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I stopped at the garage that has been pumping new life in to my vehicle(200,000 miles) and dropped off some foot medicine to help him recover from a bad foot injury.  He told me his 3 yr old grandson is visiting  Xmas so he sent his wife to the attic to retrieve his long buried Lionel train.  I thought "YES!!" and offered any help that he might need. The directions for the foot medicine was to take it one shot at a time.

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While some folks take offense at the abbreviation and I'm careful not to use it very often it has nothing to do with "X" as the unknown as in all those math classes you hated but is the Greek letter chi which is close in shape to an X. It is the first letter of Christ spelled in Greek. As most typefaces don't have it (including OGR) X has been substituted.

Some don't care, some do so I try to spell it out. I'm not religious but am offended by what the Holiday has turned into in this country.

Don't have roomytism or arthuritis and I can crawl under my layout.  82 yrs old. Don't drink much either, in fact, not at all any more.  Still like pretty women and old Lionel trains though.  I agree ,  Christmas (Xmas) has degenerated in to a pagan ritual driven by the big retail corporations.  I never knew there was anything wrong with using "Xmas" for the holiday. Politically incorrect ??  Weird world.

I still drink quite a bit. Really like hot women. Don't have a layout yet, but I can crawl. All drunks need to be able to crawl. Love Christmas and it's meaning, but it certainly has lost what it's supposed to be to commercialism. Not in our house though I'm proud to say. We even get our Christmas ttee the old fashioned way. Noooo, not at Walmart.

Bad storms and very cold here today. Schools and roads closed.  Christmas trains and movies today! Of course hollering at fighting kids too. 

Last edited by MattR

MATTR, I will assume kids are to young to play outside?

In my day no school cold snowy weather meant grabbing ye old sled and did hrs of serious sledding!

but then we old folks were accustomed to cold and outdoor activities heck my older sister and brother went off a ski jump on a toboggan now that's courage!

enjoy the day and kids they grow up faster than you think.

  What? Spend! Buy! It's Black heart Friday! Trample others to save a buck!

  You should've had a frozen lake at the bottom of the hill, you keep going and going and going and I don't drink enough to get drunk anymore and haven't  been drunk more than 5 or 6 times since I was 19. (Those Long Island Ice teas can fool ya). But I do like the taste of good spirits being uplifted. (Biblically Punny as well )  My holiday bottle of Manischewitz "grapejuice" usually lasts till August, and none of my liquor bottles have a barcode on them either lol. Galliano, Ouzo, Creme de menthe, Chambord, and unopened Night Train which may as well be called liquor. Pa rumpa bum bum


Ah Night Train--now there's a tipple. When I was being sent from Basic Training in Georgia up to Aberdeen MD by train (in coach) there was another GI first time away from home who hit the package store in Augusta and boarded with a bottle of that stuff. Drank about 1/3 of it and passed out. Shoved him into a seat and passed the bottle around. Fifty years ago and I still remember that taste.

jim pastorius posted:

I stopped at the garage that has been pumping new life in to my vehicle(200,000 miles) and dropped off some foot medicine to help him recover from a bad foot injury.  He told me his 3 yr old grandson is visiting  Xmas so he sent his wife to the attic to retrieve his long buried Lionel train.  I thought "YES!!" and offered any help that he might need. The directions for the foot medicine was to take it one shot at a time.

That medicine, are you a certified medic that can give the shots or will a nurse be required to give them to him?


Did his wife ever return form the attic or is she still looking for the train?

StPaul posted:

MATTR, I will assume kids are to young to play outside?

In my day no school cold snowy weather meant grabbing ye old sled and did hrs of serious sledding!

but then we old folks were accustomed to cold and outdoor activities heck my older sister and brother went off a ski jump on a toboggan now that's courage!

enjoy the day and kids they grow up faster than you think.

No, they are 7 & 10. They are out lots. We live in the country on 40 acres, so plenty of room. We've had -22 wind chills, so they are in and out non stop. Furnace is running steady.  I do see  how fast they are growing. It makes me sad and I try to keep it in mind when I start getting grumpy.

MATTR, yrs on sad to see growing so quick but.....

Someday you will have Grandchildren and can enjoy it all over again with an even bigger treat they go home so you can mellow out again!

Wow 40 acres we were happy with a city park 2 blocks away and 2 sledding hills 6-10 blocks away.

Now get a something warm to drink and run some trains as tomorrow brings the digging out!!

 Ahhhhhh the sunny deserts do have an upside!

We would start at the top of the hill in the street and,if lucky, and enough snow, turn on to another street to keep going for a long way it seemed until you came to the bottom, maybe a half mile, to the boro pool and park. Then you had a long walk back up the hill. Doing it at night with the snow and street lights was fun.  A few years ago I went back and took pictures of the 'hood but didn't check that route out. Still a nice neigborhood.

I almost had you beat at one house Jim. Check the distance in the text, but its marked a bit long at home he beginning.. The dotted pic was sleds on the street. If you couldn't ride the curb to turn you continued straight downhill and into thick trees. If you add the dots to the latter, it is the route of the Marx Big Wheels. Too old to sit on them, but oh man did they fly downhill. And no brakes ; about 30+...I passed cars a few times.

Hey, we had knee and elbow pads...

...but we called them scabs.

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