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I know how to post photos, but how do you get a space between pictures so i can enter a description of the picture,i tried everything & i can't figure it out, i know very little about computers so any help would be appreciated,please keep it simple for my VERRY SMALL BRAIN.       Thanks for your help.

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I have had trouble posting images, and I'm not sure how to take the comment posted above by the OGR Webmaster.    I didn't post anything on the old version, and yesterday I thought I had successfully posted two images, both within the content of the post, and outside in the 'Attachment' box.


However, today only one within the body of the post is showing, the other indicated by a small red 'x'.    Both images are accessible via the attachments box, but that isn't the point.   


On a previous ocassion I abandoned an attempt to post images and e-mailed them direct to another forum member.  


I was under the impression that with the new forum we would be able to post images without having them hosted 'outside', a 'facility' that I have never thought necessary.


So why, when I posted the two images from the same location on the hard-drive of my PC, does one disappear?    I have tried to edit the post, but I cannot place the image back into the body in the appropriate place.


This has me completely bewildered.


And as for your 'You can't be serious....' remark, I am, completely.




John, I'm inclined to agree with you.  


I looked for help on the tutorial pages, and had to go off to You Tube to look at Part Five to find it.   Then there was loads of stuff about changing this, that, and the other, but I couldn't find the answer to the simplest of questions, which I was under the impression was to be a big new advantage of the new forum; posting a picture from one's own computer.


I didn't find the Webmaster's comment amusing or helpful.





I agree with John S.


Sorry Rich, but to tell you the truth I hope OGR did not pay too much for this upgrade of the forum. I am just not convinced that the new forum is any better then the old one. The page is too cluttered. There are fewer posts on a page that can be seen before you have to click on “Next.” I am not sure why the thumbnail pictures at the bottom of a post with pictures are necessary. I still use CompuServe as my home email. When I open a post notification in CompuServe, the OGR Forum causes CompuServe to shut down. I am not talking about locking up, I mean a total shut down as if you clicked on exit. I realize there is no going back to the old forum, but the new forum needs a lot more BATA testing.  And yes Rich, I am serious.




Thanks for a good explanation of adding text between photos in a post. I had asked the same question on the "Forum Questions" link. I see the link disappeared.


Richard Gonzales


That's all it takes to post a picture from your computer.

Read how to do it here.


As for using Compuserve, I'll have to say it've got to be kidding. You cannot use today's web technology with a service that has been outdated for 10 years and expect it to work properly. Compuserve 7, their LATEST technology, was released in 2001!

Well, I tried the six step instructions and it worked, but not entirely satisfactory. 


Whatever happened, my post now has three images in the 'Attachments' section at the foot of the post, one of which is in there twice.


But in the main post, there is still a red 'x' where I wanted my first image to appear, the second image that was fine throughout has been duplicated for no apparent reason, the fourth is the re-post of the first image, this time showing the loco, and the fifth is another red 'x' indicating another failure to post the first image. 


I shall leave it as it stands now.   Perhaps it is a case of 'The least said, the better'.





9 clicks and here it is only three more than uploading from my computer and now i have the picture on an off computer site secure in the fact that will be available if my computer crashes and I loose all the pictures on it wasn't that hard.

oh 3 of those clicks were to log into my photo sharing site this time since I was logged in it only took 4 clicks since it was already open to the file I took it from

Rich should recognize this beast

picture of my layout in progress 10 x 24
Last edited by Dave E

OGR Webmaster,


This is the post I was trying to correct.   Yesterday it looked like plain sailing; two large images, two small images, and where I wanted them.


Look at the post today, and it's all adrift!!!!!


What I can't understand is that I can't see where it went wrong.   Is it any wonder I just want to scream, swear, and walk away?    What should be a pleasure to participate in is just becoming a pain.     Help!





Originally Posted by siestaman:


John, I'm inclined to agree with you.  


I looked for help on the tutorial pages, and had to go off to You Tube to look at Part Five to find it.   Then there was loads of stuff about changing this, that, and the other, but I couldn't find the answer to the simplest of questions, which I was under the impression was to be a big new advantage of the new forum; posting a picture from one's own computer.


I didn't find the Webmaster's comment amusing or helpful.





Ed, I think TedMac's tutorials about picture loading is on #2 or #3. Very well done step-by-step tutorials. I think these should be left on the forum indefinitely. 


Richard, as far as the thumbnail pictures on the bottom, what I got from Ted's references to this feature was that if you had five pictures but only wanted two of them enlarged, the others would be in the thumbnails for reference, other view angles or if a viewer wanted to see all of them. That way it doesn't take up all that space on the forum posting, which may be a good thing when people quote a whole entry and therefore copy every picture again. 



"Deleting the photo is no problem, but seems like the new photo just refuses to show up."


ed h, 


As a very good ladyfriend of mine would say, "Exactly." 




Actually I found fewer posts per page to be an advantage when re-visiting threads that attracted a large number of posts.   I got weary of the amount of stuff I had to scroll down through, in particular on the 'Weekend photo fun' thread.   At least I generally could remember which page I last looked at!   


However, I would like to see more threads listed per page on the index page, because that is the other extreme.   I know that we can't have everything, but to be able to select the number of entries per page as is possible on many merchandising sites would be advantageous. 


And Jerrman,


You are absolutely right.   The tutorials need to be permanently on the front page, where one would expect to find 'Help', 'FAQ', or similar.


And you're spot on about the problem of whole item re-quotes; they are tiresome and tedious!


We'll get there in the end - if we aren't suspended first!



re: TMack's tutorials they are so good that I think not only should the be permanently on the forum help section at the top of the home page but might even have some quick bullet points of what is covered in each one so you don't spend an inordinate amount of time looking for the subject you are having problems with. These tutorials are invaluable to those who are not highly computer savvy and Ted's presentation is clear, concise and for someone who is clearly well versed in computer lingo, not at all geeky or condescending. Jerrman
Originally Posted by OGR Webmaster:


That's all it takes to post a picture from your computer.

Read how to do it here.


As for using Compuserve, I'll have to say it've got to be kidding. You cannot use today's web technology with a service that has been outdated for 10 years and expect it to work properly. Compuserve 7, their LATEST technology, was released in 2001!



Please keep in mind that I am the customer here. I have been buying your magazine for many, many years. I have been a member of this forum since 2001.  I have bought products from the OGR store. I have spent a boatload of money with advertisers in your magazine and on this forum.


I find your condescending response to my thoughts, concerns, and questions along with your response to other participant’s remarks about the new forum amazing to say the least. You took the bate when you responded to my CompuServe remark. I could have written it for you.


Rich stop and take a deep breath. Remember we are your customers.


Take care,



Originally Posted by Richard Gonzales:



Please keep in mind that I am the customer here. I have been buying your magazine for many, many years. I have been a member of this forum since 2001.  I have bought products from the OGR store. I have spent a boatload of money with advertisers in your magazine and on this forum.


I find your condescending response to my thoughts, concerns, and questions along with your response to other participant’s remarks about the new forum amazing to say the least. You took the bate when you responded to my CompuServe remark. I could have written it for you.


Rich stop and take a deep breath. Remember we are your customers.


Take care,



Richard, I fully understand that you are the customer. I thank you very much for your patronage over the years. I'm not the least bit upset and I'm breathing just fine, thank you.


I don't see where my response was condescending. It certainly was not meant to be. I stand by what I said in my post because I was simply stating facts. I am trying to tell you that you cannot use yesterday's technology (Compuserve) with today's web sites and expect everything to work as intended.


This site uses many features that are only available in the latest versions of the various web browsers available. It is designed to be used without another service like Compuserve getting in the middle of things. You simply are not going to enjoy the experience here very much in your current situation.


It is not fair to blame OGR for the trouble you are having on the forum when you are using such old technology. That's all I'm trying to say.


OGR Publishing, Inc., 1310 Eastside Centre Ct, Suite 6, Mountain Home, AR 72653
800-980-OGRR (6477)

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