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Wow, Art, with a 12V supply, am sure that would fry something.  Would explain Dennis failure I'm sure.

Surely, Menards must be aware of electrical problems with returns.  But it would be nice if Mark et al, would heed the advice that us OGR people (especially those who have some or alot of electrical experience) are putting forth.  Sure those Chinese are just say "building work, what you problem?"

I mean, Mark asked in thread about what military markings to use for a car, so if they are asking on that, they certainly should be asking what problems have we seen in buildings.  And it dosen't bode well if we are hesitant to recommend someone buying that "cute Red Owl" store, knowing it may go poof, leaving a bad perception of quality.

I for one am going to hold off any building purchases until fixed, even though I am powering them from a commercial regulated 4.5V supply. And also because if inaccessibility to get at electrical for repair.

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