago for a conference. I saw a t-shirt there that stated "a drinking town with a football problem". Funny!


play trains posted:

Mike,you know they're toys right? I worry about the condition of the guy who placed them there! At least they're right side up!! LOL

Play Trains, yes I know they are just toy's, but isn't that what keeps us young? As for the guy who placed them, its ok give him a little room I think he has some sort of OCD thing going on!

mike g. posted:
wild mary posted:

It's the mirror on the M35 deuce and a half.duece

Mary, I am sorry to inform you that it is not the Mirror on your M35! I am starting to think you have been on the tasting tour at the local Brewery! I could see how you could get things confused, but that's way off! LOL

Mike it's not the beer that confuses me, it's that stuff in the little glass that bewilders me.



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  • a-shot-and-a-beer

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