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I have a number of American Flyer Legacy Locomotives including the Big Boy. My B B sat on the shelf for quite a while as I worked on scenery on the layout. I put it back on the layout to run it for a short time and there is now a problem with the sound. The whistle and bell and steamsounds are fine but when the engine is in operation it normally has four chugs per one revolution of the wheels. It now misses one of the chugs most all the time, some times under a load it will sound all four, but once it is up to the set speed it sounds like a four banger firing on three cylinders. does any one have any ideas on this, all suggestions welcome.


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I had this same problem on mine and it was the arm on the switch which seemed to have lost its shape.

What I see to remember was that one of the lobes on the cam didn't look to be the same height as the others which makes sense in that it misses one chuff.

It was a bit fiddly adjusting it but not impossible with it all in situ once you remove the axle/wheel assembly.

Probably took me about 30 mins to sort out 

The AF Big Boys are known to have a number of issues right out of the box. Much of this is documented on Carl Tuveson's website along with the fixes for them.

Go to, click on "TMCC for S" and then scroll down and select "The AF Big Boy - A review and more". Carl has posted quite a bit of data that can prove helpful in correcting this and many of the typical problems with the AF Big Boy.


Ray, Carl Tuveson's website (  lists this as a common issue with the AF Big Boy.  His Big Boy squawk sheet lists the issue as "The loco was only doing 3 chuffs per revolution instead of 4" and the fix was "Adjusted the chuff micro switch by slightly bending the micro switch arm in a downward direction".

He has a detailed procedure with pictures on his website.  I have not run my Big Boy enough to experience the problem and have not otherwise been under the hood of one, but it appears to be a straight forward fix.



Thank you for the info, I have been to Carl's website and did download the procedure and pictures. I was just hoping that the reprogram might have worked. I am doing rework on my P.E. right now but I will want to have the BB back in service by the time S Fest comes around. My layout is scheduled to be on the layout tour.


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