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We finally have our store up and running. We still have to add many more parts and hopefully we have the bugs worked out. We have broke down the parts into different catogories hopeing that it is easy to navigate. If you find that we don't have apart listed that you are in need of, call or send a E-mail. We like to think are prices are very competitive. Also you can contact us to order parts from NLTW.


Thank you,



Last edited by Boxcar Bill
Original Post

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If you go to: as shown in the original post (I fixed the link) I get nothing but a blank page.

I looked at the code behind the page and found 13 JavaScript calls on the page. I get a blank screen in Firefox. I got the page to come up in Internet Exploder...after a long wait.  It has a sound file which plays...not good practice.

But even in IE, things are not right. For example:

There's a little more work to do here...

Last edited by Rich Melvin

Works in IE 8 and Chrome 20.0.1132.57 m for me. Contact page has the positioning error for me in IE 8 but not Chrome.  Also, Contact page Tab name is wrong (shows Gallery) in both browsers.


I agree with the auto-play audio file.  Kind of presumptuous that we don't mind sound playing......especially in the office!

Last edited by Chris Lord

Concur with removing the sound clip.  That was a novelty that was for the most part confined to personal web pages way, way back in the day but it has no place on commercial websites.  It's just one additional component (java scripting) that has to load in the web browser, meaning more download time.  Also need to fix the links that Chris above mentioned, and keep the amount of java scripting to a minimum.

Came up OK in Safari; watched the videos, cruised the catalogue. Had to click

a couple of boxes twice to get it to respond. 


Speaking of the catalogue: Bill, where's the plain ERR DC Commander? Oh well -

I haven't called in months, and I'm seeing more usual. And I need another

Radio Board; had one die on me the other day.

For those of you getting the email error, my suggestion to you is to update your browser.  Our website was designed using the latest code, HTML5, which IE can sometimes have a hard time with.  You can download it from Microsoft here:


Also we listened to you guys and removed the sound which should help load times for all browsers.  I strongly encourage you to look for a different browser besides Internet Explorer.  This is a work in progress and the best way to test, is to throw it out there.  Any feedback is appriciated.



Last edited by Boxcar Bill
Originally Posted by Boxcar Bill:
For those of you getting the email error, my suggestion to you is to update your browser.

We're not getting an email error, we're getting NOTHING on the web site! I still get nothing but a blank page in Firefox 26.0 - the latest, up-to-date version of the browser. If your site is not completely cross-compatible for use in ALL browsers, you are going to have lots of on-going problems and your site is not going to be of much use to you.


I also agree with several of the other posters...get rid of the sound file! That is amateur hour at its finest and has no place on a professional web site these days.


Also we listened to you guys and removed the sound which should help load times for all browsers.  I strongly encourage you to look for a different browser besides Internet Explorer.  This is a work in progress and the best way to test, is to throw it out there.  Any feedback is appriciated.


Internet Explorer is still a very popular browser, and many people are back level. IMHO it is a big mistake to code a web site to be incompatible with the last few levels of IE. There aren't many people who will upgrade their browser to work with one site. They will just go elsewhere.



Last edited by C W Burfle

Bill, I'm on board with those saying get rid of the sound file. I know you had sound play on your original site and it may be a tradition of sorts but it always caught me off guard and I would turn down the volume instantly and not hear it anyway.


Im looking forward to your new site. I am an apple user and don't have Java. I believe you needed Java in a few areas on the old site.


Any way you cut it, you have great prices, quick shipping and most of all your willingness to help people by phone during installations they are trying. 

Bill, I had no luck with getting to the online store. I am using an iPad. I click link and get 5 seconds of a blank page then your home page. I see the link to your online store there but nothing happens when I try to click on it.


Best of luck getting it smoothed out and operating the way you want. Never easy is it.  


OGR Publishing, Inc., 1310 Eastside Centre Ct, Suite 6, Mountain Home, AR 72653
800-980-OGRR (6477)

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