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As one who has no interest in the replication of the few historically popular prototypes from "Ford". nor computerization of models from "Chevrolet", caricatures, expensive short run brass models of popular Class 1 locos, and K-Line "Chrysler" is gone, how can we get small conventional three rail MODELS! ("PT Cruisers") to come on the market?  If the economy/market can support them. 


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I was using euphemisms for the better known train mfrs., and wishing for somebody

to come into the market with new, small prototypes of locomotives, NOT automobiles!

(if I gave an exam on this posting, somebody would flunk this course..I thought the term "3 rail" was clear, but should have put in the word "locomotives"}

I was just reading something on how crowdfunding was bringing to market innovative

new products ignored by usual manufacturers.

Actually works sort of like announcing a product you don't have; taking preorders with a deposit; and if enough show up, it gets made. If not, everyone gets their money back. 


The difference is it's organized into a forum viewed by a broad number of people interested in making such investments. Sort of like a forum with a specialized audience. 

Originally Posted by colorado hirailer:

I was using euphemisms for the better known train mfrs., and wishing for somebody

to come into the market with new, small prototypes of locomotives, NOT automobiles!

(if I gave an exam on this posting, somebody would flunk this course..I thought the term "3 rail" was clear, but should have put in the word "locomotives"}

I was just reading something on how crowdfunding was bringing to market innovative

new products ignored by usual manufacturers.

If your original post was graded on clarity, you would not be in a position to give an exam, let alone flunk someone.


Tom B

Yup, I think you went a little overboard with the euphemism and metaphor.


I have a particular interest in this because I'm heavily invested in O-27 track and could use a better variety of "toy" trains (i.e. not "model" trains).


Once you get away from starter sets, there's a huge gap in level of detail and price.


I don't know if there's simply not a market for it, or if manufacturers are trying to steer you to the better stuff (with better profit margins) by not making a line of middle-end locomotives and rolling stock.


You would think if they could sell you a set with a locomotive, 2-3 cars, a caboose, track, and a transformer for $180, and make money at it, they would produce a line of $100 locomotives and $30 cars to keep the low-budget hobbyists spending money.


There just doesn't seem to be much out there in this market beyond starter sets...

Well, I didn't want to start an on-line war among irate defenders of "Ford" or

"Chevrolet" but thought my few discriptive adjectives would identify them to train

people familiar with the "quirks" of the better known mfrs.  It was just a plaintive lament, praying for rain, and worse, yet, like the postings I have commented on about what is hoped to  be seen in the next catalog.

(in other words, it doesn't have a snowball's chance of happening)  Unless, of course,

you closely follow the maxim: "If you want anything done right, do it yourself".



I see lots of postings asking for 44 tonners.

No idea why none of the manufacturers have grabbed it.


Except possibly the cost of Molds and the long return on investment in the el crappo economy we live in.


Even molds for ABS cost a ton of money, they have to sell a LOT of engines to recoup that investment.

Which is why you see the same engine in many different paint jobs, whether they existed or not. The Company has to sell a lot of that molded item to break even.


Now one new item could help this break looose.

PS3 will fit in a HO engine, so it should fit in a 44 tonner. The old system would not.

Last edited by Russell
Originally Posted by Rusty Traque:
Originally Posted by Russell:

I see lots of postings asking for 44 tonners.

No idea why none of the manufacturers have grabbed it.



Maybe it's because it's the same handfull of people asking?


And of course, if two smoke units couldn't be crammed in to a 44 tonner, the bulk of them probably wouldn't want it, then.



You forgot to mention twin vertical can motors so it can pull the o scale equivalent of a 10,000 ton coal train, operating electrocouplers, six fatboy speakers and and a fully detailed cab interior.


Originally Posted by colorado hirailer:

I am not interested in a 44 tonnner, but didn't that guy who sets up in the Orange

Hall, who is somewhere in Pa., and who runs the Strasburg  O Scale Show produce

one...a scale one!!, and wasn't it offered in three rail?  Were those ever produced?

(or was this another McKeen car that nobody would get off their duff and preorder?)

Yes, the model does exist. It was produced in 2 rail and 3 rail versions by RY Models.





I didn't make it past the title of the thread before getting confused. Crow- what????!!! What do crows have to do with model trains?


If someone wants to startup another O Gauge train mfg company, go for it. I've seen enough evidence to confirm to me that this is a very narrow margin industry. Those who do make a go of it are working their tails off. I admire the folks who actually bring the product to market.



I have not seen any of those 3 rail RY 44 tonners show up on the net auction.  I thought I had looked at pilot models in the Orange Hall.  Gives those who want one something to look for.....nothing you will find in your LHS.  "Crowd Funding", one

word, is a financial term that is getting some buzz in those publicacations, as people

try to get around the glacial morass of corporate innovation, which can often equal,

if not outdo, that of government.



CrowD funding. No avian animals need be harmed in the founding of this O gauge manufacturing company.


Crowdfunding is where a crowd of people fund your project. Each person "invests" a few dollars, and with enough people it adds up.


The Internet makes it possible. Unfortunately, it also can be easily abused. You essentially donate the money, and someone could simply take the money and disappear quite easily.

Originally Posted by colorado hirailer:

I have not seen any of those 3 rail RY 44 tonners show up on the net auction.  I thought I had looked at pilot models in the Orange Hall.  Gives those who want one something to look for.....nothing you will find in your LHS. 


For what it's worth, RY Models (Rich Yoder) makes nothing for "stock". Everything Rich offers is by advance reservation/order, thus if you do not see his advertisements, nor check his website regularly, you generally will NOT be able to purchase any of his products. As a result of his excellent reputation for model fidelity and attention to detail, his products always sell out, and RARELY ever show up on eBay.

Originally Posted by AlanRail:

This looks to be a serious post about CROWD FUNDING that has been hijacked into a funny one about CROW D FUNDING. I do not understand how some of you can treat a serious thread and then make fun of it and the starter poster....

In fact it is not the title of the thread that I find so amusing. As far as I am concerned that issue was played out far before I decided to participate here.
My Mt. Gox (bitcoin) allusion was neither accidental nor trivial. The OP + 4 further comments later and we still have not heard how much real $$$ is Mr. Colorado prepared to put into this "crowd funded" toy train venture. Here's the way Rose Royce put it during the MPC era:
Last edited by Between A&B

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