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I asked a friend to post a few pictures of some new pieces, I just received:


- MTH's new Premier 3.0 CNW Dash 9-44CW(scale wheels)


- Atlas O (Master) Trinity 5161cu. Ft. Covered Hopper


BTW, I love the horn in the 9... one of MTH's better sounding horns.


Atlas O's Master line(rolling stock) has some of the nicest pieces... I've seen.






Hi Guys, managed to make a bit of progress today with the back L/H corner stonework.Nothin you haven't seen me doin before but here's the progress pics anyway.Once that corner's done The old swing seat will be goin back in there. Then its pretty much train related work more or less all the way. Rick ,send me your pics and I'll post them later on. Cheers  DAVY




Images (2)
  • DSCN2263
  • DSCN2264

It hard to tell from your last two pictures, but it looks like you've left a wee bit of space... between your fence and the new, redone, stone/cement work.


I'm sure you probably already know this Davy -


Cement and wood should not have direct contact with one another. The reason being, cement retains moisture, and moisture rots wood. I've experienced this type of damage, firsthand. It destroys wooden structures. Some insects thrive in such an environment, and will compound the problem.


A foam gasket is usually used to separate the sill plate from the cement foundation, when building/framing a house.




Hi .., Rick, Joe,Craig,and guys  something crazy has happened with my Yahoo email account, everything has gone pearshaped and I don't know why???. All my up to date email correspondence has vanished,my auot adress box is empty etc.,etc.,etc., and I'm left with ancient emails.So if you could all drop me an email to re-establish links. I'm no computer whizz kid,if I can't fix it with cement and a spade I'm pretty hopeless ! on the upside I've had ancient emails turn up with old photo attachments from years back. So I'm saving them,Forgot what the old place looked like myself ! Heres some pics of the garden railway at one point years ago along the back fence ,the loco shed,old turntable set up etc.,under construction and finished.    

Old garden 1

old garden 2

old garden 3


Images (3)
  • Old garden 1
  • old garden 2
  • old garden 3

Hi Guys, WARNING...just found out from a friend that my computer has been hacked . So I am staying away till such times as I get things sorted. You may get an email saying I've been held up at gunpoint in Madrid ,Spain and asking you for a couple of thousand dollars.Well I can assure you I'm sittin here absolutely fine in Scotland. So if you get any sh-t like that bin it. I am not gettin any incoming mail either I've discovered so  I will keep you posted as and when.  Cheers  DAVY

Had it at work, but I didn't get online service at home until only a few years ago; because I didn't want to have to deal with this kind of bull ****.


Do you want us to hold off sending you an email, to reestablish our email addresses... in your computer?


I hope you get it sorted out, lad.


BTW, your old layout looks great! It flows really nicely. Not too cluttered, the way I like a layout to look. I, especially, like the scene in the 3rd picture you posted.


Take care Davy,








I just checked my email, and I had one in my inbox. Guess who from? Something about July holiday... I dumped it.


Thanks for the warning, lad.


It seems like you've contracted the modern day plague. Can we ever feel safe interacting with you, online, again?


Banishment... to a remote hacked colony, might be the answer. Off ya go, lad.


Just having some fun at your expense, me son.









Hi Guys, turns out it is a Nigerian based scam.I am sending no emails and can't receive any either at the moment. I'm usually pretty sharp at avoiding hacker emails however it was a very plausible-looking request from Yahoo. Looked like the official logo etc.,etc., and for once my fingers gave the bandits my details before my brain told them not to.So as it stands I am gettin no emails at all but I can access the forum direct which is what I'll do till such times as I get a new email address. I will also need to scrapmy old email address I use to log on here. How do I go about that Allan ?  Will I need to re-register as a new memebr or what ? Anyway guys ,anything you get from that old email address in your private emails is NOT from me so bin it.  Cheers  DAVY

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