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Big_Boy_4005 posted:

I haven't touched the layout this week. I know it's working because I had it running last Sunday for NYC Z-man (Jim).

My nephews came over on Tuesday, and helped me move the chop saw and some other stuff out to the shop. The rest of the week has been spent on doctor visits and picking up for tomorrow's open house / picnic. Paul, Dave and Ray Marion are coming over. If Menards keeps doing the show, the open house will become an annual event.

I'll get back to work Sunday. I'll probably have another week before the surgery, and then I'll be pretty limited in what I can do.

Better get a move on!  I'm catching up to you on ballasting, Elliot.  Finished a full 6' of it this week. 😉 

Here's hoping all goes well with the surgery.  Best of luck.


Big_Boy_4005 posted:

I haven't touched the layout this week. I know it's working because I had it running last Sunday for NYC Z-man (Jim).

My nephews came over on Tuesday, and helped me move the chop saw and some other stuff out to the shop. The rest of the week has been spent on doctor visits and picking up for tomorrow's open house / picnic. Paul, Dave and Ray Marion are coming over. If Menards keeps doing the show, the open house will become an annual event.

I'll get back to work Sunday. I'll probably have another week before the surgery, and then I'll be pretty limited in what I can do.

Prayers for a successful surgery, Eliot.


p51 posted:

Last night, I was standing on a stool on one side of the layout room to see something and then I realized I could see the entire layout. I managed to get this with my cell, the only photo ever showing pretty much the entire layout. Only the far wall to the left is missing, and that's just a backdrop and some trees. But for the most part, it's all here:


Lee, your layout is very inspirational indeed!


I've been down, but not out. I didn't hit the lotto like I fantasized, so I built one. Two of these led gimmick games games with sales literature in the mail. (That used to be a railline swingbridge)


.A 2"x2" fan blows styrofoam balls around in a cut down $1store led solar lawn lamp's lens, inverted20180329_191230_Film120180329_191022_Film1

A "gaming" train is in the works I guess. I wanted a short gondola, and wanted an ore car. I found one long mpc=2 if one is nearly squared 

Actual colors are yet t9 be determined. The Gon is slightly shorter than a 6112 now. Better on the 0-21" micro track.



The next split might allow a this ore that prize car 

Speaking of fantasy, I wanted a figure for my Island of Misfits Toys but had no luck. The loco & passenger car that has square wheels; was a must. So I made one from wood; elve style . It's about 1.5" long


I've railnpowered and at least partially lit 4 VW busses now. 20180706_051916_Film1~2 No two are driven identically. 1 Worm&gear, the rest are pulley & rubber band, but no two motors or pulley ratios are the same. .  Low volt champ needs just 2v.- 9v max., Two can take 14v, other two at 24v and excepting the one, they start and run at 7v.



One sprung contact shoe for now; not turnout friendly.


The police van is done.

I have ambulance decals. It needs flahers.

I need fire dept. decals. It's bubble lights, but I need to work out a pulsing mech. (Pulse vs a flasher 

And I need "taxi" or MOW/road name logo for black and yellow.20180706_052035_Film1

   I have old decal making image lifting "paint" called "decal it" . So, if I can find two identical images, anything goes.

 You paint a coat or a few coats, dry, wash away the paper in warm soap&water and you are left with a rubbery decal. Kind of thick, but strong.

 Not super high quality, but I was impressed with my three coat test on a PRR keystone in a magazine.  The problem was a slight opacity. The background must be similar to the paper stock or the opacity becomes easy to see.  I think one coat decals can be done with care. ( Stick them with more compund. A gloss.)

So that's some of my spring projects; time for me to catch up on yours


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M. Mitchell Marmel posted:

While prepping a couple of gi-raffe shells for shipping,  I did a bit of research on Joe D.'s Plexiglas gi-raffe ramps.  

While they do a fine job with the gi-raffes: 


They do tend to foul siderods a bit:  


So, they'll have to be used with narrower locomotives.   


And I am sure the Gi-raffs will greatly appreciate the absence of steamers heading up their consists... would you  want to be sucking in smoke and cinders??? I am very surprised your shop steward allowed this unhealthy practice   

p51 posted:

Last night, I was standing on a stool on one side of the layout room to see something and then I realized I could see the entire layout. I managed to get this with my cell, the only photo ever showing pretty much the entire layout. Only the far wall to the left is missing, and that's just a backdrop and some trees. But for the most part, it's all here:


Very nice!!! I like it.  It’s point to point?

WP posted:
p51 posted:

Last night, I was standing on a stool on one side of the layout room to see something and then I realized I could see the entire layout. I managed to get this with my cell, the only photo ever showing pretty much the entire layout. Only the far wall to the left is missing, and that's just a backdrop and some trees. But for the most part, it's all here:


Very nice!!! I like it.  It’s point to point?


Yep, it's point to point. Early on, I thought of a continuous run but the more op sessions I went to on other layouts, the less appealing that seemed to me. I'm very happy with it as it is for the most part, in terms of the operating scheme. I built it primarily for that, and to develop my skills.

Tonight, I decided to try switch lists instead of car cards for op sessions, and I'm going to put out the 'bat signal' soon for an op session to test it. I have a set of 5 moves for the same cars on the layout, which means the final puts them all back where they were at the start. That way, if I ever run a series of op sessions in one day (which happens in the Fall, for 'Oly Ops'), I don't need to swap cars around.

Anyway, it took me most of the evening to ID the cars, where they'd go in each move and where they'd wind up so each siding has the right number of cars. But at this point, even if I wanted to swap a few cars around, it wouldn't take much to change all the switch lists...



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In an effort to maximize the space on my layout, I modified the O-72 switches that form crossovers on my layout. I cut the diverging rails on each switch, with the end result being center-rail distance of 4.2" down from 5.25" 

I should've done this while I was initially laying the track, but it's done now and I'm happy with the results. The "S" curve is still there, but all my trains roll right through, and I think it looks better with the mainlines closer together. Here are before and after shots. 

Thanks to Marty Fitzhenry for the tips on how to make the cuts and for encouraging me to give it a shot. 





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Disassembled some failed experimental ideas in the interest of simplicity.  A proposed station complex was just too much clutter to add to an already claustrophobic attic.

Firmed up the design of a triangular section of layout where many tracks converge.  Engine fueling facilities and a small station serviced by a road will likely exist in this area.  Spent some time this afternoon placing structures and leveling some real estate to suit.  Mandatory clearance checks meant the rest of the session was spent running trains.  There is something magical about being totally immersed in my little fantasy world.  Makes the real one almost tolerable.


brwebster posted:

Disassembled some failed experimental ideas in the interest of simplicity.  A proposed station complex was just too much clutter to add to an already claustrophobic attic.

Firmed up the design of a triangular section of layout where many tracks converge.  Engine fueling facilities and a small station serviced by a road will likely exist in this area.  Spent some time this afternoon placing structures and leveling some real estate to suit.  Mandatory clearance checks meant the rest of the session was spent running trains.  There is something magical about being totally immersed in my little fantasy world.  Makes the real one almost tolerable.


Well said!

Brian, sure looks like you have things going nicely at your place! All the trains look wonderful! Never seen a Conrail Mustang, but then again there is a first for almost anything! LOL

Paul I am glad your almost done with the flats, they are looking just outstanding!

Thaddeus,  Wonderful looking train! Congrats!

Bluecomet400, Nice looking track work there! Plus you gain extra space for more stuff! LOL

NS6770FAN, The ballast turned out looking nice! Great job!

Bruce, running trains lets you forget about a lot while your in your own little world! That is a good thing for most of us!

For me I haven't done much to the train room as we have had family from out of state and they are using the empty room as there hotel. But I did get a TV mounted in the corner so I am all ready to get back at it once they leave next week some time. I still have to finish putting on the second coat of mud, sand, primer and Paint. Then I can get started on bench work! The son-in-law brought me some more carpet to finish the floor which was very nice of him! I hope you all have been doing well, I try to check daily but it doesn't always happen!

Forgetting things has never been an issue with me, Mike.  Remembering stuff is where I run into troubles.  

Jim, I hope to some day transition into formal operating sessions, even if they be somewhat limited by the layout size.  If ever that happens, I might require some kind of professional therapy.  

RSJB18. Thank you very much


photos added...

After roughing in the ballast the girder bridge supports began to take shape.

testing for fit.

Train runnin' time....

A new member of the family.

MU'd GG1's haulin' a**, er, reefers and boxcars.

Back to work today, experimenting with structures and mock up placement on the triangular section.  In the process I roughed in the landscaping around the varying grades.  The rear portion is next.




Bruce and Pete, a belated thanks for the well wishes regarding the toe. Bruce, I'm pretty sure that you'll finish ballasting before I do.

A toe update: It now looks like the toe will cause us to cancel our eastern trip for now. We'll try to recreate it in the spring. The toe is actually looking better, but that is no indication of the bone's condition. With the trip off the table, the plan is for a more wait and see attitude. Now I just want to get through the convention, then we can reevaluate.

Not much to report on the layout. My wife and I unpacked a bunch cars the other day, and placed on the layout. We also have been working on cleaning the room just outside the train room, to make it look decent for the convention. My goal is to get back to work this week.

mike g. posted:

Nice video and great looking train Ted! I love your night shots and videos!

Night shots outa necessity, Mike.  I need to hide all the background stuff on the floor in the basement.  Some day we’ll rise above it all.   Too much fun running trains to put it all away and build for months or years.  You know what that’s like.

Elliot, very sorry to hear you have to cancel your fall trip. Better to listen to the Doctors and get that foot and toe taken care of and all healed up. You now have the time to put in more time on your layout to get it ready ready for the tour. With you planning your trip in the spring it gives me more of a chance to get more done on my layout too. I didn't accomplish as mich as I would of like to today. But I finally got started on piecing the brewery together, especially the angular building. I knew I was going to have to cut a flat or two  to piece together . On the back side of the angular building is where I had to piece in. I got a couple done tonight. I'll let the glue dry overnight and tomorrow I can fill in whatever gaps there are with plaster and then paint the plaster areas with concrete paint. A couple of pics.......Paul



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Elliot, I'm sorry you have to cancel the trip East for the wedding and all, but it sounds like the best thing given the information you have passed on.  Keep working at your health, and we hope you can get back to the layout soon!

Paul, The angular building is looking very good!  All the walls are turning out very nice indeed!

Brian, Mike is right; you should have room for a scene like that in the new building.  I have seen a couple of CN engines on the B&LE here in Butler.  When CN bought it, they said they were going to operate as before; but I am surprised it has taken so many years to see their engines.

Ted, that is a really nice train and video.

Here, I was trying to figure out why an MTH Premier engine I acquired in a trade Saturday wouldn't smoke.  It makes smoke, but the fan won't run.  I'll have to investigate further.  NS SD70ACe.  Yes, I know, decades too modern for me with the steam, F3s, BL2s, RSD5...I was glad to pass on the other set to a Forum friend who has wanted one for a long time.

2018-07-16 20.33.072018-07-16 20.33.22


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Thanks Rusty

I forgot how time consuming it was to make ties since I cant find the proper thickness of wood and have to mill it out of a larger piece.

I just started the layout in March, its "3 levels", subway, main level and mountain type area which will be Halloween Town. The layout is still very much under construction and fairly fluid. 

I'll try and setup a photo album soon and its a small layout but I am not nearly as talented as most on this forum with respect to layout, scenery etc etc.


Mark Boyce posted:


Here, I was trying to figure out why an MTH Premier engine I acquired in a trade Saturday wouldn't smoke.  It makes smoke, but the fan won't run.  I'll have to investigate further.  NS SD70ACe.  Yes, I know, decades too modern for me with the steam, F3s, BL2s, RSD5...I was glad to pass on the other set to a Forum friend who has wanted one for a long time.

2018-07-16 20.33.072018-07-16 20.33.22


It appears to be a form of desperation anxiety peculiar to us transition era freaks.  This disease is brought on by a lack of ear piercing  turbo whine.  Fortunately, there's a vibrant black market out there with a cure


Last edited by brwebster

Laundry day.....layout day. I glued two walls for the angular building together. I also glued another flat to make up the buildings behind the tracks. Doing that I found out I had to open the area between the sidings and wall so the flats will sit at the same height. Hope later this afternoon to glue the third wall in place. Pics...........Paul



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Thanks Paul and Mark, and all of those who have had me in their thoughts and prayers over the last two months.

I went to the foot doctor today, it's been 8 weeks that I've been going. I have great news! The toe is healing well enough that I get to keep it. So I'll have the vascular procedure in the near future, to increase blood flow, and I'll be in business. At the current rate of healing, I'm hoping to have it closed up by the end of October. Then we can re-plan our trip for the spring.

Time to get back to work on the layout!

paul 2 posted:

Bryan, nice job on the baseball field. I remember when you were just working on the lights. Nice  you were able to find some time for train layout in your hectic schedule. On a side note I sold your shirts. Needed to buy more trains for myself LOL. Post some pics when you get a chance to show your progress......................Paul

Thanks Paul, going to try to get some more time today but dealing with some rental property issues (water damage) so don't know if I'll get time or not.  This first coat of mud is taking awhile to dry. 

As for my shirts I should have not had you pick them up since I saw Al at the fireworks last week.  I guess I'll get them when I'm first in line for the new Menards opening. Lol

Hey Elliot- that's great news. The power of positive thinking (and healing), does work. Sorry you had to postpone your trip but not loosing a body part is well worth it. Now you can concentrate on the layout and convention tour.

Bryan- great baseball field. Can't wait for the first night game. Of course you could call it Wrigley Field and never have night games (OK- I'm dating myself a bit here)

Paul- the flats are going to be nice when they are all done.

Mark- that diesel is a bit too modern for your layout. Call it Back to the Future.


Big_Boy_4005 posted:

Thanks Paul and Mark, and all of those who have had me in their thoughts and prayers over the last two months.

I went to the foot doctor today, it's been 8 weeks that I've been going. I have great news! The toe is healing well enough that I get to keep it. So I'll have the vascular procedure in the near future, to increase blood flow, and I'll be in business. At the current rate of healing, I'm hoping to have it closed up by the end of October. Then we can re-plan our trip for the spring.

Time to get back to work on the layout!

Great news, Elliot!  God is good, always!

paul 2 posted:

Elliot, that's great news. Keep it healing. Don't push yourself. Slow and easy does it every time. By the way I forgot to mention, Shirley and I on the way home stopped in Rochelle for lunch at the Sunrise Restaurant and after lunch we got over to the train park. In the time we were there we caught 6 trains.............................Paul

Paul I'm glad that you were able to stop in Rochelle.  It's one of our favorite local train watching locations.


Big_Boy_4005 posted:

Thanks Paul and Mark, and all of those who have had me in their thoughts and prayers over the last two months.

I went to the foot doctor today, it's been 8 weeks that I've been going. I have great news! The toe is healing well enough that I get to keep it. So I'll have the vascular procedure in the near future, to increase blood flow, and I'll be in business. At the current rate of healing, I'm hoping to have it closed up by the end of October. Then we can re-plan our trip for the spring.

Time to get back to work on the layout!

Elliot, that is great news!  I'm very happy for you.


Big_Boy_4005 posted:

Thanks Paul and Mark, and all of those who have had me in their thoughts and prayers over the last two months.

I went to the foot doctor today, it's been 8 weeks that I've been going. I have great news! The toe is healing well enough that I get to keep it. So I'll have the vascular procedure in the near future, to increase blood flow, and I'll be in business. At the current rate of healing, I'm hoping to have it closed up by the end of October. Then we can re-plan our trip for the spring.

Time to get back to work on the layout!

GREAT news!!!

paul 2 posted:

Going down to check to see if the flats are dry so I can glue some more together. In the meantime this afternoon I got this in the mail today from forum member and friend Mark Boyce. Tomorrow it will join the growing line of Weaver TOFC's...........Pic.............Paul


Wow, Paul!  I could hardly have driven it over to you that quickly!  Yes, I would like to see the "fleet" in a photograph!

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