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From Notch 6:

We have just received word that Mike Reagan has resigned from his position at Lionel as of November 14, 2016.

Lionel President Howard Hitchcock addressed the Lionel staff this morning and had the following to say, "As many of us know, Mike is a bit of a celebrity within the model train space and has been a very important part of Lionel over the last eight and a half years. From establishing the industry standard for a well-run and efficient Service Department to being an incredible resource of knowledge which helped build and guide the team we are today, Mike has played an important role within Lionel and the larger train industry itself.

We of course wish Mike nothing but the very best. We know he has a deep love for Lionel and will always cherish his time here."

We here at Notch 6 will miss Mike and his talent and enthusiasm that he has brought to this program since the beginning. It is rare that we announce staff changes at Lionel, but we feel it would be a disservice to both Mike and Lionel not to mention and honor his contributions to both Lionel and the hobby.

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Real deal.  I communicated with Mike directly and he confirmed this with me.  Mike has done many things in the hobby that I doubt if anyone else could do.   He is a huge wealth of knowledge and a good friend.  Mike was the reason I started buying Legacy locomotives.  The Lionel school he ran was the best I have ever been to.  He has always been a great help to many.  Joe, you said it all.  None of us saw that coming.  Mike is a key word in the hobby.  

I also wish Mike the best. I am sure he will do well with whatever he chooses to do.

I am certainly hoping he will stay in the O gauge hobby/business/field in some way or another. I have learned a lot from his Lionel videos and the knowledge gained there has helped me to advance in getting re-started in the hobby. 

This really is shocking news to hear.

Definitely a MAJOR loss for Lionel.  Mike was one of the "good guys" in the hobby industry, and gave all of us a glimmer of hope that somebody working for Lionel Stateside was actually a competent and authoritative source of "real" information when we needed it.  He understood the importance of jumping on the forum with timely and accurate information.  It's a simple concept, but understood by very few in the business... and he was one of the few "who got it". 

Wishing him the very best going forward.


Last edited by Rocky Mountaineer

Certainly hopes this is in MIKE'S best interest!

A really nice guy who I had met very briefly at my first York in Oct 09 near the Lionel display. Had no idea who he was and he talked with me in a very warm and friendly manner. Then, one evening several years later I had posted something on the Forum asking a question when the phone rings and it's Mike. This was at 5:15 his time and he spent about 15 minutes talking with me after hours.  I was impressed with his personal touch. Thanks again Mike! You're definitely one of the good guys

Last edited by c.sam

This news is not the way I like to start a week!  Missed seeing Mike last Friday at the warehouse open house and am certain that his presence will be further missed in Lionel situations. 

Mike, you have been a true help and professional friend ever since our first meeting in the early days of TAS.  If you read these postings, get in touch so I will know where to send the strawberry preserves.

Best wishes,


I bet there was some friction with the management. Some managers think that it is more important to micromanage than to let a good employee who knows the job run with it.

This is just speculation on my part and I know nothing about it, but I have seen more managers run  good employees out of the door than you can imagine.

Just because you are the boss, everything does not have to be done the boss's way, down to the last detail and the precise minute. Sometimes the boss has to be smart enough to know how valuable an employee really is, but generally the boss is too busy bossing.

My daddy used to say: "The boss may not always be right, but the boss is always the boss."

Last edited by RoyBoy

WOW, what a loss for Lionel. Well, I guess they didn't need Mike to sell Thomas engines or Lionchief or NASCAR. But what a loss for the people who buy the high end stuff and need and want support.

I have also dealt with Mike since his TAS days and have always found him to be a pleasure to deal with. A man of his word who knew what he was doing and did it right. I will also miss him.

Mike, I wish you the VERY BEST and hope that you end up somewhere in the toy train industry so I can continue to amaze you with my lack of knowledge.


PS  Is it true that you are buying OGR?


Last edited by gmorlitz

Maybe Mike got tired of coming up with new/unique offerings only have Lionel screw up.  i.e. the spoked drivers on some of the ese hudsons. Or not deliver at all like  the sellers feed water details on some of the fefs that were incentives towards the bto baloney.

Of course Mike really came through for the folks that bought those problem wrought Century Club niagaras.

I'm sure he didn't get those gears made for free and I'm sure corporate didn't like it. Nontheless it was the right thing to do for folks who spend a grand and ended up with a paper weight.

Imo, Lionels best days were when Mike cleaned up the parts and service dept.

What a shame, he had Lionel running "full steam ahead" too.

Last edited by RickO

I don't think this will affect Lionel in the long run. They did just fine back when he was running TrainAmerica, where he would frequently bash Lionel in favor of MTH. He did a nice job of modernizing the support department for sure, but Lionel has been around for a long time before him and will be around a long time after him I'm sure. That's what I like about doing business with larger companies and not small one man shops. Employees can leave and the company keeps on going.


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