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It's #SwitcherSaturday Time!!!!

Lots of us out there love switchers (shifters, docksiders, yard goats, critters, etc.), so lets keep #SwitcherSaturday (a.k.a. SWSAT) rolling!

A special thanks to Tom @PRR8976 for running the SWSAT show last week! If you missed it (like me) you should really go take a look!


This week's picture is a "throwback" to last week, when I used my MTH NYC #9990 Dockside Switcher and a weathered covered hopper at the local train club. We had an "open house" at the club's trainhouse on Saturday and I was the dispatcher, so of course I ran a switcher on the lines whenever one of the four main lines were free. It was a fun day, and to be honest probably the longest stretch of time I ran trains, pretty much from 9AM until 4PM. Overall a success, we had fun, a few visitors, and a nice lunch ala a portable BBQ grill.


I hope everyone has a great weekend, have some switcher fun and when you get a chance - please post some switcher stuff here!

All the best...Rich Murnane


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Original Post

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Happy SWSat..urday morning!

Rich- welcome back. I am glad you were getting your switcher fix last week. Thanks again to Tom for getting us started.

Peter- I saw the pix of your "gifts" on your thread. These are in rough shape but should clean up well. I have the flat car with the pipes. Here's what it looks like cleaned up.

2017-04-08 08.45.44

This week I have some more new stuff to debut. I just received a K-line NYC S2 with the lightning bolt stripes, along with another Plymouth from New Hope Valley Lines. Not quite Steamer Dave's color but still green. Also a NYC 2-bay covered hopper. Almost the same number as your's Rich. Obviously mine has not been sitting in the yards in the Bronx like yours was.

The S2 is my third and so is the Plymouth. The switchers keep multiplying

"The New Hope Valley Railway is a heritage railroad in Bonsal, North Carolina operated by the North Carolina Railway Museum, Inc., an all-volunteer, nonprofit, and tax exempt educational and historical organization. The railroad consists of a total of 5 miles of track between the communities of Bonsal, North Carolina and New Hill, North Carolina. The North Carolina Railway Museum, located in New Hill, North Carolina, features a collection of antique train cars, artifacts and historic train memorabilia, and a G-scale model railroad layout and club."


Everyone have a nice Weekend.


2018-05-05 07.22.252018-05-05 07.22.342018-05-05 07.22.522018-05-05 07.23.022018-05-05 07.23.592018-05-05 07.24.23


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  • 2017-04-08 08.45.44
  • 2018-05-05 07.22.25
  • 2018-05-05 07.22.34
  • 2018-05-05 07.22.52
  • 2018-05-05 07.23.02
  • 2018-05-05 07.23.59
  • 2018-05-05 07.24.23
Last edited by RSJB18

Happy Switcher Saturday everyone! 

Rich & Bob- Always a pleasure to be the host of Switcher Saturday.

Today, I have some vintage stuff, all Pennsy A5 0-4-0's found online.

For the first one #560, notice that it appears to be in a stored serviceable condition, cab boarded up, headlight and stack covered up. It was retired in May 1952. Taken in Philadelphia, it was not listed as to when the photo was taken, so it is unclear if she ever made it back to being active. 

prr no 560 A5

PRR A5 #855, Taken in 1941 in Tacony, Pa. A Time magazine report in 1940 claimed that 75% of the handsaws in the US were made in Tacony, a suburb of Philadelphia. At one time, the plant had 5000 employees. 

prr no 855 A5

Looking like a scene on a model railroad, and among blackened ties and weeds,  #1800 takes water in 1946 in Philadelphia. 

prr no 1800 A5



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  • prr no 560 A5
  • prr no 855 A5
  • prr no 1800 A5
Last edited by PRR8976
RSJB18 posted:

Happy SWSat..urday morning!

Rich- welcome back. I am glad you were getting your switcher fix last week. Thanks again to Tom for getting us started.

Peter- I saw the pix of your "gifts" on your thread. These are in rough shape but should clean up well. I have the flat car with the pipes. Here's what it looks like cleaned up.

2017-04-08 08.45.44

This week I have some more new stuff to debut. I just received a K-line NYC S2 with the lightning bolt stripes, along with another Plymouth from New Hope Valley Lines. Not quite Steamer Dave's color but still green. Also a NYC 2-bay covered hopper. Almost the same number as your's Rich. Obviously mine has not been sitting in the yards in the Bronx like yours was.

The S2 is my third and so is the Plymouth. The switchers keep multiplying

"The New Hope Valley Railway is a heritage railroad in Bonsal, North Carolina operated by the North Carolina Railway Museum, Inc., an all-volunteer, nonprofit, and tax exempt educational and historical organization. The railroad consists of a total of 5 miles of track between the communities of Bonsal, North Carolina and New Hill, North Carolina. The North Carolina Railway Museum, located in New Hill, North Carolina, features a collection of antique train cars, artifacts and historic train memorabilia, and a G-scale model railroad layout and club."

Image result for new hope valley rr

Everyone have a nice Weekend.


2018-05-05 07.22.252018-05-05 07.22.342018-05-05 07.22.522018-05-05 07.23.022018-05-05 07.23.592018-05-05 07.24.23

Beautiful trains and pictures, Bob.

MNCW posted:

Happy Switcher Saturday everyone! 

Rich & Bob- Always a pleasure to be the host of Switcher Saturday.

Today, I have some vintage stuff, all Pennsy A5 0-4-0's found online.

For the first one #560, notice that it appears to be in a stored serviceable condition, cab boarded up, headlight and stack covered up. It was retired in May 1952. Taken in Philadelphia, it was not listed as to when the photo was taken, so it is unclear if she ever made it back to being active. 

prr no 560 A5

PRR A5 #855, Taken in 1941 in Tacony, Pa. A Time magazine report in 1940 claimed that 75% of the handsaws in the US were made in Tacony, a suburb of Philadelphia. At one time, the plant had 5000 employees. 

prr no 855 A5

Looking like a scene on a model railroad, and among blackened ties and weeds,  #1800 takes water in 1946 in Philadelphia. 

prr no 1800 A5


Magnificent photos of Pennsy switcher

tnkMarx posted:

Ok, so no time to take pictures of switchers on the layout today with soccer, sheep race, and a horse race going on later...But yesterday, my son and I went downtown Dayton, OH to Webster St and saw a local CSX switcher in action.  Sorry for the cross-post if you saw "Front End Friday" yesterday.





Love that Chessie System caboose. Here's mine:


Yours is much better cause its weathered.


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Hello SWSAT friends!  Great photos and videos everyone!!   

IMG_5899IMG_5902IMG_5906IMG_0236IMG_0235IMG_0305IMG_0330IMG_0276IMG_0654IMG_0656IMG_0669IMG_0676IMG_0695IMG_0686IMG_0705IMG_0717Rich welcome back and Tom thanks for kicking us off last week.   As I've been extremely busy this week, there was no time for new photos ... so here are some re - peats.  WM BL -2, C&O 080, Virginian Train Master, SW1 Ma & Pa, Docksider B&O Have a wonderful weekend everyone!!


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Last edited by trumpettrain
jhz563 posted:

Caught this action at work this past week.

Too cool- have always wanted to see a rotary car dumper in action. As a kid on the Southeast Side of Chicago we explored the abandoned Indian Hill & Iron Range rotary car dumper at Whiting Indiana (just across the border from Chicago), but I never saw it in action.

IH&IR Coal Dumper Whiting IN Ca 1979 001a2Whiting IN 7-78 1 bWhiting IN 7-78 5 ba


Images (3)
  • IH&IR Coal Dumper Whiting IN Ca 1979 001a2
  • Whiting IN 7-78 1 b
  • Whiting IN 7-78 5 ba
tnkMarx posted:

Ok, so no time to take pictures of switchers on the layout today with soccer, sheep race, and a horse race going on later...But yesterday, my son and I went downtown Dayton, OH to Webster St and saw a local CSX switcher in action.  Sorry for the cross-post if you saw "Front End Friday" yesterday.





Dayton was always a cool place to watch trains. Lots of action downtown back in the late 80's with Chessie and Conrail

hey Bob, I'm at my Dad's house in Bayville (near Oyster Bay), my uncle passed away suddenly yesterday morning (Flushing) so I'm here to help out, probably leaving tomorrow night or Tuesday.  My dad and I just drove around Oyster Bay and I showed him the 1/2 turntable which is near the beach, was used by the boat builders there.  The half turntable is about a 1/2 mile west of the full turntable, which is in a yard with some old trains and the boiler and tender from PRR #35 (G5 4-6-0).

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