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Bruno the rednose petbull has an ottoman to sit on so he can be tall enough to watch the layout.

Meeko the red Neapolitan Mastiff could care less about anything not involving food. If I tried that "bone on a flat car", the layout would be destroyed by a K-9 stampedeBoth use underneath to nap under in the day. (on shelves it forms a "cave")

They hide there when they are bad too.


They got banned for a while when Bruno ate a few trees on a low shelf. When sampled, 40 year old "pine cone trees" apparently taste better than the new store bought stuff. Or maybe he's a rivet counter?


This is the type of thread Lady, Tex and I really enjoy.  My two wiener dogs are not my pets, they are my children.  Their unique and sometimes funny personalities keep me entertained all day long.  They are loyal, loving and great companions.  I want to thank all of the members who posted photo's and information on your own 4 leg children. 


Passenger Train Collector, Lady wanted to say hello to Cody.


Steve, Lady and Tex

Eddie, our beagle, comes down into the basement because of the laundry and not the train. He will grab an article of clothing that needs to washed, takes it back upstairs and trades it in to us for a treat! He has us well trained. My only concern that I originally had was that he might grab some of the wiring underneath the layout but that hasn't happened at all.

My dachshund Charlie (and his sister Brandy who sadly went to the great kennel in the sky in 2006) used to sniff around the G scale loop around the Christmas tree when I was still doing that each holiday, but never gave any problems. No way he'd ever get up to the benchwork once it's in place. I only have worry about him at my side when I'm operating and being underfoot...

This is an older shot, he's got a lot of grey now but he's still a puppy at heart.

Last edited by p51
Originally Posted by rockstars1989:

Well the question for me is,can I run my trains while my black cat,known as the MO JO naps in my tunnels.Nick

Answer is yes to a degree My Jay Jay a Pure Breed GInger Tabby could occupy the tunnel and the train follow its path down the track and as soon as it exited the other end of the tunnel Jay came out the end the engine had just went into so the answer is most positive and proves the point that two objects can occupy the same space at the same time

I wouldn't dream of having a layout where cats (or kids or dogs) are forbidden, and besides it's in the garage.  Our three house cats, all rescued, are not the slightest bit interested in the trains, but there's a hungry little stray who comes in for the free food, and he likes to check out the platform but so far has not done any mischief.  Plenty cats=no rodents!



My train room has two entrances but only one has a door.  So the answer is yes.  At first my two cats would get on top of the layout, but now they confine themselves to lay on to[ of several stacks of Atlas freight car shipping boxes that I store under the table.  Normally, I would stack them right to the underside of the table, but in front of the window I left off the top layer.  It is their hideaway when they want to get away from the normal activity of the house.


When I first built the layout and the cats did their inspections I had to sometimes clean a hairball or two from the track.



Buckaroo is SO CUTE! Yeah, they don't look like weiner dogs at all when their puppies.
Originally Posted by Mill City:

Lee, I don't believe I have ever seen an all black Dachshund before. Mine, also greying now, is black and red. Great breed.

That's a b/w photo. He's black, tan and now grey as well...

Originally Posted by p51:
Originally Posted by Mill City:

Lee, I don't believe I have ever seen an all black Dachshund before. Mine, also greying now, is black and red. Great breed.

That's a b/w photo. He's black, tan and now grey as well...

Thanks, Lee. I see that now, that I look closer. Love them all, no matter color, size, or coat. They are a very entertaining breed. Those with doubt, watch Disney's "The Ugly Dachshund."

Unfortunately the cat had to go... It kepted using indiscriminate places to urinate in the house... So after the crest fallen kids had returned the cat to the pet store. we ventured on to find our new Golden Retriever named Lucy,

so far Lucy, being a puppy has not ventured into the basement. But she is welcomed everywhere in the house... now that she is fully potty trained!










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My cat chessie named for the c&o railroad.He looked at the trains as if he counting the boxcars.While runing my trains chessie was no where to be seen.Anyway I had a long freight train going.All of a sudden I heared a funny sound.Chessie was cut of by the train.He made a run for it and jumped over the moving train.Don,t worry he cleared it big time.Colt Seaver would be proud of chessie.I wished I had a  video camrea and caught the jump.For the most part he just looks at the trains.For a little bit then he will go some where else to sleep.

Originally from Richard E:


I have two Dachshunds, Annie & Bella. Their legs are to short to be any problem. But they like to be with me most of the time.


I have one Dachshund, and even though a bit demanding at times, he is extremely well behaved. Dachshunds want to hangout with people, alert when necessary, and very loving. Jesse likes to rest under my desk and allows me to warm my toes under him during cold months. Dachshunds are cleaver and can be mischievous. Therefore, I'm thankful that Dachshunds don't have opposing thumbs.


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