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HCSader73 posted:

As promised earlier this week,  here is an orange Baby Ruth boxcar turned into my baby grandson's "first Christmas" car.


When he gets a little older I'll make an entire train set for him.

Pete, you MUST tell us other OGR grandpas/opas/farfars or whatever, HOW DID YOU DO IT?


HCSader73 posted:
mike g. posted:

Went out and played alittle in the train room today! Here are a few pictures of my day!20181203_13342420181203_13343120181203_13353820181203_13360020181203_13362120181203_133650

Looks great, Mike! Like flying into Charleston, WV. Or you can put an ocean scene on the wall and turn it into a carrier flight deck. What that has to do with trains is anyone's guess.

Yeager Airport, Charleston, West Virginia:YeagerAirport CharlestonWV

They blasted 2 mountain tops to fill the hollow between them to make Yeager, or so I was told.


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Pingman posted:
HCSader73 posted:

As promised earlier this week,  here is an orange Baby Ruth boxcar turned into my baby grandson's "first Christmas" car.


When he gets a little older I'll make an entire train set for him.

Pete, you MUST tell us other OGR grandpas/opas/farfars or whatever, HOW DID YOU DO IT?


Thanks, Carl. That's very kind of you. The car is really an accumulation of many small easy steps.  If you're willing to read it, I'll write it:

PREP WORK: First off, you take a relatively useless boxcar, like an orange colored Baby Ruth car (sold at York for $3 on some tables) and take it completely apart, wheels, trucks, flatbed, doors, everything. Then get it clean, like new clean. Some guys use soft scrub detergent . I use vinegar with baking soda and a toothbrush. Just make sure you rinse the surfaces thoroughly from the white powdery residue left by the baking soda.If there is any rust on the metal, give it a bath overnight in Evaporust before cleaning.

PAINTING THE PLASTIC BOXCAR: Getting the car to a convincing pure white will take 2 coats of very flat primer followed by 2 passes with a high gloss enamel. Paint the inside of the boxcar before beginning to paint the outside. With the flat primer you can spray about a foot out. With the high gloss you'll want to spray from a foot and a half or so, let it dry and get hard overnight, and then do it again. You can't rush it. Let the paint cure and get hard. This is a good way NOT to gunk up all the little ridges on the car with enamel paint. Spray too close and it will become a dripping mess. Once the boxcar is white to your satisfaction, hand paint the roof the color of your choice. It took me 4 passes to get the roof right so that the white did not bleed through. The doors will need to be hand painted as well, after they have been hit with the very flat primer coats. You can either paint the doors gloss white or an accent color. Make sure the door slides do not get painted shut.  When each coat is dry use a very small screw driver blade repeatedly to pry the door slides apart and scrape off excess paint. On to the roof! I used Testor enamel for the roof, painting it by hand. It required 4 passes, each time drying completely before repainting.The result is worth the extra effort.

PAINTING THE FRAME AND TRUCKS: Then address the metal flatbed.  It is black. Give it one hit of the flat white primer, let it cure, then hit it again with the high gloss red enamel. I use a cardboard painting box with a heavy paper clip hanging from a horizontal string. The piece being painted is suspended from the paper clip, and it is easy to get at all surfaces from all angles. Finally you paint the trucks. Take the brackets off and remove the axles from the truck sides; then take the wheels off the axles. I simply spray painted the truck sides with the red gloss, but I was wrong. I should have hit them first with the flat white so the tone of the red paint on the truck sides would be the same as the roof. After giving the wheels a good cleaning with my dremel tool, I hand painted each wheel side with a white gloss enamel.

MAKING THE DECALS: If you don't know how to edit photos with a program like Photoshop or Gimp, ask someone for help. Your objective is to make a transparency of a picture you like. To make a transparency, saved as a GIF or a bitmap (BMP) file,  you will have to erase some of the background pixels with your photo editor. This is what I did with the holly frame. I found the holly frame as a public domain photo JPEG file. I erased its white background to make it transparent,  and added the First Merry Christmas text in green and red. Then I resized the transparent  holly frame, making it a little bigger to accommodate the photo of my grandson. WARNING: Do not try to take photos of your grandchild yourself. They are shifty, squirmy,  inquisitive little things and only sit still when fast asleep. Let your son/daughter spend a few hours trying to get one decent face shot. Once you get the desired  photo of your grandchild, crop it to fit into the holly frame, and insert it into the holly frame as a new layer. Then merge visible layers and save as a GIF or BMP file.Now comes the fun part.

Go on Amazon and buy some water-slide decal paper for laserjet color printers. Print the finished holly frames with text and the photo of your grandchild onto the warer-slide decal paper. Cut to the image edges, submerge it in tepid water, and then slide it into place on the side of the boxcar. Once the decals are dry and set, brush gently with a lacquer to seal them in place.

Voila! You have a Christmas rail car of your grandchild!

Pete,   What a great idea....  Well done !  

Came down with a wicked cold yesterday, so to keep my mind off the symptoms, decided to take out two  Atlas O WM auto box cars and do some weathering.   One is almost done, still working on the other....   Really just want them to look like moderate in use service, not rust buckets...  Have to excuse the first two photos, decided to try and take them outside on the deck but the sun was already dropping below the trees.  

Bought these here on the OGR forum, unfortunately,  the seller conveniently didn't mention the zinc pest rot in all the ladders, grab irons, stirrups and wheel trucks...  Got the wheel trucks fixed.  Managed to pick up (4) suitable boxcar ladders at the show last weekend, so I am painting them to match, and will install them after the weathering is done.   They'll probably go back into service without stirrups and grab irons....   

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Pete, Those are great instructions.  Yes I can see what you are saying about erasing the background in GIMP.  That would be a job for my daughter or son-in-law, the artist pair.  The other daughter is a musician and her husband is a videographer/editor.  The best advice I see here is: let your daughter r son take the photograph!  And we don't even have grandchildren; I just remember trying to get our girls to hold still for my wife when I was in my late 30s to 40.  It was nearly impossible wasting film.  At least today you can blow away a ton of free digital reject photographs. 

Chris, Those are great looking cars.  Of course you started with the best; Western Maryland round herald and simply 'WM'.    Your advice makes sense.  I wasn't expecting to see zinc rot on these.  Bummer for that.

Brian, Thanks for stopping by! I am glad you liked your visit! LOL

Pete, I was thinking about putting a backdrop of an airport, but then I seen the picture John put up and I just might go that way! Or maybe the one you put up! On another note, Great job on the Christmas Car!

John, I really like it! Maybe I will model that area and cut my airfield down from 2 runways to just one!

Daniel, looks good!

Alabama Joe, Nice work on the trestle!

Chris wonderful work! Looks very nice and will look great on the layout!

Thanks Mark,   I agree, they are really nice looking WM cars.  If I had the Atlas Item #'s I would give them to you and tell you to beware...   The road numbers on the cars are 30000 series,  I ended up with 30004 & 30006.   My understanding is that the zinc pest on the diecast parts probably affected cars assembled in the same batches.  Not sure how to know that, except maybe go back in the historical product delivery schedules for Atlas where they used to announce shipments coming over.    I went back tonight and did another wash with a slightly different color, so I'll put some more photos up tomorrow after they dry and I put them on the layout. 

Didn't feel like taking the air brush out, so I did all this with acrylic paint washes and made sure the wash had about 50% alcohol/ 50% water so it would lay down smoothly on the surface.  

My only other complaint/warning about these AUTOMOBILE BOXCARS is the doors don't open, not a huge deal breaker, but I didn't realize when I bought them that Atlas O was making premium cars with doors that were molded into the car body and "locked shut". 

It was a good way to spend the day, work on improving my weathering skills on some cars I didn't pay all that much for.   

Continuing with my red/green/silver color scheme for the Christmas tree layout, put first couple of coats on the MPC era 9224 horse corral.  

Tested my Lionel signals:  151, 153, and 154--good news everything in working order, though the OBs are more sleeves with parts than boxes at this stage.  Will probably put them on the bay.

Continuing to test run and make repairs where necessary to engines and rolling stock.

Need to p/u some super glue to complete the "Apples55 Span" Christmas decorations.


chris a posted:

Pete,   What a great idea....  Well done !  

Came down with a wicked cold yesterday, so to keep my mind off the symptoms, decided to take out two  Atlas O WM auto box cars and do some weathering.   One is almost done, still working on the other....   Really just want them to look like moderate in use service, not rust buckets...  Have to excuse the first two photos, decided to try and take them outside on the deck but the sun was already dropping below the trees.  

Bought these here on the OGR forum, unfortunately,  the seller conveniently didn't mention the zinc pest rot in all the ladders, grab irons, stirrups and wheel trucks...  Got the wheel trucks fixed.  Managed to pick up (4) suitable boxcar ladders at the show last weekend, so I am painting them to match, and will install them after the weathering is done.   They'll probably go back into service without stirrups and grab irons....   


Thanks a lot, Chris!

Sorry about the cold,  but love the cure! The weathering looks great!

Mark Boyce posted:

Pete, Those are great instructions.  Yes I can see what you are saying about erasing the background in GIMP.  That would be a job for my daughter or son-in-law, the artist pair.  The other daughter is a musician and her husband is a videographer/editor.  The best advice I see here is: let your daughter r son take the photograph!  And we don't even have grandchildren; I just remember trying to get our girls to hold still for my wife when I was in my late 30s to 40.  It was nearly impossible wasting film.  At least today you can blow away a ton of free digital reject photographs. 

Chris, Those are great looking cars.  Of course you started with the best; Western Maryland round herald and simply 'WM'.    Your advice makes sense.  I wasn't expecting to see zinc rot on these.  Bummer for that.

Mark, making the images for decals is not hard. Like most things it just takes some getting used to. The biggest obstacle is getting proficient at a specific photo editing program, like Adobe's Photoshop, or GIMP freeware. Only when you know your way around the program can your artistic skills take flight.

If anyone on this forum needs help making a GIF or BMP file out of a photograph or JPEG  image they found online just email it to me and I will make a transparency for you. Then you can make your own decals.

Chris, sorry you came down with a cold but at least it did not keep you from doing something on the layout. Weathering came out sweet.

Today I finally got some time in on my layout. I believe I got the building flats in the order I want them in. So maybe after dinner I can start gluing some of them together. I ended up running the flats further then I had started out to do. I brought them around the corner and if I do want I want to do I have to order a few more flats from Mr Muffin. Pics of the final decision.............Paul



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paul 2 posted:

Today I finally got some time in on my layout. I believe I got the building flats in the order I want them in. So maybe after dinner I can start gluing some of them together. I ended up running the flats further then I had started out to do. I brought them around the corner and if I do want I want to do I have to order a few more flats from Mr Muffin. Pics of the final decision.............Paul


Paul, all that diligent work on the building flats paid off. They look perfect!

HCSader73 posted:

Mark, making the images for decals is not hard. Like most things it just takes some getting used to. The biggest obstacle is getting proficient at a specific photo editing program, like Adobe's Photoshop, or GIMP freeware. Only when you know your way around the program can your artistic skills take flight.

By an odd coincidence,  I happen to be fairly skilled with GIMP, at least in the basic functions. 

If anyone on this forum needs help making a GIF or BMP file out of a photograph or JPEG  image they found online just email it to me and I will make a transparency for you. Then you can make your own decals.

And if anyone needs some instruction on using GIMP,  I'd be happy to stream a tutorial session.   


Mark, I try to contribute where I can. I don't know a lot, but have learned some tricks here and there. I really like that people are willing to share!

Pete, that sure is a cool idea! Just might have to do a USMC Car! But I think an Embassy Guard car would be very cool!

Paul you are almost to the point where you will have to move onto something else! What's next? The flats are looking just wonderful and will bring the area to life!

WOW John, I blink an eye and next thing you know your room is almost full! Nice work!

Chris, the box cars are perfect! You have such wonderful skills! Maybe one day down the road I will be giving that a try!

Brian I am with Matt, The Warbonnets look Great! I will have to keep an eye open for one on Christmas to see if Mark is right about Santas ride!

Mike, Yes I know you are like so many, contribute what you can!  

John, I like that Mianne in your room.  I haven't bothered Tim lately, but I suspect my order won't be shipped until January.  It works great, because I am not ready to start it anyway.

All I have done on the layout is move some trains upstairs to run on the Christmas layout over the season.  Being semi-retired and laid off from semi, I would like to do a bit more prep work for the new layout in the family room, but this sciatic problem has prevented it.  Like my late father-in-law used to say, "You play the cards you are dealt."  


Brian, so you are saying Sante Clause rides the Santa Fe??  You have totally rewritten my understanding of the jolly old elf!!!  I’m in shock!! 

Brian I am with Matt, The Warbonnets look Great! I will have to keep an eye open for one on Christmas to see if Mark is right about Santas ride!





                                  Lately, Santa has been spotted...

                                                       rolling with BNSF and BN...















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Last edited by briansilvermustang

Not much happening on the train table, but we got a circle of fastrack around the tree....and then we expanded 60 inches westward to make a respectable loop.

I Didn’t take too many photos or videos as running trains with excited kids is similar to fishing with excited kids, you get to spend a lot of time untangling and re-railing 😀 just happy to see them enjoying it, even when testing the laws of physics over and over again.2ACD97D3-35F0-4436-96F9-C8390C2D39B3


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          picked me a couple new REINDEER recently,

                                       now what to name them... hmmm   HO  HO HO !


                       need to get out my trusty :





     uh oh, don't  think these guys are to happy with my new reindeer...


          better take them out for another spin... HO HO HO !!!

                                         and check in and see how the ELF's are doing...



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Taking my time to figure out how I am going to mount all these flats. So I took the first three and glued them end to end. Hoping once the glue sets I can flip them over and apply strips of black foam to the backs. Then put adhesive on the foam and press them against the wall. Then keep repeating that all the way down to the corner. Pic.......Paul



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lee drennen posted:

Sorry guys for no post I’ve been really busy been going to my oldest daughters basketball games this is her last year playing before she graduates this year figure I can always run, build train  anytime 


Family always comes first..tell your daughter good luck with the games.  I have fun watching my grandkids games.


Fendermain posted:
lee drennen posted:

Sorry guys for no post I’ve been really busy been going to my oldest daughters basketball games this is her last year playing before she graduates this year figure I can always run, build train  anytime 


Family always comes first..tell your daughter good luck with the games.  I have fun watching my grandkids games.


Thanks I will maybe I can get some train time in this weekend 

Fendermain posted:
lee drennen posted:

Sorry guys for no post I’ve been really busy been going to my oldest daughters basketball games this is her last year playing before she graduates this year figure I can always run, build train  anytime 


Family always comes first..tell your daughter good luck with the games.  I have fun watching my grandkids games.


You beat me to it Fendermain!!!! Family first!!!!!


Woodson posted:
Fendermain posted:
lee drennen posted:

Sorry guys for no post I’ve been really busy been going to my oldest daughters basketball games this is her last year playing before she graduates this year figure I can always run, build train  anytime 


Family always comes first..tell your daughter good luck with the games.  I have fun watching my grandkids games.


You beat me to it Fendermain!!!! Family first!!!!!



Take my Blackwater Canyon Line design in my signature line.  When John C brought up the Western Maryland line, I dug out old hand drawings of an HO layout that I was planning on the Western Maryland from Elkins to Westernport.  The date on my drawing was 2001.  I had the benchwork built, but it only served as a table to assemble dollhouses with two little girls.  Later when they had school projects, they would show me a plan, I would suggest materials, they would hop up to the "train" table, I showed them how to us cardboard, stripwood, styrene, Sculptamold, Woodland Scenics products, etc, and they built a portion of the Great wall of China, the Roman Coliseum; just two I remember that took up space in our attic for years.  All the while, I was fixing toys with styrene, wood, CA and other items.

Now they are both grown and married.  The younger is a musician and her husband is a videographer/editor.  He was so excited to give me one of the first copies of a video he edited for a new company of the layout of a Well-known modeler in HO circles.  They are working on the deal for a second video.  They brought us a Internet ready flat screen TV because I am tired of paying for basic cable and getting little to watch on our old CRT TVs.  Right now I am on a pain medicine for my bad sciatic nerve and shouldn't drive.  This morning, I called up the older daughter to take me to the drug store to get a new prescription I got at the ER last night.  This was the third time in a week I have called her to drive me.  She was happy to, and took me while her husband slept after working night shift managing a Sheetz convenience store.  She even offered to bring me a snack from the Sheetz.

All this to say, waiting from 2001 to 2018 was a long time to start benchwork again.  I longed to get back at it always.  It was well worth the wait!

Mark,   that's a great post about your family history with your daughters.  All those modelling skills will be put to good use in the not too distant future.   Very sorry to hear that the lower back situation is not getting any better.   If you get a minute, send me an email and give me an update.  My back was real bad for about 3 weeks, bad enough that I took some left over pain meds from my shoulder surgery.   It's been 16 good years since back surgery in 2002.   Anyway I kept exercising, stretching, walking, sitting on ice packs several times a day,  and going to the chiropractor.  It finally healed up enough that I stopped taking the pain meds.   Hoping there's some relief in your future.   

Mark Boyce posted:
Woodson posted:
Fendermain posted:
lee drennen posted:

Sorry guys for no post I’ve been really busy been going to my oldest daughters basketball games this is her last year playing before she graduates this year figure I can always run, build train  anytime 


Family always comes first..tell your daughter good luck with the games.  I have fun watching my grandkids games.


You beat me to it Fendermain!!!! Family first!!!!!



Take my Blackwater Canyon Line design in my signature line.  When John C brought up the Western Maryland line, I dug out old hand drawings of an HO layout that I was planning on the Western Maryland from Elkins to Westernport.  The date on my drawing was 2001.  I had the benchwork built, but it only served as a table to assemble dollhouses with two little girls.  Later when they had school projects, they would show me a plan, I would suggest materials, they would hop up to the "train" table, I showed them how to us cardboard, stripwood, styrene, Sculptamold, Woodland Scenics products, etc, and they built a portion of the Great wall of China, the Roman Coliseum; just two I remember that took up space in our attic for years.  All the while, I was fixing toys with styrene, wood, CA and other items.

Now they are both grown and married.  The younger is a musician and her husband is a videographer/editor.  He was so excited to give me one of the first copies of a video he edited for a new company of the layout of a Well-known modeler in HO circles.  They are working on the deal for a second video.  They brought us a Internet ready flat screen TV because I am tired of paying for basic cable and getting little to watch on our old CRT TVs.  Right now I am on a pain medicine for my bad sciatic nerve and shouldn't drive.  This morning, I called up the older daughter to take me to the drug store to get a new prescription I got at the ER last night.  This was the third time in a week I have called her to drive me.  She was happy to, and took me while her husband slept after working night shift managing a Sheetz convenience store.  She even offered to bring me a snack from the Sheetz.

All this to say, waiting from 2001 to 2018 was a long time to start benchwork again.  I longed to get back at it always.  It was well worth the wait!

Mark and everybody else if you have great children that care for you thought  out your life no matter what you are blessed. 

lee drennen posted:
Mark Boyce posted:
Woodson posted:
Fendermain posted:
lee drennen posted:

Sorry guys for no post I’ve been really busy been going to my oldest daughters basketball games this is her last year playing before she graduates this year figure I can always run, build train  anytime 


Family always comes first..tell your daughter good luck with the games.  I have fun watching my grandkids games.


You beat me to it Fendermain!!!! Family first!!!!!



Take my Blackwater Canyon Line design in my signature line.  When John C brought up the Western Maryland line, I dug out old hand drawings of an HO layout that I was planning on the Western Maryland from Elkins to Westernport.  The date on my drawing was 2001.  I had the benchwork built, but it only served as a table to assemble dollhouses with two little girls.  Later when they had school projects, they would show me a plan, I would suggest materials, they would hop up to the "train" table, I showed them how to us cardboard, stripwood, styrene, Sculptamold, Woodland Scenics products, etc, and they built a portion of the Great wall of China, the Roman Coliseum; just two I remember that took up space in our attic for years.  All the while, I was fixing toys with styrene, wood, CA and other items.

Now they are both grown and married.  The younger is a musician and her husband is a videographer/editor.  He was so excited to give me one of the first copies of a video he edited for a new company of the layout of a Well-known modeler in HO circles.  They are working on the deal for a second video.  They brought us a Internet ready flat screen TV because I am tired of paying for basic cable and getting little to watch on our old CRT TVs.  Right now I am on a pain medicine for my bad sciatic nerve and shouldn't drive.  This morning, I called up the older daughter to take me to the drug store to get a new prescription I got at the ER last night.  This was the third time in a week I have called her to drive me.  She was happy to, and took me while her husband slept after working night shift managing a Sheetz convenience store.  She even offered to bring me a snack from the Sheetz.

All this to say, waiting from 2001 to 2018 was a long time to start benchwork again.  I longed to get back at it always.  It was well worth the wait!

Mark and everybody else if you have great children that care for you thought  out your life no matter what you are blessed. 

AMEN, Lee!!!  They also see how we care for their grandparents, which I hope is a good example.

Thank you!!

Mark Boyce posted:

 Absolutely! Take my Blackwater Canyon Line design in my signature line.  When John C brought up the Western Maryland line, I dug out old hand drawings of an HO layout that I was planning on the Western Maryland from Elkins to Westernport.  The date on my drawing was 2001.  I had the benchwork built, but it only served as a table to assemble dollhouses with two little girls.  Later when they had school projects, they would show me a plan, I would suggest materials, they would hop up to the "train" table, I showed them how to us cardboard, stripwood, styrene, Sculptamold, Woodland Scenics products, etc, and they built a portion of the Great wall of China, the Roman Coliseum; just two I remember that took up space in our attic for years.  All the while, I was fixing toys with styrene, wood, CA and other items.

Now they are both grown and married.  The younger is a musician and her husband is a videographer/editor.  He was so excited to give me one of the first copies of a video he edited for a new company of the layout of a Well-known modeler in HO circles.  They are working on the deal for a second video.  They brought us a Internet ready flat screen TV because I am tired of paying for basic cable and getting little to watch on our old CRT TVs.  Right now I am on a pain medicine for my bad sciatic nerve and shouldn't drive.  This morning, I called up the older daughter to take me to the drug store to get a new prescription I got at the ER last night.  This was the third time in a week I have called her to drive me.  She was happy to, and took me while her husband slept after working night shift managing a Sheetz convenience store.  She even offered to bring me a snack from the Sheetz.

All this to say, waiting from 2001 to 2018 was a long time to start benchwork again.  I longed to get back at it always.  It was well worth the wait!

Beautiful post, Mark, on your kids, and the ways a good father influences their lives through his example.

Sorry  sciatic nerve trouble is afflicting you. Been there and it's awful. I will pray that the good Lord ease your pain and guide your  doctors to a happy resolution.

HCSader73 posted:
Mark Boyce posted:

 Absolutely! Take my Blackwater Canyon Line design in my signature line.  When John C brought up the Western Maryland line, I dug out old hand drawings of an HO layout that I was planning on the Western Maryland from Elkins to Westernport.  The date on my drawing was 2001.  I had the benchwork built, but it only served as a table to assemble dollhouses with two little girls.  Later when they had school projects, they would show me a plan, I would suggest materials, they would hop up to the "train" table, I showed them how to us cardboard, stripwood, styrene, Sculptamold, Woodland Scenics products, etc, and they built a portion of the Great wall of China, the Roman Coliseum; just two I remember that took up space in our attic for years.  All the while, I was fixing toys with styrene, wood, CA and other items.

Now they are both grown and married.  The younger is a musician and her husband is a videographer/editor.  He was so excited to give me one of the first copies of a video he edited for a new company of the layout of a Well-known modeler in HO circles.  They are working on the deal for a second video.  They brought us a Internet ready flat screen TV because I am tired of paying for basic cable and getting little to watch on our old CRT TVs.  Right now I am on a pain medicine for my bad sciatic nerve and shouldn't drive.  This morning, I called up the older daughter to take me to the drug store to get a new prescription I got at the ER last night.  This was the third time in a week I have called her to drive me.  She was happy to, and took me while her husband slept after working night shift managing a Sheetz convenience store.  She even offered to bring me a snack from the Sheetz.

All this to say, waiting from 2001 to 2018 was a long time to start benchwork again.  I longed to get back at it always.  It was well worth the wait!

Beautiful post, Mark, on your kids, and the ways a good father influences their lives through his example.

Sorry  sciatic nerve trouble is afflicting you. Been there and it's awful. I will pray that the good Lord ease your pain and guide your  doctors to a happy resolution.

Thank you, Pete!  I always appreciate prayers!

HCSader73 posted:
mike g. posted:
HCSader73 posted:
mike g. posted:

Pete, that sure is a cool idea! Just might have to do a USMC Car! But I think an Embassy Guard car would be very cool!

EMBASSYGUARDRIBBONGreat, Mike! If you want some help, give a shout.

Hey Pete, I hope I am not loosing it, but what ribbon is that one for?

If I am not mistaken, Mike it is the Embassy Guard service ribbon.

Yup, I think so...




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Yes on to trains.  Yesterday I finally got the DCS WiFi working again.  It was my fault, I had set it up on the home network so I wouldn’t have to change networks on my phone every time I use it.  Well the second time I went to use it, it would never find my TIU.  Once I tried the reset button but no avail.  I drug out the Barry book and learned you have to hold the reset in for 10 seconds.  It works now.  I want to get used to it because the remote thumb wheel is murder on my arthritis.  I ran the Alcohol RSD5 on the Ceiling Central RR for a while. 

Mark, I hope the Neurologist has good news and can make you feel better! I am also glad you were able to get your Wifi figured out! I hope everything works well with it!

Pete and Ted, they must have started giving them out after I left the Corps as I never got one after doing 2 embassy's ! But I have to admit I have seen other ribbons that were not there when I was in!

Brian, that sure is an early morning crew change! But then again its still dark here almost till 8AM!

Mark, I hope the medication will help in suduing the pain. Not an easy thing to live with. 

I finally broke down and got out to the garage to work on the band saw. Got the bottom wheel off and brought it in the house where it was warmer to work on putting a new rubber on the wheel. They are the hardest things to get onto the wheel. Have to improvise with a lot of clamps I had to keep the belt from slipping off as I worked it onto the wheel. Finally got it on after a lot of effort. So while in the garage I noticed I had a piece of luan board. I decided to cut that into strips to use for the backs of the flats instead of the foam board. This shoud give the flats a little more strength to move them. Hopefully after dinner I can start adding the strips............Paul

Paul, I hope that works for you! You have put so much time into this project that I want to see it secede ~!

I to when out to the garage, but then again that is where the train room is! LOL While I was out there I had some time to lay down some cork road bed, so I hope by tomorrow when the glue dries I can start laying out track!20181207_14442820181207_14443520181207_144441                                                                 I had to take a 16th off the board on the end of the bridge to make the tracks flush so I just broke out the hand plainer ! Its as tight as it can get now! I sure hope the engine and cars like it! LOL


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I did some general maintenance on my NS 9-1-1 and CSX 4699. Also cleaned the track and gave the 9-1-1 the first official test run ( I haven’t worked in the layout in a little while) Also, I decided to switch some cars with my Bach SD40 that has an NCE decoder. When I put the unit on the track. The other three sound locos started clicking and when i took it off, they stopped, so something’s up with my SD40. 

Gargraves screws are a #4 in a variety of lengths.  As Mark said, they are a round head; like him, I prefer a Phillips flathead (Panhead?) screw that's countersunk, then touched up with some dark paint--they disappear.  Use two drills--one to drill hole/countersink and a second to drive the screw.

Seated Figures for Passenger Cars

For the past several weeks I have posted several photos about how to add seated figures to passenger cars. Some of you even gave me advice, like how to remove the roof from these RailKing passenger cars and what glue works best. Like to say thank-you again.

Today I published a YouTube Video on this process. “How to Install Seated Figures in RailKing Passenger Cars”. I still have a lot more passenger cars to get done. So when the snow falls in Michigan, you can find me in the Train Room, working on passenger cars.


trainroomgary posted:

Seated Figures for Passenger Cars

For the past several weeks I have posted several photos about how to add seated figures to passenger cars. Some of you even gave me advice, like how to remove the roof from these RailKing passenger cars and what glue works best. Like to say thank-you again.

Today I published a YouTube Video on this process. “How to Install Seated Figures in RailKing Passenger Cars”. I still have a lot more passenger cars to get done. So when the snow falls in Michigan, you can find me in the Train Room, working on passenger cars.


Super video, Gary!

HCSader73 posted:
trainroomgary posted:

Seated Figures for Passenger Cars

For the past several weeks I have posted several photos about how to add seated figures to passenger cars. Some of you even gave me advice, like how to remove the roof from these RailKing passenger cars and what glue works best. Like to say thank-you again.

Today I published a YouTube Video on this process. “How to Install Seated Figures in RailKing Passenger Cars”. I still have a lot more passenger cars to get done. So when the snow falls in Michigan, you can find me in the Train Room, working on passenger cars.


Super video, Gary!

Hi Pete F. and OGR members.

Thanks for checking out this YT video and the compliments.

Not to sound braggadocious but this is my first video using “Final Cut Pro”.  I have been taking classes at my local Apple Store and online classes. Below is the link to the online classes.

The company is called: “MacProVideo”, they have a very large library of instructional videos. I am now trying to learn “Apple Motion”. I am now working on a set of Union Pacific Passenger Cars, Chesapeake & Ohio, and Atlas Private Passenger cars. This project of installing seated figures is not very expensive but the end results are fantastic.

Thanks: Gary

Hi pingman and Mark, I read somewhere a forum member used #2 screws, but he had to have them special made with a min. order of 100,000 cause they are hard to fine. Mark I don't plan on gluing down the track just the ballast. I guess I will just fallow Rich Batista from Black Diamond Railway and just nail them in place.

Gary, what a great How To video! I will be looking it back up when the time comes as I have 5 passenger cars to do some day!

John, Nice looking engines and sounds like a fun time! I just hope they don't run off the end of the track! LOL

Patrick, seams like you had a great night! Enjoy them all you can!

Mark Boyce posted:

Mike, Yes, I have seen Rich Batista's video covering that, and I think that is the best method for ScaleTrack.

I just learned of it as the wife just bought me the 4 DVD collection of Rich's layout and build.. I still have one more DVD to watch, but I do that when I am not working on something and its nice and quite!

I flipped over the first section of building flats and glued two furring strips to the back. Got them weighted down and once the glue dries I'll start the next section of flats. I left the furring strips exposed at the end so the next section will glue and butt to the previous section. While that was drying I started putting together the roof exit. Next I looked through all the paints I had and experimented with one that might look like a window with lighting. Opinions on the color. Now I'll head back to doing another section. Pics.............Paul



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