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*** for 2nd appearance: see my post with picture dated 12/3 ******

***          ******


Some have followed my woes expressed here on this forum relative to my entry into the tin-plate world.  Really some unusual type things were happening, and continue so.


Well, I believe I now know why:  There is a GHOST living in my house!  A naughty one at that.  How did I find out?  See that string of gons?  They just sit there and never move: notice, there's not even an engine hooked up.  But yet, SOMEHOW, look what happened to the next to last gon - the ghost removed the candy bar!  He was sloppy though cause he left it nearby - see it???


OK, what other possible explanation is there for a candy bar to just jump out of the car and land up 6 to 8 inches away when that gon can't be reached by mere mortals!   I'm including a photo of the overall setup there to show you that it cannot be reached.  seriously now.


- walt









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Last edited by walt rapp
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sounds like you need to make peace with them Walt.  i know my house is hunted.  my house  was  a orphanage about 100 years ago.  some children died in my home of TB.  the orphanage was closed then and the house was gutted and made as it is today.  So Walt all you need to do is find out what they want maybe they want to play as the ones in my home like to.  maybe they want just to be known that they are there.  what ever it is as soon as you find out what it is and work with them it can be a lot of fun.  also if they are kids treat them as that.  like in my home i have left out some toy match box cars and a few toy trucks, balls, other such things for the kids.  so far in over 30 years never had a problem with them that we could  not work out.  ( like they once took a pair of glasses i told them to return them and with in an hour they were back where they were before)  also i have lived in this same house all my life so and i am taking this seriously.  so walt just work with them and they will work with you most of the time.

Originally Posted by phillyreading:

Could be somebody in the house is playing with you and is using a "gopher stick" to move the candy bar and dropped it a few inches away. A gopher stick is about three feet long with a grabber mechanism and can pick up things.

If you want to catch your culprit set up a video camera and see what happens.


Lee Fritz

I live alone and no one, that I know of, has been in my house for at least the last 4 weeks.  Just the ghost, with whom, apparently, I should start being friends with!


- walt

Not a mouse. He would of nibbled.
And everyone knows that ghosts do not like candy.

I would go with the parallel universe theory. You need to get back to the one where you placed them all in the gondolas.
Otherwise you will disrupt the holidays for everyone in strange ways.

Wait a minute. Does not have to be bad. Maybe the real Santa will bring me the Big Boy with a coal load that totally empties.

Well let me go back to critters. I keep a watch on my good friends second residence. A very nice home. Recently I went to do my typicality walk through to check everything out. On the kitchen table was a very nice display of the fall season with fake various types of acorns and nuts, pine cones ect. AND a LIVE REAL squirrel looking at me. I opened the door and it made a exit. All of us have hunted that house extensively for how it got in ...never found one...just funny and we had a lot of laughs about it.

Walt, after following all of your posts on the tinplate forum I believe I have the answer and I am shocked no one else has thought of it yet.  Think of all the mechanical issues you are having with those trains, even when you send it back and get a replacement there are still problems, it defies the odds.  The cause is obviously Gremlins.  They love to wreak havoc with mechanical things and who could blame them for going after some candy, all that fooling around would make anybody hungry.


Best of luck,


Based on the above posts, I have come to the following conclusions based on 24 hrs of analysis:


1) Lee Willis was indeed there, but no proof he moved the candy bar, as if he was he would have eaten it.


2) It is not the Devil, as the Devil does not eat candy bars, nor does he like them, for if he did, then "lleH"(spelled backwards to avoid censor) would have candy machines, and thus would no longer be "lleH"(spelled backwards to avoid censor), but a hot cave with a angry guy with a bad sunburn.


3) A jealous neighbor with an extra key playing with your trains.

Last edited by chipset

Shucks Dennis I was hoping that no one picked up on the derailment.


Joking aside, I truly cannot explain this.  Ghost, Gremlin, Lee , Poldergeist, critters, etc.


I did notice the derailment.  That track is hot since I use it when I remove the Blue Comet and put on an old steamer to pull those gons when I want to use the switches.  So I think it would have created a short had I applied power before noticing it.  But I have not hooked up the engine for quite a while now, and certainly not after adding the candy bars and manually pushing the cars back onto that track.


Regardless, I am enjoying reading everyone's theories!!! 


To borrow a leadbear "format" signature:


- cluelesswalt

Have you checked your roof lately? You may have a hole that a squirrel gets in and climbs along the tracks and when he heard a noise it scared him and he went to hide and dropped the candy bar would be a great explanation.

I had a cat that climbed along a wall only a half inch wide strip of wood is what he crawled on and then jumped down to the train layout, I watched him one day. The second story is not complete up to the ceiling in all areas in my house.


Lee Fritz


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