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Rick, I’m sorry to read you are among the ‘walking wounded’ here on the Forum!  I’m hoping you get that ouch worked out soon!  Mine turned into a damaged sciatic nerve which is still trouble.  I thought my brain MRI would show nothing LOL but they did find a small abnormality that could cause a seizure so more tests.  The carotid nerve test was negative.  Tonight I get to stay up for a sleep deprived EEG in the morning!  Yippee!  

Bryan, great choice on the decking!  It looks great!  One thing I am worried about your health, hanging out with all us old, decrepit guys that something may rub off on you!  LOL

Bob Delbridge posted:
Arnold D. Cribari posted:

Bob, is your track 2 rail O Scale or S Gauge?

Arnold, Code 148 2-rail (Atlas, Micro-Engineering, Signature Switch).  The 3-rail flanged wheels roll just fine on it.  That's a Weaver 4-6-0 chassis (from Ed Rappe) on a homemade boiler in the first photo.  This is kinda what the layout looks like, a few changes have been made since the drawing was done.  The 1st photo is of the top left corner (East Coast Fuel), 2nd is top middle (VA Produce & Cold Storage) and 3rd is bottom middle (Team Track):

PLAN H 2019

Next big thing is to start working on each industry scene.  I need more peeps and more stuff to scatter around.  May look into getting some new buildings if I can find what I want.

Bob, your 2 rail track looks great. And I like long layouts like yours (30 feet) that make the trains look like they are going places. Mulling over, designing and creating the industrial scenes is something to savor. Arnold


I cut out some more Homasote for roadbed.  First I put the track in and imagined what the finished product would look like.  

2019-07-06 23.21.332019-07-06 23.17.50

Then I cut out the Homasote and placed everything back again.  Later I will put down cork roadbed for a nice raised roadbed look, then paint with the gray stone texture Rustoleum paint for temporary roadbed.

2019-07-08 06.05.202019-07-08 06.05.00

Incidentally, I ran the short train pulled by the Western Maryland Geep also.


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Mark, you are coming along good with your layout when you have the time to do so. And it is always nice to run a train. I hope to do that when we get back home. Today heading Manitowoc to take the car ferry across Lake Michigan and it is train related. The SS Badger used to ferry freight cars across the lake. So for four hours I'll pretend our car is a double door box car full of trains. LOL.........Paul 2

This is in regards to the Farmer John layout in Kentucky.  I live in Kentucky as well.  Fantastic layout.  Great use of bridges.  Like the fighter plane too.  Was curious to know what the Gunrunner John buffer is.  Probably not necessary for my layout, probably has been discussed prior to this reply, but what did it increase or decrease that enhanced the signal?

Hi all, i wanted to thank you all for the kind words and birthday wishes!  5 years ago we were told 6 months, guess they were wrong! I would like to think between God and all the great folks here on the forum is what got me to my 55th with many more to go! Thank you all again so much!

Vincent Massi posted:

Bob, that is an interesting boxcar.DSCN0432

Vincent, that's an Atlas car.  Seaboard Air Line is my favorite RR.  They're hard to model though, they had some odd rolling stock.  Here's another boxcar they had, notice the door locations at the end:


Kitbashed from a car just like the silver Atlas ACL car behind it.  SAL used them for rolls of paper and lumber.

Arnold, thanks.  I wish it was twice the size (would make a nice N scale layout).


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Dave,  Thank you!  It is always good to see progress on anyone's layout.

Bryan, Thank you!  I will have to wait until Paul responds to your great comment about the Tony Robbins of the forum world!    Your upper deck is looking great!

Mike, Happy Birthday!  I am so glad God answered may people's prayers 5 years ago.  I wouldn't not have met you and all your encouragement otherwise!

Bryan, Great photographs again!

Lew, Your industrial area is looking good!  Yes, Oil Creek could uses some coloring, but we certainly get the idea!  Maybe it is the dry season right now!    Though I have never seen it dry enough for Oil Creek here in Northwest Pennsylvania dry!  You are doing a great job!!!

Well, this is a Lucky Day, as now we are on page #777, wow, what a great thread, fun to read, fun to participate in, and Simply a joy to learn from some of the best in the hobby. So many of us toy/scale train collectors and like myself an operator, share other threads, it’s amazing how we never get bored reading these points of interest. I know many of you get many “likes” on a daily basis, that makes it very enjoyable. Also, many of you will be attending the upcoming York Meet. So, be sure and put your name or nickname on your badge so we can possibly say Hi to one another in person. I go to look and see what’s new in the market place, and the training clinics. It’s the people in the hobby that makes it Fun. It’s not how large or small ones layout is, it’s helping each other get the most enjoyment out of this, the best hobby in the world, Model Railroading. The next thing is that we pray daily for our friends in the hobby their health, as our health is of utmost importance. I am glad to see Mike G, and Mark Boyce and Mitch Marmel (many others) very active here on many of the threads. There are many others, my friend Marty Fitzhenry, where many prayers are necessary. So, being that now we are on the Same page so to speak, I offer everyone a silent prayer for your friendship, and for your future in our Hobby.  Happy Railroading. 

Mark Boyce posted:

Dave,  Thank you!  It is always good to see progress on anyone's layout.

Bryan, Thank you!  I will have to wait until Paul responds to your great comment about the Tony Robbins of the forum world!    Your upper deck is looking great!

Mike, Happy Birthday!  I am so glad God answered may people's prayers 5 years ago.  I wouldn't not have met you and all your encouragement otherwise!

Bryan, Great photographs again!

Lew, Your industrial area is looking good!  Yes, Oil Creek could uses some coloring, but we certainly get the idea!  Maybe it is the dry season right now!    Though I have never seen it dry enough for Oil Creek here in Northwest Pennsylvania dry!  You are doing a great job!!!

Mark, I enjoyed your progress pics. It is good to have fun stuff to do because there is plenty of the other kind of stuff always in need of doing.


I play a bit fast&loose with the prototype but I'm allowed   I use elements of different prototypes, past and present, as it suits me. I find the heritage, operations and business model of the OC&T fascinating.  Thus the Plywood Empire Route picks up inbounds from interchange and delivers them to town, picking up outbounds and finishing the turn back to interchange. The D&RGW Royal Gorge from 1964 also makes a daily run through present-day Titusville because I love remembering that train 


Last edited by geysergazer
mike g. posted:

Hi all, i wanted to thank you all for the kind words and birthday wishes!  5 years ago we were told 6 months, guess they were wrong! I would like to think between God and all the great folks here on the forum is what got me to my 55th with many more to go! Thank you all again so much!

 Mike happy late birthday I just been busy haven’t been on here lately hope you get to feeling well and everything’s looking good on the layout 

lee drennen posted:
mike g. posted:

Hi all, i wanted to thank you all for the kind words and birthday wishes!  5 years ago we were told 6 months, guess they were wrong! I would like to think between God and all the great folks here on the forum is what got me to my 55th with many more to go! Thank you all again so much!

 Mike happy late birthday I just been busy haven’t been on here lately hope you get to feeling well and everything’s looking good on the layout 

I'm jumping on right here as well to give a shout out to mike g. As well.  Hope you had a great Fourth and Birthday this year.

My wife was nearly a firecracker, Her special day is July 3rd.  So her favorite colors are red, white, and blue.

Take care!

Bob, Thanks for the kind words!

Bob D. The layout is looking very nice! I like the idea of the spray paint texture for the gravel!

Curtish, Thank you for the birthday song! Sounds like you and the wife make a great team! I cant wait to see some photos!

Rick R. Thank you sir! I feel great, they were trying to figure out why a guy would have his first seizure at 54! As for the supports I would go with some round stock!

Bryan, the bridge looks great! I know you said its card stock, but are you bending it so the supports stick out or is that just a great picture?

Mark, I know I am late, but I hope things get worked out so you don't have to worry about a seizure ! The layout is coming along great I think your on the right track!

Cody, Nice little layout!

Howard, I am sorry about the Electrical Gremlins, I hope you find the soon!

Brian, Thanks for the birthday wish and thanks for all the great photos! Keep them coming!

Lew, It sure is looking good! I really like the changes! Nice work!

Warok, Then K-9 unit looks GREAT!

Larry I am with you, Thoughts and Prayers to everyone on the forum and there families ! I kow its working for me!

Lee D. Thank you! All is good for now! I know what you mean about chores plus my doc appointments I haven't had much time in the train room either. I hope to today!

John D. Thank you sir! My mom was almost one also, her b-day is the 5th!

Well I am sorry things are short and sweet, but I have to head off for my dive for the day! I hope to get into the train room later when I get back!

Everyone have a great day and please have FUN!

Mike G,

I was going to put down paint and Woodland Scenics gravel but thought I'd give the textured spray paint a try.  At our small scale it looks fine to me.  Just cover the track with painters tape or whatever you have handy so the over spray doesn't get on things.  But a foam sanding pad will take it off the tops of the rails if you do.

I had some bad experience with ballast between the rails and don't plan on putting any down.  I could have pulled the track up and sprayed the roadbed but just didn't feel the need.  My track is held in place by zip-ties so I can still do it if the mood hits.DSCN0422

I'll soon be concentrating on each industry/scene so I need a lot more people and stuff to go around.


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I did a bit of work today getting a Marx Rock Island crane tender set up as a Gi-raffe Express caboose: 


Since the big flanges of the stock Marx wheelsets didn't play well with the 1122 switches,  I put a set of Lionel AAR blunt axle wheelsets in, using Plastruct tubing as bushing.  I also switched the Marx knuckle coupler for a Lionel dummy coupler. 


Fortescue was duly impressed.  



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Lew, Yes indeed it is your railroad and you can do what you want.  I like the OC&T also.  I worked in Oil City back in the late '70s.  The job stunk, but the scenery was great!  Lots of train action too.  In fact I went to sleep hearing freight cars switching every night!    

Thank you Mike!  The jury is out on the cause, but a doctor appt I had today confirmed my symptoms are a little like 5 nasty things, but probably none of those.  So I'll just keep getting weird tests done and put it all in God's hands!

Brian, nice sunny photograph!

Bob, I'm using that textured paint with good results.  I may never ballast again at all.  It was so easy to get one grain in a switch in N scale!!!  Yours looks great!

Mitch, the caboose looks great with the new wheels and coupler.  If Fortesque approves, then it is good enough for me sight unseen!!

Bob D. How ever you do it, it sure is looking good! I still plan on ballasting my track once its all down! Which will be soon I hope! LOL

Bob, like I tell the wife, Better late then never! Thank you very much!

Mitch, I see Fortescue was supervising, Nice work!

Mark, I sure hope the Doc's figure it out soon! But you are in good hands with God watching over you! You and your family are in our prayers!

Howard, Very nice looking! I know my laundry room will never look that good!

So today I got a little time in the train room. I am extending the bench top 6" cause as most of you know I forgot to leave room for roads! LOL Here is what I got done so far. I also have to get the plywood down for my reverse loop. While I am at it I included a couple of pictures of what the wife got me for my birthday! Enjoy!

20190709_151914                                           The long sections are where my reverse loop will go. I am still trying to figure out if I can build a life section                                                                                for that area!20190709_15572320190709_155807


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Mike g, Happy belated birthday. I like the extension of the table. Always nice when you can squeeze in some layout time. I have yet to do that. As soon as I can catch up on the yard work from being aways for a long weekend for the Menards show. 

Mark, inbetween all you have going on you still found time to work on your layout.

I posted the few pics I took at the Menards show. That night it was a trip to Elliots for a great evening. I didn't get a chance to meet Patrick but we got a chance to meet Elliots son. So Mike g I think I am going to have to do two posts for the pics of Elliot's layout. It is much better to see it in person. The Lionel caboose with the camera gives a whole different look to the layout. Going to post pics in four parts.............Paul 2




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I finally found a small Panasonic shop that sells rechargeable AAA batteries (I live in Mexico). After disassembling the Lego dead rail locomotive I had assembled four months ago, I replaced the batteries and it runs great.

And a hobby shop in Guadalajara (one of two stores that sell model trains in the entire state) confirmed today that they have the kind of HO diesel I want to buy. We're heading there on Saturday.

Paul, I can't begin to thank you enough for the pics of Elliot's Setup. I follow him to listen to all that is being done and still did not imagine it being so fantastic.

Elliot, how can you not stop and run trains? What a marvelous layout. YOU are one DEDICATED MAN! I admire that. Gunner Runner John is the other person I enjoy watching build a layout. Both of you are masters! Thank you for sharing with us even it if does take someone like Paul to come take the shots of your layout Elliot.


Paul, great photos of a great layout! Thanks for sharing your adventure with the rest of us! When I get home from work tonight I hope to look at the slower, but I have to run to do another dive this morning!

Howard, the handcar shed looks great! It fits perfect on your layout! Nice work!

Well no train room for me today as I have diving then off to work. Same for tomorrow. But the Friday and the weekend are open so I hope to get something done!

Its Wednesday Hump day so everyone had a great day and please have FUN!





     turned out to be a super nice day out yesterday !   gonna be a hot one today 



                      IZZY chilling out by the pool with us,  working on her tan





              then went in and ran a couple trains last night before our ice cream...




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Curtish, I think the mountain is looking really nice!

Brian, great pictures~! Make sure you take care of IZZY in this heat! I think she might need some extra ice cream! LOL

Another day of diving, then work so I don't think I will get anything done today, but I have tomorrow off from work so maybe then!

It Thursday do everyone go out and have some FUN!



                                       another bright, sunny day here 


                           looks like it's gonna be a red hot scorcher today


                definitely lots of cold ice cream tonight      have a GREAT day !




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gandydancer1950 posted:
darlander posted:

Thanks Paul for sharing your photos of Elliot's layout.   Wish I could have been there!   My 4th of July trip to Bayfield, WI got in the way so thanks again for sharing.   

Gandy, great job on the shed.   Kit or scratch build?

Cheers, Dave

Dave, it was a kit from Ameri-Towne. Thanks for not being able to tell! Lol

You did an impressive job weathering and setting the scene!!!   Well done!

Double Cheers, Dave

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Finished installing the last 100 feet of fiberboard for the girders and got another 20 feet of cardstock girders spray adhesive on.  Have to install another 150 linear feet of the cardstock and then I can wire track for power.  Next 3 days booked so no work until Monday.  Layout is a complete disaster as I had to keep moving everything around as I was attaching the girders.  Here is where i am at now.



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Lew, I feel your pain. I tried to keep mine nice and neat, but in the end it still looks like a rats nest! At least you have a plan for the refinery!

Dobermann, the cemetery is looking good!

Mitch, very impressive! Some very cool stuff on display!

Bryan, WOW you have been busting butt! Very nice work!

Paul 2, your quite the motivator, If I were you Mark I would watch out, the next thing you know Paul will be charging for his services to supplement his layout! 

Brian, great pictures! But please do me a favor and make sure your well stocked up with Ice Cream for Marci and Izzy! I am not sure you need any as you have that beer train running around there somewhere! LOL

As for me I was right no train room today due to doc and work, Just got home and its almost bed time! But tomorrow is Friday and only diving tomorrow, so it looks good right now

Last edited by mike g.

Been working on the south end of my layout, adding some water features.  This is a long process for me for several reasons, but primarily due to I am not sure what I'm doing.  Thankfully, there's so many good examples on the OGR Forum to pull from.

The water features will include a pond that will sit on a piece of foam that is a removable access panel.  The pond will spill over to a stream/river winding its way to the border of the layout, crossed by double tracks.  Or at least that is the general concept.  Not sure about bridges yet though leaning to plate girder.

All the foam joints and any gaps in plywood base are sealed with silicon caulk. The plywood river bottom will get a light coat of drywall joint compound, sanded.  For the terrain forms I'm covering with some left-over WS shaper sheet plaster I had, but will do rest with sculptamold.

The river is at a stand still for now as I do not have the bridges and want to have on hand to figure out how the footings will work.



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Arnold D. Cribari posted:

Took a drive in my 1st car: 1967 blue mustang convertible:


I lied. I'm still on the hunt for that Mustang in approx. O scale. The above car is really a Mathbox Premium Corvette. Arnold

It's funny you posted this. My brother in law just gave my sister a 1966 Mustang convertible for there 20th anniversary! 

Mark, Bryan saved you for the time being. I wore my whip out on him. Can't find one long enough to reach you so if you see a drone over your house with a whip on's me LOL

Steve your river is turning out nice. I used Woodland Scenics realistic water. It is self leveling. I see you said you caulked everything. I thought I did too. Luckily I went back down to check on it and found I had a small spot that was leaking it onto the ground and got it stopped before I lost all the water. A couple of pics to show what I did. I never did water before these two scenes. Paul 2



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briansilvermustang posted:
Mark Boyce posted:

LOL. My first car was a ‘69 Ford Galaxy XL.  I’ll never find a model of that!  Scratch build?  No, not me.  LOL


      here you go Mark...


     nice looking car...

Unbelievable!  Leave it to you, Brian, to find one!  I think that is out of my price range however!!  Here are a couple photographs that are pretty close to how it looked.  The blue in the rear view is spot on, but without the silly decals!  That was a cooker in that car when I moved to Richmond, Virginia in 1976 since the only air conditioning was 4-60 AC!! 

ebay_171513696960_21969 ford galaxie 500 011


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Howard, the train room looks great!  I like the hobby shop look and the layout is always great!

Steve, your river and pond look great!

John, My dad drove a '49 Chevy that looked very much like that, but without as much ornaments.  Olds versus Chevy.

Johan, that is a great looking flatcar load!!

Paul,  I'll keep an eye out for the drone!  Your waterways look great!!  First and second tries turned out great!!

Howard, great looking room! You can hardly see the washer and dryer!

Mayor Magoo, Looks like you have a great start for going into it blind! Keep it going and post more pictures when you can!

John, Beautyful car! Sure would be nice to have one now a days!

Paul, looks great! But I do think I seen a little dust on the river~! LOL If your drone makes it to Marks house, I think we all be better watching out! 

Johan, Nice job on the lumber load! Also I like the guy by the little shack!

Well for me I went and did my dive this morning, all excited about not having to work this afternoon, I got home and there was a lovely note from the CEO stating that she thought the grass was getting a little long! Needless to say I was wrong and another day goes by with no train room work! The CEO gets home and I am in the middle of mowing the lawn and she goes to her nice She Shed. I get done with all the yard work and in passing I let her know another day with no train work. She informed me that its ok we have the rest of our lives to work on stuff like that! LOL Who knows maybe tomorrow! 

Tomorrow is Saturday I hope everyone has FUN!

Mark Boyce posted:

Howard, the train room looks great!  I like the hobby shop look and the layout is always great!

Steve, your river and pond look great!

John, My dad drove a '49 Chevy that looked very much like that, but without as much ornaments.  Olds versus Chevy.

Johan, that is a great looking flatcar load!!

Paul,  I'll keep an eye out for the drone!  Your waterways look great!!  First and second tries turned out great!!

Mark. Thank you. It's a repaint MTH load.


mike g. posted:

Howard, great looking room! You can hardly see the washer and dryer!

Mayor Magoo, Looks like you have a great start for going into it blind! Keep it going and post more pictures when you can!

John, Beautyful car! Sure would be nice to have one now a days!

Paul, looks great! But I do think I seen a little dust on the river~! LOL If your drone makes it to Marks house, I think we all be better watching out! 

Johan, Nice job on the lumber load! Also I like the guy by the little shack!

Well for me I went and did my dive this morning, all excited about not having to work this afternoon, I got home and there was a lovely note from the CEO stating that she thought the grass was getting a little long! Needless to say I was wrong and another day goes by with no train room work! The CEO gets home and I am in the middle of mowing the lawn and she goes to her nice She Shed. I get done with all the yard work and in passing I let her know another day with no train work. She informed me that its ok we have the rest of our lives to work on stuff like that! LOL Who knows maybe tomorrow! 

Tomorrow is Saturday I hope everyone has FUN!

Mike. Thank you. The lumber load is only a repaint MTH load, but i think after repaint that is not looking so plastic than earlier.


So the new elevated line has 3 bridges and I wanted to do something unique for each one.  So 2 of them I named after my late Dad (Jerry Persing Memorial Bridge) and my Grandfather (Howard Morgan Memorial Bridge).  Side note my wife got a little chocked up when she saw what I was doing with the nameplates on those 2.  That left 1 bridge left and so in honor of the guy who cracked the whipped to get me going on this part of the layout this summer and also signed my TCA membership many years ago when you needed 2 signature to get in....I introduce the following.



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