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Are there any significant differences in the several Lionel E6 AA pairs produced since 2001?

The Southern, Rock Island,  and Atlantic Coast Line are the first three produced I think with the Santa Fe, Burlington E5, and Milwaukee Road following later.


The Santa Fe's had a brief period a few years ago where two or three sets ran way up to a supposedly artificial price on the popular auction site. Then several more sets sold for just under a grand but sanity seems to have returned as a pair closed last week from Trainz for a much more reasonable  $481.




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Last edited by c.sam
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Originally Posted by c.sam:

Are there any significant differences in the several Lionel E6 AA pairs produced since 2001?

The Southern, Rock Island,  and Atlantic Coast Line are the first three produced I think with the Santa Fe, Burlington E5, and Milwaukee Road following later.


The Santa Fe's had a brief period a few years ago where two or three sets ran way up to a supposedly artificial price on the popular auction site. Then several more sets sold for just under a grand but sanity seems to have returned as a pair closed last week from Trainz for a much more reasonable  $481.



 Apart from the price blip you mention I am only aware of one difference. These models came in several different roads and of course paint schemes and having researched them all I came to the conclusion that the Milwaukee Road colors were inaccurately rendered. I recently saw a Santa Fee set on display (not for sale) and it was a beauty.

I'd read that too about the MR where someone compared it with the Williams MR E7. Personally, I liked the vividness of the William's colors better but don't know about the prototypical aspects of them.


Was wondering if there are any mechanical or electrical differences between the first run and later runs? Are the sounds the same in all?


We had the Santa Fe's years ago but regrettably sold them at one time. Reading the excellent thread by Erik Lindgren about the 2 rail PA's and E series Warbonnetts has piqued my interest in them again. Would like to replace them sometime...



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Last edited by c.sam

There are some mechanical differences between the first and second batches mentioned in the original post. I can't remember the details, but I remember a thread on these engines where I posted something that was true on my Milwaukee Road version, but somebody else had something different from another version. Might have had something to do with the access hatches on top.


And by the way, I agree that Lionel's colors on the Milwaukee Road set aren't quite right. The gray looks kind of washed out, but the others aren't too bad. One of these days I'm going to paint the roof on mine black, as the railroad did later to match the E7's. That will improve the appearance a lot. 

Originally Posted by Forrest Jerome:

well, one difference is that the southerns had an electrocoupler on the front of the lead A and the FECs did not.

You're right Forrest - I forgot about the beautiful F.E.C.   Have not seen a set of them is several years now.


The Santa Fe had a closed pilot too.

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