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Hi all -


Just wanted to let you all know that I will be attending the O scale Nation in Parsippany NJ this July, and will have a table chock full of the remaining brass from my late dad's Locomotive Workshop.  I will have many many parts, partial kits, production leftovers and things my dad's took in trade.  This will be the Final Final Sale - make me an offer and take it home to work on.  Brass etchings, castings, white metal castings, motors, drivers, machined parts, bits n pieces from 40 years of production.  I had made a list of what I'd cataloged, and then I found even more in other boxes from my parents' move. See you there!

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Originally Posted by Jan K. Lorenzen:

Hi all -


Just wanted to let you all know that I will be attending the O scale Nation in Parsippany NJ this July, and will have a table chock full of the remaining brass from my late dad's Locomotive Workshop.  I will have many many parts, partial kits, production leftovers and things my dad's took in trade.  This will be the Final Final Sale - make me an offer and take it home to work on.  Brass etchings, castings, white metal castings, motors, drivers, machined parts, bits n pieces from 40 years of production.  I had made a list of what I'd cataloged, and then I found even more in other boxes from my parents' move. See you there!



If you can locate enough parts to put into a box to build another PRR H-1, that will go home with me for sure!

Originally Posted by scott mc:

Jan. could you post a list of what you have.  

I rather strongly suspect that (1) a list would take a long time to assemble and (2) a meaningful portion of the items are not all that easily identified,   Last time in NJ at the OSN I got some trucks the Jan and I could not ID then and I still have yet to ID them.

Hi -


mwb is very correct, it started out to seemed to be a fairly simple task and then once more boxes got opened it got kind of overwhelming.  I had assembled a fairly large listing of what I and Jeff Freeman could inventory what was still in the shop in 2005.  That I mailed out on the newsletter mailing list, and that brought some responses and a few sales.  Then I found more boxes of stuff, and opened them and there was even more than we thought yet again.  I brought what I could carry in a cargo van the last Parsippany OSN meet, and after some ebaying later on, most of it is now at my house.  A short time later, I spent a a few more days photographing and identifying the new stuff I brought up to Brooklyn and yet there is still more parts and "stuff". The photos of the larger items are on Oscaleyardsale yahoo group photo section.  This OSN meet I will pack my car with whatever there is now or what will fit in it.  Almost all of it is project stuff or "I was wondering where I'd find this" kind of things.  I still have some minor Lobaugh parts, a couple 250T crane kits, loco parts, castings, etc. 20 lefts 2 rights, and other things of value to someone.  I realise the value and that's why I still have it and want to see it all go to good homes.  My mom mails me clippings for scrap yards from the local paper.  After this OSN, I have to clear out the remainder left in my mom's basement (the old new shop) and my own basement.  If someone wants to take this on from me, I'll be in Parsippany in July and you can see what I was able to bring up.  Jan jr.



I remember your dad fondly.  You might give some consideration to just offering it all to a hobbyist who would enjoy doing the eBay thing.  I am with your mom - if this stuff is still laying around you should sell it for scrap prices.


My spouse assumes she will outlast me, and is really worried about dumping my collection.  I think the solution is to cultivate a younger hobbyist, and just give it away.


its nice to see you pop up here. the last time I saw you was at the last SONC in Parsippany. I'll be looking forward to seeing what you still have left.


for those asking about what Jan has. I can verify that it was/is a monumental task to catalog and disseminate all the bits and pieces of the elder Jan's inventory. I had the good fortune (and Jan's graciousness) to visit Mrs. Lorenzen's home a couple time to meet Jan for purchases. at that time there were cartons and cartons and cartons of finished and raw materials.

Hi Per -

I do have a big box of driver centers, but not much in the way of matched sets. Mostly a huge variety, some unmachined castings, loose tires of varying sizes, some mis-machined centers etc..  I will take your request and start digging.  No guarrantees, but we may be lucky.  I do have some sets of 48" for the 0-4-0 docksider in two and three rail, I want to keep some to build a BEDT #16 0-6-0.  That loco was at the end of my street for years, glad it was saved for preservation. 


Thanks everyone and hope to see you at the show.



Hi Jan,


I bought the O-Scale C-628 demo from you last year where I have etched custom parts to complete the kit that your Dad constructed.  I am slowly completing this C-628 and will send you pics when it is finished this Winter.


However, I recently purchased an unbuilt brass Locomotive Works O Scale SD-40 kit fabricated by your Dad.  His 5 pages of printed OEM instructions are not clear about the frame construction and reinforcement, the sizes of brass materials used, and the placement of several smaller frame construction tubes included with the kit.  Do you have pics of a LW SD-40 underside or could you suggest whom I should contact regarding these pics?


I tried searching the Internet and could not find any info and trust that you will respond to my post.


Regards, Steve Neago




Hi Steve -


That is one of the things my dad never really made clear in his instructions. I don't have anything at hand right now to send over, but I can provide some links to online references which I think can help out.  I use K&S or equiv brass tube or rod shapes for frame work. this is a bare SD40 frame being moved during conversion work.  here's another stripped down.  this has alot of partially disassembled SD40 locos being worked.  Pretty neat, I'd love to see this someday.



If I find something more, I'll pass it along.





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