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Bryan, The Rocker Building looks great!  The sign is a very nice thing topping it off.  The skirting looks great on your layout too!

Elliot, I'm saddened to read of the past with your kids.  I'm glad you got to spend some time.

Lee, it's great seeing the piggy backs running on your layout!

Brian, Santa Fe all the way!

Vincent, Shiver me timbers!!  Argh!

Paul, The work on your roadbed looks great!

All I have done is buy a quart of flat gray latex to do like Paul before a lighter spray of the Rustoleum stone flecked paint.  The unopened can sits on the layout for now.

I’m in the middle of installing LEDs in a K-Line Passenger car.  It comes apart a bit differently than an MTH car which I am used to.  There are 2 screws near each end, once removed the ends can somewhat reluctantly be pulled out.   There is a wiring connector at one end, once disconnected the bottom (with all the seats) of the car can be slid off the body of the car.  The ceiling, with the incandescent bulbs, can then be slid off the inside of the top of the car.  After examining the interior I found no room for the buck converter for the LEDs that I bought via the bay to be installed inside the car since it is too large. Fortunately I have one of Gunrunner John’s constant current lighting regulators which is small enough to fit into a compartment in the undercarriage of the car.   I’ll let you know of the outcome when I get time to finish the install.




Last edited by PSAP2010

Thanks Mark, I know all that sounds awful, but I still think it was probably the right decision at the time. It kept the kids out of the middle of our fight. In the end it worked out OK.  I still don't speak to their mother, no reason to. Live and let live. I'm over it. I have a pretty good relationship with the kids, in spite of all that stuff.  

PSAP2010 posted:

I’m in the middle of installing LEDs in a K-Line Passenger car.  It comes apart a bit differently than an MTH car which I am used to. ,,,,,  After examining the interior I found no room for the buck converter for the LEDs that I bought via the bay to be installed inside the car since it is too large. Fortunately I have one of Gunrunner John’s constant current lighting regulators which is small enough to fit into a compartment in the undercarriage of the car.   I’ll let you know of the outcome when I get time to finish the install.




Post some photos of the alternate mounting location for GRJ's regulator, if you can.

I may have similar issues with passenger cars that have interiors.

Hi Everyone, what wonderful work you all are doing! Including you Mark, Way to step up to the plate and get that paint so you will have something to do tomorrow ! LOL Just kidding, I sure hope you have a great weekend!

I have a few comments and handed out some more likes, then a little update on the airfield corner.

LEE D. Now that's a great looking Pig Train! 

Brian, Great combo BD & SF! Got to love them!

Paul 2, its a little catch up with you first the ballast looks wonderful! Then the idea of the joint tape, I wasn't to sure about it, but man that sure looks amazing! I will have to keep that in the back of my mind! Thanks for the idea and tip!

Bryan, Go easy on Paul, he has been working hard this week, outdoor chores, indoor chores, train work! You know he isn't getting any younger!

OK Mark, here is the update on the airfield corner. The other day I was working on it and the CEO came out to see how things were going. She seen this little cabin and said this would look great in a park over here by the airfield. So that's when I switched gears and had to do a lot of thinking and here is what I came up with. Hope you all like it. Please comment!

First I made some concrete walls to support the upper level and added Pieolines.


20190426_16492420190426_16492920190426_135559                                          Next was to build a parking garage for the park and airport. I located that in the back corner of the area behind the tracks.                                      20190426_135507                                            Ofcourse I had to add some Menards lighted cars! LOL                                          20190426_13554320190426_135550                                           Last but not least I had to make some collums to support the airfield above the park and lower level parking garage!                                            20190426_164739

I sure hope everyone has a great weekend!


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Last edited by mike g.

Wow I have to catch up forgive me if I miss some of you but everything looks great what’s productive week for some and some had fun like me running trains

Paul thanks glad you enjoyed the pigs. And you siding is looking very good and what progress

Bryan  I love that building reminds me of New York City always loved Hauling back east

Jack  great video and a great looking engine

Brian.  That’s my favorite paint scheme of the Santa Fe F units and that a haunting pic of the Reading F unit 

Mark. Thanks. Yes it does feel good running piggy’s again I really missed it. Guess I’ll have to build a layout for 1942ish so I can run my steamer

Mike. Thanks  All I can say is WOW what progress I love the garage and the LED lighted vehicles 

Vincent. How about a piggyback yard 

Thank you guys for the complements and likes this week 

Kevin,  That is why we build these layouts.  Looks great!!

Paul, Looks good!  I am afraid I won't be able to attend the breakfast or go to see Bryan's layout.  I wish I could.  I have some errands for my wife, and unfortunately I aggravated my back/sciatic nerve mowing grass.  I don't know if it was puling the start cord or pushing the mower longer than I did when I prepared it for mowing.  I haven't ridden or driven in the car more than 45 minutes at a time since last fall.  have had trouble getting to sleep because of leg pain.  I finally did and wouldn't you know, the dog wanted out.  I'm finishing this note as I just let her in.  I hope everyone has a great time!  I will surely miss it.

Thanks guys for the nice comments. 

Paul, the plaster is looking great! Have fun at Bryan's today!

Kevin, nice little video, as Mark said looks great and like a lot of fun!

This morning I am going to go out and do a little clean up, secure my upper deck supports, and maybe start on a scratch built swing set for the park. Heck maybe even a teeter totter and a merry go round! LOL

Everyone have a great day and I will check in later!

5C9A3A0A-8D81-4D32-9420-512C68B8457289A4D4C5-AD56-47EE-A959-7225EDA8BD404249C524-8A01-471F-BC47-B2AA3A92C629Well I decided to put a make shift siding on the layout this morning.  I don’t know if it’s going to stay or not but I wanted to display some of my cars and I got tired putting them up and putting them out all the time so I built this siding and I’ll see how it goes and I also serviced my RSD-12 Weaver  locomotive I clean the pick ups and oiled the gears. Of course I had to run it after I put it back in service 


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Sounds great Mike!

Lee, The siding is a good idea.  I have the same desire to have a place so I don’t have to keep moving cars on and off by hand.  I know I can’t hold onto things like I used to.  LOL. That’s a nice train run too!

I got a chance to put down a coat of gray paint before a thin spray of the stone fleck paint.  I have another errand to go on, so I’ll post a photograph after the spray and track is on.

lee drennen posted:

5C9A3A0A-8D81-4D32-9420-512C68B8457289A4D4C5-AD56-47EE-A959-7225EDA8BD404249C524-8A01-471F-BC47-B2AA3A92C629Well I decided to put a make shift siding on the layout this morning.  I don’t know if it’s going to stay or not but I wanted to display some of my cars and I got tired putting them up and putting them out all the time so I built this siding and I’ll see how it goes and I also serviced my RSD-12 Weaver  locomotive I clean the pick ups and oiled the gears. Of course I had to run it after I put it back in service 

Gotta' love that Alco sound, Lee!

Having enough siding space for car storage is a problem the prototypes fight with frequently so you are in good company .


What'd I do? Well, my spanking new MTH P&OC SW1500 did NOT want to play well with my ancient MRC AH101 walk-around throttle. I remember old threads here about early Protosound and the MRC throttles so I changed it out for an MTH Z1000. It runs perfect now!



BTW, this Z1000 was one of the ones with ground polarity reversed between throttle ground and AUX ground which won't work with a common ground buss. The fix takes a minute. Cut and reverse the wires that go to the throttle.



I'm good to go temporarily but I've lost walk-around so I ordered up a DCS Remote Commander. I'll have to run hybrid though because my passenger train is Lionel with TMCC or conventional. Would like to just spring for the full-blown DCS and run the Royal Gorge with TMCC but too much $$$.



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Hi everyone I hope its been a good Saturday for everyone!

LEE D. Nice train run, very smooth! IMO Sidings are always nice to have!

Mark, glad you had time to get some paint down today! Every little step adds up!

Lew, I am happy you were able to get things fixed and able to run your trains! I have a few conventional engines I plan on running on I think its called Z track set up in DCS. It enables you to run DCS and Conventional engines on the same track with the hand throttle!

Well I got some more work done on the airfield and park area today, I also started making a retaining wall coming down from the American Power and light plant.  Here are a few pictures! Enjoy!20190427_05574220190427_10284220190427_10291620190427_11593220190427_154530                                           I sure hope everyone has a great Sunday! I might get some more work tomorrow, not sure the kids and grandkids are coming over for our Easter and the wife and I had to work last Sunday!


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Mike,  The layout is looking very good.

Gandy Dancer, The details are very realistic.  Thank you both for sharing.

I converted two Atlas O B&O PS-1 50' Double Door box cars to 3-rail.  My new Lionel Baltimore & Ohio GP9 #3419 is at Lionel service for the gear alignment and wheel gauge issues.  I added a few B&O cars to the collection to follow behind the GP9 and E7 engines. I am favoring the transition time period for my layout and listing items on Ebay. There are some MTH Dwarf Signals and Atlas O G Road Signals.  I over-purchased when I gathered supplies for my layout..

Sincerely, John Rowlen

A couple packages showed up on my doorstep late yesterday. Patrick came over today and we brought them downstairs. The first one was the resolution of the Atlas return from a couple weeks ago. This time it had two each of four different 40' containers. The second package was a nifty item I spotted for sale here on the forum.

With the layout tour just a week away, Patrick worked on the skirts some more, while I did some cleaning, track repair, train movement, created a new train, and did a little painting.

This is what I bought on the forum. It's a non-functioning, Lionel 213 lift bridge. It couldn't be more perfect really. I never needed it to work, it just has to sit there and look good. It will represent the lift bridge at Prescott, WI.


It does have one slight problem though, not enough height clearance for tall cars. The tallest car I'm aware of, is the MTH husky stack.


I'm not too worried about the towers, I can build some decent looking foundations to raise those up. It's the bottom of the bridge that will need work. I got lucky, because the length is perfect, and I had no idea how long it would be.


Patrick started working on the last rail installation.


Finally got the missing part put on this car. Only problem was, two other parts fell off in the process.


I moved the Empire Builder, which had been making the circuit for visitors, out of the way to main two on the upper deck. This cleared the way for the new train to loop the upper deck. Since Patrick will be helping run trains next week, he asked if I would let him run the C&NW SD-45. So I threw some cars behind it, and gave it a test run. (sorry, I forgot to take a picture of the new train)


Normally, I run the upper loop in a clockwise direction, but opted to have the new train go counter. Well, that exposed a track flaw that only the SD's three axle trucks could find. The gap at the far left was not aligned very well, both vertically and horizontally.


I ended ripping out that segment of rail, shimming the ties, to fix the vertical problem, then re-spiking it to fix the horizontal problem. What a pain.


I turned Patrick loose with the landscape fabric. He did aisle two faster and better than I did aisle one. He picked up where I left off, and within a couple hours...



had gone all the way around, finishing aisle two.


Then he nearly finished aisle three.


Just a little more cleaning, and I'll be ready to go. Maybe on Thursday, I'll have my son help me set up the BN camera caboose, and I'll swap out the engine that's on the lower loop train for the new BN U-33-C so the caboose matches, then we can put the live picture up on the big screen for visitors.


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MARC C, coming out great nice job.

GANDY DANCER, small details lght up an already good scene.

Mike g, like the lighting in the parking area. Plus the layout is starting to take on shape.

Patrick, very nice pics.

Elliot, with Patricks help you are picking up the pace again. Hopefully with your son there and Patrick the gremlins will stay away when you are running for the public.

This morning I got the track down for the sidings. I decided to add an uncoupling track to the American Handling siding. I have to make up a bumper for the end of the siding and start wiring up the tracks. Pics......Paul 2



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Lew, yes we need more power for these trains than we did years ago!!

Mike you defiantly need to get the American Power and Light company online to power all that airport and garage lighting!!  Thank you, you are right that every little bit makes me one step closer.  

Howard, those scenes look great!

NS1975, the scrap yard was a great deal!!  It looks great at that bend in the track!

Marc, the coloring and texture on the quarry looks great!  And the tunnel really looks great, as well!  How did you make the craggy rock wall inside of it?

Elliot,  The lift bridge looks great!  It will be nice once you have it revised so your double stacks can go through it!  Patrick has done a great job continuing on with the skirting!  Have a great time with the open house!!!

Paul, the siding and surrounding area is looking great!

Yesterday I was almost done painting roadbed when I noticed that I had forgotten to pull the small nails out I had holding the cork roadbed down on curves until the little bit of glue I had applied dried.  I could have left them there, but decided to pull them so if and when I change things, I can just slide a putty knife underneath and lift the cork off.  So, I painted over the spots where the nails were, and will setup to spray the rock fleck paint another day.

Mark Boyce posted:

Sounds great Mike!

Lee, The siding is a good idea.  I have the same desire to have a place so I don’t have to keep moving cars on and off by hand.  I know I can’t hold onto things like I used to.  LOL. That’s a nice train run too!

I got a chance to put down a coat of gray paint before a thin spray of the stone fleck paint.  I have another errand to go on, so I’ll post a photograph after the spray and track is on.

Thanks Mark I was like you I I’m losing my grip in my hand I was afraid of dropping one of these babies 

geysergazer posted:
lee drennen posted:

5C9A3A0A-8D81-4D32-9420-512C68B8457289A4D4C5-AD56-47EE-A959-7225EDA8BD404249C524-8A01-471F-BC47-B2AA3A92C629Well I decided to put a make shift siding on the layout this morning.  I don’t know if it’s going to stay or not but I wanted to display some of my cars and I got tired putting them up and putting them out all the time so I built this siding and I’ll see how it goes and I also serviced my RSD-12 Weaver  locomotive I clean the pick ups and oiled the gears. Of course I had to run it after I put it back in service 

Gotta' love that Alco sound, Lee!

Having enough siding space for car storage is a problem the prototypes fight with frequently so you are in good company .


Thanks Lew that’s the first time I’ve caught the turbine whistling on video I get chills watching it 

Mike. Well done on the lighting now that’s looking good

Paul. Great progress again your getting there

marc. Like those tunnels you’ve done a lot of labor of love 

Patrick. Always fun to take pics and run the train looks like you had fun and that what’s it’s all about my friend 

Elliot. Every time I watch you work my knees hurt looks great

Gandy. Those soft highly detail pics are always awesome 

Thanks guys for all your likes and complements. I’m shooting to get my other 4x8 section up next weekend 

54AAEA70-0EF0-4D9F-9D5E-49098AC99A6B7EAE8578-2398-4C24-A033-E3279E85FB743159FF3D-0C7A-449F-AC97-9CFC09539EF1Well yesterday I finished installing the LEDs in the Lionel/K-Line 21” Passenger car.  I apologize, Carl, that I didn’t take more pictures but I had it pretty much put back together before I remembered.

The second photo shows the difference in size between the boards.  Gunrunner John’s on the left.  I had to bend the heat sink that sticks up to get it to fit into the large compartment shown in third picture.  I used double sided foam tape to hold it in place.  The undercarriage also houses the lighting on/off switch. The LEDs are just as bright as the incandescent bulbs were.




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Paul - Yeah, Patrick makes all the difference. No only does he get stuff done, but he even gets me to do stuff too.

Mark - Thanks, I'm really happy with that purchase. It should look great when it's done. Patrick does the skirting better than I do, except it hurts his back sitting on the floor. Fortunately, there isn't much left to do, and he'll have a couple weeks to rest up, before we get back to it.

Lee - I'm with you, so do mine. I only got down on the floor once this week, but that was bad enough. It's not just Patrick's back, mine too. I can barely stand straight up long enough to make breakfast, before I have to lean against the counter. I might break down and see Dr. Dan, the chiropractor. Hope he can fix this. I need some good popping. 

Hi everyone, this is going to be a long one cause I have been gone from here for  2 days! So here we go!

GandyDancer, Great pictures! I really like the dog and the truck in the ally, but most of all I the the kids playing on the sidewalk are great detail! Nice job!

John R. Thank you! Sounds like you had a good time with the convertions . I really hope you get your GP9 back soon!

NS1975,  Nice find and looks good on your layout!

Mark C. The quarry looks amazing! Thank you for showing how you did the walls there. I hope you will let us know how you did the inside of your tunnels! They look just as amazing at the quarry!

Patrick, great pictures. Sure sounds like you had a blast running trains! 

Elliot, Love the lift bridge you got, I am sure you will find a way to make it work! I have to say you and Patrick sure have been getting a lot done! I hope you will post some pictures of the BN train your putting together! I would really love to see it!

Paul 2, The sidings look great! One would like to know whats next for you?

Mark, thank you! I am glad you found the nails before you sprayed the rock fleck paint! I hope you will post pictures of it when you get there!

Larry, The lighting in the UP car looks perfect!

Brian, more great photo's! I sure hope you don't run out!

FL9TURBO2, now that some work you have going on there! I cant wait to see the improvements when you get done!

It sure looks like everyone had a great weekend! Great job everyone!

Had a break last week from work, picked up quite a few items(rolling stock and accessories) and practiced my soldering skills. And finally feel like I have enough people and cars to populate my layout.


Meeting of CIA Black Ops(awesomely painted plasticville man with shades, 2 K-line SWAT figures, 2 MTH army figures, Solido Army Car for the military, Wellys Chevy Tahoe for the CIA)

Army CIA Black Ops meet

New addition to the prewar tinplate consist that I run on my inner loop- AF 1123. Fits really well with the engine and other cars. Eventually, to my dismay, I'll probably take out the Ives gravel cars and make this a passenger only consist( Ives 3250,AF 1123, Ives 551 CHAIR car, 2 Ives 63 gravel cars, Bing 253 NYC passenger, PRR 529 obs. :

Tinplate Consist 4 29

Got this grass like mat at Hobby lobby and modified my farm so that there's an easement that can be drven over and the bar/dude ranch is accessible to the public.:

Barn West Side picfarm east side pic


Then I picked up this at Hennings:

My first AF layout. The 303 Atlantic works great. 

Flyer Carpet LayoutFlyer layout box


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  • Tinplate Consist 4 29
  • Flyer Carpet Layout
  • Flyer layout box
  • Barn West Side pic
  • farm east side pic

Everyone is doing great work....except me

Been on vacation for the past week and didn't even get to look at the layout. Lot's of stuff kept coming up and had to be dealt with. At least I'm going back to work tomorrow to relax.

On the bright side my new D&H Sharks are sitting there waiting for me along with two new BEEPS.
More toys YAY

Hopefully some train time soon.


Well everyone I didn't get much done this weekend as it was our family's Easter Weekend! But today after my Dr. Appt. I was able to get my walls done for my ramp up to the American Power and Light plant.

There wont be much action here for the next 7 weeks as I have to do Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. The oral surgery requires that I have it. So between that and work the only time I will have to work on the layout is the weekend if I am not working! 

Any hoo here are some pictures of my walls! Enjoy! LOL20190427_15451020190429_10203120190429_13063420190429_14232220190429_171851                                          I know its not the greatest, but for my first time I am happy for right now. I plan to cover the seams with some vegetation crawling up or down the brick wall. Please all feel free to comment good or bad, it's how we learn. Also any suggestions!

Thanks everyone, I hope you all have a great week!


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fl9turbo2 posted:

5C784A3E-03A0-4F26-B8D5-A02222A953FAA3EA070B-F960-4A4B-BDCC-01DF758D82D1F7959589-8542-4E5E-9F28-C1183CF2F782Before I took down the mountain visited a friends layout to see the completed war of the worlds spaceship just put in to his layout 

Now these are the war machines I liked.Only problem is where to park.Hey he wants coke cola you can not get on mars only earth.Although they are talking to coke cola company to set up some kind of trade. 

I found some foam core poster board material being thrown out at work. Being part vulture, I scooped it up with intentions of using it some how on the layout. I decided to make an old factory building made of brick. 

There is an old factory in St. Louis called the International Shoe Company that has really great brick work. I couldn’t find an image of the building as a whole, so I used google street view to capture some images of certain features. I then photoshopped the building facades together and printed them off. 



With a small layout, the factory will also serve as a pass through tunnel.  Goal was to cover this front corner on the upper level.


I cut and pasted the images onto the foam core board. Then I glued and taped the foam core images onto a cardboard box for support.



I added roof pieces then added a small top floor area to give it a little more character.




I took it down to the layout for a test fit. I will be adding some pink foam tunnels/base of the building.



Overall I was very happy with the result so far. $0 project that took a couple hours to build.


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darlander posted:
JD2035RR posted:


Well done JD!   Never thought of using goggle earth street views as a source for building images.   Thanks for sharing - great tip! 

Cheers, Dave


Thank you, Dave!  It took a little work in photoshop to get the images to appear perfectly vertical. The images that you get from google earth street views look narrower at the top as they are looking up.  I found it easier to cut out certain features, then rebuild the images together.  My building isn't a great representation of the actual building, but I stole many of the architectural elements from it.  I also fixed many of their windows for them I need to figure out how I'm going to replicate the chimney.

2019-04-26 09_42_54-3460 S Broadway - Google Maps




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  • 2019-04-26 09_42_54-3460 S Broadway - Google Maps

My thanks to my longtime friend, Pat Whitehead, aka Trumptrain to you forum members, for coming over to my house this past Sunday and helping clear a 5' x 12' platform section of my layout so that I can redesign the city scene and ad more sidings an run-around tracks for switching operations. In that I am now a bit disabled, I could not have done it without Pat's help.

CoastsideKevin posted:

Attics are inherently challenging places for layouts, as you all know. Here is a flyover of my unfinished attic project and how I have used the only free space I had in my house.


Looks like you’ve adapted well! How much vertical space do you have? Are you seated or standing when you operate?

JD2035RR posted:
CoastsideKevin posted:

Attics are inherently challenging places for layouts, as you all know. Here is a flyover of my unfinished attic project and how I have used the only free space I had in my house.


Looks like you’ve adapted well! How much vertical space do you have? Are you seated or standing when you operate?

Maximum headroom is 5' and it slopes down to 1' at the far side. I am nearly 6', so no standing up (although my kids get to!). I sit on a pillow on the floor. Not comfortable. I have been considering getting some kind of bleacher chair with a back that would provide some support. It's not ideal.

paul 2 posted:

COASTSIDEKEVIN, nice video of your attic layout. I have an attic layout too. I am able to stand up in mine and  can walk the length. The stairs come up  at the back of the attic. Still had limitations building the layout but ended up with four mainlines. The layout is 27' by 12'...........Paul 2

Wow, four main lines is great! Can you share a picture of your layout?

Mine is 40’x10’ and I was only able to fit in two main lines. But I’m running conventional so two at once is about all I can handle. 

Last year I bought this Bachman Spectrum HO  2-8-0 Consolidated steam locomotive. It is a magnificent train--that had sat in its box for 15 years, which I learned when I got home. But after a mechanic got out the hardened grease it runs well.

It's been in its box for four months, so I gave it some exercise today while disassembling my lay-out.

If you can't see the video, switch to the Google Chrome browser and it will run.


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Last edited by Vincent Massi

Lessee, what'd I do today? Pulled the Scrapyard:



The crew here on the Plywood Empire Route are really thrilled with the capabilities of the "new" SW1500 (well, it is 35yrs newer than the old NW2). More power, higher tractive effort and for switching it CREEPS (even on conventional). Plus you can't beat the sound of that EMD 645 V12    With the PWC NW2 the only "engine" sound was the growl of the Lionel open-frame motor.


And set out an empty:


Then it'll be across the bridge over Oil Creek and on into town to switch the industrial area.




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Last edited by geysergazer

Paul 2, Thank You! Very cool I cant wait to see it with the flats up and in place! I am wondering if you plan on taking a little video of that area or even a bigger one of your basement layout? Great Attic layout photo's!

JD, Nice building! My kind of work and the price is perfect! LOL

Vincent, Thank you! I hope it looks better once the rails are painted and ballast is done! I tried to watch your video but all I got was black screen with engine sounds!

Kevin, nice use of your free space! Better to have it on the floor then not have it at  all!

Richie, Nice work! I agree Steve is top notch!

Lew, That sure looks like a nice little switcher and what a wonderful story to go with it! Thanks for sharing!

So after laying in a tube for almost 3 hours, then work I was able to get one TSM mounted. No wiring or anything else, but its one less to do! LOL

I hope everyone had a great day and may there Wednesday be even better!

I'm afraid not, Lee. The center of V.I.P. (Vincent's Industrial Park) will be a Lego dead rail train. On Friday, we will be going to Guadalajara where I HOPE to buy another train set.

The dead rails will be in the hard-to-clean areas, with HO and N scale closer to the edges of the table. V.I.P. will feature a locomotive manufacturing and repair facility, a Coca-Cola bottle cap recycling center, a vacation resort for retired super heroes, and other projects as construction proceeds.

mike g. posted:

Paul 2, Thank You! Very cool I cant wait to see it with the flats up and in place! I am wondering if you plan on taking a little video of that area or even a bigger one of your basement layout? Great Attic layout photo's!

JD, Nice building! My kind of work and the price is perfect! LOL

Vincent, Thank you! I hope it looks better once the rails are painted and ballast is done! I tried to watch your video but all I got was black screen with engine sounds!

Kevin, nice use of your free space! Better to have it on the floor then not have it at  all!

Richie, Nice work! I agree Steve is top notch!

Lew, That sure looks like a nice little switcher and what a wonderful story to go with it! Thanks for sharing!

So after laying in a tube for almost 3 hours, then work I was able to get one TSM mounted. No wiring or anything else, but its one less to do! LOL

I hope everyone had a great day and may there Wednesday be even better!

Mike- 3 HOURS!!!!! WOW!!!! So how does one pass the time? Can you bring a laptop or just take a nap.


Last edited by RSJB18
mike g. posted:

JD, Nice building! My kind of work and the price is perfect! LOL

So after laying in a tube for almost 3 hours, then work I was able to get one TSM mounted. No wiring or anything else, but its one less to do! LOL

I hope everyone had a great day and may there Wednesday be even better!

Thanks Mike. Actually, your BNSF building inspired me to make a building with the foam board I found. 

Hope everything went ok with the tube and it only has good news for you.

Bob and JD, thanks ! The tube is a different animal, Its a clear tube and all you can take in there is yourself that you were born with under a pair of scrubs of course! You lay in the tube getting 100% O2. My problem is that my left ear wont equalize so now I have to get tubes in my ears so they don't blow! LOL 

Bob they have a tv that sits atop of the tube you can watch or you sleep that's the choices! LOL

JD, thanks for the nice words about my BNSF Building. When you doing a layout on a low budget it what you have to do to get what you want sometimes! LOL

So today after my trip to the tube and work I was able to get another TSM mounted! I sure hope this it the hardest one cause it really sucked getting into place! But I only have 8 more to go! LOL I normally  don't take pictures of switches but I wanted to share the PIA it was to get this one into place! Enjoy!

Thanks to Dave AKA Darlander and his off set tubes he sent me I was able to get this done! Thanks DAVE!

Tomorrow should be a great day so everyone enjoy!20190501_17350320190501_173521


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Vincent. I understand was just hoping to see some O gauge action from you . 

Brian  great pics as always 

Mike. The car garage looks great keep going on that layout nice progress 

lew. I like that switcher 

Eliot. Take it easy and don’t over do it 

Been pretty busy doing other projects keeps raining and can’t do any paint but I’ll get something done  soon 

Ran trains last night before going to bed.  Did a little switching work exchanging locomotives between main lines.  Enjoyed the time and had fun!!


Mike G - good to know you go tubing!   At any rate your progress looks great!

Roman - widening curves means larger locomotives?  Yes?  It's always good to redo something on our layouts!   Thanks for the inspirational photos!  I need to do some track work on my layout and your photos help to motivate me!

Lee and Patrick thank you!

Dave, that one sure was a PIA! But I new I wouldn't have time today after work, so I got up at 4AM went to the Train room and mounted another one! Alot easier then the other! Only leaves me 7 more to do!

We'll everyone have a great day! Time for me to go tubing for a couple of hours!

trumptrain posted:

Roman - widening curves means larger locomotives?  Yes?  It's always good to redo something on our layouts!   Thanks for the inspirational photos!  I need to do some track work on my layout and your photos help to motivate me!

LOL. Yes my more scale stuff, which I really don't have much of, will look better on 042. I just wasn't pleased with how it was with Atlas 036 curves and 1 loop running. It stagnated for a few years and seeing Chris Esposito's photos in Weekend Photo Fun inspired me to go back to tubular and more of a Postwar display feel.

Last edited by Roman
Adriatic posted:

@CoastsideKevin I'm thinking a clamping seat for aluminum fishing boats might work out well for you. The backs often fold down, many swivel 360°, and moving it only takes a few seconds if it is a clamp style. C.list & garage sales (if you live near a marina that is. )

My other thought was using a big bean bag chair  

Great ideas, thanks! Bean bag is intriguing - I might have to learn to control the handles and switches with my feet! 

Well, I am sorry I haven't been on this topic since Sunday.  I had 59 messages in my inbox just now.  You folks are slipping!!    As I recall some Englishman say once, 'We haven't done a bloody thing on the layout all week!'  It was something like that I think!!  

I passed out 'likes' again like a new dad passes out cee-gars!  I am sorry I didn't comment more, but it would be another 4 days before I got through them all.  One of these days it has to let up a little!  

The last unfinished piece of surface area on my 10’-by-5’ layout is a strip at the rear about three inches in width and 5 feet in length. Part of this strip is covered by a scratch-built background building which overhangs the rear edge of the table. The surface itself is covered with taskboard. Today, I painted the surface and applied ground cover in the form of real dirt, dark brown ballast (fine and medium) and ground foam. So now, the table is 100% covered with track, roadbed, structures, and scenery. I plan to post some pictures when the glue dries and the building is back in place.




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Well it looks like everyone is taking care of little projects which is a great idea as it will free up room to make a bigger mess when you move on to the next project! LOL

Mel, the back side of your table turned out great! Very nice work! Now you can sit back and run trains!

Well its a little after 4 AM here and I am going to go out and see if I can get another TSM mounted before I go tubing! LOL 

I sure hope everyone has a great Friday and a wonderful weekend!

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