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611 trip from Spencer, NC to Asheville, NC running about an hour and a half late at this point. This was taken on the portion of The Loops directly above Andrew's Geyser. It's a really neat area. I had a lot of camera problems yesterday at The Loops. This is the better of the bunch.

Turn around 180 degrees and you are looking down the valley.



Caught a freight coming down the hill earlier in the day.


The Geyser down below.


611 heading into Asheville, along I-40.




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Big Jim, great shots and nice video.  We probably crossed paths yesterday and didn't know it.  Just prior to your video and high fill, we were able to get some great shots of the 611 crossing the deck bridge.  Most of the photographers shooting were shooting from Mill Creek Road and were shooting into the sun.  Six of us were shooting with sunny side of the engine.  A friend who was with us has already posted a photo to

If you were chasing/videoing the return trip, we shot another group of photos from behind the blue house east of the geyser.  We had a long uphill grade.  The owner of the house works for NS.

We have a great yesterday and were able to shoot over 140 shots.  If I get a chance, will post a few.


The loops are one of my favorite places to visit.  It's really cool to get picture of a long freight in the valley and on top of high fill.



We didn't do any chasing. Just found a spot and stayed there. Got lucky on the way back to Johnson City for my girlfriend to get the shot out of the car window. I can't imagine where all of the cars parked along Mill Creek Rd. It had to have been jam packed!

What time did the train get back to Spencer. Had to have been a long day!

I rode Saturday and Sunday which both where late. Arrival was around 11:00pm both days.  The problem we encountered both days was a hot box triggered by the 611 firebox and waiting on a freight train or two, but the extra time didn't bother me it was a great time and can't wait for June. Added bonus for me was the Friday night dinner at the round house. Me and my wife sat down at an empty table and Sandy Alexander, Tommy Duncan, and Bob Saxtan sat down and got to eat dinner and hear there stories. Excellent trip.



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Nice to see the shared photos and have found lots of YouTube postings of the weekend.  The NCTM folks were great and made this a most memorable weekend for us.  We spent Saturday at the museum after picking up our tickets for the Sunday ride.  The weather could not have been more different from Florida, with the chill and wind cutting like a knife.  Wahoo!  Made touring the roundhouse a truly warming experience.  I'd not seen that Wright brothers reproduction except at Kitty Hawk eons ago and was pleased to learn it is the same one that was there, moved to the museum.  They also have a DC3 they are restoring.  The American LaFrance ladder truck in the Backshop is just like the one I got one Christmas as a child.  Seeing it in 1:1 was a happy surprise. Dad had great taste in toys.  It's now on the living room shelf!

Borden Black and Nelson McGahee were fine hosts in the Dearing observation car.  Of course NS would not allow anyone without a yellow vest on the observation platform and I must say the EOTD did take away from the appearance of the car and drum-head, but, hey, it was still pretty darn wonderful!  Dropping the door window for photography meant a lot of clear shots of where we'd been and waves to folks.  I'm glad we did this.  Kate has a finer appreciation for trains thanks to all the positive conversations en-route with our fellow passengers and perhaps a better understanding of why this old guy is still in love with railroading.  I'm glad some folks got to get up close to 611.  We were kept from "crossing the rail" to compose a nice photo in the Asheville yard, thanks to "Security" restrictions.  I miss the old days when we were smart enough to be responsible.  

Would like to give a tip of the hat to the lodging promotion package part of this NCTM excursion experience.  It was remarkable.  We enjoyed a truly better than could have ever hoped for hotel room along with money coupons to spend at the downtown shops, restaurants and a gift certificate for the museum gift shop.   The promotion structure was fair with something for everyone, be it a one night or more stay. 

The cap was getting back and out of the parking lot in an easy manner so we could enjoy the 93 car three engine freight pass at the crossing while the car warmed up!  

One for the bucket list, check...

Thanks so much for the videos, stills, and memorable comments here. I had seen 611 in Chattanooga back in the 1980s and was invited up into the cab by a young fireman  from CT. Was not familiar with her back then but still relish the experience as we watched her pull a 23 car mixed lightweight/heavyweight consist out of the 'Choo-Choo' and across the TN River.

Was so ready to drive over to Asheville Sunday but came down with a hellacious chest cold Sun morning and reluctantly elected to go back to bed...

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