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I haven't had any updates on there for the last two months or so because me and the wife were discussing the basement and the placement of my layout.  My layout is about 2 years old now and I have learned a lot but have made many mistakes along the way.   Well over this past holiday weekend we have decided that I will tear down all the hard work I have done and move the layout from the main part of the basement to a bedroom down there.   


Things that will be done different:


1) make it a shelf type around the room layout instead of a large table against the wall.  All the track/scenery will be in reach of the aisle ways and there will be no access hatches!  


2) Change track type!  I will be selling off all my Fastrack and be strictly using Gargraves track and Ross turnouts.  I will stick with numbered turnouts instead of curve replacement where possible.  They will also all be hand thrown using ground throws.  Since I run a short line the new track will allow me to really weather it, and add as little or as much ballast as I need to get the look I want.


3) The trackplan will be based on operations.  As much as I like my current trackplan it was really for just running trains in circles with some switching opportunities.  Yes I will set up the track so I can have some continuous running because sometimes I just want to let the trains run, and my son enjoys it.  I will also have hidden yard under the layout to bring trains on and off the layout.


4) I want to be able to run operating sessions like the HO and N scalers do.  Car/Card system or something computerized.  I want to be able to run operating sessions alone, or with one or two other people.


5) Make my Great Lakes Car Ferry the center of operations and the layout!  Alex Malliae built me a great great lakes car ferry but it was an after thought for my layout.  It is something I have always wanted on my layout but didn't think I would be able too until I had more space.  Well the opportunity came 2 years ago for him to build it for me but it was added to the layout as an afterthought.  This new layout it will be the center for the layout and operations.  It will also have a proper size yard to go along with it.   The new yard will have a proper switching lead, and be large enough to hold 2x the amount of cars that fit on the ferry plus all the idler cars and service cars for the ferry such as the coal hoppers needed to fuel the ferry.


6) I will add a few more industries for operating opportunities.  I would like to add a furniture factory, a small auto parts factory, and maybe a food canning facility.  All industries will be run by some kind of car/card system or a computerized system to have realistic operations.  


Thats it for now and I will be starting to work on a track plan this week.  I will post updates and photos of my progress.  My timeline will be about a year for me to tear down the current layout and get the benchwork up for the new one.  

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I think one of the biggest pleasures of our hobby is in the construction phase. So the tear down is just the start of something better to come. Enjoy all the planning and new construction.


Your ferry boat is a one of a kind marvel, so it sure should be the centerpiece of your new layout. Alex did one heck of a job building it.

Hi Jim, your first three changes would  be mine as well as would a custom building from Alex. 


I  really like the idea of ground throws -- with the round the room layout, you can easily walk around with the train using command control and throw the switch as you need. 


All the best, Dave 

Originally Posted by Jdevleerjr: Enjoy the new journey and applying the lessons learned. 

I haven't had any updates on there for the last two months or so because me and the wife were discussing the basement and the placement of my layout.  My layout is about 2 years old now and I have learned a lot but have made many mistakes along the way.   Well over this past holiday weekend we have decided that I will tear down all the hard work I have done and move the layout from the main part of the basement to a bedroom down there.   


Things that will be done different:


1) make it a shelf type around the room layout instead of a large table against the wall.  All the track/scenery will be in reach of the aisle ways and there will be no access hatches!  


2) Change track type!  I will be selling off all my Fastrack and be strictly using Gargraves track and Ross turnouts.  I will stick with numbered turnouts instead of curve replacement where possible.  They will also all be hand thrown using ground throws.  Since I run a short line the new track will allow me to really weather it, and add as little or as much ballast as I need to get the look I want.


3) The trackplan will be based on operations.  As much as I like my current trackplan it was really for just running trains in circles with some switching opportunities.  Yes I will set up the track so I can have some continuous running because sometimes I just want to let the trains run, and my son enjoys it.  I will also have hidden yard under the layout to bring trains on and off the layout.


4) I want to be able to run operating sessions like the HO and N scalers do.  Car/Card system or something computerized.  I want to be able to run operating sessions alone, or with one or two other people.


5) Make my Great Lakes Car Ferry the center of operations and the layout!  Alex Malliae built me a great great lakes car ferry but it was an after thought for my layout.  It is something I have always wanted on my layout but didn't think I would be able too until I had more space.  Well the opportunity came 2 years ago for him to build it for me but it was added to the layout as an afterthought.  This new layout it will be the center for the layout and operations.  It will also have a proper size yard to go along with it.   The new yard will have a proper switching lead, and be large enough to hold 2x the amount of cars that fit on the ferry plus all the idler cars and service cars for the ferry such as the coal hoppers needed to fuel the ferry.


6) I will add a few more industries for operating opportunities.  I would like to add a furniture factory, a small auto parts factory, and maybe a food canning facility.  All industries will be run by some kind of car/card system or a computerized system to have realistic operations.  


Thats it for now and I will be starting to work on a track plan this week.  I will post updates and photos of my progress.  My timeline will be about a year for me to tear down the current layout and get the benchwork up for the new one.  


Congratulations & Good Luck.


The opportunity to start over and correct your previous mistakes is awesome.


I bet you'll really enjoy "prototypical" operating.  Running trains with a purpose is really a hoot.  You'll need to do something about couplers, though.  My approach has been to replace the lobster claws with Kadees.  This has been quite successful and makes switching a delight, but there is a bit of a learning curve if you use some sort of tool to uncouple cars.  Bob Bartizek has mastered the art of tuning the lobster claws so they couple easily and gently which allows easier uncoupling.  In either case, I don't think remote uncoupling is the answer because it seems like the uncoupling magnet is never in just the right place.


There are a few programs available that will generate switch lists or car cards and most offer a demo version so you can try them out before you buy them.  I use "Ship-It" and it works very well for me but it is quite involved and requires a good bit of tweaking to get optimum performance.  The only support available is through a Yahoo discussion group but they are quick to respond and very helpful.  I hope this helps.


Have Fun!

Originally Posted by Pat Marinari:

Congratulations & Good Luck.


The opportunity to start over and correct your previous mistakes is awesome.


I bet you'll really enjoy "prototypical" operating.  Running trains with a purpose is really a hoot.  You'll need to do something about couplers, though.  My approach has been to replace the lobster claws with Kadees.  This has been quite successful and makes switching a delight, but there is a bit of a learning curve if you use some sort of tool to uncouple cars.  Bob Bartizek has mastered the art of tuning the lobster claws so they couple easily and gently which allows easier uncoupling.  In either case, I don't think remote uncoupling is the answer because it seems like the uncoupling magnet is never in just the right place.


Hey Pat


I have been running with Kadees for over a year now.  I have converted 75% of my rolling stock and all my locomotives.  I use a small screw driver for uncoupling.  


I will check out the Ship-It program.  Thanks for the tip!



Another change I will be making is grades.   Right now I have some steep 4% grades on my "mainline".  The new layout will have no grades on the main at all, but will have a grade going from the top level of the layout down to the bottom level where the car ferry dock and yard will be.  Everything else will be on the main top level only.


I also think I will do a peninsula that the car ferry will be on along with its 3 track yard along side it.  It will help it be more of the "center" of the layout.   I plan to do a rough draft of the layout tonight and will post something over the weekend.   


I wish you well on you new layout.  I too plan to build mine in a shelf type around the room.  I think a lot of folks are recommending GarGraves track and Ross switches.  I like GarGraves track, but haven't used Ross switches yet.  I like the idea of a train going somewhere more than just around in circles, but like a continuous run option too.  I have come from many years in HO, and have never tried car card operation, but have visited layouts where they were using it.  It is a great way to go, just a bit to regimented for me.  There is a lot of information available online for that kind of operation, no matter what scale one is in.  I have heard Pat's recommendation for Ship-It is a very good choice.  I think the operations around your dock and car ferry area will be very interesting.


I will be looking forward to seeing how your layout progresses.

Originally Posted by Nateao:

I really like the idea of a shelf layout! This is what im starting to build up here in the NW. I can't wait to see pictures of the progress! 


I plan to make the benchwork pretty simple.  Most places should be no wider then 18 inches and I will use simple shelf hangers that you can get at home depot.   


In the wider areas I will build it out a bit larger using 1x4s with legs.   The peninsula will be built pretty much free standing using 1x4s.   I hope the benchwork will go up fast this fall/winter.   

Originally Posted by Jdevleerjr:
Originally Posted by Nateao:

I really like the idea of a shelf layout! This is what im starting to build up here in the NW. I can't wait to see pictures of the progress! 


I plan to make the benchwork pretty simple.  Most places should be no wider then 18 inches and I will use simple shelf hangers that you can get at home depot.   


In the wider areas I will build it out a bit larger using 1x4s with legs.   The peninsula will be built pretty much free standing using 1x4s.   I hope the benchwork will go up fast this fall/winter.   

I have been planning to do the same thing, Jim.  I think it will work out fine.

Here is a very basic layout of the new room.  It is 11x11.5 feet.  It has a closet in the corner that sticks out and the wife said I must keep.   It also has french doors but I will be changing them so they swing open out of the room instead of into the room.  


 I also laid out a short trackplan using gargraves O72 sectional track but most likely I will be using O63 track to get more onto the layout. The two locomotives that I will be running operations on it are small, a Ten Wheeler and a 0-8-0.




new layout


Images (1)
  • new layout
Originally Posted by H Michael Pierce:


I love the picture.  Did you get that at Mackinaw City or in the UP?

Mike P

That is the Mackinaw docks. Though the docks were similar, no picture Ive found of the St Ignance site is this "pretty". Most of those are photos of freight loads only.(though J.D. might find them "prettier") The painting photo isn't mine, I found it surfing. A link to the flicker page is at the top. There are lots of old Mich photos on it.

Here is a very early trackplan I have been thinking about.  I am not really happy with the placement of the car ferry.  it takes up so much room though.  The opening of the track on the lower will be a duck under or a lift bridge.   


Like I said it is a very early design and will change many times before I get it right.  



Screen Shot 2014-07-11 at 2.59.54 PM


Images (1)
  • Screen Shot 2014-07-11 at 2.59.54 PM

  Internet Explorer crashed hard after my last post. Firefox to the rescue! (always keep an extra browser, even if you don't often use it, it can get you online to do repairs) So...The original link may have worked, but I changed it to the guys page. Later Ill try posting the original link (in addition) again, so others wont have to scroll through hundreds of photos to find these, but I need to eat dinner first.


Even dismantled, Im still jealous of you and that ship

Second one has a much better yard. Maybe tie two legs together at the end so you can run the switcher around from front end to rear end?


I saw two more interesting pics while fiddling with that link.



A bit small but I thought you might like this too.




This is the photo that postcard above was painted from! Its obvious





Images (2)
  • detroitferry
  • ferrydockpic

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