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   What a great offer, thanks much!  I try to do this almost every Christmas for an active duty or Veterans family.   Some of these kids have rough lives because their parents have to move around so much, from duty station to duty station, some of the Veterans families are now in bad shape because of the rotten politics surrounding our Wounded Vets.  A lot of the GI Benefits have been down graded by our wonderful politicians and lots of the Vets family money now goes to medial treatments.  I try to make sure the kids in these families have the same kind of Christmas I remember, the O Gauge Trains make this happen for a lot of these kids.  Many times the O Gauge Trains make the greatest memories of these kids lives, I am proud to help in some small way, the people's families that continue to provide our freedom and way of life.  Some times now because of the military computers, I am lucky and get thanked with some wonderful pictures during the Christmas season.  The latest pictures I will treasure for ever!  These boys are the family of a US Navy active Duty Sailor on deployment.  To say the family liked Santa's Christmas present, would be the understatement of the Christmas Season.  If you have ever been on active duty, you know Dad might not be home for Christmas, these young service wives are the heart beat of our nation, and few people even know of their contribution to our way of life, Family God and Country are these girls way of life.   I try to help around the edges, these girls are proud ladies, having them accept something form Santa, usually leaves them in tears.  Having been drafted, my young wife lived thru this way of life, I will never forget her accomplishments, and they way she raised our family when I was deployed, I try to make it a little easier for some of these Military families at Christmas time.

Matt, I will definitely let you know if I need help around Christmas time!

Thanks much I will always remember your kindness,



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Last edited by Pine Creek Railroad
Pine Creek Railroad posted:


   What a great offer, thanks much!  I try to do this almost every Christmas for an active duty or Veterans family.   Some of these kids have rough lives because their parents have to move around so much, from duty station to duty station, some of the Veterans families are now in bad shape because of the rotten politics surrounding our Wounded Vets.  A lot of the GI Benefits have been down graded by our wonderful politicians and lots of the Vets family money now goes to medial treatments.  I try to make sure the kids in these families have the same kind of Christmas I remember, the O Gauge Trains make this happen for a lot of these kids.  Many times the O Gauge Trains make the greatest memories of these kids lives, I am proud to help in some small way, the people's families that continue to provide our freedom and way of life.  Some times now because of the military computers, I am lucky and get thanked with some wonderful pictures during the Christmas season.  The latest pictures I will treasure for ever!  These boys are the family of a US Navy active Duty Sailor on deployment.  To say the family liked Santa's Christmas present, would be the understatement of the Christmas Season.  If you have ever been on active duty, you know Dad might not be home for Christmas, these young service wives are the heart beat of our nation, and few people even know of their contribution to our way of life, Family God and Country are these girls way of life.   I try to help around the edges, these girls are proud ladies, having them accept something form Santa, usually leaves them in tears.  Having been drafted, my young wife lived thru this way of life, I will never forget her accomplishments, and they way she raised our family when I was deployed, I try to make it a little easier for some of these Military families at Christmas time.

Matt, I will definitely let you know if I need help around Christmas time!

Thanks much I will always remember your kindness,



That is great helping kids with trains!!  I donated some to an organization in Oklahoma City this past year.  I learned of it from a friend on a Facebook Train group.  While I am happy to help kids in the Midwest, I would rather help kids closer to home.  That is our first calling as Christians, I think.  I wouldn't have much, but I would like to participate this coming year.  Thank you for posting.


Yes, thank you for your generosity! 

Mark Boyce posted:

That is cool, Keith!!  Jim is right, it makes a good door stop, but a good conversation piece as well.  Even better than old spikes or tie plates.

Are you going to the Greenberg show in a couple weeks?  I plan to go Saturday.  Maybe I will see you again!

Thanks! I'll probably put it in my train room. Not sure what I'll do with it yet. I don't know what railroad it was from, but I'll try to find out.

Yah, I'll be going to the Greenberg show, probably on Saturday, but not sure...

At the recent Amherst Railway Society show in West Springfield, MA, I found a book for which I had been searching a long time. Titled "Where Rails Meet the Sea", the book is a coast to coast look at railroading's marine operations through the decades. The best part was I actually spotted it sitting in a box under the vendor's table. I'm not normally one who digs through the under the table bargain boxes but for some reason I just happened to look and there it was.  




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Big Jim posted:

Picked up this reproduction Orient Express lamp at an antique mall. It was tarnished pretty bad. Took a couple of hours to clean up. Looks good now, but, don't buy one thinking it will help light a room! 

OE 1OE 2

My wife bought me one like that about 30 years ago.  It's on my desk as I type this.  

A friend wanted one like it so we started a hunt and found one in an antique store for $30.00.  It didn't have a chimney and after a search we found True Value has them or can get one for you.

I almost wish I had another one because I have another place that needs a small lamp.

Last edited by Forty Rod
Keith6700 posted:
Mark Boyce posted:

That is cool, Keith!!  Jim is right, it makes a good door stop, but a good conversation piece as well.  Even better than old spikes or tie plates.

Are you going to the Greenberg show in a couple weeks?  I plan to go Saturday.  Maybe I will see you again!

Thanks! I'll probably put it in my train room. Not sure what I'll do with it yet. I don't know what railroad it was from, but I'll try to find out.

Yah, I'll be going to the Greenberg show, probably on Saturday, but not sure...

So it was from NS in Pittsburgh, and I'll definately be going Saturday...

Mark Boyce posted;

I agree with Daylight!  I never heard of using that for ballast, but it looks mighty good!!  What are crushed walnut shells normally used for?  Do you find them in an agriculture or farm supply store?


 I learned it here on OGR.  Somewhere it was mentioned that Woodland Scenics ballast was nothing more than crushed and colored walnut shell.  That particular bag contains a sifted grade that's identical in size to WS medium grade, which I find just about perfect scale for O.  You'll find Walnut shell anywhere you might purchase sandblasting equipment.  It's a medium used to strip paint without building up heat that might warp steel panels.  A bag cost me about $30 CDN...roughly the cost of 2 bottles of the WS stuff up here.  A rough guestimate says one bag should be enough to cover the complete layout.


BTW, I notice at the supply store that they offer a crushed copper slag that is finer in texture, somewhat like scale cinders.  When I'm back there I'll test the stuff to see if it's magnetic.   A 20lb. bag was around $10.

Last edited by brwebster
paul 2 posted:

Today was the Medina show. I was only going to look for another  farm tractor to round out the loads for three flat cars. No luck on that but I managed to find a very nice Marx light tower, almost like brand new. There was another one for sale but when I got done buying this one and went back to grab that one someone else grab it. A lot more shows to go to maybe I will find some more. Pics....................Paul

paul, I was there with a box full of ertel 1/43 scale cars and tractors...$7 apiece, had the table by the n scale layout..... are those trains really that small?..jim

Last edited by Jim Berger

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