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I have collected several Protosound 1 sound and reverse boards.  While I cannot do any of the repairs on the sound boards some of the reverse boards are still good. The thing I am trying to figure out is if there is a way to make them work without the sound board?  If anyone out there has a clue where I might place jumpers on the boards please let me know.

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Interesting. I always keep my functional rev units (any brand) after doing a command upgrade; I mark the leads and sometimes use them to get something on the road again.

I have no answer, but I do have a thought: do the PS1 rev units even need the sound boards to function? If you know where the AC hot and common go in (and which is which), and where the DC for the motor comes out, it should work as a FNR rev unit. I've pulled PS1 out of a few locos, but have never really investigated it any further after marking them and putting them aside. When used later, I just put wire them to the AC In and the DC Out.

 I  don't believe  you can do this  with later MTH  proto-1 boards  when the coupler circuit was incorporated into the  top board. (2 board system),  or was it the software change around 1997. Some you can and other you can't.  The 3 board system  was  a yes for sure.

  I did have a lot of QSI reverse units with schematics  where  to place the  jumper pins  but they're long gone. I think you could also change the start up direction. 

If you look at the board on a table in front of you and the relay and diodes on your right.  The header that is closest to you  is where the jumpers would go.  If you jumper the 2 slots to the far left (position 1 and 2 as example) you get one direction, if you remove that jumper and place it into the next 2 (3 and 4) you get the opposite direction.

The difference between QSI board or a DCRU is that it had the logic chips to do electronic sequencing.  PS-1 bottom board doesn't have the logic chip so the top board does the sequencing.  Those header positions are the same.   G

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