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I wonder if or when Lionel would ever do a re-run of the Acela?   Given that it has been 14 years since its 2005 debut, one would think the market could bear a re-issue.  It would give Lionel a chance to iron-out the bugs known from the first run.. & amortize tooling & design costs quite a bit.   Any thought on why they haven't re-done it yet?

Last edited by RadioRon
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A Legacy reissue was cataloged but never released. I’d guess the numbers just didn’t stack up. Plus due the originals reputation (We have one and it’s been pretty reliable touch wood) any reissue would have to be perfect. Which would push the cost up.

It was $3K for the full set 14 years ago what would that be in today’s money $5K?

That’s a serious amount of coin. 


hold*on posted:

If I recall correctly, when the original set was issued, Lionel said that it would be a one time only production.  

Well, those sorts of pledges are only made to be broken.  Nick reminded us above that Lionel announced a Legacy-version Acela several years back but cancelled it, likely due to low interest because of its excess cost.  I think Lionel would have a new wave of buyers if they just released a basic Acela version... with improvements made to correct the original's known flaws.   

I wish they had made the Legacy version but with Lionel’s factory issues I can’t see that they would try again any time soon. The Legacy offering was not going to include the “tilt” feature and I understand they had ironed out the serial data transmission issues that afflicted the original issue.

Pity because the passenger cars themselves are amongst the finest detailed cars ever offered on 3Rail O scale.

P.S. The street cost of the full Legacy set (engines, two cars plus two car add-on pack) would probably have been about the same as a VL steamer (c. $1,800), which is cerainly steep but the real deterrent is the problematic reputation of the original issue.

Last edited by Hancock52
david1 posted:

For those OF US who bought it the first time, would I buy it a second time------HELL NO


We know you wouldn't buy it again.          This question was posed to the pool of people who don't have it.. & largely the (small number of) people who have entered the hobby in the last 15 years &  never had the opportunity.  It would also give Lionel the opportunity to show people that it can remedy the issues it KNOWS existed with the first run.      

I purchased a Lionel Acela one year ago, and for one reason only.  I belong to a local Lionel Train Club, we have a member that can fix anything.  We call him, 'Doc'.  He has an Acela that he was able to service and now operates to specs.  He did the same for me.  Without the above story, I would not have purchased one and I would agree with everyone that has already posted.  A NEC Guy now living in the Midwest.

NO, it is not time for a reissue.Years ago I had put a thread here on the forum and they reached out and requested to meet with me at York to discuss my issues with the Acela. I had dinner with Lionel at Fridays at York. They apologized for the problems and told me they had almost corrected all the issues with a redesigned coupler system.  Lionel promised me then a recall that Summer to fix all the issues. Ed Boyle even asked me that evening if Lionel had a solution. I told him what they said. They broke their promise. When I asked about it they had memory failure. Sorry, I never want to see this reissued, it's still a sore spot with me.

Scott Smith

Last edited by scott.smith
Engineer-Joe posted:
scott.smith posted:

….. requested to meet with me at York to discuss my issues with the Acela. I had dinner with Lionel at Fridays at York......

Scott Smith

So who paid the bill? 

It was Lionel "Dutch Treat". I would have bought their meal had they fixed the #%#$@^ Acela.

Scott Smith

I had one with the four car add on set. Never even took it out of the shipping boxs. Not only because of the very bad press it received here and else where, but due to the fact I never had the time to play with it. From what I read in the best case it took alot to get them running correctly.

I sold it on e-bay for 1,950.00. That's about two hundred less then I paid for both sets. So I guess I did not get hurt too bad.

If Lionel came out with another set there is no way that I would take another walk down that path!  

scott.smith posted:
Engineer-Joe posted:
scott.smith posted:

….. requested to meet with me at York to discuss my issues with the Acela. I had dinner with Lionel at Fridays at York......

Scott Smith

So who paid the bill? 

It was Lionel "Dutch Treat". I would have bought their meal had they fixed the #%#$@^ Acela.

Scott Smith

Man! They could have at least bought a meal! 

For what it's worth, I have always wanted that set. It seemed like a reasonable price for what was attempted. Seems like you either got a good one, or..... not.

Dennis LaGrua posted:

IMO, the limitation of an Acela reissue may be the small available market for a $3,000 model train.  

Missed it last time.  I was not actively involved purchasing trains.  Very interesting question regarding price.  Spending the dollars on Visionline has softened the ceiling a bit.  Complete at $3,500 with add-ons included may be palatable to some.  I would have some interest, as this appears to be a beautiful set with bells and whistles.  Just prior poor execution on 1st issue from what I gather here?

Dennis, I agree with you, a reissue would of course be BTO, and would be very expensive. To any one wanting a really nice Lionel Acela, we have one for sale at a reasonable price.  See pictures above for review. $3000 is a lot of money....

Dennis LaGrua posted:

IMO, the limitation of an Acela reissue may be the small available market for a $3,000 model train.  

This was a really fun to run train, it would be a Thriller on some of the Large Club Layouts, fast, smooth, a leaner on the curves, amazing voice sounds....Wow.

I followed Scott's saga with his Acela "back in the day". After you've seen your buddy smack a wall with their Corvette, you don't need to try it for yourself to see if it's a bad idea. My decision to not buy this was made years ago, and my perception has not changed.

Ford never reintroduced the Edsel. Lionel would be well served to pay attention to Ford's wisdom.

I would only buy an Acela if MTH made it in Rail King.  It is after all,  a beautiful train set.  I watch it go by almost daily.   I certainly do not need another problem kit project.  Proto  Sound would be either un needed, or could be greatly simplified.  Standing trackside you can only see it and feel/hear the displaced wind, there is almost no real running train sound.

Last edited by Tom Tee

"This was a really fun to run train, it would be a Thriller on some of the Large Club Layouts, fast, smooth, a leaner on the curves, amazing voice sounds....Wow."

I agree with you Larry. Personally, I only know of three users who have this set and none of them have had the problems that have been discussed, but I suppose it could be true. Maybe the good ones were delivered to the Midwest

Actually, we have a set that runs during Trainfest in Milwaukee and yes, a larger layout does the set justice.


Having purchased it, sent it in for repairs 6 times, sold it, I would purchase a reissue as long as it had the opening doors.  My issue centered around the set's need to have a car length section of straight track between curves.  I only had a 10 inch straight section with curves on the same direction and no straight section for the "S" curve.  I did not learn of the 21 inch straight section issue until after I had sold the set.  It was my favorite set as well as my worst one. Issues to be fixed for me would be the following: better communication  between cars, more reliable pan hardware, reliable door opening and closing hardware, easier coupling between cars, and easier traction tire replacement. The tilt mechanism would be my least favorite feature and could be discontinued.

Having a sample that functions very well, I come down on the side of being pro-ACELA. My sample can be viewed running through its paces perfectly in TM's Lionel Nation 2. Early on, years ago I had a couple of warranty issues that were resolved by Lionel back when their repair facility was still in Chesterfield, MI. ACELA is still the undisputed champion of being  the most impressive and realistic passenger train set ever offered in 3-rail O scale. It has yet to be surpassed, let alone equaled by any manufacturer. Not only is it correct in practically every exterior and interior detail, but in every operational aspect for which specific functions and sounds are closely and perfectly coordinated during operation. Lionel was vaulting for the highest bar ever at that time in designing and producing ACELA. Going forward, Lionel could offer in the future a set with watered down features, but it won't be ... the ACELA.

The Lionel team at that time likely made two misjudgments (in my view):

1. In attempting that high bar of total realism in appearance, sounds and function, they combined too many new features into one product at one time ... the proverbial bridge too far. And, this was being attempted with the distraction and under the shadow of "the lawsuit".

2. Too be perfectly frank (and possibly, brutal), the Lionel design team overestimated the hobby acumen of their 'typical' customer. Some with large eyes and larger wallets to match owning layouts too small and/or built with insufficient attention to operational detail elected to purchase one of these substantial 3-rail O scale passenger outfits. In fairness to their average customer, Lionel built a set in the act of shooting for the moon that resided outside the norm of what one might usually expect a typical Lionel model train to be. ACELA is most definitely not a Scout set. 

ACELA is the stuff of legends. Some found it to be a troublesome headache. Others found and continue to find it to be model railroading's amazing moon shot. Personally, I like moon shots.



Last edited by Bob Bubeck

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