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To Anyone / Everyone who has bought used equipment and had problems with the same.


I am the service technician for my model train club here in Farmingdale, NY.


I feel bad for the members in my club when they buy an engine either through eBay or other sources and discover that it is not in the condition it was claimed to be in. As in example, right after Hurricane Sandy last year a member bought, through eBay, a cab forward engine from a seller, I believe from Staten Island or New Jersey. Prior to running the engine on the layout, I check the engine for lubrication and other maintenance items. The problem with this engine was that it was immersed in salt water, rendering not only the electronics ruined, but most of the running gear and other items corroded. The club member was able to get his money refunded, but I never got a conformation that this individual was reprimanded by eBay for this situation.


An another time an engine was brought in, brand new as the factory cellophane was still on the box, and the engine was evidently ran and re-packaged. The beauty of this particular situation was a battery, not factory installed, was in the unit and had gone bad and had started to electrically rust out. Again, the member was able to get a replacement item really brand new.


I feel that if enough of these situations occur, a Watch Out List should be made so people will be extra careful before Buying/Ordering engines from less than reputable Dealers and/or private individuals.


I welcome feedback from the forum on this subject if anyone has had similar situations occur to them and how the problem was resolved, and hopefully it ended in a positive note.



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I have purchased a few locos from da bay. Many locos that I do buy are hard to find Dummy units which by nature not much can go wrong other than bad packing!


as stated above- one mush do their research on the seller. use for reviewing negative and neutral comments. also as a BUYER one should LEAVE a positive- neutral or in the very worst of situations, a NEGATIVE comments if done wrong so other buyers may be made aware. buy leaving no or just positive comments does no one any good.


The problem with this engine was that it was immersed in salt water, rendering not only the electronics ruined, but most of the running gear and other items corroded. The club member was able to get his money refunded, but I never got a conformation that this individual was reprimanded by eBay for this situation.

Ebay hardly repremands sellers as they are driven by the fees they charge to use their service - unless you the deadbeat seller incriminates one self to da bay or is caught being a very bad offender. BAD Karma is a ***ch!


This situation, with any product, in an market is problematic. The general warning about be careful where you buy things always applies.
Rich (the forum owner) might chime in here, but I doubt he's going to want to manage and host a list of folks who might be crooks (as was clearly the case in your examples) and folks who might be the victims of an honest dispute, where the seller seldom, if ever has recourse.
I've only ever returned 1 engine. At the end of the day, I was wrong.
It was a really cool looking N scale German electric made by Arnold. It was my first Arnold. My other N locos were Kato Atlas and Life Like. All nice runners. The Arnold sounded like a coffee grinder. I wasnt happy. I returned it. Story over. The thing is most metal geared Arnold locos sound like that. I just didnt know that yet. You can make them sound better, with proper cleaning and lubrication, but they will never run like a Kato. The seller wasn't wrong. I was inexperienced. I leave this as an example of why this type of list is dangerous.


Well, this post has only been up 28 minutes but, my belief, is there will be few and far between problems reported.  Now I could eat my words however, I generally think most model train people are pretty reputable. 


My engines are split between used and brand new.  I buy from forum members and forum sponsors. In my early years in the hobby I bought from the bay and from Trainz auction site with no problems. I stopped using the bay because I felt it has become a "Buy it now" site.  If I am going to pay the asking price I would much rather buy from one of you, whom I know and trust.


Let's see how this thread goes.  I would enjoy hearing what may have been a problem for you and what happened to resolve it.

Buyer Beware!

I do agree such a list could be put on this Forum, but there is the issue of liability,

(DAM* Lawyers). A few years ago, several of us Forumites purchased lots of train stuff from a professional thief. When I brought this issue to OGR management, they made me feel that I was the crook. Ever since I have held that particular OGR person in disrespect.

Dave G. 

I have buy and sell on eBay and other internet sites.  Problems are rare.  The vast majority of sellers accurately describe items to the best of their ability.


Buyers should be aware that many people selling trains on eBay and other sites know nothing about trains.  The train they are selling belonged to their father or another family member.  They wouldn't know about damage - even obvious damage.  I know one eBay seller who used to photograph SP cab forwards with the tender next to the cab, for example.  Some sellers don't know a diesel from a steam engine and the difference between a reefer and a boxcar is beyond them.


Another problem is that many buyers do not read the item descriptions.  I have had many buyers ask questions about a model that was in the description.  For example, I will say in the description this engine has no sound.  Buyers will email and ask if the engine has sound.  


Buyers of used model trains should have an expectation that the engine will not be perfect but it should be accurately described.  The seller of the engine that had salt water damage should have disclosed that fact.  I am wondering what the photos showed.  



Last edited by New Haven Joe
Originally Posted by prrhorseshoecurve:


Ebay hardly repremands sellers as they are driven by the fees they charge to use their service - unless you the deadbeat seller incriminates one self to da bay or is caught being a very bad offender. BAD Karma is a ***ch!


Not exactly correct.  EBay will reprimand sellers with less than stellar feedbacks with an increase in fees.  Hit them in the pocket-book.

I've purchased a bunch of used stuff on eBay and various forums, including a bunch right here.  Overall, I've generally been happy with what I got, there are sometimes some things that aren't quite right.  I've had pretty good luck with eBay getting either an adjustment or simply returning it, though you're typically out the return shipping.  However, the vast majority of the time they are just as I expected.


FWIW, I just got an Atlas AEM-7 from Trainz, and when I took it out of the box, the shell fell off!  The screws were in a little bag in the box, why it was apart I have no idea!  Other than that, it was as represented, but I'm a bit surprised it got out of there with that minor little issue.



I collect vintage prewar Std & O-Gauge items. I'm happy to buy excellent used items where ever I can. I buy C-1- C-5 original pieces on e*** for parts only. Mostly, I have friends purchase any items I'm looking for at the, Cal-Stewart Shows. And then only from vendors I've known over the years. I've been burned on my parts only purchases a few times. Nothing pleases me more than to chase down unethical e*** sellers. The name of the game is to be an educated buyer. My purchases are limited these days except for parts. I'm working on engines that I purchased more than two years ago. Back when my eyes could see and my hands didn't shake....LOL!



I have had enough trouble with rolling stock, switches and other used items that I won't be buying any engines used. Probably won't be buying much else that is used from now on either. I have had almost no problems with new items. The few small problems I have had were very easily resolved without having to return anything or send it in for repair.

I only had one problem with an ebay engine and that probably was about 10 years ago.  Fortunately, I got the engine at a decent price so that when I resold it (with the correct status of the engine) it was only a minor loss.


My crystal ball is that we will never see a Watch Out List on this forum.  Any thread that I have seen regarding someone getting hoodwink by a seller has been deleted with the comment like there are two sides to every debate...






I have had mixed reviews with eBay. Also the local hobby shop was no joy either. Since I joined the is forum I am better educated about this hobby. There is still plenty of thing that I do not know but I am learning as I go along.  Now I have forum and feel more comfortable about asking question and receiving advise from the group. I also now give advise as well. I have found a hobby shop in another state that are helpful, professional and have good old fashion customer service.

I am a  99% used train buyer ( I have bought one new engine and dozens of used ones) for two reasons.  One I like post war 1940s and 1950s gear, and two buying used is cheaper.


Most buys are from train shows and garage sales all over the south and midwest and since Katrina here in Louisiana, where saltwater damages gear is still being sold.  It is obvious and disclosed.  I have bought some on ebay with good luck but not good prices.


I also have bought from this forums trade forum with success and using the "I want to buy" section which allows one to faster find a wanted item.


I say buyer beware and watch out for ebay and use questions, seek return of item if faulty and use feed back as your last friend.



I (knock on wood) have had good experiences on OGR forum, ebay and swap meets.  I avoid buying items from those who claim that they "don't have any way to test it."  That is a red flag for me.

I have had the best buying experiences on the forum, and any misunderstandings have been easily resolved.  I think that the vast majority of forum members value their reputation above profit.

Ebay is more of a crapshoot, but so far, no problems.  Paypal offers some protection.

And at swap meets, always test the equipment.


I have always taken the view when buying second hand that it is just that second hand.


When I want brand new and am willing to pay full or close to full retail then I expect perfection -- which as of late as not been the case, bent details, handrails, and even some broken parts (on new premium level product) that is unacceptable to me. 


30+ engines, well over 100 passenger cars, and a couple hundred freight cars all bought used from Trainz, eBay, this forum, and Stout Auctions, and I could not be happier, yes perfection has not always been the case, but a savings of 40% has been. On the whole I wouldn't change a thing, the horror stories exist and are talked about because they are much more interesting than postings about how someone bought something and everything went great. 


The largest issue I have had is the TCA grading system which allows for a perfect C-9 condition to be given to an engine with a non-working engine, it is entirely a visual rating, some thing which causes many issues between sellers following the guidelines and buyer expectations that C-8 means not only appearing to look brand new but in fact being brand new.

I almost never buy used engines.  I have been stuck by "forum members" (or do they just belong for cover" with used engines. The last one I bought he listed all the things on the box that the engine had, I even asked point blank if they all worked, he assured me he had just tested it and it ran fine.  Well when it arrived it was totally dead in the water. Someone had gutted the parts and this guy was not in my opinion an operator but just a reseller.   I was able to send back and get my money back, I paid the shipping,  after pay pal got after him a bit.  A couple of months later the same engine appeared on the forum.  An old horse trader once said that noone sells a good horse.    I am sure there are some folks whose engines run just fine.  But when you average them out, it does not make sense to give some of the prices being asked. 

The used engines that I have purchased all looked like new and have all run perfectly. My rule of thumb is to deal with a reputable seller and keep it simple (as my layout is still stone age conventional). Keeping it simple helps avoid the reliability complexities of modern cheap Chinese circuit board electronics.  When model railroad electronics start to come with a 10 year warranty, that's when I start buying that type of equipment although I am very impressed with LionChief II and tempted to try it.

I got burned once on eBay and it was from a "reputable company" (as Lee expressed it). The 3rd Rail N&W K3 was described as NIB and even had a nice picture of a piece of paper showing it had been "tested" by their in-house technicians.  When it arrived, it obviously was used and was BIB (Broken In Box). I did contact the seller, but was not offered either a partial refund or a return authorization. 


Fortunately Kanawaha had a spare board and got it running. Ultimately, Jeff @ JDS did an outstanding PS2 upgrade (plus some other nice improvements too). Jeff also repaired the broken ladder on the front.


Had I not gotten what I considered to be a really good deal on the auction, I would have made a major stink with eBay and have demanded my money back. After a second sour deal recently over a trio of un-decorated GGD cars this seller has seen the last of me.



I have very few pieces in my stable that were bought new. The secondary market has been good to me with most items coming from this forum over the past 5 years since reentering the hobby. Some have come from eBay without issue other than a K-Line Hudson that had been converted by JDS Enterprises to PS2. The locomotive was mailed Priority from MD to us here in western NC and it disappeared from the USPS tracking system for 11 days.

Was slightly damaged electronically in shipping but was able to be fixed for $25. 

I have almost completely converted my postwar collection to newer scale trains. Only have a Williams 2356 AA to let go...


I have no problem with buying used.  I try to stick with somewhere reliable, such as this forum or ebay.  I like the protection level of ebay.  I sell there as well.  I agree with some of the other posts, you can save a nice amount of money buying used.  Plus, if an item is guaranteed to be in running order, you are safe.  Hearing all of the horror stores about new engines arriving doa, I think I will stick with the used market.  

The only problems that I have had were at local shows.  Being that the test tracks there don't accommodate command control it's almost buy at your own risk.  I have actually avoided local shows all together because its not worth the risk of getting stung.  


The bottom line for me, I operate my trains, so no matter how I purchased them, they are all used.  

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