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Steamfan77 posted:

Glad to hear you’re feeling better Mark. Also nice to see the progress on your layout.


John Rowlen posted:

Mark,  You deserve a night or two off.  I took two days away from painting people.  It made a big difference in my performance painting tonight.  Taking a rest may give you a "leg up" on making progress on your new layout.

Best wishes to all of us with our aches and pains.  A little extra sleep can do wonders.

Good night,  John Rowlen

Thank you both!!  Getting a leg up on this would be great, John! 

CoastsideKevin posted:

On the graveyard shift last night, laid down some asphalt...



And now we have roads and a parking lot...


Still gotta get the stripers here. Union issues. 

Added some details to the station. Hard to see, but there is now a phone booth in my town...


A good day on the RR!

Looks great, KEvin!  I'm glad the folks in your town got a phone!  That's a nice cement mixer!!

chris a posted:

Had one of those AHA !!  moments today as I was applying more brick mortar....  I was still concerned that the factory walls had too much white tinting from the mortar application.....   Decided I'd take 2 of them and clear coat them again to see what effect that had.   

It significantly knocked down the white haze.   I tried a new flat clear coat by Krylon, bought it at Walmart in the oversized 25% more can --   Name is Krylon ColorMaster - Clear - Flat Crystal Clear.  It's much flatter than the Rustoleum Matte Finish I had been using, and it seems to be finer spray coming out of the nozzle.  So for clear coating buildings and such in the future, I am going with the Krylon product.  At $4.00 for an oversized 15 ounce can, it's a great deal, and it's dead flat.  

Anyway a few more walls and inserts to mortar, then paint the windows/doors.  and let the assembly begin !!!   The walls on the far right, below, have the second and final Clearcoat applied.   Tried 3 different colors for window/door trim,  I am probably going with the dark red/maroon in the center.   

DSC03361 [3)DSC03361 [2)DSC03360 [2)

Chris, thanks for the tip about knocking down the haze with the Krylon clear coat.  I used a light joint compound for my mortar this time and the remaining haze is one thing I need to correct.

Mark Boyce posted:

In one 24 hour period, I collected 79 emails from this topic, 2 whole pages.  Wow!  This has to be the number one topic on the best O gauge Forum there is!  Jim Devleer really came up with a winner 6 years ago!  Too bad he is so busy with family and work to get on here much!  Well, he is right to spend time with his family; work?  ehh

I will have to catch up tomorrow!

Although I been on Forum I haven’t been reading this thread for about 3 or 4 days.  I go to the first unread post and read to the bottom of the page only to find there are at least 3 more pages to read!



Lets go Maggot!  Get in gear is a mild statement!  You need to really pound the work out!  

I intend to red up my little train room being converted to a workshop before I do much on the new layout.  It is a mess!  (It's not a chocolate mess)  Remember the old television commercial. 

First saloon card player, "These cards are marked!"

Second player, "They're a mess!"

Third player, "A chocolate mess!"

Buy M and Ms  (Couldn't resist)  

Mark, hope you and your wife are over the hump with your illnesses and feeling better with each passing day. Nice looking benchwork. I like the idea of that chair for sitting at the layout.

Chris a, I am downright jealous. WOW on the building. I wish I had the real estate you have to do large buildings like that. And I envy you being able to construct it in the kitchen. My wife is real good about the trains but I have yet to be able to use the kitchen LOL. 

Today I finished off the last abutment and put the bridge in place and it fit. I put that off to the side and started tearing up the two tracks at the back. When I built the module that goes under the stairs I built it out in the open then slid it underneath the stairs. Problem became apparent that the two tracks did not match up to the bridge. Had to tear them back and lay down new cork. When that dries I can paint the cork and lay down the track again. But while I was at that I laid down cork for the single track at the front of the table. Pics............Paul



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Paul and Vince thanks for the positive feedback.   Paul the gorge project with the truss bridges and abutments is progressing well!!

No wife here any more Paul,  she left 15 years ago....  It's about 10 to 15 degrees cooler in the basement, so in the winter, I work on the kitchen island and don't turn on the heaters in the train room.    Fortunately this building is kind of a hybrid shallow relief with only these two sides showing.   

I want to fill the last hole in the horizon of the corner to the right of Atlantic Ice & Cold Storage that I scratch-built.   

The last photo is from the archives in 2016 before I started filling in the corner.   



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Last edited by chris a

Hi all! 

Though I don't have a lay-out at present or working on one other than buying stuff for a dream lay-out. This is one of my favorite threads. Really  more times than not the first one I come to, to read since it is very active. Alot of good stuff going on here. Very Imformative and interesting. Like many have said before  I don't like it when I get a day or so behind because it takes S-o-o long to get caught up, for a slow reader like me.

Mark you and I met when you came east at the North Penn Highrailers, sorry to hear of your medical  issues and hope you are getting over them, I understand it takes time and don't push it! I had a pinched nerve awhile back and boy did it put me out of commission for about a month. My wife has back problems too so hear about that all the time, presently she is up and down over the last week or so (missed two days of work) with a  cold. You and Elliot have all my best wishes!

I usually  read this thread on my Nook and alot of the video's it will not play, I am great full for those that use you tube. KON112H thanks for the 12 min. Video. Would like to see your lay-out live some day.

APPLES55 I would think the M2's are long gone (how my years ago did you ride them?) rail cars last 40 to 50 years. I work on the procurement of the LIRR M8's and/or MNR/LIRR M9's almost every day.

Guy's keep up with all the good projects going on here and know there are many just fallowing along and not commenting.



Well what a day so far.   Had to work over an hour.  Got home to a package Mike G sent me (thanks Mike!) but couldn't fool with it because I had to go to shopping for yarn with my wife.  Big plus is where we went is close to the hobby shop!  Where I scored the "new" looking woodland scenic windmill!  For a LOT less than Ive seen it online!  39.99 plus tax because I had a Valentine coupon!!  YAY!!   

So I got home and got to work on the tank cars Mike sent me.  Very nice parts he sent to fix them. Ready to put them back together if I can find some screws to use on them.    If not I will have to run to the Home Depot or Lowes!   Mike also sent me some wheel sets to go on another tank car I had that was missing them!  Inspired me to get into my two tubs of brand new 35 year old rolling stock and get a tank car out of that batch! So I got out a Detroit & Mackinac boxcar that I really like too!  Its a 6464 boxcar I think.  Will take some pictures when I get the trucks on the other tank cars.  

Chris your building is looking good! 

Paul its all coming together now aint it!! 

Bob don't get to work.  Get to play!  And enjoy your choo choo!! 

Mark I'm glad your feeling better.  

Dr. Joe you are getting close to needing to expand!   

Thank you Mike G!!! 


redball342 posted:

Hi all! 

APPLES55 I would think the M2's are long gone (how my years ago did you ride them?) rail cars last 40 to 50 years. I work on the procurement of the LIRR M8's and/or MNR/LIRR M9's almost every day.




I regularly road the M2’s on the Harlem Line from 2003 until I retired in 2012. After retirement, I caught them every so often when I went into the city. From what I can find online, it appears that they ended service in December, 2018, but a Metro-North Facebook group I belong to has indicated that there may still be a few running. They are definitely on the endangered list  

carsntrains posted:

Lee .. Frisco and PA??  I reckon that works?  

Kon always good video..  Why do I always think is see some Southern stuff in the background?? LOL 


Thanks.   I have a good amount of southern items. That caboose is a K line,  only company that did them with the yellow bays to my knowledge. 

Have been very unproductive lately, with other "snakes" to kill, but have finished applying the strips of "wood"shingles to roof of scratch built logging cook house.  About done roofing, with application of portions of corrugated metal where heat and cooking chimney  pipes come through roof.  Still mulling over kitchen interior for a 1940 cookhouse...must have had icebox, but wonder if logging run return brought block ice out into woods?

Kon112H posted:
carsntrains posted:

Lee .. Frisco and PA??  I reckon that works?  

Kon always good video..  Why do I always think is see some Southern stuff in the background?? LOL 


Thanks.   I have a good amount of southern items. That caboose is a K line,  only company that did them with the yellow bays to my knowledge. 

Kon I just pulled the trigger on these !!!!   Been eyeing them for a few days and decided YES!  Had a 5.00 coupon too! 

caboose 2 caboose 3

This is one I got last year in a batch for 10 bucks. 


Picked up a Lionel Southern bunk car this week also!  To go with my MOW stuff!  

bunk car

My hobby shop has 3 of those TOFC in Southern but I'm convinced they are from the late 60s or 70s at best!  



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carsntrains posted:

Well what a day so far.   Had to work over an hour.  Got home to a package Mike G sent me (thanks Mike!) but couldn't fool with it because I had to go to shopping for yarn with my wife.  Big plus is where we went is close to the hobby shop!  Where I scored the "new" looking woodland scenic windmill!  For a LOT less than Ive seen it online!  39.99 plus tax because I had a Valentine coupon!!  YAY!!   

So I got home and got to work on the tank cars Mike sent me.  Very nice parts he sent to fix them. Ready to put them back together if I can find some screws to use on them.    If not I will have to run to the Home Depot or Lowes!   Mike also sent me some wheel sets to go on another tank car I had that was missing them!  Inspired me to get into my two tubs of brand new 35 year old rolling stock and get a tank car out of that batch! So I got out a Detroit & Mackinac boxcar that I really like too!  Its a 6464 boxcar I think.  Will take some pictures when I get the trucks on the other tank cars.  

Chris your building is looking good! 

Paul its all coming together now aint it!! 

Bob don't get to work.  Get to play!  And enjoy your choo choo!! 

Mark I'm glad your feeling better.  

Dr. Joe you are getting close to needing to expand!   

Thank you Mike G!!! 


Ah! Yes, indeed. But I think I will go up, not out. Am gonna try and resurrect an old Shuco Disneyland Monorail to run down main street. Take a look at what this guy did: Massive Monorail Layout 

Last edited by LaramieJoe
LaramieJoe posted:
carsntrains posted:

Well what a day so far.   Had to work over an hour.  Got home to a package Mike G sent me (thanks Mike!) but couldn't fool with it because I had to go to shopping for yarn with my wife.  Big plus is where we went is close to the hobby shop!  Where I scored the "new" looking woodland scenic windmill!  For a LOT less than Ive seen it online!  39.99 plus tax because I had a Valentine coupon!!  YAY!!   

So I got home and got to work on the tank cars Mike sent me.  Very nice parts he sent to fix them. Ready to put them back together if I can find some screws to use on them.    If not I will have to run to the Home Depot or Lowes!   Mike also sent me some wheel sets to go on another tank car I had that was missing them!  Inspired me to get into my two tubs of brand new 35 year old rolling stock and get a tank car out of that batch! So I got out a Detroit & Mackinac boxcar that I really like too!  Its a 6464 boxcar I think.  Will take some pictures when I get the trucks on the other tank cars.  

Chris your building is looking good! 

Paul its all coming together now aint it!! 

Bob don't get to work.  Get to play!  And enjoy your choo choo!! 

Mark I'm glad your feeling better.  

Dr. Joe you are getting close to needing to expand!   

Thank you Mike G!!! 


Ah! Yes, indeed. But I think I will go up, not out. Am gonna try and resurrect an old Shuco Disneyland Monorail to run down main street. Take a look at what this guy did: Massive Monorail Layout 

WOW that is cool!  You have one of those?   I see a Disney monorail for sale near me.  It does interest me but if I go up if will be all Southern Railways! 


carsntrains posted:

Ah! Yes, indeed. But I think I will go up, not out. Am gonna try and resurrect an old Shuco Disneyland Monorail to run down main street. Take a look at what this guy did: Massive Monorail Layout 

WOW that is cool!  You have one of those?   I see a Disney monorail for sale near me.  It does interest me but if I go up if will be all Southern Railways! 


Yep, but with only 20' feet of rail. Bought it in France last year. They are hard to find here, are true collectibles, and ... you ought to get it!!!

I woke up at 5:00 A.M. and finished another package of 24 Preiser 65602 Unpainted Seated People in Blue.  This pack of 24 has more white paint added to the previous Blue paint used last month.  It gives me a variation of a lighter pastel blue clothing for mixing people in the passenger cars.  I have painted six boxes of 24 in the past three weeks and have six more to paint.

Yesterday I ordered eleven more 24-packs from two different German Hobby Shops that sell on Ebay.  That will give me another 264 people on the way from Germany.  They should arrive about the time I finish the six packs I have left.  I purchased the figures now because three years ago they were out-of-production for over a year.  Each box of 24 makes five Preiser Factory Figure packs that sell for over $150.00 when purchased individually, not counting shipping.  I figure I save $120.00 per 24 people that I paint myself. Having painted 135 boxes so far, that is a significant savings.  The people now ride inside the 139 Atlas O and Lionel 21" passenger cars I have detailed.  I like passenger cars.  Or I like painting.  It gives me something to do as I care for my mother while she sleeps late at night.

Sincerely, John Rowlen


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John- your dedication to your little community is amazing.
Kon- you have a beautiful layout. Love watching your videos.
Dr. Joe- nice work on the signs and details. You are nearing an extension soon. (The mono-rail video was cool too).
Lee- that Weaver stuff is nice.
Paul- the gorge and bridges are coming together nicely. Keep up the good work.
Chris- the new building flats look nice. Should fill that corner perfectly.

Apologies if I missed anyone- really hard to keep up with this thread lately.


Apples55 posted:
redball342 posted:

Hi all! 

APPLES55 I would think the M2's are long gone (how my years ago did you ride them?) rail cars last 40 to 50 years. I work on the procurement of the LIRR M8's and/or MNR/LIRR M9's almost every day.




I regularly road the M2’s on the Harlem Line from 2003 until I retired in 2012. After retirement, I caught them every so often when I went into the city. From what I can find online, it appears that they ended service in December, 2018, but a Metro-North Facebook group I belong to has indicated that there may still be a few running. They are definitely on the endangered list  

Redball342- I read an article in Newsday the other day that they are finally going to start phasing out the M3's. I though they were supposed to go years ago when the M7's arrived? Hope you get to start on a layout one day. We've all been in the same position at one time or another.


Last edited by RSJB18

This morning I pulled out the nails holding the cork down till the glue dried. I was going to get out the paint and paint the cork but instead decided to do the cork on the other side of the bridges. So now waiting for those to dry and then I'll paint them all at once. But first I'll get my palm sander out and taper the cork to the bridges so it is flush there. This afternoon after lunch I am going to see what  have left in pink foam board and start laying in the gorge. Pics..............Paul



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Lake disaster LOL. I got a good laugh this morning when I came down to work on scenery and found my lake had a bad chemical reaction. No big deal I was just starting it.  Apparently the partial part of  the old lake and the new didn't get along. I have now cut it out and sealed with Woodland Scenic Flex Paste. Here are a few photos for your amusement. 



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lee drennen posted:

Andy. Thanks for the complement 

Bob. Thanks I appreciate your complement 

Jim. I know we have a problem. The Dough Hill Coal Company has been working on this problem for months and I think they finally got it solved. That Frisco car just slipped through the cracks due to poor manifest dispatching. 

Ah I see.   I have to figure out how to legitimize a Detroit & Mackinac boxcar I added to the layout last night.    Not sure if the Southern Railway made it up that far..   : )  


A lot of assembly work today.  Decided to add a third floor on the left side rear,  between the 2nd and 4th floors.   Now I am waiting for more window inserts from OGR store.  I'll start building the interior frame work, floors, roofs and start the lighting design. 

Right now the bottom 2 floors are an assembled unit, the top 2 floors are an assembled unit.  Not sure if I am going to permanently glue them together, or not....



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Ok this is the caboose that Mitch sent me!  It is awesome!  Thanks again Mitch! IMG_20190210_184740_hdr

This is the new Woodland Scenic's windmill.  It comes with the water tank and the hay feeder for the cows! IMG_20190210_185520_hdr

The two green tankers are the ones Mike G. sent to me!  They are great! He also sent me wheel sets to fix the yellow tank car! The silver one in the back is nearly 40 years old, and like the D&M boxcar this is their first time on the track!  Thanks Mike G. Hope you can find me one more Southern Railway car of some kind!   IMG_20190210_183221_hdr

This is the Detroit & Mackinac boxcar I had been talking about.  I'm going to keep in on the display because I am from Detroit and have many fond memories with family and friends in Mackinac. Mackinac Island is a place everyone should see!  And the jet boat ride to the island is amazing! No gas powered vehicles allowed!  Like stepping back in time! IMG_20190210_183242_hdr

Dr. Joe very nice video..   Whats that about Hillbillies?? LOL   I really like the new upper level also!  Sooner or later you are doomed to need to branch outward! 

Lee you are killing me with that 57 ford and the 56 crown vic!   And I may have noticed it before but is that a tucker??  I like the trains but the cars are amazing!  I have my 57 Fairlane sitting if front of the station with the door open and a guy shutting the door!  I just figured out the doors open lol 

Paul I cant wait to see the gorge all finished!   I am really dreading the detail work on my layout.  But I can put that off because now I am adding the passenger station and some sidings for US power and Vetter door and sash.  

Chris your building is looking better and getting there!   I wish I had the patience to do that!  

Everyone is doing something cool~!  The more I see yall do the more I want to do myself!  

Hope everyone is doing well !!!    A few folks have been missing a while??  



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Last edited by carsntrains

Paul2, nice work on your tracks and bridges.

Chris A, I really link your building project. The arched piers below complement the the wall sections perfect and the coloring on the brick is outstanding.

Andy , nice job on the ground foam. I like you stone walls that the track is elevated on.


Well I worked on trying to get the lift-out section into shape for the sawmill, log pond area. I don't think anything is more messy that pink foam bits everywhere.  Here is a overall shot of the lift-out it's around a little over 2ft. wide and about 5ft. long. Because of the way the tracks run around this area, I couldn't go deep with the pond. I plan on going really dark with the pond, a brown and black for most of the area and a little lighter on the perimeter. Since these had tons of floating tree debris in there it will look good, I think.

I have a B.T.S. log dump kit, but I wound up cheating a bit and scratch building the dump section because I can't raise my track high enough to accommodate the trestle bents for underneath it, so I will fake the bents beneath the log dump and on top will be covered in decking . With all the debris floating around it won't even be seen.  Looking forward to getting the pond and banks painted and sinking the trestle and mill into foam and start on water. I have a bunch of 1/2 logs that will be sprinkled around pond and I may have a few fresh logs in water by log dump.

Here is a photo of the foam lift out of what I have so far ( don't mind the can goods, I needed weight to hold foam down while Gorilla glue sets up)

Log dump stained and nut bolt washer detail added

Here is the B.T.S. photo of the log dump.  Other side of my dump track will have the crane.


Last edited by CSX Al
carsntrains posted:

Ok this is the caboose that Mitch sent me!  It is awesome!  Thanks again Mitch! IMG_20190210_184740_hdr

This is the new Woodland Scenic's windmill.  It comes with the water tank and the hay feeder for the cows! IMG_20190210_185520_hdr

The two green tankers are the ones Mike G. sent to me!  They are great! He also sent me wheel sets to fix the yellow tank car! The silver one in the back is nearly 40 years old, and like the D&M boxcar this is their first time on the track!  Thanks Mike G. Hope you can find me one more Southern Railway car of some kind!   IMG_20190210_183221_hdr

This is the Detroit & Mackinac boxcar I had been talking about.  I'm going to keep in on the display because I am from Detroit and have many fond memories with family and friends in Mackinac. Mackinac Island is a place everyone should see!  And the jet boat ride to the island is amazing! No gas powered vehicles allowed!  Like stepping back in time! IMG_20190210_183242_hdr

Dr. Joe very nice video..   Whats that about Hillbillies?? LOL   I really like the new upper level also!  Sooner or later you are doomed to need to branch outward! 

Lee you are killing me with that 57 ford and the 56 crown vic!   And I may have noticed it before but is that a tucker??  I like the trains but the cars are amazing!  I have my 57 Fairlane sitting if front of the station with the door open and a guy shutting the door!  I just figured out the doors open lol 

Paul I cant wait to see the gorge all finished!   I am really dreading the detail work on my layout.  But I can put that off because now I am adding the passenger station and some sidings for US power and Vetter door and sash.  

Chris your building is looking better and getting there!   I wish I had the patience to do that!  

Everyone is doing something cool~!  The more I see yall do the more I want to do myself!  

Hope everyone is doing well !!!    A few folks have been missing a while??  


I have a tucker but it’s in the drawer. If your talking about the light blue car that’s a 1949 merc. Thanks for complementing on my cars I really enjoy them on the layout with the trains the detail compared to HO is amazing and some are a lot cheaper too and some are sticker shock. Check out Green Light they are cranking out some awesome 1/43 vehicles that are affordable.

carsntrains posted:


Dr. Joe very nice video..   Whats that about Hillbillies?? LOL   I really like the new upper level also!  Sooner or later you are doomed to need to branch outward! 

Hope everyone is doing well !!!    A few folks have been missing a while??  


Jim, thanks! Yes, I am thinking of an expansion and have priced the Mianne benchwork to take it all to an 8x12. I haven't told the wife, yet. :-)

Hillbillies! (Most of my family are...)

Dr. Joe

Been walking,  just walking.

Doctor says at my station in life,  I need to take regular walks for 20 minutes at a time three for four days a week to maintain my health!!???  Are you kidding?  The man just doesn't have a walk along side model RR.  Now that most of the lines are up and running I count 125 paces per run from one terminal to the next on each of two levels.  It can get flat out tiring after a while.  Forget the gym membership.  Just build and around the wall layout in your basement, put on your walking shoes and lock the train rom door.

When just a kid my dad would drive along side the tracks following steam engines as best we could whenever we could.  Heck, now I can walk with any engine I want, anywhere I want, as long as I want to.  Just wish he was here to share the pleasure.  I can envision his smiling face.

Jim, CSXAl and Andy,  thanks for kind words.   I must have more patience than I thought !!  I underestimated the time required to do this 2/3/4 story build, but I am long on perseverance.   Of course I have pretty much under estimated every kitbash/scratch build project I have taken on.   Good thing I have a short memory and keep starting new ones......

This is another building that's pretty much in the main focal area of the layout, and as it's "disguising" a corner along, with two other buildings that I spent a lot of time on, I am hoping the three of them together will draw the viewer's attention away from other less impressive areas.  

Al the sawmill/log pond module is off to a great start, nice job on the scratchbuilt log dump ramp.  

Andy that corner is shaping up real nice.  

Lee,  Thanks for posting the video !   I like the Mack Tractor, I can't see the photos of the trailer, but maybe it's just me.   

Spent Sunday painting another box of Preiser 24 Unpainted Seated People in Green Pastel and Gray.  The work went quickly, but still took the entire day.  I have to do final inspection of each figure and touch-up any flaws.  I am now painting people for the new Lionel Santa Fe 21" passenger cars that will arrive at the end of the year.

I put two sprues of HO Preiser people for comparison to the O-Gauge People.  I painted twenty-one boxes of Preiser 16328 120 HO people for the 180 Walthers passenger cars I detailed six years ago.  I still have many of the cars in storage along with 40 buildings I assembled and detailed.  I should probably sell some of them.  I am running out of bedrooms.

Sincerely, John Rowlen


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I changed the volumes on some of the sound functions and changed the whistles on all of my On30 ten wheelers. I never liked the default whistle that they came with...

I also slowed down the bell timing and lowered the volume on other sounds such as the pops going off. Some of them were quite loud.


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I have a tucker but it’s in the drawer. If your talking about the light blue car that’s a 1949 merc. Thanks for complementing on my cars I really enjoy them on the layout with the trains the detail compared to HO is amazing and some are a lot cheaper too and some are sticker shock. Check out Green Light they are cranking out some awesome 1/43 vehicles that are affordable.

Lee the dark blue car sitting to the far right in your video.   Its mighty cool looking whatever it is!


After a fantastic weekend out of town performing and teaching music, it was yet an additional treat to come home and get into the train room last night!  I changed out some cars on two trains and let all 3 trains and a trolly have at it!  I enjoyed watching em run as I listened to music thru headphones.  Listening to music while running trains changes the whole train watching experience ... sort of like viewing a movie with no background music as opposed to viewing with the background music.   I listened to a variety of genres ... classical, several styles of jazz, country, pop, and rock and each kind of music changed the viewing experience for me.  I did this for several hours  I plan to do it again todayIMG_4553


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Trump Train,  Great  Idea!  I did not consider how much of a connecting effect there could be with non RR background music.

I have cranked up the "Sounds of 3985" through my Klipsch surround sound when my wife is out shopping but had not considered something like the "1812 Overture" in earphones.

What brand / style earphones do you like?  Wireless feature available?

trumptrain posted:

After a fantastic weekend out of town performing and teaching music, it was yet an additional treat to come home and get into the train room last night!  I changed out some cars on two trains and let all 3 trains and a trolly have at it!  I enjoyed watching em run as I listened to music thru headphones.  Listening to music while running trains changes the whole train watching experience ... sort of like viewing a movie with no background music as opposed to viewing with the background music.   I listened to a variety of genres ... classical, several styles of jazz, country, pop, and rock and each kind of music changed the viewing experience for me.  I did this for several hours  I plan to do it again todayIMG_4553

Patrick - don't know if its just the photo but it looks like you have a large gap in the rails in front of that steamer. Does this cause any issues when running?

I used to blast Zepplin and Floyd in my headphones when I ran my old HO layout growing up. Very cool way to run trains.

RSJB18 posted:
trumptrain posted:

After a fantastic weekend out of town performing and teaching music, it was yet an additional treat to come home and get into the train room last night!  I changed out some cars on two trains and let all 3 trains and a trolly have at it!  I enjoyed watching em run as I listened to music thru headphones.  Listening to music while running trains changes the whole train watching experience ... sort of like viewing a movie with no background music as opposed to viewing with the background music.   I listened to a variety of genres ... classical, several styles of jazz, country, pop, and rock and each kind of music changed the viewing experience for me.  I did this for several hours  I plan to do it again todayIMG_4553

Patrick - don't know if its just the photo but it looks like you have a large gap in the rails in front of that steamer. Does this cause any issues when running?

I used to blast Zepplin and Floyd in my headphones when I ran my old HO layout growing up. Very cool way to run trains.

RSJB - just the photo. 

trumptrain posted:
RSJB18 posted:
trumptrain posted:

After a fantastic weekend out of town performing and teaching music, it was yet an additional treat to come home and get into the train room last night!  I changed out some cars on two trains and let all 3 trains and a trolly have at it!  I enjoyed watching em run as I listened to music thru headphones.  Listening to music while running trains changes the whole train watching experience ... sort of like viewing a movie with no background music as opposed to viewing with the background music.   I listened to a variety of genres ... classical, several styles of jazz, country, pop, and rock and each kind of music changed the viewing experience for me.  I did this for several hours  I plan to do it again todayIMG_4553

Patrick - don't know if its just the photo but it looks like you have a large gap in the rails in front of that steamer. Does this cause any issues when running?

I used to blast Zepplin and Floyd in my headphones when I ran my old HO layout growing up. Very cool way to run trains.

RSJB - just the photo. 

LOL I didnt know a photo added to a gap!  : )   I did hear that they added 10 pounds lol


Tom Tee posted:

Trump Train,  Great  Idea!  I did not consider how much of a connecting effect there could be with non RR background music.

I have cranked up the "Sounds of 3985" through my Klipsch surround sound when my wife is out shopping but had not considered something like the "1812 Overture" in earphones.

What brand / style earphones do you like?  Wireless feature available?

Tom Tee - glad you're having fun with the background sounds/music too!  I use JBL Everest 300 headphones ( non wireless ).  

trumptrain posted:
Tom Tee posted:

Trump Train,  Great  Idea!  I did not consider how much of a connecting effect there could be with non RR background music.

I have cranked up the "Sounds of 3985" through my Klipsch surround sound when my wife is out shopping but had not considered something like the "1812 Overture" in earphones.

What brand / style earphones do you like?  Wireless feature available?

Tom Tee - glad you're having fun with the background sounds/music too!  I use JBL Everest 300 headphones ( non wireless ).  

I play doo wop because I model (loosely) the late 1950s. Sometimes I play songs about trains. My friends got me a bluetooth lantern that I use with my tablet.


Lee, nice little video. The bells sounds better slower and the other sounds were not overpowering anything. Plus that was a good scene of the train coming around the curve.

And thanks guys for the kind words. This gorge is evolving as I go. I have a general idea of what I want.

I made a quick run to Menards to get some smaller width wood for framing the bottom of the gorge. I didn't feel like ripping wood for this. I tried to get a smaller piece of foam board while I was there but they didn't have any in the size I wanted. I call Lowes and Home depot to see if they might have some smaller pieces.... Pic.........Paul



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paul 2 posted:

Lee, nice little video. The bells sounds better slower and the other sounds were not overpowering anything. Plus that was a good scene of the train coming around the curve.

And thanks guys for the kind words. This gorge is evolving as I go. I have a general idea of what I want.

I made a quick run to Menards to get some smaller width wood for framing the bottom of the gorge. I didn't feel like ripping wood for this. I tried to get a smaller piece of foam board while I was there but they didn't have any in the size I wanted. I call Lowes and Home depot to see if they might have some smaller pieces.... Pic.........Paul


I got me two 4x8 sheets of 2 inch foam insulation at Home Depot for 10 bucks each because they had mild damage.  I think they are usually 24 a sheet. And we have auto glass removal razor blades that cuts the 2 inch really well!


3ACA8A8F-5EAC-4BC7-9EB1-C031CAD236F3carsntrains posted:


I have a tucker but it’s in the drawer. If your talking about the light blue car that’s a 1949 merc. Thanks for complementing on my cars I really enjoy them on the layout with the trains the detail compared to HO is amazing and some are a lot cheaper too and some are sticker shock. Check out Green Light they are cranking out some awesome 1/43 vehicles that are affordable.

Lee the dark blue car sitting to the far right in your video.   Its mighty cool looking whatever it is!



its a 1951 Studebaker Champ my mom and dad had one like it but it was gray and it was way before my time. There made by Yatming Diecast Direct may still have some or Fairfield Collectabes it’s 1/43 but goes well even in the front of the layout


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Last edited by lee drennen
lee drennen posted:
3ACA8A8F-5EAC-4BC7-9EB1-C031CAD236F3carsntrains posted:


I have a tucker but it’s in the drawer. If your talking about the light blue car that’s a 1949 merc. Thanks for complementing on my cars I really enjoy them on the layout with the trains the detail compared to HO is amazing and some are a lot cheaper too and some are sticker shock. Check out Green Light they are cranking out some awesome 1/43 vehicles that are affordable.

Lee the dark blue car sitting to the far right in your video.   Its mighty cool looking whatever it is!



its a 1951 Studebaker Champ my mom and dad had one like it but it was gray and it was way before my time. There made by Yatming Diecast Direct may still have some or Fairfield Collectabes it’s 1/43 but goes well even in the front of the layout

Ah I knew it was either a Tucker or a Studebaker!!   Couldn't tell by just the front end.   Thanks for letting me know what it is!  Cool car!!


RSJB18 posted:
trumptrain posted:

After a fantastic weekend out of town performing and teaching music, it was yet an additional treat to come home and get into the train room last night!  I changed out some cars on two trains and let all 3 trains and a trolly have at it!  I enjoyed watching em run as I listened to music thru headphones.  Listening to music while running trains changes the whole train watching experience ... sort of like viewing a movie with no background music as opposed to viewing with the background music.   I listened to a variety of genres ... classical, several styles of jazz, country, pop, and rock and each kind of music changed the viewing experience for me.  I did this for several hours  I plan to do it again todayIMG_4553

Patrick - don't know if its just the photo but it looks like you have a large gap in the rails in front of that steamer. Does this cause any issues when running?

I used to blast Zepplin and Floyd in my headphones when I ran my old HO layout growing up. Very cool way to run trains.

I’ve been listening to metal while working on my railroads since the late 1970’s. Maiden, Priest, Sabbath all go good with trains. 😎

Excellent projects everyone!!  Wow, I am so far behind again!  I'm so far behind, I went back through to find one I wanted to comment on, but it must have slipped by, so here goes.

Paul, Thank you for the comment about the Mianne benchwork.  I'll put the photographs back up.

2019-02-08 19.14.192019-02-08 19.14.37

Paul, Actually, I plan to have about 6" out from the edge of the benchwork for some foreground scenery, to catch trains if they derail, and so I won't be so apt to kick the table legs with my clumsy feet!!  I happened to come by a very minor windfall and my wife said to not put it in the account, but to use it for what I want.  I am thinking I will use it for some more benchwork.  

I am feeling pretty good after pushing some snow off our sidewalk and running the snowblower on out driveway and my wife's mother's driveway.  I found out Friday I can't lift much weight still.  I helped our older daughter and son-in-law move some things.  I let the strong young man do the heavy work!!  


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  • 2019-02-08 19.14.19
  • 2019-02-08 19.14.37

Good news first !! 

I got my Lionel Southern bunk car today and it is 100% brand new and intact!! Not bad since it was made in 1984!  The year I graduated high school!   

Bad news 

I ordered a 6 pack of cars from a good supplier.  They emailed me and said they only had 4....  ???   Says a package of 6??  I found another set but wife said not to order until I hear back for sure that the first place will cancel...   BOOO 


Last edited by carsntrains

Try a 6" spackle knife for cutting foam.

Lightly and repeatedly drag a knife at about a 30 degree angle along a scribe line.  Do not rush or pressure it.  Repeat five or six times for 2" material.  You will find a sweet spot which is the angle you need to use.  The finished edge will be smooth with out making any smoke, crumbs or dust.

PM of 11.23.09 008

Note my scribe line.  I set the curved module on top of the foam.  Traced the bottom edge of the module  with the corner of the spackle knife sliding it along the frame's lower edge then removed the module and went to work.

PM of 11.23.09 010

If foam builds up in front of knife, stop, clean out the plowed crud and continue at a shallower angle.

PM of 11.23.09 009PM of 11.23.09 011

Work in progress for the late Pennsy K-4's module.

fitting of backdrop 001



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  • PM of 11.23.09 008
  • PM of 11.23.09 010
  • PM of 11.23.09 009
  • PM of 11.23.09 011
  • fitting of backdrop 001

When decking Mianne benchwork I like to use 5' X 10' panel  material.  The sides can be ripped back several inches for an even overhang or  sculped to accommodate cosmetic curves.  I prefer to cover the benchwork frame top edges.

Many lumber yards can get 5' X 9' or 10'.   I believe 5' X 9' is standard ping pong table material.

I used 5' X 10" by five quarter decking for my gluing and clamping assembly tables.  They made a nice L shaped train table when I closed shop.


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