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Good Day Alan,

To address your post below..................I post very little now days because of the rude and condensing posts I have received in the past about my drawings and/or my general posts to promote a model ! Thank you for addressing these very serious issues.

Best Regards,

Frank Swafford



I would like to address a trend I have been seeing over the last many months that I feel can be destructive. The trend I am talking about is that we are seeing an ever increasing number of negative posts on this forum.  Now...before some of you decide that the reason for my post is to defend any particular manufacturer or member, let me say that it is contrary to common sense and reasoning for OGR to show favoritism for some very good reasons when you really think about it.  The main reason for my concern is that the forum is being used much like other social media sites to vent personal comments in which some are down right nonconstructive, rude, petty, and in some cases not based on fact.  Yes...I know...the forum is a blog and thus some of you think you can just come on here and make any accusation or comment you want regardless of whether it affects the other side unfairly or if that other side is fully responsible in a particular situation being discussed.  This would be a good time to remind folks of our Terms of Service and how we deal with such situations asking the membership to abide by those terms.  Over the months I have seen too many threads that have turned into war zones where anything goes as far as making personal comments about employees of companies, the products they produce, and in some cases down right defamation that in today's world is going to open more and more folks to legal troubles especially when that defamation can be proven.  When you make an accusation that can have a negative impact on a person or business, you open yourself in today's climate to perhaps finding yourself in an expensive situation just by the fact that you may have to spend money on legal counsel.  You can win in court but still end up paying out of your own pocket in personal expenses and time. selective in how you say things....

OK... getting back to the forum specific reasons why I am concerned about this negative trend.  First, I understand customer's frustrations with product that does not meet their expectations.  I think we can safely say this is not limited to our hobby.  As product gets more sophisticated and complicated, history shows that in general there are more problems with that product.  In the past, folks had rather limited ways to deal with problems concerning their purchases...mainly they took the product back for an exchange or refund.  They could complain to the store where they bought the product or directly to the manufacturer.  Today, we have a very powerful new way to deal with these problems and we call media.  The strength of social media of which this forum is considered, comes to play when someone posts their complaint, comment, accusation, or whatever, and it goes out to thousands or millions of folks who get only one side of the story initially. It naturally draws other folks that may have similar or totally unrelated experiences to post and then under certain circumstances can turn into an unfair characterization of the product or person being discussed.  The "pile it on" mentality many times takes over.  We have seen this on the forum and many of the comments made are not constructive....they are meant to make as negative impact as possible.  Now...don't get me wrong as I am not against pointing out product insufficiencies but when multitudes of folks feel like they have to have their own thread about the same problem that is already being discussed in a dozen other threads....well, this is just too much.   If you expect the manufacturer to invest the time trying to search the internet forums for all of the different posts about their product, then you need to think again.  Time and resource investment will always be directed first to their own contact avenues and that is why I have always said that if one has made a purchase of a product with which they are not happy, then contact the place you made the purchase and demand (nicely at first) satisfaction.  AND...there is nothing wrong with contacting the manufacturer via phone, customer service, and if that doesn't work email them repeatedly.  You will get a response but it may not be as quickly as you expect.

One thing that we all should be thankful for is some of our manufacturers and advertisers have been very responsive on the OGR forum.  They have taken time to address certain issues whenever they had an answer and we have had updates over the years about topics discussed on our forum.  I think all of us want that to continue but when we can not discuss issues without making snide personal comments, it makes it easier for silence to take over. an effort to restore some sanity and at the same time allow our forum members to express themselves in a civil manner about product concerns, we are going to ask that you post to threads that already exist concerning your particular situation.  Excessive threads about the same topic in multiple categories on the forum are going to either be closed, edited, or deleted.  Lets get a little more balance here so we do not self destruct our particular little world.  There is much more good than bad in this hobby so lets try to work together to be fair to all sides without being so personal.  If you have a problem with a purchase and/or product, rather than coming to the forum first to air it out, how about doing everything you can to come to a positive conclusion with the vendor/manufacturer and then tell us about it so we get the whole story from the beginning to hopefully positive ending.

I would like to think that all of our advertisers, manufacturers, readers, and subscribers want the best for each other through good times and bad.  Thanks for your consideration and support....

All My Best,


Alan Arnold
O Gauge Railroading magazine
800-980-OGRR (6477)


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You make good points.   I remember a number of years ago when I asked you about drawings for a PRR F3.  And what did you do but print them up on some high quality paper and send then to me!  I got them framed and display them to this day.  What a treat that was!  I have always thought that you are one of the nicest guys here and I always enjoy what you have to say.  I always enjoy seeing you artwork.


Frank, like Norm above I've always enjoyed you're artwork.  I guess I'm not a modeler because I'm not so concerned weather there was a prototype or not but weather I like the look of it or if I can find a use for it.  I guess that goes back to trains being a special toy we only got to play with at certain times because there wasn't enough room in a Bronx apartment for them to be available whenever we wanted to play with them.

My advice: Have a good repair person to nip any controversy in the bud. For example, I had an issue with a late model Lionel legacy loco. My guy looked at it, made an adjustment and charged me $5.00. Works fine. What I do is take the item to him and pick them up, so no muss, no fuss. If he is not home, I leave them in another car in his driveway. Sure beats taking meds for high blood pressure.


I loved seeing all the swafford color concepts!

Im a fan of fantasy engines...  and the tinplater in me just likes cool looking trains.  In MPC era, where i started, no one cared when lionel put every color scheme on the usual tooling.  If it looked good, we got it...

Rivet counters have their place, but i dont let them ruine my fun!


Last edited by Super O Bob


I do enjoy seeing your drawings as well. The negativity and complaining has definitely increased over the past year or so. It may have to do with all the quality control issues lately, the changes or non changes with the York meet or maybe the human race is just getting to be less caring as time goes on. Don't let it get you down.

Okay, back to what's what do you have in the way of Jersey Central paint schemes? 

Frank, great and sensible post and I agree completely. Being that I am getting close to 50(2 years and a bit away) and have had plenty of experience with social media and the vast toxicity, stupidity, and complaining to understand where your coming from.

I would like to believe that the Forum here is the sanity I seek on a daily basis and everyone I have interacted with whether in person or here have been pleasant to me and advanced my railroading education. Whenever I have product questions, I direct them where needed, don't really complain about it because that to me doesn't get anything done. 

On one of the discussions a few weeks ago, someone was asking a question about the new Hudson's Lionel is going to be producing. None of us forum folks could really answer the question as there wasn't much to go on. I suggested that if they wanted an answer, maybe Dave Olson could answer it. The next day I saw that Dave showed up on his own(as no one tagged him) to answer the question.

The main thing about any online thing is respect, just like in person. Problem usually is that the individual behind the screen tends to get into a mob mentality which is not healthy or helping anyone. Facebook is a great example of that, and I'll leave it there.

Also, I haven't seen any of your drawings Frank, definitely would like to.

Swafford, love your drawings and post.  Also thanks for reposting Alan's comments.  Will anyone see themselves in it?  Some I fear really do not care as they continue to rag on one or more of the same old topics. For example, if anyone posts about the UP Steam program, you can count on the same people posting negatively.  Someone told me years ago that if you write a letter in response to another that you do not like, leave it in the drawer overnight and take another look.  Would be a good practice here too. 

Frank...and everyone above....I appreciate you keeping this positive so far and the many private responses I have been getting since I posted my "letter to the membership" over the past weeks.  In my opinion, far more folks on this forum have a positive and inspiring attitude than those that don't.  We have a medium sized city here with millions of page views and tens of thousands of IP addresses visiting and participating each month.  Just like any "city" we are going to have a cosmopolitan group.  It is up to us to make this forum what we want it to be and to be good citizens to each other as well as to those that provide what we need to enjoy and partake in the hobby.  Just yesterday, in another thread, a long time forum member who always seemed to enjoy "stirring the pot" made a comment within a thread saying that we no longer had any good posters here.  The comment had nothing to do with the thread's topic and was posted just to create controversy.  Quite a few of his posts over the last few years both here and elsewhere have been condescending and were directed in a personal manner.  To give him credit some posts he made were good and helpful but his post yesterday generally insulted every member here.  Why?....well, because some folks can't help themselves and like to see what kind of negative attention they can get.  So....I responded to him telling him since he felt that way, he needed to go look for the good posters elsewhere since according to him we no longer have any!  After having several conversations with him the last couple of years about his comments on the forum, I decided this was enough and so his account was deleted....  I expect there will be an interesting thread going elsewhere about all of this with plenty of blame coming toward OGR.

The point here is to just ignore those that have nonconstructive negative comments.  Enjoy the hobby for what deep pleasures it gives you.  Nothing and no one is perfect but you don't have to let the negative spoil it for you and the others around you.  The folks that feel entitled because of their self importance....well.....what can I say other than the heavy hand of moderation on this forum will prevail on the side of keeping as much positive on the forum as possible. 

Last edited by OGR CEO-PUBLISHER

OGR Publishing, Inc., 1310 Eastside Centre Ct, Suite 6, Mountain Home, AR 72653
800-980-OGRR (6477)

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