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This has probably been posted before, but I think there is merit in a new thread. 

One of the classic public train displays in the Northeast, specifically due west of Allentown, Pa is Roadside America.  This display is a fixture of many childhood memories.  It is privately held, but open to the public for a small fee.  They are currently having issues with their roof which needs to be replaced - at a cost of $80,000.  A "go fund me" site has been created to gain funds to help preserve this treasure.  The site is:

If you have fond memories visiting as a child or taking your own kids/grandkids to this display.  Please consider making a small donation, every bit helps. I would hate to see this place ruined.

Thank You!  

(I have no affiliation with Roadside America, just fond memories!)


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Thanks for posting this about Roadside America. My grandmother Sophie knew the original owner Mr. Gehringer.

FYI; Roadside America is actually in Shartlesville PA just west of Hamburg. Allentown is about 50 minutes east on I-78. I grew up in Reading PA so I know the area a bit. Or from Hamburg you can take route 22 to Shartlesville or use route 183(Bernville Road)from Reading to either I-78 or local route 22.

Lee Fritz

Last edited by phillyreading
Terry Danks posted:

Not clear to me how payment is made. "GoFundMe?" WTH is that? Just another place wanting my CC number? I'm reluctant to give them that. Too many places have my # already!

They ought to be using Paypal IMO.

I know that Paypal has fees as well. Did not know that Go Fund me had any fees, thanks Don.

FYI; Paypal has shut down my account permanently because of debit card issues I had about 6 months ago. Paypal is very, very fussy and I would never use them again even if I could.

Lee Fritz

Yes, I have VERY fond memories of visits to Roadside America as I was growing up.  We lived in Washington, D.C., and my sisters attended a summer camp for girls in the Poconos.  Roadside America was a must-stop....for at least Dad and me! the early 50's as the family made the road trip through that area.

I'll be happy to make a donation, but would appreciate a snail-mail address to do so.

OTOH, it would help publicize this issue to have one or more of the hobby magazines do an article on Roadside America.  Yes, I know there have been several articles through the tens of years, but younger generations may not be as aware of this awesome creation/layout.  Just a thought.


GoFundMe is one of a number of crowd sourcing or crowd funding operations. Sites like this are often used to raise $ for charitable causes or notable events. 

It is not uncommon to see a news story where a family was a victim of a crime, and they set up a GoFundMe (or similar) site to raise money for expenses. Or a couple getting married sets up such a site for their friends and family to contribute. Or a historical society sets up a site to raise funds for their organization. Or an upstart business sets up a site to raise start up capital.

Fairly recent movement, say last ten years or so. Those who don't watch the news or get out much may have missed the whole movement.

Terry Danks posted:

Not clear to me how payment is made. "GoFundMe?" WTH is that? Just another place wanting my CC number? I'm reluctant to give them that. Too many places have my # already!

They ought to be using Paypal IMO.

I share your concern about credit cards to unknown internet sites. I directly sent Roadside America a check.

Last edited by Randy Harrison

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