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I have an iphone 6s, ipad(?), Macbook Pro, and an iMac desktop.  Use the laptop most of the time (convenient) but enjoy the desktop the most with it's  27" 5K screen for online viewing and photos. Am not comfortable using the phone as the screen is way too small to see anything with clarity!

Gene H posted:

I like the PC for most and i phones are too small to read catalogs and magazines but I do use my i phone for quick references. I use my old i phone to run my two Lionchief engines.

Gene, your the 1st on this thread who says he runs his trains using a smartphone App. I see from your profile that you're about 65 years old, so you weren't born and bred using a smartphone like many of our children and grandchildren were.

Do you regard yourself as technologically savvy? When you 1st started using the App to run your trains, did you have any difficulties? Do you think that using the App is a little trickier than using the remote unit to run LionChief Plus?

Arnold D. Cribari posted:
Gene H posted:

I like the PC for most and i phones are too small to read catalogs and magazines but I do use my i phone for quick references. I use my old i phone to run my two Lionchief engines.

Gene, your the 1st on this thread who says he runs his trains using a smartphone App......

Did not know that was part of the original question.  

I use my Windows desktop PC for almost all OGR reading and posting and email, etc. I sometimes use my iphone for checking email, but very seldom reply until I get back to my PC. I do text on my phone, just not much email. 

As for those short bits of downtime here and there, I just enjoy the peace and quiet or watch other people around me, that can be very interesting. Kids are fun to observe as well, they can be quite funny and the parents can also be pretty funny in dealing with them.

Arnold D. Cribari posted:
Gene H posted:

I like the PC for most and i phones are too small to read catalogs and magazines but I do use my i phone for quick references. I use my old i phone to run my two Lionchief engines.

Gene, your the 1st on this thread who says he runs his trains using a smartphone App. I see from your profile that you're about 65 years old, so you weren't born and bred using a smartphone like many of our children and grandchildren were.

Do you regard yourself as technologically savvy? When you 1st started using the App to run your trains, did you have any difficulties? Do you think that using the App is a little trickier than using the remote unit to run LionChief Plus?

At one time I was but at 65 I have to ask my grandchildren some things. I think it was very simple to figure out the Lionchief Plus on the smart phone.

bigtruckpete posted:

iPhone or iPad. In the beginning it was all computer but the ease of using the phone and posting photos is incredible. 

I also find it very easy to use my smartphone to post photos and videos.

By the way, I have a pretty big smartphone, a Samsung Galaxy Note 8. It is about the same size as an I Phone Plus model. The larger phone makes it easier for me to see the print and send messages, than if I was using a regular size phone.

Last edited by Arnold D. Cribari
RickO posted:

I do both, but there really is no substitute for my trusty old Gateway desktop with the 17" monitor and wireless mouse.

It has more capability, is far easier to navigate with, and I don't have to fight with that **** autocorrect.


I hate autocorrect with all my heart. My texts would be readable with the few typos I make. With the phone's interpretation of what I meant to say, it looks like I was suffering a stroke while texting. Of course, I'm not bothered enough to figure how to turn it off . A guy needs something  to direct his anger at now and then! 

Arnold D. Cribari posted:

I am curious to know how many of us (percentage  wise) Post and Reply on this Forum using Smartphones, and how many do so using the computer.

I will start us off by saying I only use my Samung Galaxy Note 8 smartphone and have never used the computer. Arnold

I use a Kindle Fire HD 8 - works great!

Mostly desktop/laptop. A Galaxy Note 4 is my first (and so far, only smartphone--because user-replaceable batteries )

I can and have posted from the phone. Maybe even posted pics with it, though I couldn't tell you when was the last time I did so.

Trainwise, I have used the DCS app on a friend's layout. I may eventually get the equipment to do WiFi operations at home, but I'm not in a rush. I use DCS and TMCC on units suitably equipped (I don't own any Legacy locos, but have TMCC ones).


German posted:
RickO posted:

I do both, but there really is no substitute for my trusty old Gateway desktop with the 17" monitor and wireless mouse.

It has more capability, is far easier to navigate with, and I don't have to fight with that **** autocorrect.


I hate autocorrect with all my heart. My texts would be readable with the few typos I make. With the phone's interpretation of what I meant to say, it looks like I was suffering a stroke while texting. Of course, I'm not bothered enough to figure how to turn it off . A guy needs something  to direct his anger at now and then! 

You can shut "spell-wreck" & "vintictive text" off..

But that doesn't mean the g-app will stop   

    I struggle with aa phone for the cheapness and hate it.    It's a bad joke compared to a PC. If a phone is your choice; it's a bad one .

Dave45681 posted:

Nobody's saving posts to magnetic core memory? .

I can't remember.  My real memory fails me.

I kid a lot, but my real computer is a spanking new 27" iMac with 5k screen (easy on the eyes) running Windows 10 due to some programs I use only available in Windows.         I love it.

Indoor trains run strictly conventional with DDC, Digits Directly on the Controls. Outdoor trains DC Trackpower with Radio Control.

Chris S.

Last edited by FireOne
FireOne posted:
Dave45681 posted:

Nobody's saving posts to magnetic core memory? .

I can't remember.  My real memory fails me.

I kid a lot, but my real computer is a spanking new 27" iMac with 5k screen (easy on the eyes) running Windows 10 due to some programs I use only available in Windows.         I love it.

Indoor trains run strictly conventional with DDC, Digits Directly on the Controls. Outdoor trains DC Trackpower with Radio Control.

Chris S.

This post didn't load last night....

You could have fun with "reel memory".   I used to be in charge of a never ending system back up and data input using reel to reel tapes. What a mess 

I use the phone to take pics and videos, the desktop computer for posting and reading the forum.

When I was still teaching, my pals at school were always sending me pics.  My best friend there is 22 years younger than me.  It didn't take her long to convince me I needed a serious phone.


The phone is large enough for viewing pics, but too small, compared to the computer, for typing and composing stuff.  I simply download from the phone and get a much larger view of everything from the desktop.  Naturally, a neat desk is a sure sign of a warped mind....



Images (1)
  • 20181129_073302[1]

I use a telegraph. My friend down the street leaves a hard copy of OGR Forum on my doorstep three times a day.  If I see something I want to reply to I telegraph him and, since he is at his computer 24/7, he logs into my OGR account and transcribes my telegraphy in real time and posts for me.  As for posting pictures....well, that's another story involving a camera obscura. 

Seriously - home computer.

I use my iPad almost every time to read and interact with this forum’s daily digest in my email box.

I use either my iPad or iPhone to read individual responses in my email on topics that I have posted on.

I do 95 percent of my personal web browsing on either mobile device.

On rare occasions, I’ll use a laptop to briefly view an OGR topic or do some general web browsing as something pops into my mind while I work from home. Even less now that I have Alexa (Echo Dot) sitting next to me to answer some basic questions.

I haven’t regularly used a desktop computer in years.

I may be one of the younger ones in the Hobby, but I tend to use a Desktop Computer Mainly. Though generally when I post on here it is from my computer I use at work. I have a smartphone that I will use to quickly catch up on things like Facebook, but that is usually a quick scan through things. I mainly use my smartphone for navigation or playing music, and as a way to contact family mainly. Though lately I have been busy with school work at night, since I am going for my bachelors degree. I do occasionally use my smartphone to run trains, but I haven't done that for a while.

Forum activity/  Apple I-Pad.

photographs to forum /Apple  I-Pad.

train control/Lionel post war ZW.

smart phone/texts, phone calls, and alarm clock...

Hi Melgar, your visual computer engineered images  Peter Max would have been happy to create,  Particularly the third image! Or maybe looking for other signs of life in another universe perhaps?


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