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Hi Guys, glad you like how its coming together,just in from the garden,been out there most of the day or away gathering more stone. I've been changing my mind about some aspects and making slight alterations as things progress but aye I'm quite pleased with how its coming together. can't wait till it has trains running but at the same time I enjoy the stonework. As for being a stone mason, sorry George never had  a lesson in my life, just love workin wi natural stone. Once the rock plants and weather do their thing over the next couple of years it'll blend in even better. Ah well,away for a shower and get the head down for the night.  Cheers  DAVY  


Davy lad,


It is I... your sort-of Scottish, and great Canadian amigo... Rick.


Killer view... from inside the house.


You know you've got a wee bit of talent with the stone. The seamless stone stairs... not friggin bad, me son.


Bin a little self-absorbed lately. Last Friday, I found out I had squamous cell in situ removed from my upper right chest. That kind of news, for the first time, carries an impact.


The doctor who removed it did a procedure called curettage and electrodesication, and told me there was nothing to worry about... nothing of concern.


Myself, I'm not a gambler. I like to feel sure about things. Tomorrow, at my request, the doctor has agreed to surgically excise the original tumor site.


When a cancerous tumor is surgically excised(removed), and a good margin is taken along with the tumor... the pathology department can determine, via microscopic inspection, if the margin is free of malignant cells...


That's what I'm hopping for.


Today, my train dealer informed me that the wrong type of locomotive came in for me. I had ordered a scale wheels CNW dash 9, and a hi-rail version arrived at my dealers. I wanted the scale wheels version, but told my dealer I would take the hi-rail version.


Most of my collection is hi-rail, so I can use it; and scale wheels and 3-rail... aren't my top concerns, at the moment.


BTW, the cancer is believed to be caused by the sun...


You've done good, lad; and you're going to have some good times... in your back garden.


Aye(I had to throw in an "Aye"), I'm still hoping for a kilt-clad, bagpipe performance... once she's done.











Hi Rick, wondered where you'd got to.Sosorry to hear about your health problem ,thats a bummer but never mind ,chin up I'm sure all will be well wi you. Well  gave myself a right sore one a few days ago.Stood on a timber with a nail in it,right thru my shoe and into my right big toe all the way to the bone...ouch ! (or words to that effect came out ha ha !).Still annoyin me. Anyway I've been bustin my butt yesterday and today. Decided to take the stone patio work right out to the edge of the track instead of having a border with plants.Makes a big difference in useable space. means a bit of rebuilding but ach well,as well doin it right.Anyway these photos will explian quicker than me talkin. As you can see I've had to re-aline the track bed ,but so be it. Anyway Rick ,you take care.In a bit of a rush today . Catch you later,    DAVY





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That would've of hurt, meeting up with the nail... Did you cry? When's the last time you had a tetanus shot?


Nice looking, the re-worked area, how it fans out...


Might the curved trench, the area where the track will lie, collect water after a good rain etc.?


Your wife is going to come home one day and find a proper stone castle, instead of your current house.


BTW, you've made yourself a nice little stage to perform on, the new stonework, in your back garden.


Take care lad,






Hi Rick,

          Just took delivery of a diesel myself yesterday.Got it off ebay. An old atlas Santa Fe Warbonnet F9 A unit off ebay, No great quality wise,was as cheap as chips but its in good nick and looks the part. I have another two of these on the way from the states , Also a Rivarrossi C liner (Pennsylvania) and two Lionel B units to go witht the atlas A units. They are 3 rail dummies so I'll need to re-wheel them and hopefully they'll look the part together in a lash up ??.

 Did I cry when I stood on the nail, aye I did that, started with F and finished with K and it wasn't"flip" either ,ha ha !. My grandughter pulled the offending plank with nail back out for me, it was well embedded. Didn't get a tetanus,suppose I should have but so far I've survived,it was galvanised nail so it wasn't rusty ? does that make a difference ? I hope so !??

 As for the channel where the track runs , nah it will never collect water rick ,too much hardcore and rubble underneath. If I see any puddles gathering its a simple case of either drilling thru the cement or hammer a hol thru with a big nail .So no no chance of water retention. In fact its bucketing of rain right now and its fine. Anyway working in Glasgow tonight so I better scoot.  catch you later   DAVY



Re: the nail wound - tetanus is an infection of the nervous system, involving potenially deadly bacteria.


The infection usually results from a deep cut or a puncture wound that gets contaminated.


I'd get a tetanus shot. They're good for about 10 years.


Re: your trains -


"cheap as chips", "good nick" I know what you mean, just haven't heard that wording before. Cool!


Aye, I wouldn't mind seeing a picture of your new engines, including the cheap as chips, in good nick 9 you just bought.


I don't have a C-liner yet, but I like them. A unique truck package in those locomotives.


I always thought getting a powered B unit would be tres cool, especially if it had sound.


As you were lad,




Hey Davy,

The yard is really looking good and I love the curved switch you just got. What code of rail are you using from Peco.  Funny thing I can order Peco track from the UK and have it shipped to Idaho in the states cheaper than I can but it in th states. Somethings wrong here.


BTW see the surgeon on Monday for my knee. There go my summer.



Hi Chuck , just checked PECO  CODE 124 Bullhead rail. That switch was £47 UK pounds. The other switches medium left and rights  cost me £36 a piece. Box of 12 yards flexi £60. Thats from Hattons of Liverpool,England. 1st class shop and their service is 2nd to none in my book.

 As for the garden aye its comin together but theres still a whole load of work to be done yet ! , still,when I started this project I had quite a winter-time gut on me ,but goin back and forth from the front of the house to the back garden with bucket loads of hardcore ,sand and cement and rubble (went thru 1.5 tons of hardcore last week and about 1 ton of sand),not to mention climbing up and down a river bank wi bags of flat stones,well the belly isn't quite as rotund as it was,so I suppose thats a postive. ha ha !  Hope the knee doesn't take too long to heal .   Cheers  DAVY.


Now as a wee bit entertainment for Rick ,I'm goin to re-write this post in Scots.....


Hiya Chuck, jist checked, Peco Code 124 Bullheid rail. That switch wis £47 quid. The ither switches left and richt coast me £36 a piece. A boax o' twelve yairds o' flexi coasts £36 quid. Thats fae Hattons o' Liverpool Inglin. First class shoap and their service is second tae nane in ma book. As fir the gairden,aye its comin the gither but there's still a hale load o work tae git din yit,still when when ah stairtit this joab I had quite a winter kite oan me ,bit gawin back and furrit fae the front o the hoose tae the back gairden wi' buckit loads o hardcore ,sawn, and rubble,(went thru 1.5 tons o hardcoe last week an aboot a ton o sawn),no tae mention climbin up an doon a river bankin wi bags o flat staines,well the kite isny quite as roon as it wis,so I suppose thats guid ha ha ! Hope yir knee disny take too long tae heal  Cheery the noo   Dyte 

Last edited by Davy Mac


Greetings me son,


I just about got all of your Scottish words/phrasing... except "kite". That word throws me off. Probably not saying, hearing it right, in my head. Is that the official school-taught Scottish grammar(if there is such a thing) or is it common hard-core Scottish street lingo?


Re: your last picture - "professional looking work"... your layout and grounds manicured just right.


I don't get much out of train forums anymore, except for coming to this thread. A nice combination of good O gauge work... and a wee bit of good natured chat.


She's a sunny day here today lad, so I'll be doing some yard work. Weather's bin off a little, lately. It's been cloudy/and or raining.


BTW, your frequent portage trips, through your house, must have worn out the floors some?


Combining your profession(music) and your hard labor into an edgy workout video could be lucrative - "Davy boys... Rock Hard Kites".


See ya,




Great looking yard area Davy.  I understand about rain, it seems that is all we are getting lately.


I wonder if Rick sits up all night thinking of funny things to say. "

Combining your profession(music) and your hard labor into an edgy workout video could be lucrative - "Davy boys... Rock Hard Kites".



Hi Guys ,just made a mess of posting so I've started again. Rick, kite/kyte = "fat belly". Chuck ,John ,thanks for the thumbs up.  I'm attaching 3 photos of the back of the garden. Still have the left hand corner to do with flat stones as per the patio with the sun loungers.Then I'll get the swing seat in there.Thats the last place to get the sun at night. The right hand side of the garden still has the G scale track in place (not shown) that still has to be lifted and the whole area reworked. I'm hoping to make that side like 2 single track lines over and under each other and returning to double track at the station area in front of the house. I was toying with the idea of a freight yard there but have decided on the more scenic option. Next year once all is finished and I get some flowers about the place it should look the part. However this summer will be occupied just rebuilding everything. Still,all good fun !. Aye Craig sent mer pictures of the fires in Colorado,what a heartbreak for those folk eh. ****ed shame. Such beautifull country too. Well as you can see,no chance of a forest fire here,everything soaking.   Right need to scoot  Davy 





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