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Well hello TsTh fans !  Here is some action at the the end of the wharf branch of the Leonardtown and Savannah.  These are some folks getting ready to depart for the suburbs along about mid-day.  Likely just some shoppers, or folks doing a bit of business with the local industries and heading home for an early afternoon.  The Interurban Service to the suburbs has arrived and is ready to take on passengers before reversing its course and heading out of town.

Trackside scene wharf pass station w intururban

Best wishes, hope your week is going well



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  • Trackside scene wharf pass station w intururban

TRACKSIDE for this fine Thursday!  

Looks like the way freight has set out a flat car with a power shovel on its' deck.   Brakeman Griff Flannigan gives the locomotive engineer a hand stop signal.  Since Griff has a bad knee he can't jump on a moving train, no matter how slow it's going.  Once stopped o'l Griff will put his good foot in the stirrup, ride the hoper car to the switch, carefully step off and throw the switch.  Once the switch is thrown, he will then ride the hopper back to the rest of the train, couple up, hobble to the engine, and do it all again somewhere down the line.   O'l Griff is hanging in there, bad knee and all,  because he's only got 13 days until he retires.  O'l Griff was just tellin his brother law Thatcher Brownley this morning " Yep!  Just 13 more days and I'm saying good bye to crossties and creosote!    The boys on the crew plan to throw Griff a big party over at Molly's Bar and Bistro the day he retires.   Ya'll better keep that under your hat too!  It spoosed to be a surprise!   ... just another day on the railroad! IMG_3207

Griff gives hand signals as the locomotive eases the hopper back to the rest of the train. IMG_3209


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Well here we area again at TsThur...we had 4 poster's last week, THANK YOU Sitka, Lee, and maybe we can entice a few more this week.

Well we all know that all that stuff that comes in those box cars, has to be trans loaded into trucks to get it to where it finally needs to is a scene down at the yard freight station of the fleet of trucks picking up packages both small and large.

Trackside scene trucks at wharf freight

Hope your week is going well.  Happy Thursday (Hey its all downhill from here )

Best Wishes



Images (1)
  • Trackside scene trucks at wharf freight

@leapinlarry - Hey thanks for the compliment...yes that big lithographed freight station is Marx, until I put in the yard extension it was so big I had nowhere it would fit .  Larry your pictures are great  thanks for posting.  I had no heard  of that Lionel "workmen sounds" accessory, I need to look for that myself, it looks cool.  I like the mermaid as well !!

@bobfett- great scene, the hobo's look happy so all must be ok...

Best to everyone


TRACKSIDE FOR THIS FINE THURSDAY! ... Edna and Herbert like to sit on the bench outside Don's Barber Shop and people watch.  Herbert also enjoys seeing the trains go by.  Phillips Seafood Distributors makes a delivery to The Crazy Crab Seafood Restaurant which is also a tenant in the same building as Don's Barber Shop.   A local way freight should be along shortly.  IMG_4126


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Here’s some Trackside Thursday in the Town of Paradise. Cows and pigs evening dinner with SP 1102 parked for the night.IMG_7767

Busy trackside dock this evening! Molly’s Diner across the street gives the workers a nice place to go for a coffee break as they will have a long night ahead!


Happy Thursday!


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Last edited by WesternPacific2217

Here's my trackside photos for this fine Thursday!!

View from my campsite.  IMG_0937


Bad order car:  Great Northeastern caboose sits on the team track in Lower Patsburg.  Car Dept employees Walt Pulaski and Tinker Evans are waiting for the Car Dept tool truck to arrive so they can repair this bad order car and get it underway.  IMG_6565


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Well hello again TsTh fans...hope your week is going well.  Here is a scene at the base of my control tower monitoring 2 lines and 2 switches into the adjacent yard and passing tracks.  Its always hard to keep the curious and you "rail fans" out of this area but its really dangerous with a lot of moving locomotives and rolling stock.  Signs and even a watchman are posted to maintain safety.

Trackside photo of Tower and Pine Trees.

Best wishes everyone.



Images (1)
  • Trackside photo of Tower and Pine Trees.

Well my track side scene today depicts a near tragedy, it turns out that the "necessary" near the freight station needs repair and in a hurry it being the only sanitary facility close by.  So the repair folks have arrived and they are working to restore service.  Meanwhile the freight station dog looks on from in front of his house to make sure that no damage is done.

Trackside scene of dog house

Happy Thursday everyone...Today is my 79th Birthday...Goodness I am getting old but still playing with trains

Best Wishes everyone



Images (1)
  • Trackside scene of dog house

Well my track side scene today depicts a near tragedy, it turns out that the "necessary" near the freight station needs repair and in a hurry it being the only sanitary facility close by.  So the repair folks have arrived and they are working to restore service.  Meanwhile the freight station dog looks on from in front of his house to make sure that no damage is done.

Trackside scene of dog house

Happy Thursday everyone...Today is my 79th Birthday...Goodness I am getting old but still playing with trains

Best Wishes everyone


Happy Birthday, Don. What better way to spend it than running trains (and, hopefully, not waiting for the "necessary").


Well my track side scene today depicts a near tragedy, it turns out that the "necessary" near the freight station needs repair and in a hurry it being the only sanitary facility close by.  So the repair folks have arrived and they are working to restore service.  Meanwhile the freight station dog looks on from in front of his house to make sure that no damage is done.

Trackside scene of dog house

Happy Thursday everyone...Today is my 79th Birthday...Goodness I am getting old but still playing with trains

Best Wishes everyone


Happy Birthday Don! I’m the same way the older I get the more I enjoy Model Trains. I’ll be 55 on Sunday

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