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I`m a novice at this. I`v got a right turnout to a left turnout switch both being Lionel 022 switches. My concern and question is the how and where to place insulating pins correctly. The right turnout is working beautifully. When I wired the left turnout and tried to activate it, it switches at a very fast rate but will not stop until I release lever on controller. Is it the pins are not placed correctly or is it a wiring issue? Or maybe this can`t be done. I`m not very computer savvy and this is my first time posting a photo to my post. Hopefully someone will understand my problem. I`m not sure if I posted this to the correct forum. Any help or advice will be much appreciated.

Thank You

rwmarkiewicz@gmail.com022 connected switches 022 connected switches



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  • 022 connected switches
  • 022 connected switches
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I can easily understand the confusion about "dummy pins" (that's what my Dad called them , so I do too) in switches.  I have K-line O27 switches and the dummy pins go on the 2 INNER rails (the ones that form a 'V').  I always thought it would be very easy to know - just look at which 2 rails have a gap in the rails. On my O27 K-line ones, the 2 outer rails are on solid rail from end to end so it's an easy decision.

But looking at the nicely supplied image by JD I can see that my rule doesn't work on these O22 switches.  BOTH outer rails on the divergent track have a "break".

I used to own Lionel O27 switches and don't ever remember being confused by my rule NOT working on them.

- walt

Last edited by walt rapp

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