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Not run? Why would that be? Engines are meant to run. As Pat would say, "I put these through the paces for all day long operation." Or something like that.

Most of my stuff I don't have the ability to run at the moment because there is no track that is built wide enough. I only have a Christmas tree layout at the moment, but I talked with Pat about the space I have above the kitchen. That will definitely be my Hudson paradise if I ever get the plans for the layout where I like them. I'm currently stuck with layout writers block I guess you could say. Maybe this weekend I can get a spark.

This is my favorite Hudson.  More for sentimental reasons than anything.  My dad gave this to me in 2000 as a gift and a collector's item. I know it's not the fanciest, most advanced, most detailed, rarest, or most expensive, but it was a nice gift, and I decided I didn't want to simply collect this Hudson.  I wanted to run it and have it be a great runner!
773 CC_1

773 CC_2

After seeing Pat's posts of the the work he has done at @harmonyards, I asked Pat if he'd be willing to help  and give my Hudson  the "WORKS!"  Pat agreed, and my Hudson has been getting some work done.  I broke the seal and opened the box to see the actual locomotive for the first time in over 20 years, and then I shipped it off.  Pat is a busy guy with lots of projects, but this one will be worth the wait. Thanks, Pat!


Images (2)
  • 773 CC_1: Unopened since my dad gave it to me in 2000.
  • 773 CC_2: Century Club 773


Jason, that is a great story, and I have seen Pat post about the Century Club offering that it is ideal for an upgrade.

And yes, Pat is a very busy guy indeed, even if he does have time to work on trains. I have a bunch of engines(K4's, Mikado's and such) that need Pat's expertise in fixing gearbox situations as well has several Hudson upgrades. If you were to ask me to count on my fingers how many, I need a bunch more hands. I don't even know the Hudson count, that is because I added more to that list.


Jason, that is a great story, and I have seen Pat post about the Century Club offering that it is ideal for an upgrade.

And yes, Pat is a very busy guy indeed, even if he does have time to work on trains. I have a bunch of engines(K4's, Mikado's and such) that need Pat's expertise in fixing gearbox situations as well has several Hudson upgrades. If you were to ask me to count on my fingers how many, I need a bunch more hands. I don't even know the Hudson count, that is because I added more to that list.

Busy is an understatement!….however, and Dave can attest to this as well as ALOT of the fellas on here, ….when I build y’all something, it’s 110% correct, and I pour my everything into every project!….I don’t ship back junk, and I don’t ship it back half***ed……y’all’s patience is always rewarded with over the top craftsmanship!…..I can’t thank you fellas enough for being so patient, and I promise, as soon as I get away from that god awful four letter word ( work ) turn around times will drop like a rock!…..again, I appreciate all of you, I will not leave y’all disappointed,…….I’ve built a gazzillion custom locomotives and nobody has ever had a bad thing to say except it took longer than they’d like,…..totally understandable!!!……


@harmonyards posted:

Busy is an understatement!….however, and Dave can attest to this as well as ALOT of the fellas on here, ….when I build y’all something, it’s 110% correct, and I pour my everything into every project!….I don’t ship back junk, and I don’t ship it back half***ed……y’all’s patience is always rewarded with over the top craftsmanship!…..I can’t thank you fellas enough for being so patient, and I promise, as soon as I get away from that god awful four letter word ( work ) turn around times will drop like a rock!…..again, I appreciate all of you, I will not leave y’all disappointed,…….I’ve built a gazzillion custom locomotives and nobody has ever had a bad thing to say except it took longer than they’d like,…..totally understandable!!!……


Amen. Yeah, craftsmanship is awesome because you don't realize some things unless you know it was being done. An example to give was on my old 18009 Mohawk. Details start off on the raw engine is sparse in some spots, like the original backhead. Pat took that out and put in the real deal, popped in the engineer and the fireman(which it was running itself beforehand). I knew about those details, but I was surprised when I saw the windows had windows. I didn't remember if Pat had said that, but I was blown away there. Some other details were added into it, but I would have to see the email Pat and I where we were talking about them to remember it all.

Also, around Thanksgiving last year Pat was sending back my Pennsy L1 that was checked out to see the gearbox possibly presenting issues(which Pat had to correct mine). Well, when it was shipped, the carrier had issue(FedEx) and it looked like it wasn't going to be delivered. Pat went above and beyond to communicate with the carrier to ensure that it would indeed get to me and not go all the way back to him like the tracking was suggesting at first glance. Needless to say I rested well with the knowledge that Pat has never ever had a package get lost.

With all that, I know of more Hudson projects that I definitely want to see. Some road numbers that haven't been produced to my knowledge. Get some J1's, J2's, & J3's, but I will have to consult Pat on what sort of donor engine would be ideal for what the need is to be made. I have to figure out where one of the pictures I saw quite some time ago in order to get one. One of the others would have elephant ears(smoke lifters). I didn't know that Hudson's had them, oops.

@harmonyards posted:

Busy is an understatement!….however, and Dave can attest to this as well as ALOT of the fellas on here, ….when I build y’all something, it’s 110% correct, and I pour my everything into every project!….I don’t ship back junk, and I don’t ship it back half***ed……y’all’s patience is always rewarded with over the top craftsmanship!…..I can’t thank you fellas enough for being so patient, and I promise, as soon as I get away from that god awful four letter word ( work ) turn around times will drop like a rock!…..again, I appreciate all of you, I will not leave y’all disappointed,…….I’ve built a gazzillion custom locomotives and nobody has ever had a bad thing to say except it took longer than they’d like,…..totally understandable!!!……


In my case I’m fine waiting . You’ve gotten the details and mechanical issues on my J3 straightened out and I know it’s in like for final lettering and numbers . Quality is worth the wait. You’ve turned a basket case shelf Queen into a beautiful runner. Then I’ll send my Lancaster and Chester #40 project and I’m in no hurry for it . I know you will do a good job. That’s the important thing for me

@harmonyards posted:

when I build y’all something, it’s 110% correct, and I pour my everything into every project!….I don’t ship back junk, and I don’t ship it back half***ed……y’all’s patience is always rewarded with over the top craftsmanship!…..


Yes! That's the reason we send these to you!  You are a craftsman AND an artist.  My Century Hudson sat unopened for 23 years........12 years after my dad passed away I decided to open the package and check out my engine.  It was like being a kid again.  You do magic and turn these "toy" trains into works-of-art.

I saw last night that the picture of the J3(5446) with elephant ears(smoke lifters) was a fake photo. Originally when I was looking up real Hudson pictures last week, that photo came up all by itself. When I searched last night, "Hudson with Smoke Lifters", it took me to this site where there are eight fake engines including the J3.

Now I know that it was probably not something the Central did on their Hudson's, but the fake picture made me think that it could have been(until I saw that it was fake). Having the streamlining would negate the need for smoke lifters, that's for sure.

So I ask the silly question I probably already know the answer to. Were there any Hudson's that had smoke lifters for other railroads since it is highly unlikely that the New York Central would have used them?

Second question, has anyone ever put smoke lifters on a model of a New York Central Hudson?

Wow, reading about the Koh’s model of the famous J1e Hudson sounds great, and possibly it has features that Lionel’s VisionLine models don’t have. Very interesting. Does it have a Legacy System, crew talk/towercom, 4 chuffs per revolution, or even have gunrunner John’s smoke stuff?, if so, it’s a Home Run. I know it’s a bit pricey, and probably is 2 rail scale. I’ll look for one.
Now, here are a few more pictures of my favorite (to me) model hudson. A K-Line re-build by my buddy Pat at Harmonyards. It runs fine and I’ll do a video in the nit to distant future. Thank you again Pat. Happy Railroading Everyone IMG_1255IMG_1254IMG_1253IMG_1252IMG_1249IMG_1248IMG_1247IMG_1246IMG_1258IMG_1257IMG_1256IMG_1259IMG_1260


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Absolutely right. Absurd for such a beautiful engine. One can find larger wheels and other pilot trucks but not easy to find

My 18056 below, currently having shelf-time. Runs well; strong like bull.

Lionel drop-in front truck with scale wheels (there is at least one on eBay right now for $22) and a RS5 PT tender. This model now is a very good representation of the 5344 when scrapped* - I have a photo. The Scullin drivers really make it. It now requires 072 curves because of the pilot wheels and the tender. 18056? Good stuff, just needs editing.

(*I do believe that right before execution there was a larger, J3-type sand dome replacing the smaller J1-type, as well as top check valves put on the loco ahead of the sand dome.)



Images (1)
  • DSCN7325

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