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It will be great to see old friends at York.  Over the years I have noticed the guys who complain and moan about York are arm chair guys and do not go.  They have every excuse in the world.  York has some great people who attend and it is the great people who make York a great experience.  It also helps to take home a car full of great trains.

Originally Posted by david1:
Originally Posted by Joe Hohmann:
Originally Posted by johnstrains:


Some start talking about the next Meet the day after the last one ends!

Actually, a number of us start talking about the Allentown, PA show, held on Nov.9-10. For years now we have had a OGR breakfast get-together Saturday at 6:30 am. For this area, many consider this show to be the next best thing to York.

No shot of me ever making the breakfast even though I only live 45 minutes away but to say the Allentown meet is even close to York is a exaggeration of huge proportions. I like going and it is nice train meet but it will never compare to York In any sense. 

"Next best" does not mean "as good as" or even "close". It does mean "better than most other shows".

Originally Posted by Marty Fitzhenry:



It will be great to see old friends at York.  Over the years I have noticed the guys who complain and moan about York are arm chair guys and do not go....

I've noticed that as well, Marty, and I fully agree with your comment about the great opportunity the meet provides to be with so many like-minded friends, old and new.  Have a wonderful time there, my friend!

If York became a big train show open to the public, complete with strollers, it is unlikely I would drive the 2 hours to attend, and very likely I would quit the TCA.


Neither would I, let alone the six hours (one way) that I drive.


What's more, if the Eastern Division opened to the public, the TCA would loose all those members who only belong to attend York, and then would really have financial problems.

I have decided to forgo the York meet for a few reasons:

>I have more trains tan I can run, so my buying has become more focused on certain trains that it is easier to find on various forums;

>Only Bldg  8 had a significant appeal to me as I buy only MTH & RMT trains;

>My legs can no longer handle the bus ride from Long Island.



Yes, Mallard, work will be there but for more employees now than ever before, their pay won't be there for days and time not worked." Businesses have gotten used to doing more with less workers and many of today's workers certainly feel they're erxpendable at the whim of their employer so many are reliuctant to take days off except for extreme necessity. It's a well known that more employess go to work sick now days than ever before, let alone take off for the pleasure of attending events such as York.
As York has changed with the times and lifted it's cell phone ban perhaps the time has come for the Eastern TCA to rethink it's meet scheduling so it's more beneficial to its attendees rather than its promoters. With the exception of trade shows, which York is most certainly not, the majority of today's consumer conventions and shows are half day Friday and full day Saturday and Sunday events that cater to their attendee's schedules rather than expecting attendees to cater to the schedule of show promoters.
 Originally Posted by Mallard4468:

"...Sad to hear that some folks feel that they can't take the time off of work.  Life's too short - if you are reasonably good at your job, work will always be there...."



I'm looking forward to York.


Originally Posted by ogaugeguy:
As York has changed with the times and lifted it's cell phone ban perhaps the time has come for the Eastern TCA to rethink it's meet scheduling so it's more beneficial to its attendees rather than its promoters. 

A valid point worthy of consideration, Kenn.  In my opinion, even the previous two-day event (full day Friday and six to eight hours or so on Saturday) was probably better from the membership standpoint.  Manufacturers and dealers would probably disagree, but at some point in time the meet scheduling should probably be given a close look-see by the organizers, particularly if they see a pronounced decline in attendance.

Originally Posted by Joe Hohmann:

Actually, a number of us start talking about the Allentown, PA show, held on Nov.9-10. For years now we have had a OGR breakfast get-together Saturday at 6:30 am. For this area, many consider this show to be the next best thing to York.

Since my wish of the TCA Eastern Division of holding the York Meet four times a year probably will not happen, the November and February Allentown Meet is a nice bridge between the York Meets.  
Originally Posted by ogaugeguy:
.....As York has changed with the times and lifted it's cell phone ban perhaps the time has come for the Eastern TCA to rethink it's meet scheduling so it's more beneficial to its attendees rather than its promoters. With the exception of trade shows, which York is most certainly not, the majority of today's consumer conventions and shows are half day Friday and full day Saturday and Sunday events that cater to their attendee's schedules rather than expecting attendees to cater to the schedule of show promoters.

Kenn, I agree with your thoughts on the scheduling, I've always wondered why the Meet wasn't held on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.  Maybe it's a pricing or scheduling issue with the Fairgrounds themselves?


However since the Meet is set up and operated by the volunteers of Eastern Division members, not promoters, I guess it's their party we as TCA members are invited to.  If we were invited to a friend's or relatives event we would attend, or not, according to whenever they schedule it. 



Originally Posted by Mallard4468:

 Attendance seems to be steadily growing in the past 3 years or so after bottoming out in 2008/2009 - I base this on how easy/difficult it is to move around in the halls.



Sad to hear that some folks feel that they can't take the time off of work.  Life's too short - if you are reasonably good at your job, work will always be there.

(Based on actual Eastern Division numbers.)

Steadily increasing? Looks like an overall decrease to me for the last 2 years.

I wonder if they've ever looked at the causes of any attrition, are people just not going, dropped membership, Grim Reaper?


If you're reasonably good at your job it's no guarantee that it doesn't look good to take off time even if it's something important (not a train show). And if your really good at your job or just about indispensable then it's even more difficult these days with staffing cut backs. I put in for next Friday 8 months ago and was told no way since the boss was already scheduled off that day. I lucked out and he's taking the whole week off so I was told if I want Friday instead of Thursday I could take it since it doesn't matter now but I need to make sure my department is pushing out all it can before Friday or guess what? So there is a small chance I will only be there on Saturday! Granted being a good employee does cut most of us some slack with the boss but it usually doesn't work farther up the food chain especially if it's located in another state or country. This has nothing to do with feeling like you can't take off, a lot of us can't take off because of meetings, production quotas, others already scheduled off for the same time, preventative maintenance, wanting to use our time off for a family event, vacation, a wedding or what have you.

We all give some one a pass if it's a family thing or a sick pet like Allan ( Hope the dogs doing OK Allan ) but then expect others to blow off work like it's not relevant or important, something wrong with that picture. They're all important and if someone can't make it because of work, or an illness or even a sick pet then they should do what THEY feel is important and necessary and I won't begrudge them one bit since everyone of us knows what it's like to be in these very situations at one time or another.

That being said I am looking forward to seeing some of you at the OGR Grandstand meeting.



Lack of buzz.................My thinking...................
The Federal Government shutdown is financially hurting many people. If you work for the federal government or a federal system integrator it is not the best of times right now. If you sell products or services to the federal government your sales are zero. My sales are zero until Congress and the President approve a CR.

I myself found past buzz falling into two categories.


1. The B******g

    - Why no cells phones?  

    - Why not open to the public?

    - Why tip the restroom attendants?

This seems to be way down this year and I'm VERY thankful for that.


2. The Anticipation

    - Will MTH's catalog make it?

    - What will be in Lionel's catalog?

    - What will the weather be like?

This also seems to be well down and I think it's just a matter of bad luck/timing as  there is nothing buzz-worthy to talk about in this arena.


Also, we seem to be sorely missing in controversies/compelling characters in the business.  Mike Wolf seems to have disappeared and while the new Lionel management may be competent (we'll see) charismatic they are not.

Last edited by Chris Lord
I for one am getting very excited about the meet. I've only been going on and off since I joined the TCA in 2007 and my focus has changed from O-gauge to Standard Gauge tinplate. York is the only meet I know of that has any amount of Standard Gauge to speak off.

I was a little disappointed with the lack of bandit meet reports this past Spring and I only hope those forumites going find the time to report on them.

Here is the crazy thing about the current government money is being saved at all.  It's the only organization that will send half its employees home just for looks and tells the other half they must come in to get paid.  Both halves will eventually get paid but if the people who have to go to work need a day off they will lose that day of pay whenever this is fixed.  The people that are told to stay home get the same pay.  And take it from someone who knows....the government functions exactly the same whether 100% staffed or 50% staffed.  That's about how much waste there is (your tax dollars).  Am I going to York?  You're darn right I am.  I had to rearrange the work schedule to do it but I am going come **** or high water.  Not much buzz cause not much money while not getting paid.  But I will be there.  Waiting for the government to fix the mess?  Life is too short for that.  BigRail

I'm looking forward to going Thursday, the only day I can get there.


Plans are to start with the hot dogs, pick up my Legacy shirt in the Orange Hall at 2, maybe attend a Lionel Seminar, and try to stop by Thursday at Fridays.


Let's see, what did I forget...oh, yeah, buy trains?


This is my first York Meet since the 1980's, I'm looking forward to it.


Definitely need to wear my National Capital Trackers cap.





I'm not sure about how much "buzz" there has been or is leading up to this York.  I tend to focus my attention on the Scenery, Electrical, For Sale, and WTB forums.  A lot of the traffic on this forum consists of:

  • Standard Thread 1:  Did you get your badge?  When?  OMG, where's mine?
  • Standard Thread 2:  N days left to York.

Whatever.        (By the way, we need a laughing emoticon on this forum).


Having said that, I am very juiced about going to York (this will be my 25th time).  I still enjoy seeing what's new, picking up an interesting item or two, and visiting with my friends.


Be well all, and have fun.




Originally Posted by BANDOB:

I'm looking forward to going Thursday, the only day I can get there.


This is my first York Meet since the 1980's,

My first York was in the mid-'80s. I think the Orange Hall will surprise you. Sometimes I've gone on Thursday only. All halls can be covered, as long as you are not trying to shop with a list...and you keep on moving.

Originally Posted by Allan Miller:

Allow me to provide a fine example of how to grow the hobby:


I ventured over to forum member Dave Minarik's Mercer Junction train shop yesterday...a fine fall day and I just needed to get away for a while.


While there, a middle-age couple came into the shop.  The husband is a friend of one of Dave's motorcycle pals, but neither he nor his wife are "train people."  They came to the store because that biking bud had told them about Dave, and the wife was interested in possibly buying a train to complement a whole series of hand-crafted wood buildings that another friend of theirs had made for her over some years (really gorgeous work, I must add).


They looked around the store for a while, and Dave soon had them operating and admiring the store layout (running some trains with DCS).


They then began asking about various ways to approach getting their very first train, and Dave walked them through all the basics that go into getting started.  I also chimed in from time to time, but Dave patiently guided them through the various options and provided a wealth of both buying and operating tips.


Long story short:  The couple walked out with an MTH Pennsy steam freight starter set, a bunch of accessories, and extra sections of track.  Dave also made sure they had his phone number so they could also contact him if they had any problems or questions.


There's no doubt in my mind that those folks WILL be back for more.  They may not get into building a massive layout, but I'll bet that once they start playing around with that set and seeing how it complements that beautiful collection of buildings, chances are very good that they'll take me up on my advice to expand things later with a couple of switches or so and perhaps even a second train.  We shall see!


Now THAT'S one good way to grow the hobby!  Doesn't have to be in a train shop, of course, but it could be from talking with folks at a seasonal train show or even by displaying enthusiasm for the hobby on a one-to-one basis with a friend, colleague, or friend of a friend.  I've seen it happen this way time and again over the years.


Dave's a GREAT guy.


Allan, you had to sell them a subscription to OGR to help maintain their interest. At least I hope you gave them a copy or 2.



Originally Posted by G3750:



...  I tend to focus my attention on the Scenery, Electrical, For Sale, and ...I still enjoy seeing what's new, picking up an interesting item or two, and visiting with my friends.


Be well all, and have fun.




Hi George, I can combine a couple of those for you, esp. the scenery and Sale (Big) attractions. I hope you'll come by my booth, even if just to say hello and become acquainted. I've never done a Sale before, and this one will surprise a lot of people.

Be safe and well.


York has outgrown itself as a "meet", and it's future in an operator's culture (as opposed to the collector culture of the 1980's and 1990's) is more as a show.  Traditionalists will disagree with me, and that's fine.  But York is quickly losing its relevance as "the only place" to find great deals on toy trains.  2013 has been a banner year for almost non-stop discount/blow-out sales from just about every big-name dealer -- and even the not-so-big dealers too.  Almost seems like each week another sale comes along, and each discount level seems better than the last.  I'd almost be surprised to see better deals at York than we've already seen earlier this year.    We don't even "need" York anymore to find those "hard-to-find" items that may be on our wish-list.  They show up quite regularly on eBay -- from very reputable sources too. 


Aside from catching up with some old friends and making new acquaintances, I don't attend York to "shop".  But I do like to check in with companies marketing their wares to see what's up-and-coming.  And therein is "the show" element I'm talking about.  I like to see what Lionel, MTH, Atlas-O, and places like Train Worx will be coming out with next.  And as someone hinted at earlier, I always like to check in with vendors that sell products helpful for those of us building layouts -- big and small.  Yep... sure sounds more like a show than a meet for my needs.


I really don't attend York anymore to "collect trains" or get fabulous deals.  True... if I stumble across something that calls my name, I may buy it.  But that's not the PRIMARY reason for going anymore.


That's just me.  Other folks will feel differently.


But in general, I think we're all already on sensory overload before we even get to York.  The market is so over-saturated with product year-round, that we don't need a sea of dealers and 12,000+ TCA members converging at the York Fairgrounds to get overwhelmed.  We're already there before we get there. 


All that being said, we shouldn't be all THAT surprised to feel the York "buzz factor" on the lighter side these days.  It won't stop many of us from making the trip and having a good time, but there's definitely a feeling of change in our midst.



Originally Posted by walt rapp:

Maybe the 'lack of buzz' on this forum is because the same topics, both positive ones and negative ones, have been repeated so many times that most of us are just tired of reading/talking about those things, so we don't????


- walt

I suspect, Walt, that you are entirely right. Several whining and complaining points - and we all know what they have been - have been made so many times that simply yapping for the sake of yapping - and reading same - has even lost its dubious "attraction." IMHO.

Last edited by Moonson
Originally Posted by Jim Policastro:

My sympathies to anyone for whom the York experience has diminished in any way.


If so, IMO it's not the fault of the meet. I've been going since October of 1985, and, if anything, I look forward to it more and more as the years go by.


Will be packing up tomorrow - can't wait to see everyone (and the trains ).


Hi Jim, I am packed-up and loaded-up for York - just finished (it took me since 9am today.)

I would offer this viewpoint, suggested, today, by my wife. I thought she was correct:


Every time you go to York (the TCA Meet) something changes. It's never the same place twice. Every York is unique.


Her perspective seems right, to me. What do you think, Jim?



I agree, Frank. You never know what you'll come across or who you'll see for the first time in years.


Nothing compares with seeing all those trains "up close and personal" - way better than all the internet auction photos in the world! Just clicking a mouse may be easier on the legs, but, as long as I am physically able, I prefer roaming the aisles.


Looking forward to seeing you Thursday - safe travels.



Originally Posted by Jim Policastro:

Nothing compares with seeing all those trains "up close and personal" - way better than all the internet auction photos in the world! Just clicking a mouse may be easier on the legs, but, as long as I am physically able, I prefer roaming the aisles.


Looking forward to seeing you Thursday - safe travels.



You make a  very good point, Jim, and yes, I look forward to shaking hands when that warm smile of yours says Hello again at my little booth. Be safe and well.


Originally Posted by david1:

... but to say the Allentown meet is even close to York is a exaggeration of huge proportions. I like going and it is nice train meet but it will never compare to York In any sense. 

I'm partial to the Allentown meet 'cause I lived in the Lehigh Valley for many years.  But the thing that's nice about Allentown is it's still small enough to be "a meet" for those looking to stroll aisles and browse trains and train memorabilia.  Yet it's a big meet for sure, and it's earned a well-deserved reputation.


As I mentioned in my post above, I feel York has outgrown itself as "a meet".  It's big enough that ALL the toy train importers, vendors and dealers attend -- giving it all the makings of "a show" -- although I get the drift that the trend to become a "show" bothers a lot of traditionalists here.  Oh well, as the saying goes... you can't please all the people all the time -- nor should you.  Change is inevitable.




Rocky Mountaineer,

You certainly are entitled to your opinion as I am of mine.  However I am into Post War trains.  All the new stuff just does not concern me.  I run traditional with no command control.  Now as I see it there is more older stuff at York than new.  I don't care for ebay as you can't see the item you may want to bid on.  Pictures are very deceiving.  I must be able to pick up the item and handle it.  Where can I do that?  York, with it's huge amount of older trains.  To me it will always be exciting to see what I can see!!  No other meet can compare for older items.  Keep in mind that there are many different views on what someone may want to operate of collect.  There is room for all of us but one must remember not to have "tunnel vision".


Paul Edgar

I don't care what people call it, call it a meet or call it a show. I have gone to every single one since 1985 when I joined the TCA. 


Although i buy the modern era of scale trains and command systems I enjoy going to every building at York. I have more then I can display or run but if I see something that I can't do without I'll buy it.


i enjoy all era's of trains though only buy modern. York is the only place for me to see what has come before, be it std gauge, PW or anything else. I enjoy it all. 


I also like meeting other like minded people and friends I only see twice a year. Can't wait for the time I leave  to travel to York , it really is a fun time. 

Many valid ideas here. I've been a bit distracted by work and family considerations so I am not a good barometer of York excitment. I am, however, excited to get there and see all the guys again. I will, however, join the few in wondering if the YORK MEET Forum contributes to some of the perceived lack of excitement. I rather liked it when we just stumbled on various York topics in the 3-rail Forum, duplicates and all.

Don't allow the fact that I am open to making changes to the York show to hide the fact that I am always looking forward to going.  It is a great show and the people who volunteer to put it on deserve our thanks.  I am just hoping work will permit me to attend during the week instead of Saturday (and Saturday is better than not at all).  

If you look at last year you can see 1000 less people showed at york. Maybe there is not as much "buzz" about it this year because a good number of people are not in financial shape to make the trip and buy up the place this time. Two of my friends who own busunesses are not making anywhere near what they were making and I personally do not have the resources I had even last year when I did go. I am registered for york but medical and financial issues after the medical, cancelled me out. Many people have had their hours cut and have seen the large increases already in health insurance. After being laid off for one full year my own wife was only able to find a job that paid 2/3 of what she had before.  I doubt really that I will be going anymore at all. If I had a pocket full of cash I would be as excited as many of you are. Those of you who still do, be glad and enjoy it while you still can. Tougher times are ahead. Have fun.



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