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The Saturday December 7th Casey Jones Chapter, TCA train meet has been canceled due to bad weather. They predicted an ice"sormaggedon" down here today. It was decided to cancel the show this morning. It never got as bad as they forecasted, but the trees sure look pretty.The roads are clear and the riots at the grocery stores where lifes were lost when supplies of milk and bread were depleted have subsided. You know we realy panic down here on days lke this.


We hope to see you at at our February meet.


Those of you north and west of the Memphis area pleae be careful, I think you got all of the stuff that missed us.





Last edited by Richard Gonzales
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We got it...and got it good!!  About 3 inches of ice and sleet all day yesterday starting morning about 9:30 and then around midnight or so this morning, heavy snow all day until around 4 or so this afternoon.  A total of around 10 to 12 inches on top of the ice and sleet.  This part of the country is not prepared to deal with this kind of weather as it is unusual....  The last time we had this much snow locally was around 1990.  Our winter is normally worst in late January, early February but holy cow!!!  Wonder what it will be like by then!!  Down to the single digits tonight...can't wait for the utility bills this winter...



WOW Alan,


Hope you were able to pick up some bread and milk before it was too late!


 Dec 23rd will be the 50th anaversy of the 1963 snow here in Memphis. We had 17 inches of snow and the temperture droped to -13. We had a White Christmas that year! I was 9 years old and played in the snow until I could not move. If I recall it stayed on the ground until January.


Stay inside and work on your layout.





Last edited by Richard Gonzales

Richard I remember that snow very well. I had a friend who had a corvair and he lost a fan belt down by St. Peter's and was able to get home after parking the car. He asked me to take him back to fix the car so he could get it home. So we started out near Park ave abd west Crestwood and got over on Poplar and got all the way to East high school on Poplar and the trafic snarl was so bad we got turned around and went back home. It took most of the day to just do this. we had 5 of us in the car and the others would get out and push on the fenders to stear me through all the cars that people had left on the streets. Hard to think about it was 50 years ago.

Richard hope you did not loose power. I did not see anything posted by you since last night. If your rodes were good enough did the guy's just work on the modules since you canceled your planned time out at St. Georges running trains.

When I use to see you posting about St. Georges I thought it was the old on on Poplar about 2 miles east of Poplar and G'Town road lol.

Alan good to hear that you still have power. I think memphis did not get as much ice as first predicted but I just saw pictures downtown near the bridge across the Mississippi and it looked like a sheet of ice. The highway called the Austin Peay was having LOTS of issues and the repot I saw said that most of the trucks with salt and cinder mix were working on those bridges. That would be Northeast going out of Memphis.

Richard I lived their intil I was about 23 years old. Made lots of bussiness trips back to Memphis and lot of trips to see family. I probably would get lost now in the areas of Cordova and Colliverville. Might not be able to find my way across country from park ave to the old Austin Peay like I used to lol. Spent some time also with Uncle Sam North of town.


Glad it was not too bad for you. I came back to town back in the 90's when there was a big ice storm and the majority of the city was out of power for a good little while. My mom was living there and called me when I was on a trip to California and I came and stayed with her for more than a week and cut trees AND BRUSH and kept heat in the house for her. The main primary power was being carried on those twin wooden poles with the cross braces and the weight of the ice on the poles and wires brought them down. Took weeks and weeks for the city to pick up all the brush piled at the streets.



That would have been Ice Storm "1994" I was living in Cordove then but we never lost power.


Friday’s event was advertised by the media to be just as bad or worse than 1994. However over the years I have developed a saying about weather forecasting around here - If they predict ice or snow with accumulation, there is nothing to worry about.  If they forecast little or no accumulation, then you better sharpen the snow shovel, if you can find one down here, and stock up on milk and bread!


Have a good week.



Richard you are so right about the forecasting. I don't know anything about how it is really done but that area seems to be difficult to get it right for some reason. The bridges out across the low areas can really be difficult with ice when people are not expecting it.


Hope you guys get rescheduled for your show. The pictures I saw of the modules at the pink palace looked REALLY DOOD. You guys have been bsy and it showed.


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