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@third rail posted:

I'm going to my sister's for Easter.  She has our mom's kolacky recipe.  Probably will eat a dozen or more and forget about the entrée. 😁

LOL I had to look up kolacky as I have never heard it before and after seeing it I know I have never had one! They look great, I guess my loss. Maybe I can talk the CEO into trying to make some!

On to the subject at hand I plan on getting out to the train room sometime today and work on my fire truck restoration. I have to paint the hose beds and side reels. We will see how far it get on that, its NASCAR today also. LOL

I make about a hundred of them at Xmas: raspberry, apricot, prune, and poppy. Prune (lekvar) are my favorite.

If you're ever in Chicago,  go to the little village area and get some TROHAS FRIED SHRIMP  or fried perch.  (Watch out, it's a dicey neighborhood. ) I grew up on it for 50+ years. Was a staple at our house on Christmas eve which was meatless in our house. That and kolackys was our meal .

Today I finished cutting an access hole in my platform. It had to be done because I'm going to build a mountain over the two track loops going around the hole and once I put the mountain there, I will need track access some way other than reaching over! But I've been dreading this job because at that point on the platform, there are two 2-inch thick styrofoam sheets, separated by two 3/8 inch plywood sheets, with the whole mess topped by one 1-inch layer of styrofoam. It took hours and hours of cutting and hacking to make the hole. And it's a fair reach into the middle of those  loops (yes, my life is a monument to poor planning!).

My back will never be the same. But it is done! Hooray!

Don Merz

First off Mark Congrats on the new rescue dog - a real cutie.

Went ahead and tried my hand at making furnace filter trees. Maybe these are OK for HO scale, but the wider filters tend to sag - I'll have to play around with trimming them to not have the circular branches. I have a rear layout spot for them. Up close not very appealing to me, but as background trees not to bad.

This first is just the spray painted filters glued to some hobby sticks - about 12 inches tall


The second is the forest covered with Scenic Express leaves. I tried 3M spray adhesive and sprayed white glue 30/70 glue/water with detergent. First coat was better with the white glue, the filter material stuck together too much as a first covering with the 3M adhesive. I did prefer a light spray of it after the first leaf coat. I tried 4X hair spray to seal everything. Its really difficult not ending up with disk shapes.  First time using my deep sockets in a long time - they worked really well for this application.

Lastly - GO ILLINI - Big Ten Champs and future 2021 NCAA Champs - well I can dream. : )


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Seth - I have two used MTH corner stores coming to fill a "hole" in my layout.  I was planning on spray painting the brick and then laying in the mortar and then dull coat. I might modify the windows as well and add interior detail.  Any other modification suggestions?

I was never a big fan of the MTH shiny plastic building look until I saw how they can be changed into something more appealing by forum members.

@ScoutingDad posted:

First off Mark Congrats on the new rescue dog - a real cutie.

Went ahead and tried my hand at making furnace filter trees. Maybe these are OK for HO scale, but the wider filters tend to sag - I'll have to play around with trimming them to not have the circular branches. I have a rear layout spot for them. Up close not very appealing to me, but as background trees not to bad.

This first is just the spray painted filters glued to some hobby sticks - about 12 inches tall


The second is the forest covered with Scenic Express leaves. I tried 3M spray adhesive and sprayed white glue 30/70 glue/water with detergent. First coat was better with the white glue, the filter material stuck together too much as a first covering with the 3M adhesive. I did prefer a light spray of it after the first leaf coat. I tried 4X hair spray to seal everything. Its really difficult not ending up with disk shapes.  First time using my deep sockets in a long time - they worked really well for this application.

Lastly - GO ILLINI - Big Ten Champs and future 2021 NCAA Champs - well I can dream. : )

Not bad at all. Maybe try thicker material and set it closer together? I'm no expert either tho.

From my recent Ameritowne grab bag purchase, I decided it was time to replace the Plasticville Hospital on my layout.  I decided to make my new hospital reminiscent of St. Joseph Hospital in Lancaster, PA where I worked for a couple years in the inpatient mental health unit in the late 1980s.  Here is a link to a picture of the hospital (says circa 1960, but it was still similar in 1988):  s-l400.jpg (400×257) (

Here is my representation to fit my layout size.  It is my first ever attempt to model something from the real world:



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@ScoutingDad posted:

First off Mark Congrats on the new rescue dog - a real cutie.

Went ahead and tried my hand at making furnace filter trees. Maybe these are OK for HO scale, but the wider filters tend to sag - I'll have to play around with trimming them to not have the circular branches. I have a rear layout spot for them. Up close not very appealing to me, but as background trees not to bad.

This first is just the spray painted filters glued to some hobby sticks - about 12 inches tall

The second is the forest covered with Scenic Express leaves. I tried 3M spray adhesive and sprayed white glue 30/70 glue/water with detergent. First coat was better with the white glue, the filter material stuck together too much as a first covering with the 3M adhesive. I did prefer a light spray of it after the first leaf coat. I tried 4X hair spray to seal everything. Its really difficult not ending up with disk shapes.  First time using my deep sockets in a long time - they worked really well for this application.

Lastly - GO ILLINI - Big Ten Champs and future 2021 NCAA Champs - well I can dream. : )


Thank you!

I made furnace filter trees and shrubs in N scale.  They really look good in N scale...especially now that I can't see as well as I did 30 years ago.  LOL  I think yours look good, and will fill in the spot in the rear of your layout very well!!

@Seth Thomas posted:

After yesterday afternoon The woodlands Scenics  corner emporium now has mortar joints.  I sprayed the interior with a light earth tone.
My plan tomorrow is to add the pastel powder to the brick walls...

Seth, the mortar joints look great!  What method did you use?

Very nice job Brad and the weathering on the bricks looks real good. By chance: is that a PTC trolley in the background?

Thank you, Jay.  Funny thing... I thought I may have overdone it on the bricks, so thanks for the encouragement!

Yes, that is an MTH Proto 2.0 Baltimore Transit PCC car (30-2525-1).  It travels a whopping 6 feet with a stop at both ends and 1 in the middle.  It is passed by another PCC car that does the same thing.  Despite the short distance, I LOVE MTH out and back on trolleys and subways.  I am worried when that no longer becomes readily available!

Jeff, good shot at your first try! What I do is buy the mini snow covered trees after Christmas for next to nothing and then just spray paint them dark and light green.

Seth the corner building looks wonderful! I also have 2 brick buildings to do.

Brad, outstanding job on the hospital! I think you hit it spot on from the photo you provided!


New 3D print hopper, just waiting for the decals to dry before I start weathering. I just drilled and tapped the bolsters and coupler pockets.
I numbered it 36 for the year my parents were each born. That number car was in use to the end of the railroad in 1950.

Number 44 above shows what it should look like when it's done.


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@ScoutingDad posted:

Seth - I have two used MTH corner stores coming to fill a "hole" in my layout.  I was planning on spray painting the brick and then laying in the mortar and then dull coat. I might modify the windows as well and add interior detail.  Any other modification suggestions?

I was never a big fan of the MTH shiny plastic building look until I saw how they can be changed into something more appealing by forum members.

With your plans to highlight the mortar joints on the buildings.  I have learned this winter to use pastel powders to weather the brick and structure trim in precise locations on your structures.  It allows to show a color such as where moss and algae grow on a moist side of a structure.

The primary part to the structures I would definitely add would be lighting.  I am truly partial to illuminating buildings on the layout for operations after dark. I’m new to the LED lighting and have recently installed Woodland Scenic plug in lighting.  I have discovered at a local train shop they have various lighting strengths and brightness in the LED.  Their controls will allow for intensity and setting moods.  You can illuminate interiors as well as exterior.

I believe signs on the buildings adds ownership and character to the structures. Along with advertising signage, as I will use one example that we saw on the Forum was a Sealcrest sign.  The name provided age or vintage as well as familiarity to the layout.  I’m certain it was fun to it’s creator.

I will take this opportunity to complement you on your wonderful work in design if your layout and scenes.


@mike g. posted:

Jeff, good shot at your first try! What I do is buy the mini snow covered trees after Christmas for next to nothing and then just spray paint them dark and light green.

Seth the corner building looks wonderful! I also have 2 brick buildings to do.

Brad, outstanding job on the hospital! I think you hit it spot on from the photo you provided!

Thank you, @mike g.!

Yes @Tranquil Hollow RR I do need a trolley turn around!  Ah, for more real estate!

@M. Mitchell Marmel that is the trolley that failed for me.  Very disappointed, too, as I once lived in Philadelphia and rode the #10 line frequently.

@RSJB18 love your lights!  I put two of the Evans Designs lights inside the hospital.  With paper window treatments in place, they make just enough light to be muted as late night might be.

Thanks for the feedback Seth and Bob for the helpful hints. I tried and liked the pastel chalks I used on the Bachmann/Plasticville Station kit bash. Takes a bit getting used to how much chalk to apply and what colors. The finger works best once brushed on. Haven't bought anything yet from Evans - but on the to do list. Also toyed with the WS lighting options to add to the LEDs I already have.

Mitch / Jeffery - that trolley looks really neat for a city layout. Maybe one day - for my next layout ...   

As for the trees - I think I like the wire or natural material for trees with static grass best. Now for bushes, I have an idea for using the filter material, however the green poly modelers use, looks good as well. I assume the glass fibers are stiffer.  I'll keep these trees in place , but perhaps make a couple or three wire pines to go in front of them. Without my glasses I can't see the detail from that far away anyway so maybe it doesn't matter - but I would know.

Mitch, when you had it in your fleet was it a good runner, I'm thinking about buying one.

As good as any Protosound 2 PCC.  Never tried programming it for station stops or out-and-back, but the E unit and station announcements worked fine.   

@Brad Trout posted:

@M. Mitchell Marmel that is the trolley that failed for me.  Very disappointed, too, as I once lived in Philadelphia and rode the #10 line frequently.

I grew up along the #50, myself.  My grandparents' store was half a block from 4th and Catherine, and I used to watch the short turn cars screech their way around the tight turns...


Last edited by M. Mitchell Marmel

Mark asked me:

“Seth, the mortar joints look great!  What method did you use?”

The  brick walls are first sprayed with red primer.

using pill cups left over from when mother in law was in nursing home,

I squeezed into one cup a nickel size blob of antique white acrylic paint.  I stir in water with a quarter inch pointed brush to a consistency of whole milk.  Add a drop of dawn dish detergent. And stir.

I have an old cotton t shirt, add water to a six inch round.  Squeeze out most of the water to use to wipe off the layer of antique white from the brick....

As I continue to stir, I apply the antique making certain the mortar joints are filled with the color.  Depending on the heat an humidity of your environment, paint your entire brick side, only one side each time, and wait three to five minutes. Or whenever you feel best. The wait time depends on you as you first experiment.

With the wet cloth and finger, lightly rub the brick until clear from the paint and the brick is all one solid red brick.  As you rub move cloth from finger to a clean space in the cloth. So not to continue to smear the color over the red brick.  Do not press the brick with the cloth for the paint will disappear from the mortar joints. Reminder, one wall at a time to pint and wipe off...

Add new water on the cloth  until the brick wall becomes clean and the mortar shows thru...

I do not like the bright red brick with the antique white showing.

So the following day I added a burnt red pastel chalk brushed on the whole wall. This tones down your wall.  The more you brush with the dry brush I feel the better the look of the brick...


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Seth, you reminded me of a video I saw a while back. Very similar technique. Except this guy put a base coat down followed by another brick coat which he dabbed off in places. He finished with the mortar and a lot of scrubbing. The two tone effect is quite good.  link follows Galgoram Hall   I saw another which I cannot find where the guy mixed IPA in with the mortar instead of water. It looks to wick really well along the grout lines and avoided the brick surface. I did that on a building and was pleased with the effect.

Great work getting accomplished on the layouts!

Mark - your lift bridge project came out great. I was pondering trying much the same from Mike's design.

Seth - nice work on the mortar lines!

Brad - enjoyed your you tube videos, nice work on the subway stations.

Lee - Really nice job on the 3D print of the hopper!

I have completed another background building structure. Still need to get the lighting completed and one final dull coat spray. This will be put on a raised section with retaining walls as a transition into a more rural setting. Fun build from ITLA in Canada. Loads of detail parts.

Stay Safe,




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@B&O Fan posted:

Great work getting accomplished on the layouts!

Mark - your lift bridge project came out great. I was pondering trying much the same from Mike's design.

Seth - nice work on the mortar lines!

Brad - enjoyed your you tube videos, nice work on the subway stations.

Lee - Really nice job on the 3D print of the hopper!

I have completed another background building structure. Still need to get the lighting completed and one final dull coat spray. This will be put on a raised section with retaining walls as a transition into a more rural setting. Fun build from ITLA in Canada. Loads of detail parts.

Stay Safe,



Sorry I do not know how to reply without the tremendous duplication ....

these photos of your building are wonderful


are the buildings already painted and or assembled before you order them from ILTA.?

On the Waxhaw division in the larger yard. I think i have my trackage lined up as per the final plan. It is laid out on some Cork roadbed sheets which gives it the yard feel. The mainline in the foreground has the regular single track roadbed style.

I will need to do some tapping on the track ends to close up some gaps at the track joints, screw the tracks down and solder in the jumpers to power up the tracks. All the turnouts have caboose hand throws . Polled some freight cars through the trackage and things work well . One turnout needs a little tweaking as some cars wobble a bit bring pushed an pull through the turnout. No derailments.

So here we are at the yard entrance. Used the MTH tower here because it was a bit larger than others and seemed appropriate.


Looking back on that location


Here is a nice overhead shot looking down towards the Morrison doors building . This structure is interesting on all four sides so it needs to be in a signature location

IMG_0823Still on the flyover. Looking back in the opposite direction . And yes someday i will unpackage the MD building.


looking from the mainline side. Looking for  a small station building to place on the small shelf area just to the right of the main. 


here are a couple og views from ground level. This one looking by the coal tower


This one shows us the start of the storage area .Three log and one short track


and one last ground level peek-a-boo shot standing next to the Menards feed and grain mill. The longer track extends to the Feed and grain and thinking of adding some piping to unload covered hoppers here.


Now it will be on to the scenery projects. Some is started but lots to go. Hope you enjoyed the little tour for today.


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@RSJB18 posted:

Lighting is a key component of layout buildings. This is an Ameritowne building I recently completed on my layout. The coach lamps and loading dock light are from Evan Designs. The interior lights were scratch built.

Pole has an Evan's fixture on it.

2020-04-06 18.51.122020-04-06 20.17.122020-04-08 18.08.222020-04-09 16.27.202020-10-11 20.22.452020-10-11 20.23.56

Bob. Those pics are awesome! The lighting is beautiful. Your skills are exploding these past few years

On the Waxhaw division in the larger yard. I think i have my trackage lined up as per the final plan. It is laid out on some Cork roadbed sheets which gives it the yard feel

I enjoyed reading the description and the terms used,

”yard feel”

I guess that’s what many of us are attempting to achieve, that yard feel!

enjoyed your cork lines in your photos

thank you!

@ScoutingDad posted:

Meant to spell it out - IPA is isopropyl alcohol aka rubbing alcohol. Same stuff used to wet ballast before the glue mix. I tried denatured alcohol but it tends to gel the glue. Not that different chemically, puzzling why it does that.

I’ve tried the alcohol route with several paints, acrylic was the worse for , as grandpa said,

troubled up things 😆

so in order for the joints to fill, I stayed with water an only added the Dawn...  

stay with it Man, you are doing great...


one day your pines will fall from the weight of the inches of ice and snow...🙁

@Seth Thomas posted:

On the Waxhaw division in the larger yard. I think i have my trackage lined up as per the final plan. It is laid out on some Cork roadbed sheets which gives it the yard feel

I enjoyed reading the description and the terms used,

”yard feel”

I guess that’s what many of us are attempting to achieve, that yard feel!

enjoyed your cork lines in your photos

thank you!

Thank You Seth. I like to think that my descriptions would help draw the post readers into the layout experience as I would see it. Its sort of like we are talking together about it. Sharing what i am doing.

Happy you are enjoying it

@Seth Thomas posted:

Sorry I do not know how to reply without the tremendous duplication ....

these photos of your building are wonderful


are the buildings already painted and or assembled before you order them from ILTA.?


The ITLA building comes as a kit. It's laser cut MDF and birch. What's nice about it is that due to the way they configure the wall system, you can put it together in several different ways to accommodate your available space. So, lots of painting and gluing of parts. Fun one to do.



@ScoutingDad posted:

Meant to spell it out - IPA is isopropyl alcohol aka rubbing alcohol. Same stuff used to wet ballast before the glue mix. I tried denatured alcohol but it tends to gel the glue. Not that different chemically, puzzling why it does that.

Whew!  I was thinking India Pale Ale, which may give some indication of where my brain is at on Saint Patrick's Day... ;-)


Well folks on the Waxhaw Division heard about the big celebration for the achievement of 1000 pages on this post. Here are two citizens getting ready to board the arriving RDC which will take them to the 1000 post party.


There was some thought about souvenirs to commemorate the event. Here we have a freight car with 1000 post page memorabilia loaded up and ready to be picked up


And I did promise to take Morrison's Doors out of the package and so it has happened to commemorate page 1000.

IMG_0837 [3)

And when the event celebration is done, our Waxhaw citizens will make there way down to the Menards Hobby shop and maybe pick up some supplies for the layout future.


This is really a great thread with everyone doing great work and having fun.  It has been inspiring to me along the way . So here is an overall view of the Layout built for the Waxhaw division so far while this thread is going on


So as we head for page 2000 on the thread, here is a peak at coming attractions. I need to cover an access hole and i am thinking about a Styrofoam cover using some buildings which are the foam covered with building paper and maybe some smaller buildings and some plasticville structures in a small urban area built on the foam cover. It will be lightweight and easy to remove when necessary/




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@LIRR Steamer- great work. I like the idea for the lift out.

Yes- 1000 pages for this thread is quite an accomplishment. I think I've been here since about page 249 in 2016. Been a fun ride and it's always fun too see the work other modelers are doing.

Here's part of my first post. Come a long way since then.


And the same corner today

2020-06-29 16.50.49



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1000 pages of Fun to read ideas, lots of really interesting photos of 100’s of wonderful model railroads taking us train enthusiasts into many modelers homes, all over the World. This is a fantastic achievement, a subject we all love and friendships made via this gadget, the IPad and computer. Thank You OGR, Your the best. 9AACEEED-A4B2-4063-A9DE-7EE5CD63D06FE0E1CB03-05E1-4621-9047-78013051CF217FC478A2-9B04-4ADD-9898-F8B24E10B1D1EF3DC6A9-4054-4889-A333-61729C953729


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Ahhh. Page 1000! Tonight B6s no. 505 assembled a train (bbbrgbrr) in the west Yard for switching duties at town businesses. It will take water and another crew will wait for a clear signal to proceed.

Edit: I got curious about when I first posted on this thread because I wanted to see how my layout looked back then. I found two posts on page three. 1-21-13. That was before I did my not quite a complete redo thread in 2015/2016  think. The area shown has not changed very much really. More experiments with trees. But it's nice to see all the posters work way back.



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Today l put signs on and finished my bashed Stony Creek Indian Trails Garage, almost doubling it's size for shops and showroom, to create the 1940 Elbert Nash dealership, with a leftover 1939 and a used 1935 Nash on the showroom floor, awaiting 1940 deliveries.  This is the third structure l have managed to crank out in this diseased year. The other two are a water mill and a grain elevator....this last turned out great.  I will try to post photos of all soon.

We also should thank @Rich Melvin and @OGR CEO-PUBLISHER Alan Arnold, and the entire staff for hosting this great Forum and putting up with a bunch of train-crazed lunatics for so long.

Many ups and downs over the years from copy-write issues, to off topic discussions about cats, dogs, the weather, you name it, we've probably all been hand slapped by the moderators once or twice.

Thanks folks!


The other night I unpacked the three MTH Scaletrax switches I bought for my yard expansion. I wanted to see how they were going to fit between the turnouts. I have 25 1/2" between the two 5122's for the crossover and it looks like it will work. I wired up one of the solenoids to just to try it out. Reminds me of my old HO Atlas snap switches. Next will be creating an adapter from Tubular to the ST. At least the rail height is almost identical so the only issue will be joining. I may just solder short pieces of tubular to the end of the ST rails. The center rail will be an isolated block anyway so only the outer rails will need to be physically connected to the ST rail.

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@Mark Boyce posted:

The first 1000 pages have been a lot of fun and I learned a lot.  Excellent work everyone!  I started following this topic fairly early on, but don’t know what I may have posted.  Here is the latest from me.  The rerouted upper level is in and I have been moving buildings around.  I’ll get back to wiring soon.


Mark, Is this a before and after 1000 posts?

WOW! I have been off line for a couple days and so much has happened! 1000 pages who would have thought! I know for me I love it as I have learned so much and have made so many friends! Plus for me it is even better as I have no train guys that live near me so you all are my train family!

I haven't done anything as the CEO has kept me busy but I did get a photo from a friend and thought you all would like a little blast from the past. When they really did logging! Enjoy.IMG_20210317_121258553Log load

They also have a log ramp near me where the would use local rail cars to take the logs down to the water and dump them to be floated to the mill. I wish the tracks were still there also!

I hope everyone is having a great week and being safe. But most of all I hope your all having fun with your layouts!


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@mike g. posted:

WOW! I have been off line for a couple days and so much has happened! 1000 pages who would have thought! I know for me I love it as I have learned so much and have made so many friends! Plus for me it is even better as I have no train guys that live near me so you all are my train family!

I haven't done anything as the CEO has kept me busy but I did get a photo from a friend and thought you all would like a little blast from the past. When they really did logging! Enjoy.IMG_20210317_121258553Log load

They also have a log ramp near me where the would use local rail cars to take the logs down to the water and dump them to be floated to the mill. I wish the tracks were still there also!

I hope everyone is having a great week and being safe. But most of all I hope your all having fun with your layouts!

Mike, let me guess, with tree trunks that large was the photo taken in the Pacific Northwest?

Keep those trains running!


Bob, like you, I will be using tubular track.  I have a few questions as I’ve pondered this possibility.
Have you previously used this type of switch? What is the reason for not using an 022 switch? Would anything from the Ross tinplate switches have worked? Thanks, Jay

I was looking for something that could be easily butch.....ummm....modified to fit the available space. I tried several mfrs in SCARM and Scaletrax was the first that looked like it would work. Couple this with the MTH auctions and here we are.

O22's can be cut down but the switch machines are too big.

Here's the current layout with a template of the MTH switches.

2020-12-26 12.18.13

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Moved my layout (4x8) into the house from the garage. That required the build to be disassembled, all the scenery is removable since the sections are all built on styrofoam panels. Just disconnect the lighting and lift off the panels. Pretty happy with the how it all worked out.

Starting the next layout soon, need to get some diesel action going!FAEB2A72-4DEE-4B02-9609-80AB4E3A3790


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Last edited by Pat O'Neill
@RSJB18 posted:

We also should thank @Rich Melvin and @OGR CEO-PUBLISHER Alan Arnold, and the entire staff for hosting this great Forum and putting up with a bunch of train-crazed lunatics for so long.

Many ups and downs over the years from copy-write issues, to off topic discussions about cats, dogs, the weather, you name it, we've probably all been hand slapped by the moderators once or twice.

Thanks folks!


My wife is tired of me complimenting the OGR Forum.  I keep telling her she needs to get away from the mess on that other social network. Join my world 🤣🙄

I appreciate Alan’s and Rich’s work as well 👍

@mike g. posted:

WOW! I have been off line for a couple days and so much has happened! 1000 pages who would have thought! I know for me I love it as I have learned so much and have made so many friends! Plus for me it is even better as I have no train guys that live near me so you all are my train family!

I haven't done anything as the CEO has kept me busy but I did get a photo from a friend and thought you all would like a little blast from the past. When they really did logging! Enjoy.IMG_20210317_121258553Log load

They also have a log ramp near me where the would use local rail cars to take the logs down to the water and dump them to be floated to the mill. I wish the tracks were still there also!

I hope everyone is having a great week and being safe. But most of all I hope your all having fun with your layouts!

Think what a great layout and building you could build to house it out of that, Mike.

Morning guys I see everyone has been hard at work!

Colorado Hirailer, Nice work on the water mill and the grain elevator! I seen your post on the Nash dealership also, looks outstanding!

Jeffery, you are correct near the Hood canal area at the foot of the Olympic Mountains.

Bob, looks good, for the height difference just throw a little shim under the Scale Trax, That's what I did with a couple Ross switches I had to use and works like a charm!

Pat, that sure looks like quite the move. Good job and it looks great!

We as for me I have been working on a Dinky fire engine restore and while the paint dries on that I have turned to a Atlas switching tower I got from Dustin here on the forum. I was looking for one and couldn't find one and he had one he got from someone else and it needed alot of clean up. The person that had it before Dustin had glue everywhere. So I have been taking it apart, cleaning the glue off and trying to get it ready for paint. Here are a couple photos of the fire engine and tower.IMG_20210305_150243597IMG_20210318_121400693IMG_20210318_121417365IMG_20210318_121431450IMG_20210318_121420735_TOP

Dustin is such a great guy he also sent along a scratch built Yardmaster shack, I took the bottom off so I could add lighting inside.IMG_20210318_121520607

I will be heading out to the train room to do a little work on all 3 projects this morning before a meeting I have to attend!

I hope you all have a great weekend and find time to have fun with your layout! I will check in later! LOL


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@mike g. posted:

Morning guys I see everyone has been hard at work!

Bob, looks good, for the height difference just throw a little shim under the Scale Trax, That's what I did with a couple Ross switches I had to use and works like a charm!

Thanks Mike- that's the plan, a shim under the joint to support the rail. I only have the two connections to deal with. The yard tracks are also going to be ST, I just need to got over to Nassau Hobby one day to pick them up.


Thanks Mark, I was able to get back out to the train room after my meeting and got most of the yard tower painted.

Its not the normal colors but it is what I had on hand as I cant drive yet. So I went with tan bricks with Hunter green siding on the top of the tower. I painted the roof flat black and all the pipe work will also be flat black. Here are a couple photos.IMG_20210319_143242792IMG_20210319_143229547IMG_20210319_143223735

Before that I put a clear coat on the fire engine so I can use the chrome pen to get the grill and pump panel done and put this thing back together! LOL Next time it will be a simple car! LOL



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@mike g. posted:

Thanks Mark, I was able to get back out to the train room after my meeting and got most of the yard tower painted.

Its not the normal colors but it is what I had on hand as I cant drive yet. So I went with tan bricks with Hunter green siding on the top of the tower. I painted the roof flat black and all the pipe work will also be flat black. Here are a couple photos.IMG_20210319_143223735

Before that I put a clear coat on the fire engine so I can use the chrome pen to get the grill and pump panel done and put this thing back together! LOL Next time it will be a simple car! LOL


Mike, Great Job!! You inspire me to give it a try. I have the Grey Sawmill and it's quite drab. Any thoughts on how I could spiff it up and weather a tad bit so it looks fun? I have a small r/c plane servo from my short plane flight..(never a long walk to the scene of THAT crash) and I will mount a sawblade that rotates for something fun. (Idea from this forum)

What colors? My wife said I need to learn my colors some day... (She Knew that when she married me!)


Looking, great everyone! So far I sadly was not able to complete my next video before my surgery (that was today). I can say my surgery went well and I have begun my "marathon" of looking through the wonderful posts here on the forum while I wrest. Thanks for reading, and happy railroading!

I’m glad surgery went well!  I hope recovery goes quickly


Your engine taking the bridge,
would that be a great looking Allegheny ?

Your talents and choices of power compliment each other 😀

The scenery with the natural backlight is just a great photo. Just a great look with a girder up, and the single trestle low...

i like the Orange an Blue thrown in as well.

an entertaining evening watching WV vs. Morehead State in the Big Dance...


@Seth Thomas posted:


Your engine taking the bridge,
would that be a great looking Allegheny ?

Your talents and choices of power compliment each other 😀

The scenery with the natural backlight is just a great photo. Just a great look with a girder up, and the single trestle low...

i like the Orange an Blue thrown in as well.

an entertaining evening watching WV vs. Morehead State in the Big Dance...



Thank you again. I was sitting in another stool and just snapped that photo because I thought it was a nice view as well. The 2-8-8-2 you see on the bridge is a Lionel N&W Y3 pulling some Atlas N&W fishbelly hoppers. I believe you can click on the photo to make it larger.


Last edited by luvindemtrains

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