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It has been maybe years but I am back enjoying the forum, and have asked for help re technical MTH issues and have gotten wonderful/ helpful replies.

Great pictures of Santa Fe locomotives. My 6 1/2’ X 12’ layout is the Klondike and Siberia Railroad named after a visit to the Klondike curve in 1987. Most blue and yellow and red and yellow locomotives looked like they had been recently washed and there was a caboose at the end of every train.

Yesterday I bought a Menards Nuclear Power Plant and today I am rearranging things - making room on the layout for it. Wondering - do they make a Disco Duck sound module for it? It does light up the room.

Again, I am enjoying the posts and pictures. Richard


Hi all Looks like another nice day here!

Paul 2. Nice looking Korber building, I cant wait to see it on the layout!

Johan, You keep them coming and I will keep reading them! Just love your work!

Brian, What great pictures, you sure know how to make someone drool LOL That 804 sure is a sharp engine!

Rich Welcome back! I bet if you asked here on OGR someone could build you a Disco Duck Module! LOL

SuperChief, Looks great! But you still missing something!

Patrick, Now there is some wonderful work! Waiting on the edge of my seat to see the rest!

Greg, after living in AZ for a year I would say your doing a wonderful job! Keep it up!

So I didn't get a much time in the train room, but I was able to build a small mock up of the drive setup for my Lionel Crane from back when! LOL Here are a couple of pictures. I wanted to test it out before I cut a long 3' grove in my table top! I was also able to get the cork down for where the crane will be located. So far Im into this project for the little sum of $4.00 for the all thread! The rest is stuff I have collected over the year!20190602_15471920190602_14232620190602_14233520190602_14234320190602_15432120190602_154330


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Some progress made on electrical track/block power connections, 100% through relays.  Pencil and paper was very helpful for this.  I'll have to power panels, one north and one south on the layout to take switch outputs from a control panel placed somewhere centrally to the layout.  Painful but necessary.

Kirk Rblock power schematics


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  • block power schematics

Hey Y'all

It's late and I can't sleep again tonight.  I have been testing and adjusting track on the newly relocated layout.  Taking nine inches out of my old design created problems and opportunities.  The last third of the western incline will need to be suspended from the rear wall for lower level track clearance.  I successfully wired four switches and started wiring my yard lights.  When I connected the fifth switch, I picked up a short circuit somewhere.  Now no switches work!  I'll try again tomorrow.  I found a digital level app for my phone.  It tells the true story when building elevation changes.  Each section of inclined track is 3 degrees except one.  I was confident enough to run my LC+ Mikado a few laps.  No surprise, as my heaviest engine, it shows where additional structural support is needed.  I have six sidings,  Enough for every car and two locomotives.  The layout works in both directions with northbound and southbound turn around loops.  I need a couple pairs of O22 switches, a circle of O31, and a hand full of nylon insulating pins.  Is Ebay open this late??

I keep up on the amazing things y'all accomplish every day.  Well done gentlemen.

No train time again but my PP account still works....


Decided my PC GEEP needed some company. It's a Railking RS-27 w/ PS-1.


Mike- nice work on the mechanism for the crane. Not sure if it looks like a jig saw cutting the plywood or my running back going off tackle on my old vibrating football game

JD- very impressive panel you are building.

Bill- keep making solid progress.

Greg- Looking good.

Kirk- a little time with paper and pencil will save lot's of time under the layout cursing your wiring.

Superchief- the yard and the fascia look good.

Brian- love the classic HO Santa Fe set. Funny story- my first set was also a HO Santa Fe Alco streamliner set by Lionel.

Hope I didn't miss anyone. Lot's of great work being done.




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Bill, and I couldn't sleep because I forgot to put my pain pills in the little compartments for my weekly medications!  I realized it when my sciatic leg was barking at me while trying to sleep!    Problems and opportunities!  That reminds me of a supervisor I had too many years ago.  When he would say, "Mark, I have an opportunity for you", I knew he had a hum dinger!   Actually, I liked working for him better than any supervisor in my 45 years of employment!!  45??!!!  Say it ain't so; but it is!!  I hope you found eBay open!!

Bob, PayPal is always open for your convenience!!    Looks like a worthy recipient of your hard earned $$s!

Brian, Looking good!

Last edited by Mark Boyce

Kirk, looks good! But to much electrical for me! I the KISS Method for me Keep It Simple Stupid! LOL

Brian, love the pictures! Way to show the north your thinking about them! Thanks about the crane, means a lot coming from you!

Thanks Bob, I hope it smooths out once connected to the crane and the end support is mounted! If not I will try something else! LOL Great looking RS-27!

Mark, at our age we need to remember pills! I have Amazon Alexa to remind me thanks to the daughter! LOL

No train stuff for me today, had a few surprises I wanted to get done for the wife, Probably wont get anytime for the next few days as I have to work again! LOL

Everyone have a great Tuesday and have Fun!

Couple things over the last 24 hours:

Removed my "County Fair", expanded the Central Park, and added some foliage(woodland scenics) and an MTH BBQ Railtown MTH BBQ Hamburg 6 2

Added this "summer grass mat" from hobby lobby, some shrubbery around the church, and moved this gentleman who is suffering a terrible hangover into the shrubs between the turnout and church(unfortunately you can't  see him, the Amtrak coach is blocking that view- will add a better pic tomorrow)

WDYDOL grassmat and church 6 2

Moved the plasticville lubritorium so there was a better view of the UN convoy- at the very bottom you can see the head of the guy nursing his hangover in the bushes right above the Amtrak coach. On the right there's 2 barricades protecting a soldier with a bazooka ready to fire and a soldier with a grenade ready to throw

Layout Change up 6 2

Added these scene-o-rama Civil war figures who are aiming right back at the aforementioned soldiers

New Figures 6 2


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  • WDYDOL grassmat and church 6 2
  • Layout Change up 6 2
  • New Figures 6 2

Mark, there are times I get so busy in the morning I forget to take all my morning pills and have to wait till I get back home! LOL

Paul 2 Nice Start! It's going to look sharp next to the power plant! Great idea!

Steve nice change up ! Your layout looks like a fun one to run!

Jack some nice goodies there!

Mark, your up early. Oh wait its 7 AM there, guess that means I am up to early! LOL

Everyone have a great day!

My post is 12 hours late.  Late nights the past two weeks.  So "yesterday" I worked on my first custom rail car (yet to be posted) and hung four lanterns.  The caboose lamp is missing a few parts.  Does anyone have a good picture of a complete lamp?  The hard work was installing five #6019 remote track sections .  I rewired each before installation.  I also found Sunday evening's switch problem.  It was a case of brain fade.  I wired the switch to wrong switch controller.  Y'all look for the custom car update. 

How many know what all three colored globes represent?

Very tied, Bill005004006


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Johan, nice overhead shot. Weathering of the top of the boxcar looks good too.

This afternoon I got outside and set up for painting the buldings flats. When the paint driedI applied a coat of clear coat. Now the walls are ready for mortoring. While rummaging in the basement for the paints I came across a can of hunter green. I think that is what I am going to do the windows in. SO next step is once the walls dry I can lay out the windows and start painting them. Pics.............Paul 2



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Johan, very nice scene! I agree with Paul, wonderful job on the weathering!

Paul, looks like your moving right along! Just nice to see things come together!

Bill, sorry I cant help you with your lanterns but they sure look cool!

Warok, great looking platform! Is that a kit or scratch build?

warok posted:

Hi everyone,

Today, my new maintenance platform.


@warok this is AWSOME! I wanted to purchase a raised platform like this previously just for passengers but I love your idea of turning it into a maintenance platform! Super cool! The detailing and paint are awesome and the accessories which you've added in terms of figures, the tool cabinet- all of it- I love it. Might end up copying your idea . But just all around awesome.


Question- the figure sweeping on the right of the platform- who's the maker? I have a similar figure that I got from my grandfather's attic that I've seen on a certain Lionel consist and a K-line consist. My figure has a base already(I prefer gluing figures to a clear piece of plastic)- but just wanted to know who made your figure so I can trace back to where mine might've come.


Again- awesome platform!



Warok, thumbs up on the maintenance platform. Very interesting. 

Late afternoon I got the flashing off all the windows to paint. 112 windows with an extra one thrown in which is good because of the windows is warped. After dinner I went out and got them all painted. For the time being that is it. I decided to order some of that Roberts mortor so I have to wait till that comes. Maybe tomorrow I'll go back to placing the flats on the backdrop. Pics.................Paul 2



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paul 2 posted:

Warok, thumbs up on the maintenance platform. Very interesting. 

Late afternoon I got the flashing off all the windows to paint. 112 windows with an extra one thrown in which is good because of the windows is warped. After dinner I went out and got them all painted. For the time being that is it. I decided to order some of that Roberts mortor so I have to wait till that comes. Maybe tomorrow I'll go back to placing the flats on the backdrop. Pics.................Paul 2


Paul, I really like the color scheme you have going with the brick you painted and now the green windows. 👍🏻

Paul, your moving right along! Looking good!

Jon, looks like it going to be a fun little layout! Keep us posted!

I might get an hour or 2 today in the train room today. I have to do some clean up in there before I do any work, so that might be it for the day. Its always easier to work in a clean area then having to move stuff all the time!

Everyone have a great Humpday!

mike g. posted:


So I didn't get a much time in the train room, but I was able to build a small mock up of the drive setup for my Lionel Crane from back when! LOL Here are a couple of pictures. I wanted to test it out before I cut a long 3' grove in my table top! I was also able to get the cork down for where the crane will be located. So far Im into this project for the little sum of $4.00 for the all thread! The rest is stuff I have collected over the year!20190602_15471920190602_14232620190602_14233520190602_14234320190602_15432120190602_154330

Awesome stuff Mike! It looks like it will work well. Those gantry cranes always begged to have some sort of drive system added to them. Easier said than done for most people, but you nailed it!

JD2035RR posted:
mike g. posted:


So I didn't get a much time in the train room, but I was able to build a small mock up of the drive setup for my Lionel Crane from back when! LOL Here are a couple of pictures. I wanted to test it out before I cut a long 3' grove in my table top! I was also able to get the cork down for where the crane will be located. So far Im into this project for the little sum of $4.00 for the all thread! The rest is stuff I have collected over the year!20190602_15471920190602_14232620190602_14233520190602_14234320190602_15432120190602_154330

Awesome stuff Mike! It looks like it will work well. Those gantry cranes always begged to have some sort of drive system added to them. Easier said than done for most people, but you nailed it!

Thanks JD, i sure hope it works! I'm going to wait till I get the track laid before I cut any holes in the table top!

Today I opened the door to the train room ....popped my head in ...  looked around for a minute or so .... closed the door.   Honestly, I haven't had time to do anything on the layout including running trains for over a week.  Although,  I did  discover the Delmarva Central Railroad while attending a family wedding this past weekend in Delaware.  Pretty cool 1:1 scale short line!  

Last edited by trumpettrain
paul 2 posted:

Johan, nice overhead shot. Weathering of the top of the boxcar looks good too.

This afternoon I got outside and set up for painting the buldings flats. When the paint driedI applied a coat of clear coat. Now the walls are ready for mortoring. While rummaging in the basement for the paints I came across a can of hunter green. I think that is what I am going to do the windows in. SO next step is once the walls dry I can lay out the windows and start painting them. Pics.............Paul 2


Paul. Thanks. I like your flat building project, very interested.


mike g. posted:

Johan, very nice scene! I agree with Paul, wonderful job on the weathering!

Paul, looks like your moving right along! Just nice to see things come together!

Bill, sorry I cant help you with your lanterns but they sure look cool!

Warok, great looking platform! Is that a kit or scratch build?

Mike. Thank you. 🤝


JD2035RR posted:
paul 2 posted:

Warok, thumbs up on the maintenance platform. Very interesting. 

Late afternoon I got the flashing off all the windows to paint. 112 windows with an extra one thrown in which is good because of the windows is warped. After dinner I went out and got them all painted. For the time being that is it. I decided to order some of that Roberts mortor so I have to wait till that comes. Maybe tomorrow I'll go back to placing the flats on the backdrop. Pics.................Paul 2


Paul, I really like the color scheme you have going with the brick you painted and now the green windows. 👍🏻

Me too that’s a lot of windows 

Vincent Massi posted:

Scrubbed HO tracks with rubbing alcohol. Swore I'll never buy a lightweight Bachman HO locomotive again.

Ah Grasshopper you learned powerful lesson today!  That was one of the things I like so much about O gauge, besides the detail, lights, and sound...The engines and cars weigh enough to make good contact on semi dirty track.  I really hated lightweight engines, and especially Bachmann N scale engines from the '80s!  What a nightmare to keep rolling!!

Mike, that is another electro-mechanical marvel you are perfecting in the garage!

Paul, great colors indeed!

Bryan, the subway station is looking great!  I'm sad I missed the trip to your place in April!

Brian, Great photographs again!

JD, 767!!!!

Lee, more good train time!!

Ken, the station looks great!

I actually fastened three pieces of wood onto the new layout last weekend!  I'll get some photographs this weekend, I hope!  

1) A month or so ago I created a Penn Central GP30 dummy unit. I wanted it to represent a unit that had come over from the PRR and this number 2199 was in that range .

PC GP30 2199_X20190502_193923429

The other day I was going over some photographs I took back in 1986 at the Enola, PA yard. Only then did I notice that I had caught #2199 in CR trim! Serendipity, irony or just dumb luck - I dunno. 

Enola May X86 PICT0006

Enola May 86 PICT0006-2

2) NYC fans may want to turn their heads away. The process has begun on the F7. First stripping off anything that's high contrast - i.e. white letters, numbers, stripes on a black background.  Today it's already in gray primer.  Next it will turn blue - B&O blue. 

NYC F7 Shell_20190605_121757494





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Late start but a start. I cleared off the table around the Menards power plant and started placing flats. The original two flats I had on the backdrop have to be moved. Did one but have the other to do. A couple of the flats are so I have to cut them to overlap. One piece I cut I want to use down the backdrop a ways but I didn't want the same sign on it so I had some separate signs and I cut one to fit and glued it on. Hope to get back to it later but there is Friday. Pics............Paul 2




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Looks good Paul.

Ralph- painful to watch but it should be nice when its done. Cool find in that old photo too.

Clem- a clean RR is a happy RR.

Love the ARR Brian.

Vincent- I remember those issues from my HO days all too well..

Greg- the devil's in the details

Just received my RS-27 this afternoon. Now to smuggle it past the CEO......


Last edited by RSJB18

Wow OGR Friends, Everyone is really making things happen on their Model Railroads, here in Tennessee its yard work time, outdoor painting time, taking train time away for awhile,

Mike g, your layout is coming right along, great craftsmanship, and an amazing idea on moving your TMCC Crane, very interesting, keep us updated...

Lee Drennen, You have a lot of trucks, very nice, and your layouts coming right along. 

Trumptrain, I like your B&O switcher and Your Men at Work, Cool Pictures 

LUVINDEMTRAINS, nice layout, lots of progress, neat roundhouse very nicely colored....Wow

Bryan in Ohio, Your scenes down under, the Subway, the lighting, the color, the effect, it’s amazing, keep us updated please....

Paul 2, wow, your progress is amazing to and you certainly have Windows, a great layout in a nice stage....Keep Your Pictures coming

Jon1443, Very nice pike, a small stage, with a Big performance in the making. Very nice layout....

Johan, Unbelievable weathering, Great overhead Pictures, and I applaud your work. I will read the article in the other major magazine soon....Keep the great pictures coming....

WAROK, my oh my, what a fantastic Maintenance Platform, so nicely done, and looks right at home on your layout....It’s a clever idea....Keep your pictures coming...

Briansilvermustang, Wow, you have a Lot Of Engines, Cars, Trains’s, and wow, the Alaskan display is so cool....Wow, Your Pictures are Fantastic, keepem coming....I noticed you posted a real picture of a CSX and Chessie WM, very interesting. See my pictures0BCD639A-C544-4280-85F9-A45644F7D137C87B8FBF-2053-4D2F-A8C2-9D8189039E05EF4DDD5F-2797-4F5E-AB04-05590922451D4FA34C64-DA58-4163-8248-BC4C6DA853A7D22C7A2A-F034-423C-A159-A1850F1D20C7D26675D7-6F56-4DBB-8568-0C1688447F70377D1A52-1DAE-46F8-AC6E-5B011E11373D816EF6E0-0049-4080-8AED-E1F085490077


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Hi everyone,

Thank you all for your comments.

@Mike G, for my maintenance platform, I used a completely broken MTH RailKing #30-90027 Elevated Station Platform as a base and built and painted all the other parts.

@Steve, The figure sweeping on the right of the platform is from Arttista and I repainted it.

 @LEAPINLARRY, soon you will see the rest with other buildings and vehicles, for example a new wall in preparation, you can see before and after.

passion 03passion 01passion 02



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Last edited by warok

Brian in Ohio, Looks great! Thanks for rainy days! Sure seems like a lot gets done when the rain is falling! LOL

Dave, your rock work looks amazing! Maybe some day I will figure that stuff out! 

Mark Thanks I am trying!

Brian, Great pictures once again and I love the video! I wish you put more videos of your layout up!

Paul 2, The backdrops look wonderful! I wish I was at that point, but for me I want to get all the track down and make sure its working right before I move on!

Greg, I am with Lee, Very nice!

Larry, you have such kind words for everyone, Thanks you Sir but your the one who has the talent and great looking layout that I think everyone would wish was there's ! I hope to have as good of a layout down the road!

Warok, Thanks for the information, The new wall looks perfect! I bet its going to be wonderful looking on the layout!

So once again, I didn't get anytime in the train room this week so far. But I don't have to work this weekend and only have tubing this morning so it looks like things are in my favor to get out there and try to get something done. Even if it's just cleaning while the train goes around and around! LOL

I hope everyone has a great Friday and a wonderful weekend! Most of all just have FUN!

Brian, what wonderful pictures! To this day your train collection just amazes me! Everything you put up I really enjoy. To have your life with all them trains and your wonderful girl Marci and Izzy to all be into trains is fabulous!

Well I didn't get much done in the train room today, but I did figure out something cheep! While installing a Tortoise Switch Machine I got from Dave AKA Darlander using the offset method with a throw rod so the switch machine can be about 4" away from the switch you can use, (NOW DONT LAUGH) bailing wire for the short section that goes up from under the table from the throw rod to the switch! Works great, cheap, and who doesn't have bailing wire laying around! LOL I hope to get another one done tomorrow!

I sure hope everyone has a great weekend!

Mark Boyce posted:

Mike, a supervisor I had long ago swore by bailing wire for just about anything!  He was a fellow who could figure out a way to get just about anything to work, like you do.

Thanks Mark! When your on a low budget you have to find things to make it work! That's what I do most of the time! LOL

Had a small package come in the mail from Model Train Stuff. Got an email from them that some stuff was 10%  off so  I said what the heck. So I picked up a couple of Bar Mills detail stuff and a jar of Roberts Brick Mortor. So while the wife is watching the Golden State Warriors I think I'll make tracks to the kitchen and mortor the building I am working on. Pics.............Paul 2



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mike g. posted:
Mark Boyce posted:

Mike, a supervisor I had long ago swore by bailing wire for just about anything!  He was a fellow who could figure out a way to get just about anything to work, like you do.

Thanks Mark! When your on a low budget you have to find things to make it work! That's what I do most of the time! LOL

Yes indeed Mike!  Now that I had to start taking social security, I’ll be improving more.

leapinlarry posted:

Wow OGR Friends, Everyone is really making things happen on their Model Railroads, here in Tennessee its yard work time, outdoor painting time, taking train time away for awhile,

Mike g, your layout is coming right along, great craftsmanship, and an amazing idea on moving your TMCC Crane, very interesting, keep us updated...

Lee Drennen, You have a lot of trucks, very nice, and your layouts coming right along. 

Trumptrain, I like your B&O switcher and Your Men at Work, Cool Pictures 

LUVINDEMTRAINS, nice layout, lots of progress, neat roundhouse very nicely colored....Wow

Bryan in Ohio, Your scenes down under, the Subway, the lighting, the color, the effect, it’s amazing, keep us updated please....

Paul 2, wow, your progress is amazing to and you certainly have Windows, a great layout in a nice stage....Keep Your Pictures coming

Jon1443, Very nice pike, a small stage, with a Big performance in the making. Very nice layout....

Johan, Unbelievable weathering, Great overhead Pictures, and I applaud your work. I will read the article in the other major magazine soon....Keep the great pictures coming....

WAROK, my oh my, what a fantastic Maintenance Platform, so nicely done, and looks right at home on your layout....It’s a clever idea....Keep your pictures coming...

Briansilvermustang, Wow, you have a Lot Of Engines, Cars, Trains’s, and wow, the Alaskan display is so cool....Wow, Your Pictures are Fantastic, keepem coming....I noticed you posted a real picture of a CSX and Chessie WM, very interesting. See my pictures0BCD639A-C544-4280-85F9-A45644F7D137C87B8FBF-2053-4D2F-A8C2-9D8189039E05EF4DDD5F-2797-4F5E-AB04-05590922451D4FA34C64-DA58-4163-8248-BC4C6DA853A7D22C7A2A-F034-423C-A159-A1850F1D20C7D26675D7-6F56-4DBB-8568-0C1688447F70377D1A52-1DAE-46F8-AC6E-5B011E11373D816EF6E0-0049-4080-8AED-E1F085490077

LEAPINLARRY. Thank you very much. I am glad you like it and hope you like that article too. 


Paul 2, looks like you had a better time then Golden State! LOL Looks good and I am sure when your done they will look perfect!

Johan, I really like the mixed freight train! The scenery is top notch looking also! Very nice!

I hope to get some train room today to get another switch installed. Will just have to wait and see how things go!  The wife is coming home from her vacation today so things might change!

For the past two weeks I have embarked on a construction project involving a covered bridge built along the left side of my grandson's track.  His track is up off the floor so I can add stuff to his without compromising walking space.  I'm building it out of balsa wood.  Found a place on line that sells the stuff by the stick, the block, the sheet, in all sorts of sizes.  I'm trying to remain as true to scale on a 1/48 scale as I can without making this project impossible to complete.  I may be wrong, if I am please chime in and correct my thinking, but since 1 inch equals 48 inches, or as it is well known to all, 4 feet, and 1/4 inch equals 1 foot, then doing the match I summized that 1/16 of an inch probably comes to somewhere in the neighborhood of 3 inches.  If that's the case, then 1/8 would be 6 inches, 3/16 is 9 inches, thus bringing us to 1/4 which is 12 inches.  So for every 16th of an inch you gain 3 inches of length.  That being the case, finding a measurement that equals and exact 2x4 or 1 1/2x3 1/2, using that oddball board forming method which has become the norm, is practically impossible.

I barely know how to deal in 16ths, don't get me started on 32nds and you might as well institutionalize me if you expect me to drop down into the 64ths arena.  So trying to stick to scale, my support poles and roof beams and any and all beams that would have been a 6x6 on a real bridge, are actually 9x9's.  I used 3/16 inch cube balsa sticks.  The bridge I chose for my muse is a bridge out of north Carolina that was built to be a vehicle bridge or walk bridge.  Instead of completely covered it is an open air design with a roof.  I figured the less cutting I had to do to cover it, the better.  Each pole appeared to be about 20 feet apart, or 5 inches, and in between each set of poles, the architect designed a diamond-shaped trim.  I used 1/8 cubes or 6x6 for those.

Not as square or true to plumb as I would like but for the most part the measurements match and keep in mind this thing only has to be tall enough to keep the train from taking out each roof support beam as it makes it's first and what would be last trip through the bridge.  I tested my heights before I got too far into this, we are good.

The problem is that to get a height tall enough to keep tragedy from happening, I put myself danger close to the ceiling where the roof line is concerned.  I want a pitched roof and I managed to get one, but building it is a chore working that close to the ceiling.  Super glue makes for having to decide real quick where you want something and you have to get very good at setting things into place before it decides, "sorry mack, this is where it goes".  Patience is a requirement for this thing.  Something I am in vast supply of but for some reason unable to utilize.  My wife ignores the cussing bless her heart.


mike g. posted:

Paul 2, looks like you had a better time then Golden State! LOL Looks good and I am sure when your done they will look perfect!

Johan, I really like the mixed freight train! The scenery is top notch looking also! Very nice!

I hope to get some train room today to get another switch installed. Will just have to wait and see how things go!  The wife is coming home from her vacation today so things might change!

Mike. Thank you very much. Let the good times roll.


Bryan, nice job on the subway. You almost swear you're underground in NYC. ......

Today off and on I took the flats outside. First put a thin coat of clear coat. Then I added a black wash. I dabbed that up with a cloth. Let it dry and then applied another thin coat of clear coat. Tomorrow I'll add the plastic for the windows. Work on the city backdrop a bit more. Pics.................Paul 2



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Bryan in Ohio, Your subway is breathtaking. Jaw-dropping realism. Even to the point of your being so accurate as to model the scuffing from shoes along the bottom of the walls20190609_143538 [2) where they meet the floor and years of passersby. Wonderful, accurate modeling and observational skills.


Your subway chamber goes beyond craftwork and modeling. This is artistry. It belongs in the MoMA, frankly.


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Last edited by Moonson
Moonson posted:

Bryan in Ohio, Your subway is breathtaking. Jaw-dropping realism. Even to the point of your being so accurate as to model the scuffing from shoes along the bottom of the walls20190609_143538 [2) where they meet the floor and years of passersby. Wonderful, accurate modeling and observational skills.


Your subway chamber goes beyond craftwork and modeling. This is artistry. It belongs in the MoMA, frankly.

I think Bryan in Ohio is trying to fool us, taking pictures of a real subway station and pretending it's a model.

Just kidding! I totally agree with Frank that it is outstanding modeling. And if Frank had not pointed out the scuff marks in the photo, I wouldn't have noticed them. Arnold

Arnold D. Cribari posted:
Moonson posted:

Bryan in Ohio, Your subway is breathtaking. Jaw-dropping realism. Even to the point of your being so accurate as to model the scuffing from shoes along the bottom of the walls20190609_143538 [2) where they meet the floor and years of passersby. Wonderful, accurate modeling and observational skills.


Your subway chamber goes beyond craftwork and modeling. This is artistry. It belongs in the MoMA, frankly.

I think Bryan in Ohio is trying to fool us, taking pictures of a real subway station and pretending it's a model.

Just kidding! I totally agree with Frank that it is outstanding modeling. And if Frank had not pointed out the scuff marks in the photo, I wouldn't have noticed them. Arnold

Agreed....great work Bryan. The only thing missing is a sketchy looking guy in the corner playing a harmonica and looking for quarters. 


Bryan, the subway looks great, although the only subways I have seen are in the movies.  They always look beat!  Yours does have that look.

Paul, the building walls look great!

Patrick, the platforms look great as does the Chicago NW boxcar!

Greg, that EZ line looks very convincing!  Excellent photographs!

Brian, your morning coal loading looks great!

I had planned to cut and add some upper level roadbed to my layout today after church, but our daughter wanted us to go let out her little dog since she is winding up her final performance of her 4th season with the Mendelssohn Choir and her husband has been away on business.  The little scamp is a year old and weighs about 8 pounds.  She has enough energy for a whole kennel of dogs!   So, my train activity consisted of checking out a Trainsounds tender I had packed away and getting it ready for a fellow Western Pennsylvania Forum member who is looking for one.

The soprano and Frisk!

2018-12-25 08.42.46


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  • 2018-12-25 08.42.46
Last edited by Mark Boyce
RSJB18 posted:
Arnold D. Cribari 

I think Bryan in Ohio is trying to fool us, taking pictures of a real subway station and pretending it's a model.

Just kidding! I totally agree with Frank that it is outstanding modeling. And if Frank had not pointed out the scuff marks in the photo, I wouldn't have noticed them. Arnold

Agreed....great work Bryan. The only thing missing is a sketchy looking guy in the corner playing a harmonica and looking for quarters. 


Bob, that's called busking. I have the guy doing that playing guitar:




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