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When I started kicking off this thread weekly to pick up where @Murnane left off, it never occurred to me that I would be writing this on the anniversary of one of the darkest days in modern world history.   All of us who were of age to comprehend can remember exactly where we were, and what happened that day.  The world forever became a darker place and 20 years later, none of us knows what comes next.

I also remember that shortly thereafter we were all getting along.  American flags were flying on porches that hadn't seen Old Glory in years.  Police were respected for the job they were doing, blood banks had a surplus, and for a while Americans were able to respect each other's differences without putting each other down.   I dream this country can return to the unity we felt in the weeks after the attack.

How does this relate to Switcher Saturday?  It doesn't. But this is the closest thing to social media I participate in and I had to get that out.  Thank you to all who have dedicated their lives to service of others, whether in the military,  EMS, fire fighting,  or law enforcement.   And let us never forget the sacrifice of those who gave all, and those who are still struggling with the fight in their own mind after fighting overseas.

Here's a lionel US Army Switcher to be somewhat on topic.


So what is Switcher Saturday?  Well it's a weekly thread celebrating the smaller,  versatile locomotives that do the big work of railroading.  This thread is open to switchers of all scales and gauges.  To illustrate this point here's Stanley🙂.


In the full size world,  I got to witness a Republic Locomotive unit kicking hoppers in the coal yard via remote control.


Here's one of those hoppers emptying itself in the rotary dumper.

So please share your Switcher stories and videos,  vignettes and memories.

And for today,  stop and take a moment to remember.  Shed a tear if you need to,  and then go seek out a nice conversation with your neighbors.

Have a good Switcher Saturday gang.


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Well said, JHZ. I think you have it right. We honor the victims, the brave first responders, and all our heroic military who subsequently fought the terrorist scum by striving for that unity we all experienced after 9/11 (as hard as that may be) and by going about our lives in a normal fashion. Otherwise, it’s the terrorists that win.  In that regard, and not to buzzkill this fine, weekly thread, here is a US Army GP20 switcher chasing an RS1 around my City mainline -

As an aside, the Twin Towers stand proudly overlooking my layout. You’ll notice them in the background of my window cover, behind the Empire State Building. They will always stand tall and  never be brought down in my little world.


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Last edited by Strap Hanger

Happy SWSat!

One of those "do you remember where you were" days. I was at work, 20 miles east of the Towers. When I saw the first images on the news I rushed to the roof of the tallest building on our campus and watched in disbelief as our world changed forever. Our community lost 23 people on that dark day who's only crime was getting up and going to work.

I don't have any military themed trains but this will do.

"Let's Roll"

9/11 Tribute on Make a GIF

2020-07-03 10.27.412021-02-28 15.31.26



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Yay! SWSat is on.

I had just gotten to work. The three of us that made it in to the prop shop on on 37h between 8th and 9th that day went down to the street to look down to 9h avenue to see the buildings. We fielded phone calls for about an hour before we were told to try to go home. All the subways were down so I walked to meet my then girlfriend (now my wife) and we walked up to he parents house near Harlem. We stayed there because her parents were stuck in their jobs out of the city and we lived a few more miles up in Inwood. As we walked across Central Park there was a sunbather I will always remember because we decided not to tell her because it was a very nice day weather-wise and she would I’m sure learn soon enough.

There. That is the only thing I will say about that. People I know died that day. Surprisingly not in NYC but in VA because that is where I grew up. Much closer in my memory is what it has been like to still live here in the city the last couple of years with many more people sick and dying.  

Anyway. I come here for those little switcher trains. Here is one of my favorites my 2Rail O scale LBSCR A1 Terrier Thames 0-6-0T functioning as the station pilot swapping around some Pullman cars for the Brighton Belle.


Have a good weekend. I can’t wait to see what you post.


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Great post jhz and right on track.  I will try to keep up the theme of remembrance and appreciation to those that then and today combat the evil of terrorism and Americans foes'.

Here is the "spirit of 1776"

RWB loco 2

The Air Force joins jhz's Army switcher.

RWB trains 1

The Navy can't be far behind.

RWB trains 2

The residents of Small Town proudly display the flag.  Should be at 1/2 mast but its fixed to the pole.

RWB pic 4

Wishing everyone a thoughtful and prayerful Saturday



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@Silver Lake posted:

Yay! SWSat is on.

I had just gotten to work. The three of us that made it in to the prop shop on on 37h between 8th and 9th that day went down to the street to look down to 9h avenue to see the buildings. We fielded phone calls for about an hour before we were told to try to go home. All the subways were down so I walked to meet my then girlfriend (now my wife) and we walked up to he parents house near Harlem. We stayed there because her parents were stuck in their jobs out of the city and we lived a few more miles up in Inwood. As we walked across Central Park there was a sunbather I will always remember because we decided not to tell her because it was a very nice day weather-wise and she would I’m sure learn soon enough.

There. That is the only thing I will say about that. People I know died that day. Surprisingly not in NYC but in VA because that is where I grew up. Much closer in my memory is what it has been like to still live here in the city the last couple of years with many more people sick and dying.  

Anyway. I come here for those little switcher trains. Here is one of my favorites my 2Rail O scale LBSCR A1 Terrier Thames 0-6-0T functioning as the station pilot swapping around some Pullman cars for the Brighton Belle.


Have a good weekend. I can’t wait to see what you post.

Never seen a cuter engine than that one.

Arnold (@Arnold D. Cribari), excellent photo. However, it’s bad JuJu to post pictures with scoreboards showing the Yankees winning when they are currently playing. The baseball Gods find it presumptuous.  In fact, the Yanks were ahead of the Mets 5-0 immediately before your post and now the lead has been cut down to 5-3.  Please refrain from further transgressions. I really want to see a win here.

Update - now it’s 5-4. Look what you’ve done, my good man.

Update #2 - Mets now ahead 6-5. Time to atone for your sins with an offering to the baseball Gods, Arnold.  Maybe throw in a few hail Mary’s as well.  We’re going to need a lot to turn this one around.  

Last edited by Strap Hanger

Arnold (@Arnold D. Cribari), excellent photo. However, it’s bad JuJu to post pictures with scoreboards showing the Yankees winning when they are currently playing. The baseball Gods find it presumptuous.  In fact, the Yanks were ahead of the Mets 5-0 immediately before your post and now the lead has been cut down to 5-3.  Please refrain from further transgressions. I really want to see a win here.

Update - now it’s 5-4. Look what you’ve done, my good man.

Update #2 - Mets now ahead 6-5. Time to atone for your sins with an offering to the baseball Gods, Arnold.  Maybe throw in a few hail Mary’s as well.  We’re going to need a lot to turn this one around.  

Looks like the Yankees pulled it out Strap. I guess Arnold is off the hook

@RSJB18 posted:

Looks like the Yankees pulled it out Strap. I guess Arnold is off the hook

Fortunately, my sources tell me that Arnold made the appropriate sacrifices to the baseball Gods to atone for his transgression prior to the start of the 8th inning, when things turned around. Hopefully, we can all learn from this.  The Yanks really needed that win after such a lousy losing streak.

Hope you all are well, thanks John for the callout.

I skipped going to the train clubhouse yesterday morning to hang with the guys, I wasn't feeling up to talking with anyone (native NY-er who lost friends on that day) so I went to an antique mall (Culpeper, VA) instead.

Sure enough I found the below boxcar, which I'd never seen before, kinda felt like a sign from above sent to me to make me feel a bit better, a 91101 USA MTH Premier just sitting there waiting for me to find it on the 20th anniversary of that terrible day.

Respect and best wishes to all...Rich



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@Murnane posted:

Hope you all are well, thanks John for the callout.

I skipped going to the train clubhouse yesterday morning to hang with the guys, I wasn't feeling up to talking with anyone (native NY-er who lost friends on that day) so I went to an antique mall (Culpeper, VA) instead.

Sure enough I found the below boxcar, which I'd never seen before, kinda felt like a sign from above sent to me to make me feel a bit better, a 91101 USA MTH Premier just sitting there waiting for me to find it on the 20th anniversary of that terrible day.

Respect and best wishes to all...Rich

Thanks for checking in Rich. One of your buddies guided you to that car for sure.

Nice GEEP too!


I'm a fair weather Yankee fan. When it looks like they will lose, I turn off the game.

That's probably why they won last night. LOL.

I don't follow baseball much anymore,  but I grew up a Mets fan.  Right now though they are owned by one of the most evil greedy human beings on the face of the planet.   

I love the 9/11 tribute,  and to be rr related it is the subway series!

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