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Originally Posted by Davy Mac:

I will also need to scrapmy old email address I use to log on here. How do I go about that Allan ?  Will I need to re-register as a new memebr or what ? Anyway guys ,anything you get from that old email address in your private emails is NOT from me so bin it.  Cheers  DAVY

Davy:  Send an e-mail to Rich at

A while back, an American cop buddy of mine went to a seminar, that delved into things that set people off... ****ed them off.


For westerners, including us North Americans, "time", was a big thing. Especially, anything that  negatively interfered/affected with our precious, available free time.


This kind of **** fits into that category.


I'm concerned that the money scam would only be part of the problem. Maybe, even a diversion for another hidden intruder...


A while back, I had an old friend refuse my emails. He said my system had been compromised/corrupted...


I had a number of guys(in-the-know re: computers) check my emails and they said, my emails were clean. I even had Rich Melvin verify that my emails didn't set off any alarms...


My old friend still refuses to open my emails, so I don't send him any, anymore. He wanted to go through a ridiculous, laborious process... to put his concerns to rest. He's either paranoid or he knows something I and others haven't been able to detect.


I did use a high powered solution, that is risky(should only be used as a last resort, because it can remove needed programs...).


Either way, I never fully trust these things...computers.




Hi Guys,well just sussed out how to change my email address here so I'm back in business.  If any of you guys  still get emails from my old address discard it immediately because it isn't from me. One upside of all this is that whatever the hackers have done they've left me with an email back log of sent items from way back .Old emails I sent long ago with old garden photos attached from way back showing my G scale layout I had forgotten all about. So I'll post some to let you see how the garden was at different times. As for the current garden work,well the weather isn't playing ball so nothing doing right now down to rain. As you will see in some of the pictures ,I used to have masses of flowers in my garden,but weather patterns have changed the last few years and we tend to get better weather earlier in the year these days than the actual summer months.Filling those flowerboxes was expensive and the last couple of times I did them heavy rain in the "summer" months ruined the plants and  according to the scientists that is the kinda weather patterns we can expect here for years to come so I ain't spendin money on flowers to have them ruined every year.Its a shame though because it was really pleasant and colourfull. So between that,and not being able to get the 1/29th scale locomotives and rolling stock I had hoped for from the G scale manufacturers made my mind up to go to O scale and re-do the place. 1st picture is my pal's kid Christopher sittin by the pond as it was then,still some boulders lying at the pond edge . The trains ran lower down behind the flowerboxing , 3 paralell tracks and one raised line .I had 4 circuits in total at one time ,then reduced it to double track running . Second picture was my foray into modern American trains but (no offence guys) I find modern US outline as boring as the modern UK scene, it never captured my imagination.I'm afraid I'm stuck in the 50s and 60s in the UK scene and the 50s US and I'll never change.3rd picture is more me  B&O P7 heading B&O Fas and heavyweights.... steam and early diesels which to my eye look more pleasing than the modern boxes on wheels pulling boxes on wheels kinda thing... these pics were taken before I rehashed things and made the wee stream coming from the RH corner.I also used to have a wee walk bridge over the tracks which the trains ran under . Anyway, thats it for now. (PS Pond still green at that point but I was told to let it be and I did and it did sort itself out over time).         

Christopher at pond

Dash 9 garden

steam and diesel B&O garden

old garden overview

old garden RH side


Images (5)
  • Christopher at pond
  • Dash 9 garden
  • steam and diesel B&O garden
  • old garden overview
  • old garden RH side
Last edited by Allan Miller

"... whatever the hackers have done..."  Davy, did you have your computer checked, by someone qualified/that you trust, for harmful buried software etc... i.e. Trojans?



Do you have a security program, installed? DO NOT POST WHAT IT IS...



Just changing your email address isn't going to help much, if your computer has been compromised.


BTW, the reason I can't post pictures is because my computer security won't allow it. It views the breach, required, in the firewall, to be able to load pictures, as a threat. An access point, for harmful software etc...








Last edited by Rick B.

A few years ago, I watched a disturbing TV program, re: computer safety/security.


At the time, some senior officials were acknowledging that some of the country's most important, secure computer programs etc. were being compromised and corrupted.


That the level of technology used... was so advanced, it could not be detected, by the current computer security measures, in-place. 


Basically, the bad guys got the jump on the good guys computers...; and the good guys... were left defenseless.


Re: real threats, our store bought security programs, at best, probably, just give us a  false peace-of-mind.












Hi Guys,  Craig,my pal John Grier in Colorado is going to email you with my new email address. I can only remember the first part of yours??. Chuck and Joe and anybody else who wants to email me to re-establsih contact ,email me here I will leave this email address posted for now and remove it later once you've had a chance to get in touch. I'll then send you my new regular address. You don't need to edit  this email address out for now  Alan. It isn't my main address and will be defunct soon.I'll leave it up for now and remove it tomorrow.

 Your garden looks good Chuck,some nice big boulders there eh ! Lovely stuff ! 

 Tried out my two MTH steamers for the first time today, CNJ P47 and Pennsy USRA Mike. Sound and smoke etc., superb sound and smoke units,and that was just with DC. WOW, fantastic !     Can't wait to get them out on the garden lines. Anyway guys I have a gig in Finland on saturday night. Scots/Finnish wedding in Helsinki. been to Norway,Sweden and Denmark before but never Finland yet... should be interesting. Fly out Friday,gig on saturday home on Sunday... Cheers  DAVY 

For any of you wondering - "was so advanced, it could not be detected"


... then how did they find out?


Sometimes, the best work both sides. Sometimes, sides are changed...




Let er rip in Finland!


BTW, lad, and I think your already sensed it... I'll not be doing any more emails...


Nothing against you, me son, just not into this kind of **** ****. I gave you some private correspondence, and now it's...


One more BTW, Lad, did you know I come from a law enforcement background?




Last edited by Rick B.

Steam Shovels -


Besides looking cool, I've always thought steam shovels, visually, projected "the old industrial look".


You can get an idea of what I'm on about, by googling - "steam shovel registry".


Lad that, rock farm, layout of yours would look tres bon with a few creaking, rattletrap old steam shovels... working away. Contraptions like the old steam shovels... really help to, visually, define an era.




Hi Guys,

          Nothing much doing the last few days construction-wise and I'm off to gig in Finland over the weekend.Anyway my next foray into O gauge 2 rail is continental european stuff. Craig mentioning he had an orient express train in O got me looking to see what was available in that outline. Anyway,upshot is I've treated myself to a French diesel and an Italian Electric loco. (So much for me the steam nut !)  I bought them out of curiosity as much as anything else but now I've had hands on and I really like them.Both old models by Lima of Italy.Run well. So, thats me collecting 3 outlines now.  US ,British,and European..... I'm even tempted to put in overhead catenary for the electrics. However if I go down that road then I'll need a couple of  Newhaven or Pennsy electrics .Like the GG1s. Anyway guys pics attached.... enjoy.





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  • DSCN2278
  • DSCN2277
  • DSCN2279

Hi Guys, well between bad weather and work commitments progress on the railway has been very slow however I finally got the stone patio finished right into the back left hand corner of the garden. Pics attached. I also managed to obtain a very good second hand British Railways Britannia class "70045 Lord Rowallan". In economy unlined green livery as the prototype was in her final years. British O is built to 1/43 scale whereas US O scale is built to 1/48.  Anyway pics attached. Sun's out and hot today ,thank goodness ,a bit of summer at last !      DAVY






Images (4)
  • DSCN2288
  • DSCN2290
  • DSCN2286
  • DSCN2292

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