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MartyE posted:

Ok forget the trains for a moment. Seems you have good taste in Sci Fi. But where is the phaser?  


Ha. Haven't gotten a phaser yet.

Make sure you get the "Wand" phaser. It's awesome. Along with the Bluetooth communicator if you haven't already. Fun getting a phone call and answering it Kirk style.  Just sayin'. 

Last edited by MartyE

Here is a good bug trap idea for you Eric. This is my "go to the light" trap that I have placed in several locations in my basement. It's just a simple night light, about 6 inches from the floor, with an LED bulb and a rodent sticky pad. They work great for fleas too, and hungry roaches,thumbnail who come to eat the dead. The pad in the picture is two months old. Yes, that's Home Depot carpet.


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Dave Zucal posted:

Here is a good bug trap idea for you Eric. This is my "go to the light" trap that I have placed in several locations in my basement. It's just a simple night light, about 6 inches from the floor, with an LED bulb and a rodent sticky pad. They work great for fleas too, and hungry roaches,thumbnail who come to eat the dead. The pad in the picture is two months old. Yes, that's Home Depot carpet.

OMG!!!! Yikes! Forget the insects. That's a spider infestation! It's like a scene from Arachnophobia! Where do you live?



Eric, on the border of Jim Thorpe and Summit Hill PA in a wooded area. I'm shocked myself because the home is only ten years old and very well built with all the latest insulated windows and doors. The spiders I'm really after are capable of derailing a light front axle of something like a railking 2-8-0, and with my luck, they'll favor living in a tunnel. Their called a wolf spider and they have a very tough body and really good eye sight. They see you coming before you see them. Their ground hunters and don't build a web. They get big and lay a lot of eggs. I killed several in the house but some were faster then me and are hiding out. The one in the picture I caught in a mason jar in a bedroom upstairs. It's now living in an environmental education center down the road from here. If you look close you can see the bottom of the jar markings to give you an idea of their sizes. I don't know if it's true, but I've been told not to sleep with your mouth open cause they like to find a drink at night when their thirsty. I also use those devices you plug into an outlet, but I think their a gimmick. Everyone should give the sticky pad and light a try. You'll be surprised at what lurks around your house at night once you go to bed.

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Eric, once again I must say Thank You for an excellent video. I enjoyed all the different aspects of the behind the scenes, Chessie, shelving and under the layout items.

I noticed your screen saver is Half Dome in Yosemite. Any chance you climbed up the back?

While I can not make the open house you generously offered, I hope our paths cross at a future diamond.



You might want to re-think the naming of your handsome new friend.  "CHESSIE" was the FEMALE mascot for the C&O.  However, during and after WWII, "PEAKE", a MALE and two kittens were added to the advertising campaign.  "Peake" would certainly be a fitting name for a heroic feline warrior and, like your boy, Chessie's Peake also had a wounded leg as seen below in "Together Again":




As always, your videos are great!


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Last edited by Rapid Transit Holmes

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