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Without getting a visual of your hookup, let me ask a couple basic questions?


1. How did you connect base to track?

2. Did you test legacy transformer to determine it is putting out voltage?

3.  I assume antenna is on the base unit.

4. Is the train brake lever pushed to the top near the - sign?


I am sure others will chime in here....




Originally Posted by BFI66:

Without getting a visual of your hookup, let me ask a couple basic questions?


1. How did you connect base to track?

2. Did you test legacy transformer to determine it is putting out voltage?

3.  I assume antenna is on the base unit.

4. Is the train brake lever pushed to the top near the - sign?


I am sure others will chime in here....




the legacy base does not light up when i plug it in, I'm not sure if its the power pack or the base its self i currently have it set up on a loop of track on the floor with a wire going from the base to the outside rail

Ok, thats helpful.......has to be the power pak. For grins check the input wire to the legacy base to rule out a bad connection......twist the connector to see if it lights up......if that fails get a multimeter and check the voltage of the power pak. That will put to rest if the power pak is good or bad.  If you have voltage then I am sad to say its the base unit. On the positive side, Lionel has always had a pretty good turn around time in fixing these.  


I feel for you buddy, to wait this long and finally get it, and then run into this problem,

Good luck, 


Originally Posted by Calabrese94:

before i bother with Lionel I'm going to go to my LHS where i got it from and see if i can swap it if they still have any, only real sad thing as of now i have to wait until tuesday ;(

Ouch!! I feel bad for you.  I know when I hooked mine up I held my breath for fear it wouldn't function.  Hopefully your LHS will be willing to make a quick swap if they have any left in inventory.  Good luck.

Originally Posted by OKHIKER:
Originally Posted by Calabrese94:

before i bother with Lionel I'm going to go to my LHS where i got it from and see if i can swap it if they still have any, only real sad thing as of now i have to wait until tuesday ;(

Ouch!! I feel bad for you.  I know when I hooked mine up I held my breath for fear it wouldn't function.  Hopefully your LHS will be willing to make a quick swap if they have any left in inventory.  Good luck.

THATs what i am worried about, the inventory situation my LHS has swapped things out for me before Train world is good to me but hopefully tuesday they have one available to be swapped 

Originally Posted by Terrence L:

Lionel should release a Lion Cheif Debbie Downer Freight Set. Think of the possibilities as far as artwork and theming of the rolling stock! I can already envision an array of crew talk (nothing but negativity and complaints). Instead of a horn blast it could emit a fart sound.

Perfect?! Lionel could simply take quotes from the posts on this forum and avatar pics for the artwork and graphics. The instruction book would be one page stating that:


"It will never work!"




Just kidding......maybe.....

You sure do have a low opinion of Lionel, I'm surprised you even buy any of their products.


I don't know of any plans to upgrade the Legacy system itself next year, that's certainly not common knowledge.  I believe Lionel is putting their efforts into the LCS system and it's components.  They have a lot of track in front of them to fill out that system I would imagine.


Don't fix stuff that ain't broke.


Only Lionel knows for sure.
We ask at the LUG meeting to supply us with any new information they can.  We never push the issue.  Any information we get and pass along is with JonZ's blessing. 
Like GRJ, I believe the LCS and components are the focus of the Legacy system right now. 
I'm not worried about an upgrade as it seems to me the next logical step is get out of the hardware business and just create Apps to do the same thing.  Just my 2 cents without any "inside" knowledge.


Originally Posted by bigdodgetrain:
Originally Posted by Trainman9:
Once the upgraded versions of the Legacy system are available next year....

does anyone really know what the new "upgrade" will be?


I got my 990 yesterday, and it was DOA as well, but for different reasons.  The whole right column of the keypad on the remote didn't respond.  Made it impossible to add my GG1, TMCC ID 92.  Then a piece fell off of the base when I picked up the remote later.  Being I have no LHS worth beans, I had ordered it online from Nassau.  They are great people, as soon as they got my email, they pulled one to swap with me and emailed back to ship it back and as soon as they get it, they'll ship the replacement.  I'm glad to know that there are some great stores out there that still work to show that customers are #1.


But what has me worried is that this doesn't bode well for my VL BB.  Just about everything I buy new from Lionel comes DOA (Works out to 80% of the items I've bought including the 990.).  They or their dealers have made good everything thus far, but why do I keep having bad luck.  I keep buying because I like Lionel's stuff and once things are fixed they work really well (Plus everything I've bought used has held up really well and worked great.).  And I figure one of these days something will come to me in full working function and be fabulous.

Just got my new 990 system. The items looked factory new. No cut tape, etc.

The base works flawlessly.

The CAB 2 display and keyboard are not working well. They refresh correctly, but when they refresh the display data appears in the keypad area. If you press a keypad key, then the keypad refreshes correct but on the next internal refresh, it displays the display data. Also the display data is somewhat broken up as well.

Except for the keypad icons and the display data, the CAB 2 works perfectly if you can remember what each key is.

Last edited by cjack
Originally Posted by cjack:
Originally Posted by gunrunnerjohn:

Bummer!  Try a reset of the CAB2, hold the button on the back down for a few seconds.


Did that...also re-flashed the 1.52

Wonder what the original issue was when they held these up and changed a part? This one actually does not look it's ever been apart. Hard to tell though if it's a good tech.

I thought they were coming out with a whole new Cab2 system with gorilla glass and color screens and built in wifi. Seems unnecessary now to get all those parts since the new systems are around the corner per say.
Originally Posted by Trainman9:


Hopefully they found a compatible replacement otherwise Lionel either needs to find a durable supply of the critical part or they need to make some changes to the system.  They will need to do this quickly, if as Charlie at Nassau pointed out the next batch is due in February 2015.


Originally Posted by Trainman9:
Originally Posted by cjack:
Originally Posted by cjack:
Originally Posted by gunrunnerjohn:

Bummer!  Try a reset of the CAB2, hold the button on the back down for a few seconds.


Did that...also re-flashed the 1.52

Wonder what the original issue was when they held these up and changed a part? This one actually does not look it's ever been apart. Hard to tell though if it's a good tech.

There was a critical part, important to operation of the system, that was no longer available. The manufacturer in China made a substitution, again no indication of what the part was nor did Lionel or Jon indicate what it was, and it did not work.


They needed to find either the original parts or a replacement part that was compatible with and would allow the system to operate as designed. That took them the better part of a year.


Hopefully they found a compatible replacement otherwise Lionel either needs to find a durable supply of the critical part or they need to make some changes to the system.  They will need to do this quickly, if as Charlie at Nassau pointed out the next batch is due in February 2015.

What I was alluding to was if the new CAB 2 I received missed going thru the updated chip process. Of course I have no idea what the issue was, but my new CAB 2 was so untouched, and has a serious display problem, I wondered.

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